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Memory Verse: John 17:18 Memory Verse: Deut 14:22

As thou hast sent me into the world, even so have I also sent them into the world. Thou shalt truly tithe all the increase of thy seed, that the field bringeth forth year by
(KJV) year. KJV

Introduction: Personal evangelism is the person to person sharing of the gospel of

Christ with sinners with the aim of leading them to salvation. Christ used personal What is tithe? Lev27:30-33, Prov3:9, Mal3:7-10
evangelism to reach out to individuals like Nicodemus (Jn3:1-7), the Samaritan Tithe has been commonly used in churches without a proper teaching of what it
woman(Jn4:5-7), the woman caught in adultery (Jn8:2-11) and also to call His apostles is and how it should be done. Tithing is a command that God gave, right from the old
(Jn1:29-51, Mtt4:19-22, Lk6:13). For this our fellowship to grow, apart from collective time, to be carried out on all His people. Simply put, tithe is the tenth of the first fruits
evangelism, we must go out on our own and preach the word in our lodges, nearby ones, of my increase separated unto God. That is, it is 10% of any income(be it money or
lecture halls, to friends and at every opportunity we get. whatever) added to your purse.
Analyzing: Categorically, it is
The Necessity of Personal Evangelism ✓ First fruit of thy increase (Neh10:37, Deut12:6, Prov3:8)
It is an obligation for every believer to personally bear witness of Christ and the ✓ From all manner or kinds of increase, money or not (Neh10:37)
task is urgent in view of: (i) the shortness of time (ii) the brevity of life – Ps90:12, ✓ The tenth of thy increase (Lev27:32)
Jn9:27-29 (iii) reality of eternal judgement for the lost – Ps9:17 (iv) the need for Who is to tithe? Neh13:12
believers to be free from the blood of all men – Ezk 3:17-21, 33:1-16 Whenever God gave a command to collect a tithe in the bible, He referred to all
The vastness of the harvest field that is waiting for labourers should compel us people, tribe or family. There was no exception. However, anybody who sees
to assist before they are wasted. himself/herself as a child of God is hereby enjoined the same. You are to tithe if [1] you
The Needed commitment for personal evangelism: (Jn9:4, Acts8:23-24, 1Tim4:13, are not a sinner (Prov15:8-9) [2] if you are identified in any body or gathering or
Rm10:17, Acts17:17) fellowship (Neh13:12)
Commitment is an act of devoting oneself entirely to a given cause until the Benefits of tithing (Mal3:10)
goal is achieved. Personal evangelism requires personal commitment as seen in Jesus. 1. A far bigger measure is given to you than you ever gave (Mal3:10, 2Chr31:10)
This could be done through constant praying, yielding to the prompting of the Spirit to 2. God increases and multiplies your storehouse(barns) and the fruits of your labour
preach, regular reading of literature and listening to messages on evangelism, making (Prov3:9-10, 2Cor9:10)
deliberate plan to preach the gospel daily, and maintaining the freshness of the Spirit. 3. God rebukes the devourers from invading you (Mal3:11)
The consequences of negligence 4. The righteous nature of God replicates in you (2Cor9:9, Mal3:12)
 Loss and waste of ripened harvest Where do I pay tithe? (Mal3:10a)
 Requirement of sinner’s blood from negligent soul winners (Acts20:26) ❖ In the house of God (Neh10:38)
 Christ being ashamed of Christians that neglect to witness (Mk8:38) ❖ In the place God chooses (Deut14:25, 12:5). This generally refers to any godly-
 Loss of soul winner’s reward (Dan12:3, Prov11:30) instituted gathering or fellowship.
 Spiritual decline and stunted growth of this fellowship Discussion:
 Delay in answers to our prayers (i) What do you think happens when you don’t pay your tithe?
Discussion: (ii) Some argue that tithe passed away with the law. From “Mtt23;23”, what’s your
(i) Distinguish between personal and group evangelism. Which one is the most response?
effective? (iii) What makes most of our members not to be paying their tithe?
(ii) What are the likely challenges encountered in personal evangelism? Conclusion: It is good to hold God by His words. He said I’ll bless, prove me” and
(iii) What are the best ways to follow-up a new convert? “none of my word will return to me void”. Brethren, God has promised, let us plunge
Conclusion: We want our friends, relatives, associates and colleagues to be saved; into this promise and see it fulfilled in our lives. Can you trust God?
therefore, we mustn’t keep quiet when we see them tour the wrong path. Preach the
Memory verse: 2 Peter 3:9 Memory Verse: 1 Thess 4:3
The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is For this is the will of God, even your sanctification, that ye should abstain from fornication:
longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to KJV
repentance. KJV Introduction: One goal or task that any believer should pursue is to always know the will of
Introduction: In the above text, we saw God’s will expressly made known. This will is God in any situation. Sanctification as we see, is among the strong desires of God for His
to all mankind and not only for a particular sect. why this call to salvation? Is it people. We then, need to explore this topic critically to see what it means, how we can
plunge into it and what advantages it afford.
necessary? Or are there any attached danger to its disobedience? These and more we’ll
find out.
The Meaning: 1Thess4:3, 2Tim2:19-21, Ps51:5-10, Acts26:18, Heb13:12,20-21, Heb10:10-
Analyzing: 23
The Necessity for Salvation: Gen5:3, Ps58:3, Rm3:23, Ps14:2-3 Sanctification as a word is used severally in the bible. In some cases, it is rendered
After the fall of man, the whole world was under the power of darkness, man ‘holiness’ (Rm6:19,22,) and in other places as ‘sanctification’ (1Cor1:30, 1Thess4:3). The
naturally derailed from godly standards, a depravity set into his life and turned him word as used here means ‘purity’ of heart and life, freedom and abstinence from sins which
away from God. Man owed a big debt he had to pay, otherwise he would forever be debase and degrade the soul.
under bondage. In the light of justice, man had to be redeemed with an uncontaminated Sanctification is the act of God’s grace by which the affections of God’s children
price; for a slave cannot save a slave. The depravity in man need to be evacuated, then are purified, separated or alienated from sin and the world, and exalted to supreme love for
can God reclaim His seat in the heart of man. These challenges and prices God had to God. To be sanctified is to be purified in order to be entirely separated, set apart unto God,
pay for man to be free. His will and His service. Sanctification sets us free from the power of sin, breaks and
The Way to Salvation :Jn3:16-17, Mtt1:21, Jn8:12, 1Tim1:15, Acts16:30-31, Rm5:8-21 destroys the power of pardoned sin. The heart of the sanctified believer is a throne on which
“Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under God reigns without rival. This is God’s will, desire, purpose and delight.
heaven given among men whereby we must be saved (Acts4:12). God has only one plan The Means to sanctification: Is52:11
and means to save mankind and that is through Jesus Christ His Son. This is the Lamb Sanctification is an operation of the Holy Spirit on a believer’s heart. To live a
that was slain before the foundation of the world, set forth for man’s salvation and no sanctified life, you must:
man can come unto the Father except through Him(Rev13:8, Jn14:6). No other name a) Present your body daily to the Lord as a living sacrifice (Rm12:1-2)
saves, for all things in heave and on earth have been placed under Him even the b) Spend much time in the word of God(Ps119:9-11, Jer15:16, 1Pet2”2)
Godhead is embodied in Him (Eph1:20-23, Phil2:9-11, Col1:19, 2:9-10) c) Pray in faith that God should keep you from sinning against Him (Gen20:6)
The Perils of the Unsaved (2Thess1:7-9, 1Jn5:12, Mtt25:41, Ps9:17, Ezk18:20) d) Discipline yourself and direct the physical drive in you to things that are morally,
ethically and spiritually higher (1Cor9:27)
The consequences of living an unsaved life is better imagined than experienced.
e) Control your thought life. Be careful what your mind feeds on and who you associate
If God could pay such a huge price to save man, He can as well go to any length to
with (Phil4:8, Mtt5:27-30, 1Cor7:2,9)
make sure that the defaulters taste the other side of him. God has always pleaded ‘Have
f) Be occupied much with Christ and for Him (Lk10:39-42, 19:10-13)
I any pleasure at all that the wicked should die?...and not that he should turn from his g) In the moment of fierce temptation, think of your future, think of eternity and seek God
ways and live?(Ezk18:23). He doesn’t enjoy the agony facing sinners, but if they fail to for grace and divine assistance to overcome (Mk8:36-37, Heb4:14-18)
repent, they’ll definitely meet an eternity of doom, regrets, gnashing and pains. The Merits of sanctification:
Discussion: a. You live a fulfilled Christian life as God’s own (Jn8:34)
(i) Some religious groups use other names for their salvation. How can you b. You become a heir in God’s family (Jn8:35, Gal4:1-6, Rm8:16-17)
compare this with the Christian belief? c. God honours you as a pillar in His temple (Jn12:26, Rev3:12)
(ii) Attending churches, fellowships and other Christian meetings. Does it show d. Free from the oppressions of Satan and cohorts (1Jn5:18, Ps27:5, 91:1)
one as being saved? e. You receive your commission and the needed anointing for your ministry (Heb1:8-9,
(iii) How many times can one be saved? Is6:1-8)
Conclusion: Since the first Adam was imperfect and the second Adam pleases God, we f. Above all, you inherit all things in heaven and on earth (Rev21:7)
need to be drained off the first nature and put on the new nature. Any unsaved fellow Discussion:
should be pitied. After salvation, God would want to take us to the next level, and this (i) How can I know that I have been sanctified?
level we will consider in the next topic? Be sure to be saved!! (ii) Is it possible to backslide after sanctification?
