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Technology and Livelihood Education

Technical Drafting
Module 12
Evaluate and Control
Hazards and Risks
Technical and Livelihood Education - Grade 8
Alternative Delivery Mode
Week 10 – Module 12: Evaluate and Control Hazards and Risks
First Edition, 2020

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Published by the Department of Education – Division of Gingoog City

Division Superintendent: Jesnar Dems S. Torres, PhD, CESO VI
Development Team of the Module

Writer(s): Namerod O. Bual


Illustrator(s): Jonie Mar D. Rebucas

Layout Artist:

Management Team

Chairperson: Jesnar Dems S. Torres, PhD, CESO VI

Schools Division Superintendent

Co-Chairperson: Conniebel C. Nistal, PhD

Assistant Schools Division Superintendent

Pablito B. Altubar, CID Chief

Members: Elvira A. Almonte, EPS

Narcisa Sabello, PSDS
Imelda Fabe, PSDS
Himaya B. Sinatao, LRMS Manager
Jay Michael A. Calipusan, PDO II
Mercy M. Caharian, Librarian II

Printed in the Philippines by

Department of Education – Division of Gingoog City

Office Address: Brgy. 23, National Highway, Gingoog City
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Technology and Livelihood Education

Technical Drafting
Module 12
Evaluate and Control
Hazards and Risks
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Table of Contents

What This Module is About.......................................................................................i

What I Need to Know................................................................................................i

How to Learn from this Module................................................................................ii

Icons of this Module.................................................................................................ii

What I Know............................................................................................................iii

LO 2. Evaluate and Control Hazards and Risks ……….............1
What’s In ……………………………........................................................................1
What’s New ………………………………………………………………………………3
What Is It …………………………………………………………………………………6
What’s More ……………………………………………………………………………..12
What I Have Learned …………………………………………………………………..13

Assessment: (Post-Test) ......................................................................................15
Key to Answers......................................................................................................16
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What This Module is About
Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is one of the components of
Technology and Livelihood Education (TLE). It offers a lot of skills appropriate for the jobs
offered by the different companies nowadays.

ICT is one among the four (4) components TLE. One of the mini-courses offered is
Technical Drafting. This mini-course covers Process and Delivery (PD) and the common
competencies that a Grade 7 or Grade 8 Technology and Livelihood Education (TLE)
student ought to possess namely: 1 develop and update industry knowledge and 2) perform
basic technical drafting operations without sacrificing the practice of occupational health and
safety procedures (OHSP).

In this module, topics will be introduced progressively in every learning outcome for
gradual understanding. You will learn how to identify, evaluate and control hazards and
risks, and probably maintain occupational health and safety practices.
After carefully reading all the lessons, answering all the questions, and masterfully
performing all the activities, you are expected to perform the basic occupational health and
safety procedures.

So, explore and experience the K to 12 TLE modules and be a step closer to
becoming a healthy, safe, and successful draftsman or graphic designer.

What I Need to Know

At the end of this module, you should be able to:

LO2. Evaluate and Control hazards and Risks

2.1 Determine the effects of hazards in the workplace

2.2 Identify the methods in controlling hazards and risks
2.3 Follow OHS procedures for controlling hazards and risks

How to Learn from this Module

To achieve the objectives cited above, you are to do the following:

• Take your time reading the lessons carefully.
• Follow the directions and/or instructions in the activities and exercises diligently.
• Answer all the given tests and exercises.

Icons of this Module

What I Need to This part contains learning objectives that
Know are set for you to learn as you go along the

What I know This is an assessment as to your level of

knowledge to the subject matter at hand,
meant specifically to gauge prior related
What’s In This part connects previous lesson with that
of the current one.

What’s New An introduction of the new lesson through

various activities, before it will be presented
to you

What is It These are discussions of the activities as a

way to deepen your discovery and under-
standing of the concept.

What’s More These are follow-up activities that are in-

tended for you to practice further in order to
master the competencies.

What I Have Activities designed to process what you

Learned have learned from the lesson

What I can do These are tasks that are designed to show-

case your skills and knowledge gained, and
applied into real-life concerns and situations.

What I Know


A. Direction: Select the correct answer or words in a box below that corresponds to the
statement in each number and write it/them on the space provided for before
each number.

Identify The Hazard

Assess The Risk
Personal Protective Equipment
Engineering Control
Administrative Control
Eliminate Hazards

__________________1. Changing a piece of machinery (for example, using proper machine

guards) or a work process to reduce exposure to a hazard.

