Political and Leadership Structures: Activity 10

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NAME: Raymark G.


Political and Leadership Structures


What Have I Learned So Far?

1. How does religion relate to the type of political system that a society chooses?
- One reason for the importance of this topic is that religions often make strong claims on people’s
allegiance and universal religions make these claims on all people, rather than just a particular
community. But religions beliefs and practices also potentially support politics in many ways.

2. What role does economic subsistence play in the formation of a political organization?

- Political systems are the key elements of a society’s culture with the chief function of promoting
social order with regard to its economic systems and environmental demands. Just like any part of
culture, political systems are structural tools used by human populations to be able to survive in
their environment.

3. Why does social rules implemented by the state?

- Social rules are the behaviors that are considered acceptable in a group or society. Social rules
lead to a smooth social inter action that allows us to acquire friends and avoid conflicts. Social
rules also demand that the person should give high preference to social interest than his/her
personal interest.

4. What are the differences between legal authority and traditional authority?
- Traditional authority power legitimized by respect for long-established cultural patterns. Legal
authority is when power is legitimized by legality enacted rules and regulations such as
5. How does institutional charisma differ from familial charisma?
- Institutional charisma is a combination of charismatic and legal authority, while familial charisma
which is a combination of traditional and charismatic authority.

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