(iii) Is sanctification different from salvation?
Conclusion: Sanctification is God’s will for His children and not for the world. You must be saved to
be sanctified. Impurity blocks the ear and only a sanctified life can God trust, an unsanctified believer
has no strong relationship with God. Are you sanctified? Cry out!!!
Memory Verse: Mark 1:35 Memory Verse: Col 3:14
And in the morning, rising up a great while before day, he went out, and And above all these things put on charity, which is the bond of perfectness.
departed into a solitary place, and there prayed. KJV KJV
Introduction: The universe is founded on some basic laws. If one can understand these
Introduction: Man is always presented with 24hrs a day, 168hrs a week, 672hrs a laws and walk on them, many of our struggles will lessen. But these laws are
month and 8,064hrs a year. Only a few of us can pay tithes of these hours, yet we can supernatural and only take the eye of faith to see them. One of such laws is the law of
use the greater part of it to chat with friends and others. To be justified before God, we giving. We shall see how this law operates, the pattern and modalities to live a fulfilled
need to pay tithes of 2.4hrs, 16.8hrs, 67.2hrs and 806.4hrs in prayers and isolated times life.
to God. This forms our study for today. Analyzing:
Analyzing: What we should give: (Mk9:41, 1kg17:8-16, Ex35:22-24, Jn3:16, Gen4:3-4, Acts9:36-
The meaning of quiet time: 1Thess4:11, Lk5:16, Job3:13 39, Acts4:32-37)
Quiet time or solitary moment is a time or moment carved out of a busy day to Many have limited giving to only money and that’s why some always withdraw
have a close rapport and sweet communion with God. At this moment, one seeks a quiet from a discussion involving giving. From the scriptures, we saw that one can give (i)
and an ambient atmosphere, free from distraction, where he can worship God, pray, money (ii) farm produce (iii) service to God (iv)service to God’s servant (v)property
study the bible or even listen to Christian messages. The duration varies from (vi) shirts or garments…Name others?
individuals but the greater the better. We should give for the following reasons (2Cor9:6-10)
The importance: Ecl9:14, Is7:4, Is50:4, 64:4, 30:15, 1Pet3:4 ▪ Generous giving honours God (Ezra2:68-69)
If our long hours of discussion with fellowmen can add little or nothing to our ▪ God will reward your giving to others (Mk9:41)
lives, lets see what we can benefit from having a quiet moment with God: ▪ Giving helps others live (Acts2:44-45)
 It refreshes and renews our strength and confidence in God. ▪ To support Christian workers (Acts28:10)
 It renews our devotion to God ▪ God is pleased with our gift (Heb13:16)
 It reminds us of our daily obligation to God ▪ Giving reflects God’s love (1jn3;17)
 It helps us seek God’s direction in the day and His will on issues ▪ A greater measure will be giving us in return (Lk6:38)
 It increases our knowledge of God through His word. ▪ We get special favour from God (Acts9:36-42)
 We can make declarations and stand on the promises provided in the scripture. ▪ Giving is lending to God (Prov19:17)
Discuss other importance? ▪ Giving attracts open cheques to us (1kg3:5)
How to observe quiet time Discuss others?
Whom we should give (Ecl11:6)
 Take few minutes to rest and cool off when you arrive to the venue
▪ God (Rm11:35)
 Worship God wholeheartedly and consciously
▪ Fellow Christians (Jam2:15-16)
 Pray as long as the Spirit can carry you at that moment
▪ The poor (Prov19:17)
 Study the bible (don’t read) alongside with (a) pen or pencil (b)notebooks (c) ▪ The destitute (2Sam9:1-11)
dictionary (d)daily devotional (e) bible commentary (f) bible dictionary ▪ Christian missionaries (Phil4:15-18)
 Ask yourself questions on what you studied and try summarizing it ▪ God’s servants (Gal6:6)
comprehensively. ▪ Anyone in need of our help (Lk10:30-36)
 Before closing the bible, try memorising as many verses as you can for the day. Mention others?
 Pray in what you studied and conclude your prayers Discussion:
Discussion: (i) Read and analyze “Prov18:16”. Why should you give with respect to this verse?
(ii) Nowadays, we have fake beggars all over the place. What do you advise? Do we
(i) What is the best time for this? continue to give or not?
(ii) Where is the best place for it? (iii) “Gift influences judgment”, comment?
(iii) Can I respond to emergencies in the course of the quiet time? Conclusion: We must give with the heart to help, and God will fulfil His promise of
bountiful blessings. Give and give!!!
Conclusion: As you set apart this time for God, He will set apart angels to minister for
you in this time also. It is a contract with God, so always do it!
Memory Verse: James 5:16 Memory Verse: 1 John 5:7
Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the
healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much. KJV Holy Ghost: and these three are one. KJV
Introduction: Intercession is praying for others and it is only the Holy Spirit that Introduction: A father is most happy when all his children come back during festive
can teach us to do it. Prayer including the prayer of intercession is a spiritual periods. Though he kept in touch with them while they were away, now he can see them
exercise, hence it has to be carried out in a spiritual manner. It cannot be carried out face-to- face, interact with them and watch them interact with each other after a long
as a routine with fleshy energy. God has to place the burden in your heart and then time. Such a man would never want that season to end. The same applies to God when
guide you to pray and through the prayer. all his children after so many days of various activities come together to share with Him
Analyzing: and with other fellows. May God give us light as we study to make God happier. Amen!
How God lays the burden Analyzing:
(i) He speaks directly to you concerning His intentions i.e. He may give you a The Christian fellowship explained: 1Cor1:9, Acts2:42-47, 1jn1:3, 6-7, Phil1:5, Gal2:9
prayer point (Gen18:17,20-21, Ex32:7-10) Christian fellowship is the assembling of like-minded believers to relate first
(ii) As you personally study the word (Dan9:2) and foremost with God and then with themselves. It is an institution God himself
(iii) Stirring that comes from a news heard whether good or bad about a person, ordained and urges every Christian to partake of (Heb10:25). Any Christian who fails to
people or a country(Neh1:1-4, Eph1:15-17, Col1:3-4,9) fellowship with others is disobedient to God, and will struggle much more than
(iv) He may allow you to see or experience a situation which would burden necessary to get things done.
your heart to pray (Acts12:1-5) In fellowship, the three aspects of the Trinity are all fully present, angels are
How to carry out the art of intercession: Rm8:26-27, Ps42:7, Ex4:12, Jer1:7) send forth here and there to minister for the believers, miracles are wrought, blessings
Since the Holy Ghost gave the burden to intercede for, the act must be carried are poured out, lives are transformed and cases are been settled. You shouldn’t miss
out fully on His inspiration, guidance, directions and instructions. This is because fellowships!
little or nothing is known about the case at hand. In order not to pray ‘off-point’, we Why fellowship? The purposes of Christian fellowship are:
need complete reliance on His counsels. A good attention and co-ordination is  To build and encourage one another (Prov27:17, Heb10:25, Col3:15-16, Ecl4:10-12
needed, while the tongues should flow effortlessly from the spirit. You need to  To share burdens collectively (1Cor12:26, Gal6:2, 1Pet4:1)
depend on the Holy Spirit to handle human infirmities (pride, distraction, personal  To assemble the different organs in the body of Christ (Eph4:11-12, 1pet4:10-11,
bias etc) in the place of prayer. Eph4:16, 1Cor12:4-12)
The heart for intercession: Zech7:9, Mtt9:36-38, Mtt14:14, Mk6:34, Lk10:33-34,  To establish and maintain a life of communion among the members (Acts4:32-35,
Heb5:1-2 42-46)
To be a good intercessor, your heart must be  To inter-relate equally (Acts2:44-46, 1Cor12;26, 2Cor1:7)
(i) Compassionate  To encounter God’s presence (Mtt18:20)
(ii) Meek  To become more like God (2Cor3:18, Heb2:11, 2Pet1:4)
(iii) Lowly
Discuss others?
(iv) Selfless
Why some avoid fellowships
(v) Obedient
(i) Deceitful cares of life {academics, work, personal care, family, marriage, wealth,
Attended to these attributes, the primary and the most basic is a pure heart, politics etc} – Mtt4:18-20 (ii) worldliness – Jam4:4, 1Jn2:15-16, 2Tim2:4 (iii) Hidden
sensitive to spiritual things. This will help discern any deposit of burden in such a sins – Prov28:1, Is50:1
Discussion: (i) Discuss other reasons why many avoid fellowships?
(a) How long should I intercede for a matter?
(ii) What do you think are the dangers for not fellowshipping with others?
(b) What if after the first day nothing happens, should I continue to intercede?
(iii) Are they people we shouldn’t fellowship with?
(c) Is there any consequence if I refuse to intercede? Conclusion: Feel God afresh in every fellowship and be blessed. Invite others!
Conclusion: The more you intercede for others, the more God will use others to
intercede for you. So, grab this and be a good intercessor.