__________________2. Identify the source of the problem.

__________________3. It includes ear and eye protection, respirators, and protective


__________________4. The process where you identify hazards, analyse or evaluate the
risk associated with that hazard, and determine appropriate ways to
eliminate or control the hazard.

__________________5. Working a limited number of hours in a hazardous area.


7 Practice Occupational Health and

Safety Procedure

What’s In

What is a Risk Assessment?

Occupation Safety and Health (OHS) is a cross-disciplinary area concerned with protecting
the safety, health and welfare of people engage in work or employment.

The goal of all occupational safety and health programs is to foster a safe work
environment. As a secondary effect, it may also protect co-workers, family members,
employers, customer, suppliers, nearby communities, and other members of the public who are
impacted by the workplace environment. It may be involved interactions among many subject
areas, including occupational medicine, occupational (or industrial) hygiene, public health, and
safety engineering/industrial engineering, chemistry, and health physics.

l. Risk assessment

A. Risk management is the process where you:

1. Identify hazards
2. Analyse or evaluate the risk associated with the hazard

B. Factors that influence the degree of risk include:

 How much a person is exposed to hazardous thing or condition?
 How the person is exposed (e.g., breathing in a vapor, skin contact), and how severe
are the effects under the conditions of exposure?

ACGIH has established TLV’s for approximately 850 chemical.

TLV’s may appear as:
TLV-TWA or Time-Weighted Average, which is an average eight-hour exposure limit;
TLV-STEL or Short-Term Exposure Limit, which is a fifteen-minute exposure limit, or
TLV-C or Ceiling, which is a limit which should never be exceeded without protection.
II. Fire and Explosion Hazard Assessment

Fire is one type of hazard that needs careful evaluation before extinguishing it. Not all fire could
be extinguished by water that is why it is necessary that we knew first the cause of fire before
dealing the fire.

1. Flash Point and Method Used: Lowest temperature at which a liquid will give off enough
flammable vapors to ignite. Since flash points vary according to how they are obtained, the
method used must be listed. Chemicals with lower flash points present a greater flammability

2.Flammable limits: Range of concentrations over which a flammable vapour mixed with air will
flash or explode if an ignition source is present. Range extends between lower explosive limit
(LEL) and upper explosive limit (UEL) and is expressed in percentage of volume of vapour
gas in air (0-100%).

Chemical with a broad flammable range (i.e., range between the LEL and the UEL)
and /or a flammable range in the lower percentages, present in the greater flammability

3. Extinguish Media: Fire-fighting material for use on substance that is burning, Fire-fighting
material should be indicated by indicated by its generic name (e.g. water, foam, dry chemical,

III. Waste management is the collection, transport, processing or disposal, managingand

monitoring of waste materials. The term usually relates to materials produced by human activity,
and the process is generally undertaken to reduce their effect on health the environment or

Waste management is a distinct practice from resource recovery which focuses on

delaying the rate of consumption natural resources. The management of wastes treats all
materials as a single class, whether solid, liquid, gaseous or radioactive substances, and tried to
reduce the harmful environmental impacts of each through different methods.

Waste management practices differ for developed and developing nations, for urban and
rural areas, and for residential and industrial procedures. Management for non-hazardous waste
residential and institute waste in metropolitan areas is usually the responsibility of local
government authorities, while management for non-hazardous commercial and industrial waste
is usually the responsibility of the generator.

What’s New


(Refer to Appendix 1 for elaboration)

The Philippine Clean Air Act of 1999 under its “Declaration of Principles” stated that the
Stated shall protect and advance the right of the people to a balance and healthful ecology in
accordance with the rhythm and harmony of nature.

Declaration of Policies. The State shall pursue a policy of balancing development and
environmental protection. To achieve this end, the frame-work for sustainable development shall
be pursued.

Recognition of Rights. Pursuant to the above-declared principles, the following rights of citizens
are hereby sought to be recognized the State shale seek to guarantee their enjoyment.

Definitions-As used in this Act.

A.)”Air pollutant’means any matter found in the atmosphere other than oxygen, nitrogen,
water vapour, carbon dioxide, and the inert gases in their natural or normal concentrations, that
is detrimental to health or the environment, which includes, but not limited to smoke, dust, soot,
cinders, fly ash, solid particles of any kind, gases fumes, chemical mist, steam and radioactive

B.) “Air pollution” means any alteration of the physical, chemical and biological properties of
the atmospheric air, or any discharge thereto of any liquid, gaseous or solid substances that will
or is likely to create or to render the air resources of the country harmful, detrimental, or
injurious to public health, safety or welfare or which will adversely affect their utilization for
domestic, commercial, industrial, agricultural, recreational, or other legitimate purposes.

