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Unilateral Nerve Injury Produces Bilateral

Loss of Distal Innervation

Anne Louise Oaklander, MD, PhD, and Jennifer M. Brown, BS

There are no known anatomical connections between neurons that innervate homologous right and left body parts.
Nevertheless, some patients develop bilateral abnormalities after unilateral injury, a phenomenon often unrecognized and
not yet characterized. Therefore, we examined in rats the effects of ligating and cutting one tibial nerve on sensory
function and on density of innervation in hind paws contralaterally as well as ipsilaterally to the injury, at times between
1 day and 5 months after surgery. Punches removed from tibial- or sural-innervated plantar paw skin were immunola-
beled to quantitate epidermal nerve endings. Naive and sham-operated rats provided controls. Axotomized rats had
near-total loss of PGP9.5ⴙ innervation within ipsilateral tibial-innervated skin at all time-points. Adjacent ipsilateral
sural-innervated skin had persistent hyperalgesia without denervation, and robust axonal sprouting at 5 months after
surgery. Contralesional hind paws lost 54% of innervation in tibial-innervated epidermis starting 1 week after surgery
and persisting throughout. Contralesional sural-innervated skin had neither neurite loss nor sprouting. These results
imply that unilateral nerve injury can cause profound, long lasting, nerve–branch–specific loss of distal innervation
contralaterally as well as ipsilaterally. They discredit the practice of using tissues contralateral to an injury to provide
normative controls and suggest the possibility of rapid, transmedian postinjury signals between homologous mirror-
image neurons.
Ann Neurol 2004;55:639 – 644

Neuroanatomy textbooks show no connections be- strated that patients with postherpetic neuralgia (PHN)
tween neurons that innervate homologous areas of the after unilateral shingles have lost most innervation in
left and right sides of the body, and injuries usually are previously affected skin.3 On average, they have also
not thought to directly affect the opposite side. Despite lost half of the innervation in clinically asymptomatic
this, several studies suggest that unilateral injury affects mirror-image contralateral skin.3 These findings, now
contralateral (contralesional) tissues as well as those ip- confirmed,4 were attributed by many to undetected
silateral (ipsilesional) to the injury. Usually, contrale- spread of Varicella zoster virus into the spinal cord.
sional effects are restricted to specific areas, most com- However, because we, and others, have found contrale-
monly those that are mirror-image to tissues innervated sional effects after one-sided experimental nerve inju-
by injured nerves. This pattern demonstrates that the ries where there is no infection,5–7 we considered the
signals initiating contralesional effects are not systemic alternative: that contralateral loss of distal neurites is
and suggests neural mediation. initiated by ipsilateral axonal injury alone.
Early reports of patients with contralesional effects Animal studies have provided indirect support.6
come from S. Weir Mitchell, whose 1872 masterpiece, Contralesional changes in animals include changes
Injuries of Nerves and Their Consequences, presents ex- within sensory ganglia8 and spinal cord, some develop-
aminations of Civil War soldiers with meticulously ing just minutes after paw injury.9 Distal contralesional
characterized nerve and plexus injuries. Several with changes include reduced extravasation of intravascular
single-limb wounds developed bilateral- or contralateral- proteins (a C-fiber axon reflex)10 and formation of ad-
only pain or sensory loss (pp. 137, 146).1 Modern ditional neuromuscular junctions in muscles mirror-
studies confirm contralateral changes in some patients, image to those denervated by unilateral axotomy.11 Re-
including limb edema, loss of strength, and changes in ports of bilateral hind paw hyperalgesia after unilateral
bone metabolism, suggesting effects beyond mere al- injury demonstrate that contralesional changes affect
tered use.2 Examination of skin biopsies PGP9.5- behavior.12,13 Systemic lidocaine has different effects
immunolabeled to show nerve endings has demon- against the hyperalgesia that develops in the paws ipsi-

From the Nerve Injury Unit, Departments of Anesthesiology, Neu- Address correspondence to Dr Oaklander, Massachusetts General
rology, and Neuropathology, Massachusetts General Hospital, Har- Hospital, 55 Fruit Street, Clinics 3, Boston, MA 02114.
vard Medical School, Boston, MA. E-mail:
Received Aug 14, 2003, and in revised form Oct 28 and Nov 11,
2003 and Jan 3, 2004. Accepted for publication Jan 3, 2003.
Published online Apr 12, 2004, in Wiley InterScience
( DOI: 10.1002/ana.20048

