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Part 1: ESSAY SB

In your English class, you have been talking about studying abroad. Now your English
teacher has asked you to write an essay.
Write an essay using all the notes and give reasons for your point of view.

All young people who have the opportunity should study in a foreign school
or college for a year. Do you agree?
Write about:
1. what they learn
2. growing up
3 ................ (your own idea).

Write your essay for your teacher (around 140-190 words)

Nowadays,technologies offer us to communicate with foreign people and

they offer us to search information about their culture and traditions.All that
sounds very good,but personally,I believe that it’s more effective livivin for a
period of time abroad than using this kind of resources.
It is true that in foreign countries,people there are speaking a different
language from the one you are speaking.So,if you go abroad to study you will
for sure learn their language.In my view,it will be easier to learn it that way
instead of studying that language.
Furthermore,doing experience abroad helps young people to develop new
skills and discover strengths and abilities to solve problems. Growing up they
will be used to solving problems. I think that students used to living in foreign
countries as they were at their own home will have better employment opportunities.
It is true that studying abroad is fun.You go to another country,another
landmark,monuments and another culture which you can study.You will meet
different people,from different races,from different religions and so on. I think that it is
much more fun than studying in your country.
For all these reasons,I think it is extremely useful that young people spend at least
one year abroad studying.

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