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International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE)

ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-9 Issue-2, December 2019

Handwritten Text Recognition using Machine

Learning Techniques in Application of NLP
Polaiah Bojja , Naga Sai Satya Teja Velpuri, Gautham Kumar Pandala,S D Lalitha Rao Sharma
Polavarapu , Pamula Raja Kumari

Abstract; Handwriting Detection is a technique or ability of a Modern day technology is boon, and this technology is
Computer to receive and interpret intelligible handwritten input making people to store the data over machines, where the
from source such as paper documents, touch screen, photo storage, organization and accessing of data is easier.
graphs etc. Handwritten Text recognition is one of area Adoption of the Handwritten Text Recognition software is a
pattern recognition. The purpose of pattern recognition is to
practical idea and, it is easier to store and access data that
categorizing or classification data or object of one of the classes
or categories. Handwriting recognition is defined as the task of was traditionally stored. Furthermore, it provides more
transforming a language represented in its spatial form of security to the data. One such example of Handwritten text
graphical marks into its symbolic representation. Each script Recognition software is the Google Lens and example for
has a set of icons, which are known as characters or letters, hardware is OCR scanners. The aim of our project is to
which have certain basic shapes. The goal of handwriting is to make an model for handwritten text recognition and convert
identify input characters or image correctly then analyzed to them into speech for application in healthcare and personal
many automated process systems. This system will be applied to care that can recognize the handwriting using concepts of
detect the writings of different format. The development of
deep learning. We approached our problem using Tensor
handwriting is more sophisticated, which is found various kinds
of handwritten character such as digit, numeral, cursive script, Flow and OpenCV as they contain Pre-trained Models that
symbols, and scripts including English and other languages. are directly used to provide results accurately compared to
The automatic recognition of handwritten text can be extremely other methods over such task. The model that developed in
useful in many applications where it is necessary to process large this paper is used to convert the text in different forms ie,
volumes of handwritten data, such as recognition of addresses mainly Text document and Voice files. These files are stored
and postcodes on envelopes, interpretation of amounts on in respective folder and information can be extracted. We
bank checks, document analysis, and verification of signatures. mainly use Opensource models for the development of the
Therefore, computer is needed to be able to read document or
project. The architecture of models that we have used are
data for ease of document processing.
Key Terms— E.G – For Example, NLP -Natural Language based on NLP. This NLP architecture has some basic
Processing, CNN – Convolutional Neural Network, OCR - components of data acquisition, processing and Query and
Optical Character Recognition. visualization. This text is further converted into the voice


The Handwritten text system is commonly used system in In the development of this project we have used
various applications, and it is a technology that is a PYTHON version 3 as language to develop the software in
mandatory need in this world as of now. Before the correct order to meet the project requirements. For the initial
implementation of this technology we have dependent on development and exploration, we have used SPYDER as an
writing texts with our own hands that result in errors. It’s ide and then later we have shifted to PYCHARM another ide
difficult to store, access physical data and process the data in which supports Python and makes the task completion ease.
efficient manner. Manually it is needed to update, and labor Various other libraries and pre-trained models we have
is required in order to maintain proper organization of the used include Pytesseract, OS, Gtts (Google Text To Speech)
data. Since for long time we have encountered a severe loss etc.
of data because of the traditional method of storing data. These Programing algorithms have well defined models
that are trained with some samples. We use this algorithms
Revised Manuscript Received on December 05, 2019. and models to increase the accuracy of the result. The result
* Correspondence Author will be dependent on the amount of training given to the
Professor.Polaiah Bojja, Department of Electronics and
Communication Engineering, Koneru Lakshmaiah Education Foundation, model to get better output.
Polaiah Bojja, Department of Electronics and Communication
Engineering, Koneru Lakshmaiah Education Foundation, Professor.
Naga Sai Satya Teja Velpuri, Department of Electronics and
Communication Engineering, Koneru Lakshmaiah Educational
Gautham Kumar Pandala, Department of Electronics and
Communication Engineering, Koneru Lakshmaiah Educational
S D Lalitha Rao Sharma Polavarapu, Department of Electronics and
Communication Engineering, Koneru Lakshmaiah Educational

Published By:
Retrieval Number: A4748119119/2019©BEIESP
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI: 10.35940/ijitee.A4748.129219 1394 & Sciences Publication
Handwritten Text Recognition using Machine Learning Techniques in Application of NLP

III. PROPOSED METHODOLOGY These pretrained model of Tesseract and GTTS are used in
this research. This research mainly concentrates on the
A. Block Diagram working procedure of pretrained models and their
application to solve problems. These Model intern uses
Neural Network, Decision Trees to solve and segregate the
Characters and words.
a. Decision Tree:
These trees flow the approach of trail and error method,
solves every possible way and conclude the decision. These
models improve their accuracy for every time they used to
detect the outputs.
A typical example of decision tree:

B. Abbreviations and Acronyms

Some of the abbreviations and acronyms used in this work
1. .py: Extension used for python scripts.
2. GTTS: Google Text To Speech.
3. NLP: Natural Language Processing.
4. OCR: Optical Character Recognition. Equations:
5. PIL: Pythpon Imaging Library Gini Index :
C. Math behind recognition
Entropy :