© 2004 American Neurological Association 639

Published by Wiley-Liss, Inc., through Wiley Subscription Services
lateral and contralateral to nerve ligation.14 Even Aply- Documentation of Hyperalgesia
sia californica develops bilateral biochemical and behav- Two distinct areas of the proximal plantar left and right hind
ioral changes after unilateral nerve crush.15 paw lesion were tested using established protocols.19 The
Nerve injury reduces cutaneous innervation in the paw center, between tori, represented tibial-innervated skin;
appropriate distal cutaneous territory ipsilaterally16 and proximolateral glabrous skin represented sural-innervated
causes later collateral sprouting from adjacent unin- skin (see Fig 1B). All rats were habituated to testing for 1
week and tested in random order by a blinded examiner.
jured nerves into hypoinnervated areas.17 To investi-
Two consecutive days of testing established baseline func-
gate its contralesional effects, we initiated Wallerian de- tion. For the 3-week time point, testing occurred on days 3,
generation without infection by performing unilateral 7, 14, and 21 after the day of surgery. For the 5-month time
axotomies and evaluating the effects on innervation point, testing was at 3 weeks, 5 weeks, 3 months, and 5
within skin samples from contralateral as well as ipsile- months after the day of surgery.
sional paw. The results demonstrate profound, long- Mechanosensation was measured on a wire grid by stim-
lasting contralateral anatomic changes that correspond ulating the above locations with von Frey monofilaments.
precisely to those described in humans. The threshold for paw withdrawal was defined as the thin-
nest monofilament that produced withdrawal on at least one
of five trials.20 Mechanical nociception was tested by timing
by stopwatch the duration of paw withdrawal after prick
Materials and Methods
with a safety pin. For thermal testing, a drop of acetone was
Animal Use and Creation of Lesions applied to the plantar paw without touching the skin. The
Male Sprague-Dawley rats (200 –250gm; Charles River Labs, duration of paw withdrawal was recorded by stopwatch with
Wilmington, MA; Iffa Credo, L’Arbresle, France) were stud- a minimum of 0.5 seconds and a cutoff of 20 seconds.21
ied. Procedures were approved by Animal Care and Use
Committees and conformed to ethical guidelines of the In- Acquisition, Processing, and Measurements from Skin
ternational Association for the Study of Pain.18 Groups of Biopsies
same-age naive rats were purchased, housed, tested, and eu- At completion of behavioral testing, rats were euthanized by
thanized among experimental rats. Naive rats were eutha- halothane overdose, and one 2mm diameter punch was re-
nized 1 week (n ⫽ 7), 3 weeks (n ⫽ 11), or 5 months (n ⫽ moved from each of the four tested areas. Punches were im-
6) after baseline testing. Neurite densities from left and right munolabeled against pan-neuronal marker protein gene
hind paws of naive rats euthanized 3 weeks after baseline product (PGP) 9.5, a ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolase
were compared to determine if left-right differences are con- (Chemicon, Temecula, CA)22 that enables quantitation of
stitutively present. individual epidermal axons using standard methods.23 The
Halothane (2%) provided surgical anesthesia. Six rats un- neural identity of cutaneous PGP9.5⫹ neurite profiles has
derwent sham surgery (the left sciatic was exposed only) and been confirmed ultrastructurally.24,25 Slides were masked and
were euthanized 3 weeks later. In experimental rats, the left randomized to conceal their identity until data acquisition
common peroneal and tibial branches were ligated with 5.0 was complete. All PGP9.5-immunolabeled neurites within
silk and transected just distally (spared nerve injury [SNI]19; the entire thickness of epidermis in four randomly chosen
Fig 1A). The sural branch was uninjured. Experimental rats sections were counted.
were euthanized 1 day (n ⫽ 6), 3 days (n ⫽ 6), 1 week (n ⫽
7), 3 weeks (n ⫽ 6), and 5 months (n ⫽ 5) after surgery. Data Analysis
Results are presented as mean ⫾ SEM. Data comparing
groups of rats were analyzed by ANOVA and Scheffé post
hoc or Student’s t tests, assuming unequal variances. SAS 8.1
software (SAS Institute, Cary, NC) was used.

Behavioral Testing
The results of behavioral testing of the lesioned rats
duplicate those previously published.19 Profound, long-
lasting mechanical allodynia and hyperalgesia, as well
as cold hyperalgesia, were present in all rats in the ip-
silateral sural-innervated territory only (Fig 2). Results
from sham-operated rats did not differ from those
from naive rats.

Neurite Densities from Naive and Sham-operated

Fig 1. (A) Location of sites of axotomy; (B) innervation of rat Control Rats
plantar paw. Modified and reprinted with permission from In naive rats (n ⫽ 12), t test of paired values demon-
Decosterd and Woolf.19 strated no difference in neurite densities between

640 Annals of Neurology Vol 55 No 5 May 2004

Fig 2. Mechanical allodynia at sural-innervated plantar paw site: error bars represent SEM. (circles) Data from naive rats;
(squares) data from sham-operated rats; (diamonds) data from axotomized rats.

