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Company Name
Site Name

Assessor Name
Date of
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Introduction................................................................................................................................................................ 3
Project Description..................................................................................................................................................... 3
Sampling Procedures................................................................................................................................................. 3
Sampling Methodology...........................................................................................................................................3

Laboratory Testing Procedures..............................................................................................................................3

Site Conditions........................................................................................................................................................... 4
 Ground...........................................................................................................................................................4

 Weather..........................................................................................................................................................4
Results and Analysis.................................................................................................................................................. 4
Recommendations..................................................................................................................................................... 4

Appendix 1 - Site Map................................................................................................................................................ 5
Appendix 2 – Evidence/ images................................................................................................................................. 6
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[In this section, designate which type of survey is being undertaken]

Environmental Baseline Survey (EBS) (conducted during mobilisation)

Environmental Conditions Survey (ECS) (conducted routinely during contract)

Environmental Site Closure Survey (ESCS) (conducted prior to, and on closure of site)

Project Description
[In this section, describe why this Environmental Assessment is being conducted, who was operating the site/
who operates the site, the type of activities conducted on the site.
Remediation Risk Rating
Range Assessment Score ( LxS) Class Rating
Severity (S) 1-5
Likelihood (L) 1-5

Note: Based on the Company XXXX Risk Matrix

[Inset in the box above current risk rating for the site, provide a brief description on why you have reach this
decision, consider: legal implications, compliance, likelihood of future issues such as water/ground
contamination and its potential impact.

Sampling Procedures
Types of Samples:

Soil Water Air Vegetation Remarks

Visual Observation

On Site testing

Laboratory Testing

Sampling Methodology
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[In this section, describe how the samples were collected, and how the areas where the samples were taken
from came to be chosen. Describe how the samples were collected and how you avoided contamination. Then
describe how samples were transported to the testing facility.]

Laboratory Testing Procedures

[In this section provide details of any laboratory testing: organisation, which tested the samples, standards
used, what was tested (soil, water) and what tests were conducted (i.e. organic matter, heavy metals, etc.)]

Site Conditions
[In this section, you will describe the site (i.e. what is where) and the condition it was in, under the headings

 Ground

[In this section, describe the ground; how much vegetation is there, is the ground mostly soil or sand or
other, is it an even surface around the whole site, are there craters, etc. ]

 Weather

[In this section, describe the weather conditions during the sample collection; hot/ cold, dry/ rain etc., as
the weather conditions can have an impact on the samples]

Results and Analysis

[In this section, copy in a screenshot of the overall results given by the testing organisation and paraphrase
their description of the results and what it all means in very simple and easy to understand English]

[This section provide solutions and suggestions on how the identified areas can be remediated. Consider the
cause of contamination and ensure measures are taken to prevent reoccurrence.

Ser Description of contamination Recommended remediation


Note: Add as required.

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Appendix 1 - Site Map

Insert map of the site – Map should be gridded, showing points of contamination (a,b,c...), and where images/
samples (1,2,3.....) were taken. Clearly mark key areas: fuel or HAZMAT storage areas, workshops, waste
areas, waste water areas or anything with the potential to impact on the environment.
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Appendix 2 – Evidence/ images

[Use this section to put any images to support the - Cross reference any images with a location on the map,
any additional evidence should be added after the images.

Image 1 –(write description/ loc) Image 2 – (write description/ loc)


Image 3 – (write description/ loc) Image 4 – (write description/ loc)

Image 5 – (write description/ loc) Image 6 – (write description/ loc)

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