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Interest. From introduction to interaction to interest: Organization and linguistic techniques

for writing research article introductions
(Examining a sample research article introduction: Organization, citations, reporting verbs)

Academic Writing (Elective) | Second Semester, AY 2019-2020

(Family name in all CAPS, Given name, and Middle initial)

Section: ELE A1-1 ELE A2-1 ELE A5-1 ELE A6-1

(Highlight one in yellow.)

Date of submission:

Activity-based Lesson 2 (GROUP Task [based on your research group])

Instructions: Examine the sample introduction in the research article “Does Thai English
exist? Perspectives from English language teachers in two Thai universities” by Tarrayo,
Ulla, and Lekwilai (forthcoming), and answer the questions listed below. For additional
information, refer to the supplementary handout on writing the research-article


1. What is the purpose of each (or a group) of the paragraphs?

Paragraph 1: _______________________________________________________


Paragraph 2: _______________________________________________________


Paragraph 3: _______________________________________________________


Paragraph 4: _______________________________________________________


Paragraph 5: _______________________________________________________


Paragraph 6: _______________________________________________________


2. Why do research articles have citations? Where do the citations occur? Are they
concentrated in one part of the introduction or in various locations?

Prepared by: Asst. Prof. Veronico N. Tarrayo, Ph.D./University of Santo Tomas, Manila, the Philippines
Interest. From introduction to interaction to interest: Organization and linguistic techniques
for writing research article introductions
(Examining a sample research article introduction: Organization, citations, reporting verbs)

3. The paper follows the APA author-date style of citation. Where are the cited authors’
names placed? Why?

4. What verbs did the author use to report information from other studies? Do you
think the same verbs are commonly used in your field?

5. What verb tense (e.g., present or past) and aspect (e.g., perfect) were used in
sentences referring to other literature? Why?

Prepared by: Asst. Prof. Veronico N. Tarrayo, Ph.D./University of Santo Tomas, Manila, the Philippines

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