punches from the left (847 ⫾ 47) or right (952 ⫾ 28) as controls against which to compare data from rats
paw ( p ⱕ 0.36); therefore, data from left paws of naive that underwent axotomy 1, 3, or 7 days before death.
rats were used as controls. Sham operation in 12 rats
killed 3 weeks after surgery did not reduce the density Neurite Densities in Skin from the Paw Ipsilateral to
of innervation from that present in same-age naive rats Nerve Injury (Ipsilesional Paw)
( p ⱖ 0.98), so naive rats provided control values. Neu- Neurite densities from rats that had undergone axo-
rite densities at the tibial and sural biopsy sites differed tomy were compared with data from same-age naive
at the 5-month time point only ( p ⱕ 0.03), so data rats (see Fig 4) to determine the percentages given be-
from tibial- and sural-innervated skin punches from low. At 1 and 3 days only, postoperative edema in the
naive rats were analyzed independently to provide sep- ipsilesional paw artifactually lowered densities in sural
arate controls for tibial- and sural-innervated samples. (and presumably in tibial) territories by half, so these
ANOVA and post hoc analysis showed no significant data were discarded. However, the near-total neurite
time effect ( p ⱕ 0.41); therefore, data from naive rats loss in ipsilateral tibial-innervated punches was far
used for the 7-day postoperative time point were used greater: 97% loss at 1 day ( p ⱕ 0.03) and 99.8% loss

Fig 3. Fluorescein isothiocyanate–conjugated PGP9.5⫹ epidermal and dermal innervation in tibial-innervated plantar paw skin at
3 weeks after surgery. Near-total loss of PGP9.5⫹ neurites is evident ipsilaterally, and loss of half of neurites is visible in contrale-
sional uninjured mirror-image skin. SNI ⫽ spared nerve injury.

Oaklander and Brown: Bilateral WD 641

Fig 4. Densities of PGP9.5⫹ epidermal innervation in naive and axotomized rats at all time points.

at 3 days ( p ⱕ 0.000006). Postoperative paw edema Discussion

after sciatic nerve injury lasts 5 days,26 and by 7 days This study demonstrates long-lasting loss of half of the
after surgery, values from ipsilateral sural-innervated epidermal neurites in skin mirror-image-contralateral
punches had returned to baseline ( p ⱕ 0.37), whereas to skin innervated by transected tibial branches of the
near-total neurite loss persisted in tibial-innervated sam- sciatic nerve. Changes ipsilaterally comprised near-total
ples. Results were similar at the 3-week time point, with loss of innervation in the area of the paw innervated by
loss of more than 99% of neurites in tibial-territory the transected nerve, and apparent neurite sprouting in
punches but no reduction of sural innervation ( p ⱕ the territory of the adjacent uninjured nerve. Corre-
0.16; Fig 3). At 5 months after surgery, neurite reduc- sponding loss of dermal axons accompanied epidermal
tion in tibial-innervated skin samples had moderated to losses, although the bundling of dermal axons pre-
85% of control value (128 ⫾ 37 neurites/mm2 skin sur- cludes quantitative analysis.
face area; p ⱕ 4.1 ⫻10⫺6). Density in sural-innervated Ipsilateral losses of distal innervation after axotomy
skin had increased to 161% of control (1,551 ⫾ 105 reflect Wallerian degeneration,25 and there is prelimi-
neurites/mm2 skin surface area; p ⱕ 0.01). nary evidence that this may be true contralaterally.
Watson and colleagues performed an autopsy on the
Neurite Densities from the Paw Contralateral to corpse of a woman with unilateral PHN after unilateral
Nerve Injury (Contralesional Paw) facial zoster and found “obvious pathological involve-
Data from the contralesional paw (Fig 4) were analyzed ment of the contralateral ophthalmic and supraorbital
identically to data from ipsilesional paws. No postop- nerves.”4 The damage, less severe than that seen ipsile-
erative paw edema developed contralaterally. Neurite sionally, comprised degeneration of large-diameter fi-
densities from sural-innervated punches did not differ bers, demyelinated axons, and many thinly myelinated
from control values at any time point ( p ⱕ 0.85). axons thought to indicate earlier axonal degeneration
Neurite densities in punches from tibial-innervated and regeneration. These authors also reevaluated their
skin were reduced to 54.2% of control values at time previously published autopsies of patients after truncal
points between 1 week and 5 months after surgery zoster and discovered unappreciated contralateral as
( p ⱕ 0.0001; see Figs 3 and 4). well as ipsilateral axonal loss within nerve trunks and