C.) ”Ambient air quality guideline values” means the concentration of air over specified
periods classified as short-term and long term which are intended to serve as goals or
objectives for the protection of health and/or public welfare. These values shall be used for air
quality management purposes such as determining time trends, evaluating stages of
deterioration or enhancement of the air quality, and in general, used as basis for taking positive
action in preventing, controlling, or abating air pollution.
D.) “Ambient air quality“means the general amount of pollution present in a broad area and
refers to the atmosphere’s average purity as distinguished from discharge measurements taken
at the source of pollution.

E.) ”Certificate of Conformity” means a certificate issued by the Department of Environment
and Natural Resources to a vehicle manufacture/ assembler or importer certifying that a
particular new vehicle or vehicle type meets the requirements provided under this Act and its
rules and regulations.

F.)”Department“means the Department of Environment and Natural Resources.

G.)”Eco-profile “means the geographic-based instrument for planners and decision makes
which present an evaluation of the environment quality and carrying capacity of an area. It is the
result of the integration of primary data and information on natural resources and anthropogenic
activities on the land which are evaluated by various environmental risk assessment and
forecasting methodologies that enable the Department to anticipate the type of development
control necessary in the planning area.

H.)”Emission” means any air contaminant, pollutant, gas stream or unwanted sound from a
known source which is passed into the atmosphere.

I.)”Greenhouse gases” means those gases that can potentially or can reasonably be
expected to induce global warming, which includes carbon dioxide, oxides of nitrogen,
chlorofluorocarbons, and the like:

J.)”Hazardous substances” means those substances which present either:

1. Short-term acute hazard such as acute toxicity by ingestion, inhalation, or skin absorption,
corrosively, or other skin or eye contact hazard risk of fie explosion; or
2. Long-term toxicity upon repeated exposure, carcinogen city (which in some cases result in
acute exposure but with the long lateen period), resistance to the detoxification process such as
biodegradation, the potential to pollute underground or surface water;

K.)”Infection waste“means that the portion of medical waste that could transmit an

L.)”Medical waste” means the materials generated as a result of patient diagnosis,

treatment, or immunization of human beings or animals;

M.)”Mobile source” means any vehicle propelled by or through combustion of carbon-based

or other fuel, constructed and operated principally for the conveyance of persons or the
transportation of property goods;
N.)”Motor vehicle “means any vehicle propelled by a gasoline or diesel engine or by any
means other than human or animal power, constructed and operated principally for the
conveyance of persons or the transportation of the property or goods in a public highway or
street open public use.

O.)”Municipal waste” means the waste materials generated from communities within a
specific loyalty.

P.) New vehicle“means a vehicle constructed entirely from new parts that has never been
sold or registered with the DOTC or with the appropriate agency or authority, and operated on
the highways of the Philippines, any foreign state or country.

Q.) ”Octane Rating or the Anti-Knock Index (AKI)” means the rating of the anti-knock
characteristics for grade or type of automotive gasoline as determined by dividing by two (2) the
sum of the Research Octane Number (RON), plus the Motor Octane Number (MON); the octane
requirement, with respect to automotive gasoline for use in motor vehicle or a class of thereof,
whether imported, manufactured, or assembled by a manufacturer, shall refer to the minimum
octane rating of such automotive gasoline which such manufacturer recommends for the
efficient operation of such motor vehicle, or a substantial portion of such class, without

R.) ”Ozone Depleting Substances (ODS)” means those substances that significantly
deplete or otherwise modify the ozone layer in a manner that is likely to result in adverse effect
of human health and the environment such as, but not limited to, chlorofluorocarbons, halons
and the like;

S.) ”Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs)”means that organic compound that persist in
the environment, bioaccumulation through the food web, and pose a risk of causing adverse
effects to human health and environment. These compounds resist photolytic, chemical and
biological degradation, which shall include but not be limited to dioxin, furan, Polychlorinated
Biphenyls (PCBs), organ chlorine pesticides, such as Aldrin, diel Drin, DDT, hexachlorobenze,
lindanne, toxaphere and chloradane

T.)”Poisonous and toxic fumes” means by emissions and fumes which are beyond
internationally-accepted standards, including but not limited to the World Health Organization
(WHO) guidelines values.

U.)”Pollution control device” means any device or apparatus used to prevent, control or
abate the pollution of air caused of air by emissions from identified pollution sources at levels
within the air pollution control standards established by the Department.