Memory Verse: Eph 6:18 Memory Verse: Isa 58:6
Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching Is not this the fast that I have chosen? to loose the bands of wickedness, to undo
thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints; KJV the heavy burdens, and to let the oppressed go free, and that ye break every yoke?
Introduction: We can talk at length with fellowmen, but many find it difficult to spend KJV
quality time talking to and with God. Prayer is a two-way communication between God and Introduction: Fasting as a spiritual exercise is a common name among the brethren.
man. So, effective prayer requires both speaking and listening. The problems with our
Just as it implies, fasting fastens the answers to prayers. It should be done in the manner
prayers are (i) the priority: we know the importance of prayer but only few can spend time to
ordered by God and the purpose must also be godly. As we study, may God help us to
pray (ii) not knowing how to pray (iii) also, we do not know how to listen.
know the importance, types and right answers to the questions as to fasting.
The importance of prayer:Is45:11, Phil4:6-7, Jer29:13, col1:9, Heb10:22, Ps91:1 Analyzing:
(i) To be in God’s presence (ii) To make our request known to God (iii) To intercede for The importance of fasting
others (iv) To express our dependence on God (v) To seek and do God’s will (vi) To relate  To seek for divine favour (Esth4:16)
with the Creator and explore His creature  To deliver the oppressed (Mk9:29, Is58:6)
Discuss others?  To prepare and fortify one for divine assignment (Mtt4:4
The types of prayers  To show a sign of genuine repentance (1kg21:25-29, 1Sam12:16-18)
➢ Corporate prayers (Acts1:12-14)  To mortify the flesh for greater spiritual revelations and insights
➢ Continual prayer or prevailing prayer (2Tim1:1-3, 2Thess5:17, 1Tim5:5)  It creates the atmosphere for God to speak (Acts13:2)
➢ Prayer of thanksgiving (Ps116:2, Phil4:6, Col1:12-13) Discuss others?
➢ Prayer of commitment, sanctification or consecration (Acts13:1-3, Mtt26:36-44) The kinds of fasting
➢ Prayer of confession (Ps66:18, 1Jn1:9)  Normal fast – without food as seen in Mtt4:2
➢ Prayer of binding and loosing (Mtt16:19, Mtt18:18)  Absolute fast – without food nor water as in Jonah3:5-9
➢ Prayer of agreement (Mtt18:19-20)  Partial fast – without special food as in Dan10:3
➢ Prayer of petition (Jam4:2, Heb4:15-16, Jonah2:1-9) What do you understand by ‘’a fasted life”?
➢ Prayer of faith (Mtt21:21-22, Mk11:20-24, Jam5:15) The approaches to fasting
➢ Prayer of intercession (Gen18:16-33, Ex32:7-14, Ezk22:29-31, Jam5:16,) Fasting does not change God. This has been said by many, but it is not
➢ Prayer in the spirit (jude20, Eph6:18, Rm8:26-27, 1Cor14:14-15,180 accurate. While it is true the bible teaches that God never changes, it is reasonable to
➢ Prayer of praise (Ps34:1-3, Heb13:15)
assume that this applies only to His character, nature and attributes such as honesty,
love and kindness. It is clear from scripture that He can and does change His mind as a
a) Any posture can be taken in prayers (1Chr17:16, Mtt26:39, Lk22:41, 46)
result of intercession. There are many examples of this with Abraham, Moses, Hezekiah
b) Only genuine Christians should pray and sinners willing to repent at that moment
(1Pet3:12, prov15:8-9) and others. And because fasting and prayer go together, perhaps, it influences God
c) Prayer may be loud or silent (1Sam1:13, Heb5:7) favourably. Read “1kg21:25-29”and react to this assertion.
d) A Christian is to pray at all times and in every situation (1Thess5:17) However, we know that fasting has a big influence in the spirit realm as well. It
e) There should be no set limit for prayer but try praying as God’s Spirit moves you also makes us more aware of spiritual things. It seems to increase our spiritual
f) Not to pray is a sin (1Sam12:23) awareness.
Discussion: Discussion:
(i) Does God answer all prayers? 1) How long should one fast?
(ii) What could be the hindrances to effective prayers? 2) What if I mistakenly eat or drink in the course of the fasting, should I terminate it or
(iii) What is the difference between binding and loosing in prayers? continue?
Conclusion: Prayer is the greatest spiritual weapon we have at our disposal. Lets be sure we 3) “You must soak your fasting with prayer”, comment?
are using it. God is not to blame if the devil is victorious over us when He has given us Conclusion: Anything that suffers the flesh builds the spirit. Fasting makes us more
powerful weapons and we fail to use them. Pray always!!! receptive to God’s words and wills. No matter the cost, fast for genuine reasons and see
God manifest!
Memory Verse: Matt 13:30 Memory Verse: 1 Cor 15:21
Let both grow together until the harvest: and in the time of harvest I will say to the For since by man came death, by man came also the resurrection of the dead. KJV
reapers, Gather ye together first the tares, and bind them in bundles to burn them: Introduction: Life is not over in the grave, everyone that had ever lived on earth will be
raised on the resurrection morning. Seeing therefore that there’s a ‘latter part of life’, we
but gather the wheat into my barn. KJV
need to understand it fully, shape our lives to end well, and know our prospects in the
Introduction: The questions about the eternal destinations of man have remained event.
unanswered in many lives despite the fact that the scripture vividly answered it. Worse Analyzing:
still, many denominations kick against these truths. Well “let everyman be a liar but let Explanation of the resurrection of the dead: Ps71:10, Job19:25-27, Is26:19, Dan12:2,
God be true”, just as in every setting, we have the good and the bad, just and the unjust, Heb6:1-2, Phil3:8-11
beautiful and ugly etc, so also our eternal homes. Two different places await two The soul is an immortal creature, and as such, never ceases to exist. Every
different people as the scripture rightly and clearly states. individual who has ever lived will be resurrected, some to honour and glory and others
Where is hell? Is14:9, 5:14, Ezk32:21 to everlasting shame and contempt. The Old and the New Testament prophets said these
This is a location beneath in the spirit realm prepared for Satan and the fallen as we saw, but Christ fulfilled it by His coming and victory over death. Before rapture,
angels (demons) that opposed God’s rule (Is14:1-15, 2Pet2:4, Jud6). Generally every dead will be raised, and then the wicked will fall into the everlasting lake of fire,
speaking, hell is a place where God punishes His enemies with severe eternal while the righteous will ascend into heaven.
punishment. Evidence of resurrection
Who will go there? Ps9:17  Christ Himself resurrected (Lk24:1-6, Eph1:17-20, Rm8:11)
[i] The wicked (Ps9:17) [ii] All unrighteous, unholy and defiled, in fact; all sinners  Natural resurrection: Every seed planted dies and then germinates{resurrection}
(Gal5:19-21, Eph5:3-5, 1Cor6:9-11, Zech14:12, Rev21:8, 22:15, 20:15, 2Thess2:9-12) (1Cor15:35-45)
What is it like? Lk16:23-24  Scriptural instances (Mtt11:5, Mk12:24-27, Jn11:25-26)
 It is full of worms (Is66:24, 14:11, Mk9:44) God has shown us His resurrection power by raising His Son from the death, even
 It burns with a fire many times hotter than the sun’s surface (2Thess1:8-9) Christ raising so many dead before His own death. This assures us of Christ’s promise
 The fire is salted with brimstome [sulphur] (Rev21:8, 19:20) to resurrect us from the grave. The just and the unjust will be resurrected, but their
 The fire is never quenched (Is66:24, Mk9:46) destinations and lots will be different. You’ll see dead relatives and friends on the
 No sitting down, all the body parts consume away (Zech14:12) resurrection morning, but if they are unjust, they will be separated permanently from
Where is heaven? Ps11:14 you. How then can we live to secure a better place after the resurrection morning?
This is the abode of God located in the spiritual northern hemisphere (Is14:13). Modelling our lifestyle
God made heaven for Himself and all His servants to live forever in.  Believe and have faith in Christ Jesus: (Heb10:35-39, Jn6:40, 5:24)
What is it like? Rev21:9-27  Set your mind on heavenly things: (Col3:1-4, Mtt6:19-21)
All the illustrations in this passage are just a glimpse of what heaven is like as  Watch and pray: (Lk21:34-36, 1Thess5:4-10,) Explain?
“….eyes hath not seen, nor ears heard, neither had it entered into the heart of man what  Live holy: (2Pet3:11-14, 1Jn3:1-3)
God prepared for those that love Him”(1Cor2:9)  Life a resurrected life even now: (Rm6:5, 7-8, Phil3:7-11)
Discussion: Discussion:
(i) Some teach “God is too merciful to put man into hell” what’s your response to this? (i) What will happen to the decayed body, shall we put on a new one?
(ii) Others teach “when man dies, he turns into dust; and that’s the end of him” what can (ii) What if sinners plead for forgiveness on that morning, would they be forgiven?
you say? (iii) Shall we be raptured immediately or we’ll stay on earth for a while?