Where p is the proportional of samples belongs to a class c,

for a particular node. Based on these Character selection is
b. Neural Network Model
Neural Networks are artificial Networks that are working
same the Human Neurons, but these carry information in
form of weights. Different equations hold for the different
situations or types to use the Threshold Equation
Architecture is:


A. Recognition strategies heavily depends on the nature of
the data to be recognized.
B. In the cursive case, the problem is made complex by the
fact that the writing is fundamentally ambiguous
C. As the letters in the word are generally linked together,
poorly written and may even be missing.
D. On the contrary, hand printed word recognition is more
related to printed word recognition, the individual letters
composing the word being usually much easier to isolate
and to identify.

The Algorithm that we have used in mainly based on the

Pretrained Models, these models helps us to get the results
required within less time.

Retrieval Number: A4748119119/2019©BEIESP Published By:

DOI: 10.35940/ijitee.A4748.129219 Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
1395 & Sciences Publication
International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE)
ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-9 Issue-2, December 2019

These are the Weighted sum of the Neurons passing to VII. RESULTS
threshold gives the output.Equations:
For the Given inputs in various forms we have developed the
model for the research and the input output is noted as the.
Input Image:

By using these Types of Formulae and we find the Threshold

These input images which we have produced has the 2
value and feature extraction matching. This is useful to
types of the outputs out of which the first one being output
conclude the handwritten text into characters of different
as computerized text based output and the other one being
types by taking the features of text and then the constructing
speech signal of the recognized text using the speakers of
the real time system.
the computer or the attached ones to the system.
The Characters recognise and word recognise were there and
constructed them with help of neural network algorithm but Output-1
the data is segregated or accepted by combination algorithms
in pretrained models. These Time saving techniques are
helpful for industrial in order to solve the problem in very
efficent way.
Layer wise Dividing and comparing to database original
characters and determine the identity of character and these a
combination of the words and then convert file to text format
This is the Text Format Output
and mp3 format.
Recognition heavily depends upon Python Text to Speech In
python, there a score of API’s available to convert text to
speech such as gTTS (Google Text to Speech API),
eSpeakNG, pyttsx3 et. The gTTS convert the input text in to
audio and saved as mp3 file for speaking purpose. It works
only when the internet is connected and it has a very natural This is second output as a speech signal form
sound. The cross platform and offline TTS library is pyttsx3
which works for both python versions. It supports different VII. .DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS
speech engines like espeak, sapi5, nsss. The eSpeakNG is an
open source, small size and multiple language speech In the input image out of 17 characters, our model has
synthesizer supporting python. recognized and processed 17 characters out of which 16
were correctly recognized and 1 was faulty. Hence with an
VI. FUNCTIONS accuracy of 94% for this input and an overall accuracy of
92.7%. These Results are accurate and hypothetical results
Some of the important functions used in this project are: that have good accuracy and clear voice file which helps us
 get_tesseract_version Returns the Tesseract version to hear after the Subject.
installed in the system.
 image_to_string Returns the result of a Tesseract OCR VIII. CONCLUSION
run on the image to string
Handwritten character recognition is a complex problem,
 image_to_boxes Returns result containing recognized
which is not easily solvable. The necessity is around dataset
characters and their box boundaries
and database. This model is built to analyze the text we have
 image_to_data Returns result containing box
boundaries, confidences, and other information. written and convert it in Computer Text and Voice formats.
Requires Tesseract 3.05+. This application is applicable in many sectors of healthcare
 image_to_osd Returns result containing information and Consumer sector. This type of model used in health
about orientation and script detection. application can save understanding perspectives of people
 run_and_get_output Returns the raw output from and store each and every record digitally.
Tesseract OCR. Gives a bit more control over the
parameters that are sent to tesseract.

Published By:
Retrieval Number: A4748119119/2019©BEIESP
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI: 10.35940/ijitee.A4748.129219 1396 & Sciences Publication
Handwritten Text Recognition using Machine Learning Techniques in Application of NLP

ACKNOWLEDGMENT Innovation, Systems and Technologies, ISSN:21903018, Vol No:105

, 2019, pp:267 - 273, DOI: 10.1007/978-981-13-1927-3_28
We thank our research organization for supporting us
during the course of this work. We also thank our guide Dr. AUTHOR PROFILE
Bojja Polaiah for his remarkable guidance and support
First Author Professor.Polaiah Bojja,
throughout. Department of Electronics and Communication
We also acknowledge our parents for their financial and Engineering, Koneru Lakshmaiah Education
moral support throughout the period of this research. Foundation,
Finally we like to acknowledge our efforts in accompanying
each other at work. Second Author Naga Sai Satya Teja Velpuri,
Department of Electronics and Communication
Engineering, Koneru Lakshmaiah Educational
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Retrieval Number: A4748119119/2019©BEIESP Published By:

DOI: 10.35940/ijitee.A4748.129219 Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
1397 & Sciences Publication

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