V.) ”Pollution control technology” means the pollution control devices, production process,
fuel combustion process or other means that effectively prevent or reduce emissions or effluent;
W.) ”Standard of Performance” means a standard for emission of air pollutant which reflects
the degree of emission limitation achievable through the application of the best system of
emission reduction, taking into account the cost5of achieving such reduction and any non-air
quality health and environmental impact and energy requirement which the Department
determines, and adequately demonstrates; and

X.)”Stationary source“means any building or immobile structure, facility or installation which

emit may emit any air pollutant.

What Is It


All workplace hazards (chemical, physical, etc.) can be controlled by a variety of methods.
The goal of controlling hazards is to prevent workers from being exposed to occupational
hazards. Some methods of hazard control are more efficient than others, but a combination of
methods usually provides a safer workplace than relying on only one method. Some methods of
control are cheaper than others but may not provide the most effective way to reduce

To control hazards in your workplace, you need to identify and understand those hazards.
Your first priority should always be to eliminate the hazards. If hazards can’t be eliminated, try
finding safer way to carry out those tasks by substituting less harmful substances or changing
the work environment through engineering controls. Also consider changing how work activities
are organized and performed. For example, reduce the time workers are exposed to a hazard
by rotating them to another task.

A. Controlling workplace hazards

Once a hazard has been identified and the risk assessed, control measure should be put into
place. A simple list of control measure can be utilized – the hierarchy of control.

1. Identify the Hazard: Identify the source of the problem

2. Assess the Risk : Identify hazards,analyse or evaluate the risk associated with that
hazard. Determine appropriate ways to eliminate or control the
3. Eliminate the Hazard or Risk: Elimination of a specific hazard or hazardous work process,
or preventing it from entering the workplace, is the most effective
method of control. Eliminating a hazard means removing it

4. Engineering Control: may mean changing a piece of machinery (for example, using proper
machine guards) or a work process to reduce exposure to a hazard.

5. Administrative Controls: Work a limited number of hours in a hazardous area is an

6 control for example, job rotation.
example of an administrative

6. Substitution: is one measure of replacing one hazardous agent or work process with less
dangerous one it is important to consider worker health and safety
when work process are still in the planning stages.

7. Provide Personal Protective Equipment: (PPE) includes ear and eye protection,
respirators, and protective clothing.

Remember: is it always better to control the hazard as close to the source as possible.
Using personal protection is the list least acceptable and least affective of all control

How to practice 5Ss?

1. SEIRI (SORT) means “take out unnecessary items and dispose’

Step 1 – Look around your workplace. Discover and identify items which are unnecessary to
your work. Then, dispose all unnecessary items. “NEVER KEEPANYTHING WHICH IS
Step 2 – If you cannot decide whether an item is necessary or not, put “DISPOSAL NOTICE”
with the data on the item and set item aside.
Step 3 – After a period, say two months, check if someone has the item or not. If no
oneneeded the item, that means the item is not needed for your work.

Note: Disposal can be done in either of the following ways:

1. Sell it to outside of the workplace.
2. Move to other department/section where the item is needed.
3. Throw it away, dispose as garbage.
4. In disposing the belongings, it is better to make people know who has the authorityfor
5. It is also better to make people know where to return excessive stock of materialsand
6. While looking around for unnecessary items in your workplace, look at every nooklike
when you are looking for cockroaches. It will be a bonus to you if you find someuseful
2. SEITON (SYSTEMATIZE) means “Arrange necessary items in good order to use”
Step 1.Make sure that all unnecessary items are eliminated from your workplace.

Step 2.Decide with your workmates which things to put when taking into account the flow of
your work. The principle is to put most frequently needed items close to the user so as to
minimize the movement of the person. Things which are not so oftenused could not be placed
slightly further away.

Step 3. It is necessary to make sure that everyone at your workplace knows what iskept for
efficient use. Make a list of things with location and put it in a locker orcabinet. Label each
drawer/cabinet to show what is kept inside.

Note:  The object of SEITON (SYSTEMATIZED) is to make your workplace a safe and
efficient place to work in.

3. SEISO (SWEEP) means “Clean your workplace”. There is a very strong correlationbetween
quality of products and cleanliness of the workplace where products aremanufactured.
Accordingly, SEISO (SWEEP) should be practiced every day, andsometimes, even during the

The following are suggested for your SEISO (SWEEP) operation:

1. Do not wait until things get dirty.

2. Clean your workplace, including machines, equipment, tools and furniture regularly so
that they do not have chance to get dirty.
3. Put things inside for 3 minutes every day.
4. You and your workmates should be responsible for the dirty works around you. The
janitors or sweepers will look after the common areas only.
5. Never throw anything and make it your habit.
6. Cleaning is also checking.