(iii) On your own, do you think God should be blamed if anyone goes to hell? Conclusion: As we’ll all see each other on the resurrection morning, we pray that we all
Conclusion: Hell is real and likewise heaven, the visa to any of them is dependent on will have a common destination. Put off whatsoever will deny you this please, we need
your lifestyle; and you must choose “for it is appointed unto men once to die …..for the you in heaven!
living know that they will die….” (Heb9:27, Ecl9:5). WHERE WILL YOU BE AFTER
Memory Verse: Isa 48:10 Memory Verse: Acts 24:16
Behold, I have refined thee, but not with silver; I have chosen thee in the furnace And herein do I exercise myself, to have always a conscience void of offence
of affliction. KJV toward God, and toward men. KJV
Introduction: ‘’An untested faith cannot be trusted” they say. On our way to majority, Introduction: More often than not, we took steps that were against out Christian walk,
we must encounter three ‘T’s that will either solidify, retard or hinder our progress. A we offended others, misjudged and falsefully drew conclusions. These acts of offence
better understanding of them is necessary and what to do in the midst of it is very have to be addressed as soon as God’s Spirit convicts us of them. It is a believer’s life
important as well. God help us. Amen! and a criteria for godliness.
Analyzing: Analyzing:
Trials (Job23:10, Ezk21:13, Prov17:3, 1Thess2:4, Jam1:3) What it means (Gen20:1-8, Ex22:1-7, Lev6:1-7, 2Sam12:1-6, Acts23:1-5, Mtt5:23-24)
Trial is a test or debate on one’s love or faith even belief in God. Surprisingly, To restitute means to ‘’re-institute” i.e. to rebuild a broken system. Restitution
it comes from God and could come in to ways (i) trials of our heart and of our faith: the is making amends for wrongs done against our fellowmen, restoring stolen things to
purpose is to purify or refine us (Ps66:10, Zech13:9), to make us partake of God’s glory their rightful owners, paying debts, giving back where one has defrauded, making
and holiness (Heb12;10, 1Pet4:12) and to bring out the real virtues hidden in us confessions to the offended and apologizing to those slandered. Restitution basically is a
(1Pet1:7). In the midst of trials, we should rejoice (2Cor8:2, Jam1:2), perseveres man-to-man affair and is aimed at making us faultless before others. Whether
strongly (Jam2;12) and be attentive and ready to obey (Heb11;17) intentionally or unintentionally committed, when the light or the nudge impresses on
Testing (Lam3:1, 2Cor11:21-27, 2Cor5:14-15, 2Tim3:12) our spirit, we should not relent to restitute, this will enable us maintain a clean slate
This is the punishment or suffering a believer receives because of the before God and man.
genuineness and firmness of his faith. It can come from God or Satan for different What it takes (Acts16:32-35, Ezk33:14-16, Lk19:8-9, Gen20:1-8)
purposes. When it comes from God, the aim is to spread the gospel farther (Acts8;2-4), Restitution ranges from returning stolen items to their original owners
make us partake of God’s blessedness and kingdom (Mtt5:11, Heb11:35). It comes from (Prov6:30-31), returning defrauded items to their owners (Lk19:8-9), making
Satan to discourage us and discontinue God’s work. In the midst of testing, we should confessions and apologizing to the offended (Acts16:32-35), payment of withheld debts
pray, cheer up and exhibit strength, boldness and vigour (Acts5:41, Mtt5:44, Phil1:28) (Ezk33:14-16), giving back forcefully and falsefully claimed possessions (Gen20:1-8).
Temptation (1Cor10:13, Jam1:12) Discuss other forms of restitution?
Temptation is a deliberate act of the devil to sift us away from God through evil Hindrances to restitution (Jam5:1-6, Phil3:13, Mtt3:9)
and deceitful desires. Temptation could come from the flesh (Jam1:13-16, Gal5:16), the Amongst others, pride is the major hindrance to restitution. Religious status and
devil (Mtt4:1-11, 1Pet5:8) and through men (Mk8:11, 10:2, Prov1;10). Temptations are past exploits could also hinder one from restituting.
not sin but yielding to them is sinful (Jam1:14-15), also God does not tempt any man. In Discussion:
the fire of temptation, watch and pray (Lk22:40-46, Mtt26:40-41), look unto Jesus and (i) Mention other hindrances to restitution?
the crown awaiting you if you overcome (Heb12:2, Heb3:1, Jam1:12), study and apply (ii) Examine “1Sam12:1-5”and comment on Samuel’s life as having a “clean
God’s word appropriately (Mtt4:4) conscience before God and man”
Discussion: (iii) What could be the dangers of not restituting?
(i) Read carefully “Gen22:1-2”and comment on the issue “God does not tempt any Conclusion: Jesus admonished that whatever part of your body will lead you to sin and
man” hell, you better cut it off. Any unmended fences in your life should be dealt with now.
(ii) Name the kinds of temptation that could come from the flesh? Don’t allow pomposity land you in hell. Will you respond to the Spirit’s prompting
(iii) What times do you think temptation always come? even now?
Conclusion: Without travail is no prevail. Button up your spiritual shirt and be ready
for any “T” that may come your way. God’s grace and help to prevail; Amen!
Memory Verse: 2 Tim 2:15
Memory Verse: Deut 7:15
Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be
And the LORD will take away from thee all sickness, and will put none of the evil
ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. KJV
diseases of Egypt, which thou knowest, upon thee; but will lay them upon all
Introduction: The world can boast of different professors in several disciplines, but only few them that hate thee. KJV
who are grounded in the word of God. Even we as students read more books than the bible. If Introduction: All over the place, we hear and see varied cases of sickness, the hospital
everything on earth is to vanish away including education and technology, and only God’s word is full of sick people with varying degrees of sickness. Even some Christians are still
abideth forever (1Pet1:25), what need ought we to give the word the utmost priority in our life. afraid of been sick. Where did this originate? What causes it and what’s God’s
Analyzing disposition towards this? May God give us light as we study this topic. Amen!
The importance of studying God’s word Analyzing:
✓ To grow spiritually (1Pet2:2) The origin and causes of sickness: Gen3:17-19, Ex9:14, Deut28:27
✓ To know our rights and privileges as God’s children (Jn8:32, Hosea4:6) Sickness we must all understand, was never part of God’s creature. It came
✓ To pray aright (1Jn5:14-15)
after the fall of man, when the hedge of God around man was broken down by sin. The
✓ To receive divine directions and counsels (Lk24:44-45, Dan9:2)
✓ It’s a spiritual weapon for warfare (Heb4:12, Eph6:18)
causes of sickness are:
✓ It enables one walk in God’s love (Jn14:21) ❖ Sin (Mk2:1-12)
✓ Obedience to it brings blessings (Lk11:28, Jam1:25) ❖ Satan and his demons (Mtt9:32-33)
Discuss others? ❖ Special cases (Jn9:1-3)
The facets of God’s word ❖ Undisciplined eating habit
✓ To the spiritually hungry and thirsty – a bread of life: Jn6:35 The primary and basic cause of sickness is sin which opens the door for Satan and
✓ For spiritual warfare – A sword of the spirit: Heb4:12, Eph6:18 cohorts to wreck havoc.
✓ In need of direction – A lamp and a light: Ps119:105 Healing: Is53:4-5, Ex15:26, Acts10:38, Ps103:1-5, Mtt8:16-17
✓ For spiritual growth and stamina – A milk:1pet2:2 If the source of a problem is known, then its cure is at hand. Having known the
✓ For devilish demolition – A fire and a hammer: Jer23:29
causes of sickness, we can do well to avoid them and so live healthily. The steps to
Try finding out others from the scripture?
How to study God’s word divine healing are:
The biblical study methods are topical and character studies. The topical study outlines ❖ Repentance from known sin (Acts3:19, 1Jn5:18)
the topics or theme of a passage and meditate deeply on it, cross-referencing it with related ❖ Adherence to God’s word (Prov4:20-22)
portions in the bible. The character study method studies the different bible characters, their life, ❖ Live a disciplined life (Prov25:28)
history, exploits and weaknesses. Generally, the bible is to be studied and not read. While ❖ Confess positively (Num14:28)
studying: ❖ If sick, pray for healing (Jer17:14)
✓ Outline the context or setting of the passage ❖ Service to God (Ex23:25-27, Job36:11)
✓ Translate and explain the passage in your own words maintaining critical points, ❖ Elders anointing the sick with oil (Jam5:14-16)
✓ Deduce connotative and denotative meanings from the passage read.
Mention others?
✓ Relate the passage to a known or similar portion already known.
✓ Check if there’s a promise to appropriate.
Continual health: 3jn2, 1jn3:8, Is53:4-5, 1Pet2:24
✓ How does this passage apply to me in particular? If the above steps are taken, a sick person is healed. Also, we must understand
✓ What changes or adjustments do I need to make? that God’s power is able to keep us free from sickness all through our life, because the
✓ Is there any prophecy or fulfilment of prophecy in this passage? broken fences have been mended. As a Christian, sickness should not be part of you
* write all these down in a book for easy referencing because Christ has sufficiently paid for it. Claim this in your life and live in continual
✓ You may need a bible dictionary and commentary to booster your study health.
Discussion: Discussion:
1) What major challenge do you face in reading the bible? 1) “The days of miracles are over” some said, comment on this?
2) What major challenge do you face in applying the scripture? 2) What do you understand by “healing is the children’s bread”?
