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Lesson Plan (template)

LESSON PLAN Subject: science

Trainee: Mariam Topic or Theme: food chain.

Mohammed –

Class: 2D/C Date & Duration: 1 – November - 2020

Trainee Personal Goals

I am working on: time management. I will put a timer in each centre.

Lesson Focus

to identify, say and know what is food chain mean.

Lesson Outcomes

Students will be able to know that animals are part of a food chain.

Links to Prior Learning

Students will need to be similar about

21st Century Skills

Students will be able to enhance the following skills (1) Critical thinking, (2)Problem solving,
(3)Collaboration, (4)Communication.
Key vocabulary

Food Chain, Sun, Predator, Prey, Energy.

Possible problems for learners Solutions to possible problems

 Students think all the time big Show the students small animals that eat big
animals eat small animals. animals.

Resources/equipment needed

- PowerPoint.
- Videos.
- Website.
& Time
Ppt Tr: we will wait 5 minutes before we begin.
Tr: you have to switch your Camera and Microphone off and be on time.
25 mins
Students will listen to the UAE anthem.

Tr: now we will listen to the Month of the year song.

Tr: what month is this?

Ss: November.

Tr: what date is today?

Ss: 1.

Students will listen to “7 days of the week song”

tr: what day is today?

Ss: Sunday

Tr: how many days we have in the week?

Ss: 7.

- Prior knowledge:

Tr: last week Ms.Nashika taught you about camouflage

Which camouflage keeps animals from being seen by their enemies right?

Tr: here I will put a small quiz to remember what you studied before.

Tr will put a small quiz for them about what they studied last class

The quiz about camouflage
tr will put a timer, they have 5 minutes to do it.

- Modelling:

Tr: Today we will learn about the food chain

Tr: What do animals need to survive?  Food

Tr: Why do animals need other animals? To be alive.

Tr will ask these questions to see what they know about a food chain. 

Tr will introduce the PPT.

Tr: A food chain is a model of the order in which living things get the food
they need. Most food chains start with the Sun.

There are many food chains for example, on land, on water, also they are both
land and water. 

Tr: in the food chain, we have predators and prey.

An animal that hunts other animals for food is a predator.  Such as lion, and

And the animals that are hunted by predators are called prey.

Such as mouse, and inset.

Tr: now I will give you 20 second to think about other animals that called
predators and prey. After that, I will choose some students to give me an
After 20 seconds…

Tr: time’s up! tr will be called randomly students to answer.

Tr: here we have land and water food chain, first we will see the land food

First, all of the energy that in a food chain starts with the sun, so plants get the
energy from the sun, so the sun helps plants grow.

When the plants start to grow, the insect will eat the plants. Then the lizard
will come and eats the insect.

After that, the snake eats the lizard.

Then the hawk will feel hungry and will come and catch the snake for a
yummy meal.

Now this food chain is finished because nothing is large or brave to take a

Tr: what about the water food chain,

First Like I said, all of the energy that in a food chain starts with the sun, so
the plankton gets the energy from the sun to grow.

When the plankton starts to grow, the krill will come to eat the plankton.
Then, the sea horse will eat the krill to get food.

After that, large fish such as tuna will eat sea horses.

Then. The sharks will come immediately and eat the large fish to get energy.

Tr: We have a lot of food chains, and these are just two examples.

Main activities
& Time
PowerPoint - All the students:
Tr: now I will put a game, in this food chain game, there are 4 food chains to
15 mins complete, and as you complete one, the next one gets more challenging.

Tr: you have to think first then solve.
& Time Plenary/Conclusion

After they finish the activity,

Tr will put a small quiz.

Tr: here we have a small quiz, you have to order the food chain correct.


3 mins

Homework No homework.
Assessment Quiz.

☐ Observation ☐ Student self- ☐ Oral questioning ☐ Peer assessment


☐ Quiz ☐ Student presentation ☐ Written work ☐ Verbal feedback

and feedback

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