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Long ago, humans invented languages and mathematics.

Some scholars believe that languages have been born
since the existence of humans on earth. Whereas,
mathematics origins go back to the time of the ancient
Babylonians who practiced writing numbers and
calculating benefits in business. Although the invention of
it was delayed compared with
language, it's difficult to assert its
superiority over mathematics. Apart
from the few similarities, there are
fundamental differences that make
us unable to dispense with them.
Languages were and still are the primary method of
communication between humans, so it's difficult to learn
a language without practicing it with other people. In
contrast, you can study mathematics on your own. So we
can conclude that studying languages requires having
good communication skills, which you don’t need in
understanding numbers and equations. Since
mathematics is the language of science, it's imperative to
graduate from the secondary scientific stream in order to
be able to study it. However, you can study languages if
you graduate from the secondary literary stream.
Languages depend mainly on memorizing, as it's
necessary to memorize a lot of vocabulary and grammar
rules in order to be able to master the language well.
Conversely, you have to be able to
understand numbers in order to solve
complex mathematical equations.
Thus, it is easy to learn languages
through online courses that depends
on self-study, all you need is a reliable
source and some people to practice
the language with. In contrast, it's difficult to study
mathematics in the same way, as it needs a lot of
explanation. What fans of mathematics may find beautiful
is that it can't have two correct answers, it's only one
answer. On the other hand, you find languages very
broad. you can give the same meaning through many
different sentences and expressions, which is really
amazing. You may hear thousands of poems talking about
Sadness but you won't be affected until you read a certain
poem by such a writer, this is crazy!
Despite the many differences, there are some similarities
between these two disciplines, such as the need for both
of effort and intelligence. that's because there's no
chance to acquire a skill without hard work and having
the perfect mind. In addition, people will always innovate
in the field they prefer, whether you specialized in
mathematics or languages, you would be creative if you
love it and work on developing yourself in your field. In
order to complete your Bachelor's degree in Languages,
you have to complete 4 years or less studying at the
university, which is the same for mathematics. In the end,
both majors can lead you to work as a teacher in schools,
universities, or different educational centers.
To conclude, there's a significant differences between
mathematics and languages despite the simple
similarities. So, we can say that
one of them is indispensable for
us from the other as both are
considered the basis for the other
sciences and knowledge. And
they are the main source for all
other disciplines.

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