3) What are the consequences of hearing and not doing 3) How can you differentiate between special cases as seen in Jn9:1-3 from other
Conclusion: The more you know, the more you grow. So, read to grow. Happy reading!
causes of sickness?
Conclusion: As nobody likes sickness, God also never want us to be sick. Avoid the
acts that can bring sickness and enjoy a divine health for life!
Memory Verse: Matt 6:14 Memory Verse: 1 Thess 5:18
For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you: In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning
KJV you. KJV
Introduction: Forgiveness is a sublime topic in the Christendom. The entire basis of
Christianity hinges on it. Through forgiveness we were reconciled to God, we are what Introduction: A maxim reads “when a warrior is praised for past deeds, he does more”.
we are today because of forgiveness, and we can maintain this our stand by forgiveness How do you feel when someone thanks you for your goodness? How then do you feel
also. We need to understand the scope and the necessity for forgiveness as well as the when a person disregards your earnest effort? Whether you care or not, the fact remains
consequences of unforgiveness. that such a person in either case has created an impression in you. The same obtains in
Analyzing: spiritual things. God help us!
What forgiveness means: Mtt6:12, Mtt18:21-22, Mk11:25-26, Eph4:32 Analyzing:
To forgive means to let go of an offence. Once the offended chooses to forgive, Examples of thankful hearts
he doesn’t consider the weight nor the height of the offence. He must see the offender as o The Lord Jesus : Mtt11:25
though he never erred against him in anyway. The offender should be seen as ‘justified’ o The leper: Lk17:17-19
by the offended on any ground he may choose to forgive him. For instance, God o The two servants in Mtt25:19-23
forgives our sins because of the justifying sacrifice Christ paid. o Paul :Eph1:15-16
Why we must forgive: Mtt6:15, Mtt18:23-35, Col3:13, 2Cor2:5-7, Ps86:5 o Abel : Gen4:3-4
Forgiveness is necessary for the following reasons: o Namaan: 2Kg5:15-16
 God forgives our many sins (Ps65:3) Give other examples?
 To extend kindness to the offender The power of thanksgiving (Phil4:6-7)
 To keep the brotherly love warm among us o It gives relief (Ps55:22, Mtt6:25)
 To maintain and consolidate our salvation o It grows ministry (Phil1:3-5)
 To share in God’s likeness (Mtt5:48) o It gives wholeness (Lk17:12-19)
 To have answered prayers o It gives promotion (Mtt25:19-25)
Name others? o It expresses faith (Acts5:40-42)
Examples of forgiveness o It blesses God (Ps34:1)
 Joseph forgave his brothers (Gen50:17) Outline others?
 God forgave Israel when Moses pleaded (Ex32:32)
o Thank the Lord because He’s good (Ps107:1-3)
 God’s promise to always forgive Israel upon repentance (2Chr714)
o Be thankful for answers to prayers (Ps138:1-5)
 Jesus forgave Thomas (Jn20:26-29) o Be thankful for salvation (Eph2:4-10)
 Paul forgave all his offenders (2Cor11:24-29) o Our prayers should include words of thanksgiving (Phil4:6)
 God forgiving backsliders (Hosea14:4, Jer5:6) o Our life should be characterized by thanksgiving(Col3:15-17)
 Esau forgave Jacob (Gen31:1-9) o We are called to give thanks in all circumstances (Eph5:20)
 Jacob forgave Laban (Gen31:43-44,54-55) o The ingrates or unthankful hearts stand to be punished by God (Mtt25:24-30)
Name others? Discussion:
Discussion: (i) Relate an instance whereby someone you helped did not thank you. How did you
(i) What do you understand by “forgive and forget”’? Is it really possible to forget? feel?
(ii) Give an example of an offence you found very difficult to forgive and then forget? (ii) Discuss how difficult you found it to thank God when what you hoped for never
(iii) Carefully read “2Sam16:5-14”and (1Kg2:1,8-10,36-46”, then comment of David worked out?
and Solomon’s reaction to Shimei? (iii) Read and comment on “Ps100:4”
Conclusion: Forgiveness is a commandment of the new testament and so should not be Conclusion: It may seem difficult at times to say “thank you” when the opposite
taken lightly because God forgives us the greater. No matter the offence, for eternity happens, but we must understand our God and follow Him faithfully and not factfully.
sake, please, forgive! Thank God for all his might acts!
Memory Verse: Prov 25:28 Memory Verse: Luke 21:34
He that hath no rule over his own spirit is like a city that is broken down, and And take heed to yourselves, lest at any time your hearts be overcharged with
without walls. KJV surfeiting, and drunkenness, and cares of this life, and so that day come upon you
unawares. KJV
Introduction: “An unexamined life is not worth living”. Discipline is amongst the Introduction: Thoughts are the discussions and imaginations that go on quietly inside
essential qualities a virtuous man should possess. An undisciplined man accepts the mind. They include all the decisions taken and all the conclusions arrived at.
whatsoever comes to him peacefully. In this study, we’ll examine the different Thoughts also involve some mental pictures and images that are created in the mid
approaches and measures to Christian discipline as God would help us to enforce them. which have never been experienced in real life situations. Sometimes, thoughts involve
The various disciplinary measures pictures and images that come from past experiences of life.
➢ Food: Job23:12, Jn4:32-34, Mtt4;4, ex16:2-3, Mtt6:25) Analyzing:
An effective Christian should not allow food count first in his walk with God. The Origin of Thoughts: Mtt15:19, Gen3:6-7, 2Cor11:3, Rm8:5, James1:14-15
Discipline your system to respond to God’s word always and pay less attention to Thoughts and imaginations emerge from our hearts or minds. It is through the
food. mind that we are equipped to know, think, imagine or remember anything. The mind is
➢ Sleep: (Prov6:4, 6-11, Ps132:4, Lk22:44-46, 1Thess5:6-7) the connecting link between the spiritual and the physical. All forms of communication
Sleep is a state of unconsciousness whereby the body is idle and the spirit wanders between man and satanic forces occur in the mind through thoughts. That is, every
in the spiritual realm. You need discipline so as not to sleep carelessly while the temptation which the devil entices any man with, is presented to his mind in form of
enemy prevails. thoughts (Mtt4:3)
➢ Sex: Prov31:1-3, Num25:1-9, 2Sam11:1-5, 13:10-16, Prov6:24-26, 32-33, The Kinds of Thoughts: Mtt6:25-33, Lk10:29-32, Esth6:6, Phil4:8, 2:5-9, Jer29:11,
Gen34:1-4) Prov15:26, 6:16-18
Sex is more spiritual than the physical act we see. The spirit, soul and body of both Thoughts could be classified as right or wrong thoughts. Wrong thoughts of
parties are yoked together, hence their nature, talents, destines and fortunes are worrying, being bitter than others, wandering thoughts at prayer, evil, filthy and defiled
equally exchanged. imaginations etc. Right thoughts to help, deliver and show kindness. The sources of
➢ Words: Prov10:11, 18:4, ps37:30, Mtt12:37, Ezk35:13-14) these thoughts depend largely on the content of your mind. An evil mind is easily prone
You are what you speak as people would want to hold you by your words. You to satanic evil suggestions, while a pure mind enjoys God’s counsels. Thoughts can be
need discipline your tongue to rationalize your outflow. wild and evil if not brought under control. (Mtt15:17-20)
➢ Affections: (Gen12:1-4, Gen22:1-3, Mtt10:37-38, 1kg19:19-21, Lk9:61-62) How to Handle your Thoughts
Affections comprise of love for friends, relatives and colleagues. Discipline is (i) Be born again and have victory over self (Jn3:3, Eph4:17-23, Rm6:6, 7,11)
needed so as not to allow these come in between our work with God. What can (ii) Set your mind on things above and renew your mind by the word (col3:1-2,
come between you and God? 9,10, 3:16, Rm12:1, Phil4:6-8)
➢ The world: (Jam4:4, Mtt19:21-24, 1Jn2:15-16) (iii) Walking and praying in and with the Spirit (Eph6:18, Jude20, james5:13-
Balaam’s love for earthly possession and fame almost led him to prophesy 15, 1Pet4:7, Mk14:38)
otherwise. Understanding that you came naked and will leave naked will help (iv) Occupy your mind with melodies and praises (Col3:16, Eph5:18-20,
discipline you. Is61:3, Ps100:1-5)
➢ Sinful habits: Heb12:14, Rev21:27, Jn8:34) (v) Constantly check and cast down every evil imagination (1Jn4:1, Jer17:9-
Sin is a cankerworm that tears down the spirit of a man and makes him vulnerable 10, Ps139:23,24, Heb4:12, James4:7)
to sickness, Satan and other demonic oppressions. Flee from any hidden sinful Discussion:
habits. (i) Is it possible to do anything without thinking?
➢ Ingratitude: Mtt25:14-30 (ii) ‘Praying in the Spirit’, what effect will this have on your mind?
➢ Money: 1Tim6:6-10, Ex23:8, Mtt13:22, Prov15:27, Ecl5:10-16 (iii) What are the reasons for wandering thoughts in prayer?