642 Annals of Neurology Vol 55 No 5 May 2004

roots.4 Therefore, there is evidence that contralesional ons after unilateral injury,11 so more study is needed to
damage is present proximally as well as distally. These determine if and when contralesional degenerative-like
findings argue against the alternative hypothesis that changes trigger axonal regeneration.
the distal changes described here represent focal Why might such profound contralateral effects of
changes in axonal properties that reduce PGP9.5 im- nerve injury have gone so long undetected? Most in-
munolabeling without causing axonal degeneration. An vestigators limit study to ipsilesional tissues only; if
important question is whether distal contralesional contralesional tissues are studied, it is to provide “nor-
degenerative-like changes also affect central axon termi- mative” data for control. One careful study of paw in-
nals of contralateral primary sensory neurons and dis- nervation after partial sciatic nerve constriction in-
connect them from the central nervous system. cluded samples from naive rats to provide a true
Our study demonstrates that ipsilateral hyperalgesia baseline against which to compare results from both
in sural-innervated skin was accompanied by normal or sides.29 The results showed a trend toward reduction in
increased densities of epidermal innervation and thus contralateral PGP9.5⫹ innervation at 4 to 7 days after
cannot be attributed to loss of innervation of tibial or- surgery only, far less than we report. This may reflect
igin. In fact, the near-total loss of innervation in the the relative innocuousness of their experimental injury
tibial-innervated area after tibial, but not sural, axo- (loosely constricting, but not cutting, the nerve). In
tomy implies the existence of sharp borders between contrast, nerve transection was used in the study that
the innervation territories of these two branches of the reported profound bilateral loss of distal plasma extrav-
sciatic. Although early sural-territory hyperalgesia could asation after one-sided injury.30 These results suggest
reflect inflammation at the site of axotomy or more that physical separation of the injured nerve may be
proximally, its persistence for 5 months implicates necessary to trigger maximal contralateral effects.7
other mechanisms, such as the presence of axonal Transection per se, rather than prevention of ipsilateral
sprouts with reduced thresholds for activation. Milder axonal regeneration by ligation, appears to be the trig-
hyperalgesia after SNI also develops in saphenous- ger for contralesional effects because these appear by 4
innervated skin.19 Because the saphenous and sciatic to 7 days after surgery,14,31 too soon for ipsilateral
do not share a common peripheral nerve but overlap axon regeneration to be a factor.
only at their shared border on the skin, and at termi- In our study, the restriction of contralesional
nation within the central nervous system, central changes to tibial-innervated skin excludes a humoral
mechanisms alone can produce hyperalgesia in skin ad- signal and suggests great spatial precision of the puta-
jacent to areas innervated by damaged nerves. tive transmedian signal. Neurons of the tibial and sural
We did not detect behavioral correlates of the con- branches of the sciatic have somata within the same
tralesional loss of PGP9.5⫹ neurites, although another sensory ganglia and spinal segments, and their central
group studying SNI did,27 and contralateral hyperalge- axons terminate in the same regions, yet we found no
sia occurs in many unilateral nerve-injury models.6,28 evidence of spread of transmedian changes from the
Contralesional neurite loss in PHN patients also ap- injured ipsilateral tibial branch to the contralesional
pears to be without contralateral behavioral correlate sural branch despite profound functional and anatom-
because these patients almost never experience bilateral ical effects of tibial axotomy on the ipsilesional sural
pain after shingles.3 Surprisingly, though, the severity branch.
of patients’ ipsilateral PHN pain correlates significantly At a minimum, our findings repudiate the common
with the magnitude of contralesional neurite loss,3 rais- practice of using tissues contralateral to a unilateral ma-
ing the question of whether contralateral neurite loss nipulation to provide control data. Failure to include
can influence the perception of ipsilateral pain.28 samples from naive or sham-operated animals as con-
Our study also demonstrated ipsilateral, but not trols can conceal contralesional effects, obscure or re-
contralateral, increases in PGP9.5⫹ neurites in adjacent duce the magnitude of ipsilateral changes, and poten-
sural-innervated skin at 5 months after surgery (see Fig tially lead researchers to erroneous conclusions.
4). This is presumably caused by collateral sprouting A trend toward contralesional neurite loss was evi-
from the adjacent uninjured sural nerve, because prox- dent as early as 1 day after surgery, implying immedi-
imal stumps of transected tibial nerves were tightly li- ate activation of a putative transmedian signal that
gated to prevent regeneration. In contrast, contrale- travels at, or more rapidly than, fast axonal transport.
sional reductions in innervation were not followed by There is prior evidence for such signals. Unilateral for-
sprouting. A prior study provides the physiological cor- malin injection into rat hind paws induces robust bi-
relate: it showed that although unilateral saphenous lateral induction of phosphorylation of spinal cord
nerve injuries produce bilateral reductions in distal cAMP-responsive element-binding (CREB) within 1 to
plasma extravasation, an ipsilateral-only return toward 2 minutes,9 and bilateral paw hyperalgesia can be in-
normal levels of extravasation follows.10 However, oth- duced within 1 hour of unilateral nerve inflamma-
ers have reported bilateral distal sprouting of motor ax- tion.27 Nonetheless, most distal contralesional effects

Oaklander and Brown: Bilateral WD 643

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