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For years or better to state for decades I have assisted many and never issued a bill of
cost to assist them in representation in the courts/tribunals. Many requested
clarifications about constitutional matters that it became very cumbersome for me
because some questions may take days of research to give an appropriate answer. I
have done this because I love the constitution and as a CONSTITUTIONALIST
seek to promote a better understanding as to the meaning and application of the
constitution. However, as I have made clear that with in less then a weeks time I am
facing another election now in Broadmeadows District I have so far done all the letter
boxing myself and now where came to do even half of it.
There have been suggestions that I should have organised people to assist some 6
months before time, well the by-election wasn’t then known to eventuate. And, when
people contact me they expect me to assist if not the same day then overnight and are
not going to sit around for 6 months before I have time to assist. Their request is to be
answered about immediately if not by yesterday.
Some made clear I am an idiot to have given so much of my time for free to so many
and they are in general an ungrateful bunch of losers
Some offered to come from Interstate but to me that isn’t realistic.
Let me give you all a freebie about what is constitutionally applicable and you might
just realise it isn’t just relevant to Broadmeadows district but to the whole of the
Commonwealth of Australia! Then who is really the idiot to let this slip by where I
can state fairly plainly I am the best person to attack this issue but lack the support of
others in general.
That is also why so many ending up in problems because even if they have the desire
to fight they lack the general support.
The freebie:
Constitutionally when the Commonwealth legislate then any principles embedded in
the legislation is applicable to the States and so also the municipal/shire councils.
What this means is that where the Commonwealth since 2009 held that the pensions
would increase on basis of the CPI (Consumer Price Index) then this should also be
the principle applied to State government Departments as well as municipal/shire
councils. See also
20-march/ . Well the Labor Party controlled Governments and councils as well as
others couldn’t give a hioo9t about it or are just plainly dumb to realise that they
therefore cannot increase the rates above the CPI for all those who are on a pension or
pension kind of benefit.
Now, we are talking in excess of 4 million cases! And the same with self funded
Superannuation cases.
It means that for example municipal/shire councils should recalculate the rate
increases they did back to the maximum of the CPI and then refund the difference to
every ratepayer that was over charged. It means also that the subsequent rate was
based upon an incorrect base and so this too was wrong and needs to be corrected.
Well, you lot were all asleep while being robbed (and many of you may have law
degrees and yet never understood this principle of law to be applicable) and it Also
means that we are talking about millions of dollars. Now, you lot think I may be an
idiot to have worked so hard for over 30 years without having a holiday, assisting the
many but when you look at yourself then perhaps you may finally realise I didn’t do
this because it was going to make me rich because then I would have charged for my
assistance, but because even so I was born in The Netherlands I hold a constitution to
be the protector against tyranny
If you lot do not understand this then who really is the idiot?
This morning at about 2 am my wife called me on the mobile letting me know I better
come home then to continue letterboxing. Well, whatever I do at least is being done.
In 2005 I stood for Olympia Ward for a position of councillor but Anthony Carbines
of the ALP hands down won the election, then again I didn’t do any election really.
After he was elected some rates reportedly went up by more then 100%. Well they did
elect him didn’t they?
Now in the Ivanhoe election again they elected him above me and now that he is
elected he isn’t going to provide the $15.4 million he promised if he was elected. He
neither is going to give the $750,000.00 he promised if elected for the Ivanhoe
Library or the $1 million to La Trobe. And on and on it goes. So who is the idiot who
voted for him? Well many stated they didn‘t vote for him because he was in favour of
a freeway so they voted for the Greens who opposed the freeway but then gave their
preferences to…..Anthony Carbines so he got elected. Now who is the idiot?
Now reject ALP Member of Parliament Craig Langdon who his own party seemed to
hold was not worthy to get their support to stay in parliament to represent Ivanhoe
District now is standing for Olympia Wards. Moment Olympia Ward is part of
Ivanhoe District. Didn’t his party deny him representation in parliament?
Didn’t he as part of the State Labor Government increase State taxes and other cost
and allow municipal/shire councils to increase their rates unconstitutionally above the
Wasn’t he the one who opposed the freeway but promoted it undergrounds and
refused to support me opposing the freeway?
Yes, he is playing musical chairs with Anthony Carbines so that he may now
represent the Olympia Ward ratepayers as after all he allowed the stiff rises in rates.
For me if they were to elect them then they would be a bunch of idiots!
Likewise with the Broadmeadows District vacated by ALP John Brumby when he
promised to stay the course for the following years. Well, if they are to vote in ALP
mule Frank Maguire then they have coming their deserved punishment.
People like myself are hard to come by and I for one have spend a huge amount of
moneys on the elections and do not regret it for one bit. I did it because I held it
worthwhile to do so and in the end the electors decide if they like to act like idiots and
vote for more of the same or not.
As for those who didn’t bother to assist they too may discover that without me their
struggle may be a lot harder.
I do not regret whatsoever the path I choose to follow but neither am I prepared to
continue to do so as clearly there is a lack of responsibility amongst the general
community. They are simply not willing to do a bit and then when it becomes a lot
they are the first to complain. Well just cop what is coming to you.
Again, the issue of legal principles of the Commonwealth governing State and also
municipal/shire councils is something that clearly isn’t understood by the many,
regardless if they are having degrees in law and neither that if I was to have made
headway in Broadmeadows District to enter Parliament then the moment I could
achieve this issue to be applied then it will also apply to the rest of the
Commonwealth of Australia because Commonwealth legal principles apply
throughout the Commonwealth and not just only to Broadmeadows district.
That is also why Hume City Council has been removing thousands of dollars worth of
my banners/posters because they realise that I have an issue that would stop their rot,
and that of others, to for ever in the day increase rates nearly double the CPI figure.
That is also why Banyule City Council was involved to undermine my 27 November
2010 Ivanhoe Election.
For me to be elected to the Parliament is rather for the benefit of the many then for
myself as after all whatever I would achieve in the parliament is to considerable
benefit of others this also because they never had a CONSTITUTIONALIST
working within the Parliament as such to open it all up like a can of worms.
After the elections, elected or not, I will write another book about it all and so for me
it is not wasted. But those who afterwards face the consequences of whatever harm is
inflicted upon them by municipal/shire councils or otherwise may then just think back
that when they had the opportunity to do something about it they were basically more
the idiots then I ever was, because they are facing perhaps ruin where it might have
been prevented.
I do get numerous request from people to assist in their court cases but I have retired
from this in 2010 and have no intention to go back from that where after all some
cases can take a lot of work and have cost me a lot of money and for what, where
afterwards the person I assisted to succeed turn his/her back to others not wanting to
assist them?
As they say what goes around comes around and I for one am very happy with what I
achieved in life. I do not need to be elected to Parliament to somehow give me some
status because quite frankly it will be a considerable burden to me to try to clean out
the Parliament. So, while I give it a decent attempt to be elected on the other hand it
doesn’t really worry me if I am not elected because after all the benefit is more to the
general public then that for myself. And on that note the lack of assistance with the
letterboxing may underline that people simply do not deserve the kind of assistance I
provided for so long as they are selfish, egoistic, etc and couldn’t care less until it
bites them in the bum and by then it is generally too late.
Anyhow, do keep in mind that if I do not get elected you will have to do your own
fight about unconstitutional over CPI (Consumer Price Index) public housing rent
increases, council rate increases and a lot more and then see if you may just discover
you were an idiot for not getting off your bum when I was around and knew how to
address the issues. And I didn’t even mention above issues like the unconstitutional
State land taxes, adverse acquisition, etc. So who is really the idiot?
Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka

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