➢ Impatience: Mtt13:20-21, Heb6:12-15, 10:35-37 Conclusion: ”As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he…”(Prov23:7a). Your thought
Discussion: defines you and determines your action. Fill your subconscious base with right
(i) Discuss other areas one need discipline things and see right thoughts spring up in your heart. Keep off dirty sights and
(ii) Read and analyze “Prov7:1-27” on your own God’s grace!!
Conclusion: All these, no man can do on his own, but with God all things are possible.
May God help us to apply these so as to make a better end. Amen!
Memory Verse: Matt 5:13 Memory Verse: Matt 5:14
Ye are the salt of the earth: but if the salt have lost his savour, wherewith shall it Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid. KJV
be salted? it is thenceforth good for nothing, but to be cast out, and to be
trodden under foot of men. KJV Introduction: Jesus said “Ye are the light of the world and not heaven” because
Introduction: Jesus said “salt of the earth” and not “sugar of the earth” because darkness covers a greater part of the earth. Heaven has a steady shinning light from
sugar promotes agents of decay, adds a very minimal nutritional value to the body. God’s glory, and so, has no darkness. The earth is the battlefield, where light and
It adds taste and appetite but not necessarily to the health of the consumer. Salt darkness content for the soul of man. When God meets a man, He transfers a
naturally adds a measured taste to whatever it is added and it is nutritious to the measure of His light to him and expects him to radiate outwardly. God looks for
body. A sugar-Christian will only make people around him to feel nice, feel good in men to light up and place them on a city hill.
their original content and corrupt nature but cannot confront the decay in their heart. Analyzing:
A salt Christian will do otherwise. God looks for salt Christians and not sugar Nature of Light
Christians. Light has the following nature:
Analyzing: (i) Light dispels darkness (Jn1:5, 2Cor6:14, Gen1:4)
Nature of Salt (ii) Light makes people see (1Jn2:11)
Salt has the following nature: (iii) Light directs(Ps119:105)
(i) It cannot be corrupted (Samuel in the midst of Hophni and Phinehas, (iv) Light leads to an expected end (Prov4:18-19)
1Sam2:12,18-26, Daniel in Babylon – Dan1:8) Discuss each of the above listed attributes of light?
(ii) It cannot be lost. It can be tasted but not necessarily traceable (Joseph in The Significance of Light
Portiphar’s house and in prison, Paul and Silas in Prison – Acts16:19-33) (i) No darkness can dispel light (Jn8:12)
(iii) It cannot be threatened (Dan3:14-19, Acts21:10-14, 4:13, 5:24-29) (ii) Light exposes the activities of darkness (Eph5:13)
(iv) It does not diminish in its saltiness with passage of time (Mal3:6) (iii) Light drives away coldness (Eph5:14)
The significance of salt: Lev2:13, Ezk43:24, Mk9:49, Col4:6, 2Cor6:16-18, (iv) Light helps to distinguish one thing from the other (1Thess5:4-5)
Eph5:2) (v) Light is loved by the just and hated by the wicked (Jn3:19-21)
(i) Salt seasons How to live as a light
(ii) Salt dehydrates and therefore preserves (i) Have an encounter with the real light (Jn12:35-36)
(iii) Salt sanitizes (ii) Strive to increase your intensity by :
(iv) Salts disinfects wounds (a) Observing a quiet time (Ex34:29-30)
Discuss each of these and relate it to the Christian life? (b) Prayer (Jn17:1-2)
How to salt your environment (c) Devoted bible study (2Cor3:18)
(i) Salt is not eaten as salt: what does this mean? (d) Constant and consistent fellowshipping (Prov27:27)
(ii) Make contact with your world (Jn17:11a, 15-16) These are wood pieces that will fan up the embers of your fire into flame.
(iii) Salt’s usefulness is in a context not in a container (iii) Be honest in all areas of life (1Pet3:12, 2Cor8:21)
(iv) Have salt in your self(Mk9:50). The capacity of salt that makes it (iv) Detach from moist and wet atmosphere (Is52:11,2Cor6:17). Discuss?
incorruptible is intrinsic. You must be salt to salt others. Discussion:
(v) Loose not your saltiness (Jn15:3-5) Explain? (a) Give examples of men who shone the true light to their generation?
Discussion: (b) What do you think would ever make one prefer darkness to light?
(i) ‘Ye are the salt of the earth and not of heaven’, discuss? (c) If a light is lost, can it be re-caught? And what usually makes one to loose his
(ii) How do we maintain our saltiness? light?
(iii) Give examples of men who were salts to their generation and never lost Conclusion: Light cannot be hidden, and is not only for an individual. If you shine
their saltiness? the light of God in your environment, many would come to you for directions and
Conclusion: Your department, lecture hall, social gatherings, peers, colleagues and advices. No matter the cost, endeavour to put off any light quencher on you path.
the society at large may be decayed in some measure, God wants us as salt to Also, strive to shine, and shine to the end. So help us God!
disinfect and sanitize the system for His glory. Can you do this?
Memory Verse: Mark 16:16 Memory Verse: Matt 3:11
He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be I indeed baptize you with water unto repentance: but he that cometh after me is
damned. KJV mightier than I, whose shoes I am not worthy to bear: he shall baptize you with
the Holy Ghost, and with fire: KJV
Introduction: The word ‘baptism’ is common in the Christendom, but only a few
actually know what it means, the significance and the right method of baptism. We trust Introduction: The baptism in the Holy Ghost is another aspect of the Christian baptism
God to give us the needed searchlight as we examine this aspect of baptism. that is very important. The first type of baptism is usually called the baptism of
Analyzing: repentance or John’s baptism. After, the believer need to get to the realm of power and
Why is baptism necessary? (Mtt3:13-17, Acts2:38, Acts8:38-39, Rm6:4-6, Acts16:33) manifestation of God’s fullness. The Holy Ghost is the third person in the Godhead,
Water baptism is an outward expression of an inward grace. Jesus had to travel who indwells, presides and guides the believer in all things.
down to the Jordan river, humbled Himself under John and was baptized. The apostle in Analyzing:
all their acts, never forgot to baptize their new converts. This tells us of the necessity for What it means: L24:49, Jn1:30-33, Acts1:5-8
baptism. The children of Israel after they left Egypt had to pass through water (Red sea) Baptism in the Holy Ghost is the infilling of the heart of the sanctified believer
before getting to the promised land, also the old world of Noah had to float through with the Holy Spirit at baptismal measure and the enduing with power from on high.
water before a new world of righteousness was constituted. Simply put, water baptism Man is not an independent entity and as such is under the influence of a higher
buries all the activities of the old life under water, and when we were raised up, we supernatural power. After salvation, the Satanic bond is broken, and the vacuum in the
entered into a new life and a new system of things (Col2:12, Rm6:3-4) heart of man has to be filled with God’s Spirit. This is primary but the Holy Ghost
The biblical method of baptism (Acts8:38-39, Mk1:9) baptism is a baptism into the power and authority of Christ.
The Greek word rendered ‘baptism’ means to immerse, dip or submerge How to receive it: Jn7:37-39, Acts10:44-46, Acts19:1-6, Acts2:1-2
wholly. Going by this, the believer is to be wholly immersed into the water so that all The Holy Ghost is a promise to the Christianity of today, and as such, is for the
parts of his body will rise to be new. Sprinkling of water by any means or method is not earnest seeking heart. The steps are:
biblical. Also, Jesus and the eunuch were baptized in a river or a relatively large water  Be thirsty, come to Jesus and drink (Jn7:37)
body, this allows for full immersion. Secondly, water baptism is one immersion(not  Impartation by breath (Jn20:22-23)
three) “in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost”(Mtt28:19).  Laying of hands (Acts19:6)
Any true believer can baptize the other.  Under the ministration of God’s word (Acts10:44)
The benefits of baptism The baptism is always accompanied with the evidence of speaking in tongues,
(i) Baptism initiates us into Christ (Rm6:3-8) which installs in you the language pack for divine and supernatural communications.
(ii) Salvation is defined with baptism (1Pet3:21) How to maintain the infilling: Eph4:30, Is63:10, Hosea5:15, Heb3:7-10, Mtt12:32
(iii) It is a Christian experience One disaster that can happen to a believer is to grieve God’s Spirit, we grieve
Discuss other benefits? Him by:
Discussion:  Disobedience to God’s word and His directives
(a) How many times can one be baptized?  Blasphemy
(b) Can one enter heaven without baptism?
 Giving greater attention to worldly things
(c) If any believer can baptize the other, are there qualifications that the former should
 Deliberate indulgence in sin
Outline other ways?
Conclusion: Since God has commanded, we all must obey and in the right way. Though
salvation is internal, baptism shows it externally to the devil, the world and other
(i) How long can one pray to be filled with the Holy Ghost?
accusers. Be baptized!!
(ii) Can one receive the Holy Ghost and not speak in tongues?
(iii) Some teach that ‘the Holy Ghost is a force and not a being’, what can you say, with
biblical references?
