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Why are some people join brotherhood and sisterhood or other known as Greek Letters fraternity and

sorority knowing that they might undergo hazing and how did they like it? Where everyone’s perception
is it makes trouble. Is it to gain and making friends because they were afraid of going to college without
knowing anyone? Is it because of gathering and other social events?

These are the questions that running on my minds when I was in 2 nd year high school and accidentally
got my brother’s tickler or fraternity handbook. Reading one of the few notes, there are lines that
caught my attention “don’t quit if you quit you will die”. I burst into tears, my brother will die if he will
quit. I do not know if I’m going to tell my parents because they will surely scold my brother and possibly
beat and put him hang on a tree until he dies. As I remember they said if anyone of us join fraternity and
sorority they better scold and beat us to death rather than anyone else do it. So I talk to my brother and
tell him don’t quit you need to survive. So he been neophytes for a year and became one of the highest
position in the organization when he was in college.

So when I enter college life I choose one of the state colleges in our province. If I am going to compare it
here in Manila it’s like UP or PUP wherein students are compose of member of different type of
fraternities and sorority because they are allowed and registered in the campus, member of student
council but they are also the activist and holding placards and doing rallies at school gate front, and
student that has no affiliation. So every time I’m going out of the campus I always got a rose flower from
one of the fraternity this is one way of alluring students to join their organization. So they inform me if I
am going to join their Greek letter I will undergo pledge life for 1 week only. So im thinking, it sounds
like a promo I will become a member for a week unlike my brother who has undergo pledge life for 1

I’m consistently receiving roses from different Greek Organization and the same time thinking why
should I join? What will be the cons and pro? What will the organization can give me in return? Is it true
that there is a choice of hirap o sarap? Just like what other say then maybe I should choose the sarap
why should I choose hirap? So while thinking of many what and why I saw them engage in community
service, planting trees and cleaning drive. That’s the time I become decided to join as well.

When I tell my brother I will join the Greek Letter that always giving me roses, he said no because all
fraternities are doing traditional hazing (its only year ____ when anti hazing law became an act) but if I
am truly decided he will allow me to join only in his organization, because if you will die during initiation
I will know where they will bury you he said.

So I did undergo neophytes for almost a year and I did experience the traditional hazing during our time,
I can’t count how many slapping, belting paddling I’ve got during that two semester. They had my
subject schedule so they check every time If I cutting classes, drinking liquor, attending regular meeting
and need to be home at 7pm otherwise we will receive the punishment if we do so. Its quietly
challenging that I end up being a member of one of the 10 th oldest fraternity in the world since 1845.

We engage in community service such as cleaning beaches on our province, fund raising for a cause,
planting trees supported by the government institution, annual bloodletting donation at Philippine Red
Cross, donation to Taal volcanos victim, recently helping our kababayan as well as the frontliners in
bicol, though I wasn’t able to help them in distribution because I was here, I still manage to help them in
my own little way. So its not about asking what the organization can give instead what you can give for
the organization. And there is no such word as Sarap agad agad because no pain no gain.

Now in compliance with the anti-hazing law, our Organization are verboten on doing that instead they
conducting PEP program wherein its more on academics and neophytes are required to maintain a
passing grade.

So guys do you want to know what Greek Letter I am member of? Join us! 

Thank you.

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