Conclusion: You can’t go far in Christian walk without the Holy Ghost. So, desire
Memory Verse: 2 Cor 7:10 Memory Verse: Rom 5:1
For godly sorrow worketh repentance to salvation not to be repented of: but the Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord
sorrow of the world worketh death. KJV Jesus Christ: KJV

Introduction: Repentance is a complete turning away from all sins and their deceitful Introduction: Most of the time, we still feel the sense of guilt for a particular sin, even
pleasures, and is required for every sinner before he can truly and effectively believe in after begging for forgiveness. A new believer always wonders on how few stressless
Jesus with a saving faith. Believers who in one point or the other erred from the right steps to salvation will cleanse all his previous evil records. What assurance can we give
path should also repent as soon as possible and seek grace never to backslide again. to ourselves and to those we led to Christ that they are fine at peace with God? May
Analyzing: God give us understanding as we study….Amen!
What are to be repented of? Analyzing:
 Works done outside God’s will (2Sam12:1-13) The concept of justification: Is455:25, Ps32:1-2, Mic7:18-19, Gal2:16
 Works done before becoming born-again (Rm10:1-4) Justification is the act of God’s grace by which one receives forgiveness and
 Works done for vain glory (Gal1:10, 1Thess2:4, Col3:22) remission of sins and is counted righteous standing before God as though one had never
 Faithless works (Rm14:22, Heb11:6) sinned. The justified has peace with God as though he never had a past, God would
 Works done involuntarily (1Cor9:17-18, 2Chr25:2) want to relate with him as entirely a new creature. Such a man could be likened to
 Unholy thoughts (Prov6:17) Adam before the fall. The weight and the burden of sin should lift off the believer’s
heart for God’s peace to flow in.
 Unguarded words (Eph4:29, Mtt12:36-37)
God’s method and strategy: 2Cor5:17, Rm5:8-11, Tit3:5, 1Pet1:23, Tit2;11-12,
Discuss others?
What are the steps to repentance?
In a debt, either the debtor pays or someone helps him. In either way, the debtor
 Confession of sins (Prov28:13, 1Jn1:9)
is free from such debt. The same applies to man who could not pay for his sins. God
 Confession of Christ as Lord and Personal Saviour (Rm10:9, Phil2:11)
sent His Son to pay for man, to set man free and restore him back to the original order.
 Forsaking your sins (Is55:7, Eph5:8) Justification is received through faith in the atoning blood of Jesus. At the time of
 Restitution (Lev6:4-6, Lk19:1-10, Ex22:1-17) justification, the justified is also ‘regenerated’. By regeneration is meant the act of
 Deep thoughts of regret for committed sins (Mtt5:4) God’s grace, whereby a spiritual change is wrought in the heart of man, making him a
 Weeping and fasting as may be laid in your heart (Joel2:12-14, 1Kg21:25-28, new creature and enabling him to live righteously, soberly and godly in this present evil
Jonah3:14) world. God is equipped with the necessary rights to transform the believer, and the
Hindrances to repentance and the dangers believer himself can approach God unaccused.
 Pride, wealth, fame, friends etc The Next step: Jn8:11, Jn5:14, Mtt3:8, Heb10:28-29
 Religious position or family background After being justified, God expects the believer to walk in the reality of his new
 Past exploits person. To abstain from former deeds and dealings and to maintain a clean work and
 The pleasures of sin {sin partner, cultism etc} (Lk12:4-5) walk with Him. This is the next step and stage for us all.
Figure out the dangers of covering up one’s sins from these passages: Rm1:20-26, Discussion:
Jn5:14, Num14:11-12, Is59:1-2. (i) What if I still feel guilty or some thoughts try to dissuade me from being justified?
Discussion: (ii) How long should I pray to be assured of my justification from a wrong deed?
(i) Are there sins beyond repentance? Critically examine ‘Heb6:4-6’ and then (iii) Discuss “clear conscience before God and man” with respect to justification?
comment? Conclusion: When a man knows his rights and privileges in Christ, he can stand and
(ii) Is it right to willingly sin and then confess or repent? What are the dangers? talk authoritatively. An unjustified believer is full of guilt, accusation and restlessness.
(iii) What if I still feel the sense of guilt in my spirit even after repentance, does it show Thank God for justifying us in Christ!
that I was not forgiven?
Conclusion: Sin destroys the spirit as leprosy destroys the body. If you constantly shun
your conscience from reproving you of evil deeds, it will become hard as iron. This is
very bad and destructive. Repent of any secret sins in your life and disappoint the devil.
God’s grace!
Memory Verse: Luke 22:19 Memory Verse: Col 2:3
And he took bread, and gave thanks, and brake it, and gave unto them, saying, In whom are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. KJV
This is my body which is given for you: this do in remembrance of me. KJV Introduction: Wisdom is an everyday word, spoken by many but understood by few.
Wisdom is the ability to make sensible decisions and give good advices because of the
Introduction: The world immortalizes the names of great heroes or events. We see experience or knowledge that one has. Wisdom can be viewed from three perspectives
streets, buildings, airports, universities and other establishments named after an (i) the wisdom of God (Jas1:5) (ii) The wisdom of the devil (Ezk28:12-14) (iii) The
individual or events. This puts the person in a lasting memorial and reminds the ancient, wisdom of man (Is5:21). We shall be considering the first case called “The wisdom of
the present and the future of that person’s contribution to their society. The Old God”. First and foremost, we must note the fact that only God is wise and He alone is
Testament is full of stories of such immortalizations and through them, the present the origin of wisdom (1Tim1:17, Jud25, Rm16:27)
generation could understand what took place in the past. (Judg11:30-40, Esth9:30-32) Analyzing:
Analyzing: The mainstay of the wisdom of God: Col2:3, Jas1:5,17, Lk4:18, Mtt10:18-19, 1Kg3:5,9-
The Institution (Lk22:14-20, Mtt26:26-30, Mk14:22-26) 13, Ez28:3, 31:1-6
The holy communion otherwise called ‘the Lord’s supper’ was instituted by the As we rightly stated before, all wisdom proceed from God and the entire
Lord Jesus Christ Himself in the New Testament. It is enjoined to all believers to universe was formed by His deep wisdom. Wisdom is a gift (1Cor12:8) and if it is a
partake thereof as obedience to Christ. The emblems used are, an unleavened bread and gift; then it comes from above: “for no man can receive anything except it be given him
the juice of ‘fruit of the vine’. In the contemporary age, anything edible and drinkable from on high”(Jn3:27). Jesus Christ in whom dwells the fullness of the Godhead bodily
could be used as the communion provided the aim is to observe and obey Christ’s is the possessor of the wisdom of God and all wisdom-seekers must come to Him.
command. During and after the communion, it is biblical as we saw, to sing hymn(s) to The manifestations of the wisdom of God: 1Kg7:14,40, 1kg3:16-18, Prov8:22-29,
God. mtt22:15-22, Acts6:8-10, Ex35:31-35, Ex36;1-4,8, Ex39:42-43
The Significance (Ex12:1-14, 21-24, Ex23:14-19, Jn1:29, Rev5:6, 1Pet1:19, Acts8:32) God’s wisdom carries with it a high degree of superiority and excellence as
The Israelites were commanded to observe three festivals yearly: the festival of when compared to any form of wisdom. The old and new testaments have situations
the unleavened bread, the festival of the first harvest and the festival of the final harvest where God’s wisdom was manifested and proven to surpass any human reasoning. One
(in-gathering). Each of these, had its connotations. The feast of the unleavened bread is characteristic of the wisdom of God when manifested is that people cannot resist it, as it
what we call “the Lord’s supper”. It was instituted to remind them of God’s mighty is always clear and plain.
works to deliver them from Egypt. Christ who was the Lamb used both in the old and The merits of the wisdom of God: 1kg9:11, Col1:9-10, 1Cor2:6-8, Eph3:5, Col1:26,
new testament, re-instructed the new testament believers to observe this feast, so as to Ecl9:13-18, Eph1:17-18, Prov9:11, Ex39:42-43
always bear in mind His atoning works for mankind. It is a celebration of liberty,  It brings a handsome reward
freedom and victory over sin, self and Satan.  It makes one walk in the knowledge of God’s will
The benefits  It reveals the mysteries of God and makes one a partaker of it
 Protection from destruction (Ex12:12-13)  It makes you fully conscious of your rights and inheritance in God through
 Freedom from oppression (Zech9:11) Christ.
 Victory over Satan (Rev12:11)  It brings quick deliverance in times of trouble
 Spiritual, ministerial and all-round growth (Acts2:42-47)  It saves cost and resources that would have been wasted
Discuss other benefits?  It prolongs and preserves life
Discussion: The benefits of wisdom is endless, no wonder the admonition “get wisdom, get
(i) Read carefully “1Cor11:20-34”. What are the wrong approaches to the Lord’s understanding, forget it not”(Prov4:5-7)
supper? Discussion:
(ii) What are the dangers to these approaches? (i) Give an instance of what you’ve ever done without wisdom?
(iii) Who is qualified for the communion? (ii) Are there any qualifications for receiving God’s wisdom? If yes, what are they?
Conclusion: Every obedience has its rewards and for a mighty work of salvation, we (iii) How can one know that he’s walking in God’s wisdom?
need to constantly celebrate it individually and collectively, to show our liberty and Conclusion: wisdom is the principal thing, therefore get wisdom, and with all thy
freedom to the world and Satan. getting get understanding. Solomon understood this and asked for it because “wisdom is
better than rubies; and all things that may be desired are not to be compared to
it”(Prov8:11). Why not ask God for His wisdom now!!!
Memory Verse: 2 Cor 7:1 Memory Verse: James 1:26
Having therefore these promises, dearly beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all If any man among you seem to be religious, and bridleth not his tongue, but
filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God. KJV deceiveth his own heart, this man's religion is vain. KJV
Introduction: A whole lot of thoughts can go on inside a man without the nearest
Introduction: Consecration is a religious word that is greatly misunderstood in many
neighbour having any such idea. What a man decides to speak maybe different from
lives. All through the scripture have records of God’s demand for consecration, a very
what he had thought. If our inner thinking should be known, they have to be spoken by
little attention has been given to this subject. What then is consecration? To consecrate
words. We’ll search the scriptures to see the applications and implications of spoken
means to set aside for a special use. That is, to separate yourself from the masses for
god’s divine purpose (Is52:11, Mtt21:1-3)
Analyzing: Words: A conveyor – Mtt15:18-19, Lk6:45, Mtt12:34-35, Mtt26:43-44, Jam4:13, 3:6)
The thoughts, intents, motives and considerations of a man can only be aired
Why consecration?(1Pet1:14-16) out through the agency of words. Words express a pre-mediated thought or decision
inside a man’s heart. The constant deliberations in the heart can only be made known to
1) God is holy and needs holy vessels (Lev11:44, 19:2, 20:7-8, Ex19:6) others when one speak them out, otherwise, outsiders may assume you are silent while
2) Light can never co-operate with darkness (1Jn1:5-7, 2Cor6:14-16) your heart is busy rummaging.
3) To show the world the true nature of God (1Pet2:12, 3:16, Mtt5:16) The power of spoken words (Num14:28, Mtt7:7-8, Ecl5:2,5-6, Mtt12:36-37, Prov15:1,
4) To make you fit and compatible for heaven(Rev21:28, Heb12:14) 12:25, Isa50:4, Mal2:17, 3:13)
The words we speak have power and can recreate the course of nature. By
What are needed in consecration? (1Thess5:23, Prov1:10) words, you can be justified or condemned, be blessed or cursed, turn way wrath or spice
it up, please God or displease Him, attend wisely or unwisely to tough situations, make
1) Weaned from sins (2Tim2;19-26) promises or mar them and so forth. The list is quite endless, hence the need for one to
2) Weaned from worldliness (James4:5, 1Jn2:15-17, 1Tim6:5-11, Rom12:2) bridle his mouth and speak carefully.
3) Weaned from affections (Gen12:1-4, Gen22:1-3, 9-10, 16-19) Why mind your words
What are the benefits of consecration? (Mal4:17) • It is required in judgment (Mtt12:37)
• You can recreate your life’s course with words (Jam3:3-6)
1) It makes you fit for the Master’s use (Rm12:1-2) • Not to incur God’s wrath (Ezk35:13-14)
2) You partake of God’s holiness and kingdom (Heb12:10, 1Cor11:32, 2Cor6:17-18) • It is a multidimensional tool (it can bless and also curse)[Jam3:9-10]
3) Your light shines for God’s glory (1Pet2:12) • To live a straightforward life (Jam3;11-12)
4) You receive God’s promises that transforms you to His divine nature (2Pet1:3-4) • To show perfectness (Ps138:2)
• To avoid unreasonable commitment (Ecl5:2, 5-6)
Discussion: Discuss others?
(i) What do you think can make one not live a consecrated life?
(i) Can you speak without thinking? Discuss!
(ii) Give examples of different areas where one can consecrate himself?
(ii) Read “Jam3:7-8” and comment on the problem of disciplining the tongue.
(iii) Read and analyze “Num6:1-9”
(iii) Read “Judges9:25-39” and speak on the dangers of unguarded words.
Conclusion: Consecration is the set standard for divine fellowship in God’s kingdom Conclusion: Having seen that minding the words we speak is one of the litmus test for a
services. Except a man distinguishes himself, God will not distinguish him. Would you true Christianity, we ought to give it every effort and discipline to measure up to the
consecrate yourself now? Pray!!! demand, God’s grace!
The Establishing Foundational Teaching (EFT) is an essential
component in the mission and vision of Gospel Youth Ministries. It is
meant to give biblical answers to Christian matters and improve the (GYMI)
bible study lives and knowledge of members.

This compilation is a 5-year study plan for students and members in
GYMI, Eziobodo. Topics were carefully selected and divinely inspired
to convey the raw heart of God to His people. The EFT Director can
choose a topic not contained in this work and it will be treated provided
it will edify members EZIOBODO
The ‘analysis’ section breaks down each topic into bits for greater
digestion, while the ‘discussion’ section tests our understanding of the
topic, and relates it to secular assumptions.
This can be used for personal studies or devotions, group readings etc.
Attend the EFT classes for collective learning, and reactions to the
raised questions. For further questions and counselling on confusing
issues, consult the EFT Director, the pastor or any of the executives for
The classes can be general or divided into groups for maximum
concentration, impact and contribution. You are meant to uplift your (Establishing Foundational Teaching)
own class and make it better by your attendance and contributions.
Also, you should hope to be a class teacher in no distant time!
Study Manual/Outlines
The review test is still on with awards for winners, strive to grab a gift
this semester by noting what you’ve studied, applying them to your live
and taking part in the test. It comprises of questions from what you’ve
so far studied from the beginning of semester or after the last review
Also the forum is a life-discussion section. General questions from all
walks of life are brought up and each member is expected to air his own
view or opinion concerning the matter. It is very interesting, fun-filled
and enlightening. Don’t keep quiet during this forum.
You shouldn’t miss any bit of these interesting classes.
God’s grace to apply what you study!!!

Fellowship Venue: Soho Square, Opp. Mikki Comfort, Eziobodo

Please, don’t forget to keep this manual after each study. Consult
the EFT director if you’d need to make use of it. It’s a duty unto God! A collection of Bible Study/EFT works of GYMI Eziobodo
77 Triple ‘T’ 115 Marital matters
1 Salvation 39 Love 78 Temptations 116 Finding your partner & proposal
2 Sanctification 40 God’s love 79 Spiritual warfare 1 117 Parental consent & God’s
3 Repentance 41 Brotherly love 80 Spiritual warfare 2 118 Christian courtship & wedding
4 Justification 42 Marital love 81 Satan 1 119 Understanding prosperity
5 Grace 43 Joy 82 Satan 2 120 The 3-phases of prosperity
6 Water baptism 44 Peace 83 Demons 121 The 7-principles of prosperity
7 Holy Ghost baptism 45 Patience 84 Angels 122 Building God’s house 1
8 Restitution 46 Kindness 85 The crowns 1 123 Building God’s house 2
9 Forgiveness 47 Goodness 86 The crowns 2 124 The white throne judgment
10 Atonement 48 Meekness 87 Charity 125 Apostles & apostates
11 Adoption 49 Faith 1 88 Hospitality 126 The place of sisters among us
12 Understanding the old man 50 Faith 2 89 Gifts of the Holy Spirit 127 Exploring academic poverty
13 Walking in the new man 51 Faith 3 90 The word of wisdom 128 Celibacy
14 The great commission 52 Faith 4 91 The word of knowledge 129 Peters
15 Personal Evangelism 53 The church 92 Discerning of spirits 130 Watchfulness
16 God 1 54 The gospel 93 Working of miracles 131 Doubt
17 God 2 55 The kingdom of God 94 Prophecy 132 Backsliding
18 God 3 56 Man 95 Tongues & interpretations 133 The fear of God
19 Jesus Christ 1 57 God and mammon 96 The anointing 134 The will
20 Jesus Christ 2 58 The cross 1 97 Purity 135 The riches of God
21 Jesus Christ 3 59 The cross 2 98 Tithes 136 Contentment
22 The Holy Spirit 1 60 The old covenants 99 Quiet time 137 Friends
23 The Holy Spirit 2 61 The new covenant 100 Giving 138 Legacy
24 The Holy Spirit 3 62 Death 101 Intercession 139 Glorification
25 The works of the Holy Spirit 63 Sin 1 102 The essence of Christian fellowship 140 The 2nd coming of Christ
26 The Blood of Jesus Christ 64 Sin 2 103 Prayer 141 The rapture
27 Thoughts 65 Envy 104 Fasting 142 The marriage supper
28 Thanksgiving 66 Anger 105 Truths about heaven and hell 143 The great tribulation
29 Sickness & healing 67 Fornication 106 The essence of God’s word 144 The Antichrist 1
30 Consecration 68 Idolatry 107 The resurrection of the dead 145 The Antichrist 2
31 The wisdom of God 69 Blasphemy 108 The secrets of academic success 146 Babylon 1
32 Christian discipline 70 Pride 1 109 Obtaining God’s wisdom & excellen 147 Babylon 2
33 Salt of the earth 71 Pride 2 110 Exploring exam malpractice 148 Eternal security
34 Light of the world 72 Lust 111 The Christian labour 149 The world
35 The holy communion 73 Lying 112 Financial mgt and mathematics 150 Humility
36 Minding your words 74 Gossip 113 The creativity for prosperity
37 The mind 75 Praise & worship 1 114 Lifeboats in tempest
38 The fruits of the spirit 76 Praise & worship 2

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