4. SEIKETSU (SANITIZE) means” Maintain high standard of housekeeping”. So as not towaste

your effort, do not stop after implementing initial 3Ss.
The following are suggested for your SEIKETSU(SANITIZE) operation:

Create a maintenance system for housekeeping. Make a schedule of cleaning foryour

Interdepartmental competition is a very effective means of sustaining andenhancing people’s
interest on 5Ss.


Indicate the names of the persons responsible for the work area and for themachine.

Regular inspection and evaluation on the level of 4Ss by each work arenecessary.

Do not criticize poor cases, but also praise and commend good practices or goodperformances.

5. SHITSUKE (SELF-DISCIPLINE) means “Do things spontaneously without being told

orordered.” It is to make every one practice 4Ss spontaneously and willingly as habit orway of
life. There is no other way to foster such culture than practicing 4Ss regularly until such time
when everyone becomes fond of 5Ss

To help such corporate culture conducive to 5Ss, the following need to beemphasized:

 Treat your workplace as your own home.

 You are spending most of your “WAKING TIME” at your workplace than at home.
 Your workplace is an important place where to make income for yourself and your
 Make your workplace as clean and comfortable as your home.

Note: In enhancing SHITSUKE (SELF-DISCIPLINE) of workers in a workplace,

therules of management are very important. People with managerial duties should be
worthy of respect and emulation.
What can an individual gain from the 5Ss?

1. The 5Ss makes your workplace more pleasant. In practicing 5Ss, you have to start from
discussing and agreeing what to put for efficient use by everyone. With your workmates, you
have to clean the workplace. Such human relation and working environment will make you and
your workplace pleasant.
2. The 5Ss makes your work more efficient. 9 If you have to look for something and take so
much time finding it, you are not only wasting your time but also wasting your energy and moral.
On the other hand, if everything at your workplace is arranged in proper order and readily
available for use; your work flow will always be very smooth. It improves not only your efficiency
but also improves the rhythm of your work and the more you will enjoy it. If you have a work,
better to enjoy it.

3. The 5Ss improves your safety. A clear and tidy working environment where everything is
properly placed, where clear instructions are readily available, and where no one throws
anything is safer place to work in. Practicing 5Ss improves your own safety. You can enjoy your
work more with less risk.

4. The 5Ss improves quality of your work and your products. People affect environment. On
the other hand, the environment also affects people. If you are accustomed to work in a clear
and tidy environment, you can develop your sensitivity so that you can feel and identify any
defect in work. On the contrary, messy and untidy environment will adversely affect your
sensitivity.  Therefore, good environment will improve the quality of your work. It is quite natural
that quality products come only from clean and well-organized workplace.

5. The 5Ss makes a quality life of people. The process of 5Ss requires people to think,
consult and agree with others and cooperate with each other.

a. At the same time, practicing the 5Ss gives people satisfaction of being
creative, friendly with others and seeing chances better.

In summary:
 5Ss improves CREATIVITY of people
 5Ss improves COMMUNICATION
 5Ss improves HUMAN RELATION among people
 5Ss enhances COMRADERSHIP among people
 5Ss gives VITALITY to peopleVitality of the people is the locomotion to move the
company forward.
A Healthy Shop Is a Safe Shop
The shop should be pleasant place where you will enjoy your work. Large manufacturing
companies have learned that the shop accidents are greatly reduced when the shop itself is well
lighted and well-ventilated. The introduction of ventilating and blower systems, which free the air
of dust and particles of dirt, have gone a long way toward reducing accidents. Good lighting,
both natural and artificial, likewise safeguards the worker. The healthy shop is a safe shop. After
all, the protection of health is the first rule of “Safety First in the Shop”.

Safe Procedures

1. Control measures should be regularly reviewed through:

 Workplace communication and consultation;
 Safety and health committee meetings;
 Regular equipment and work safety checks;
 Incident, accident and near-miss records;
 Injury and lost time records; and
 Repair and maintenance reports.

2. Workers should be continuously trained specifically on information and instruction on:

 workplace safety and health;
 hazards and risks associated with work activities;
 safe work practices and procedures, safe handling (including lifting and moving),
safeoperation of equipment and the control measures in place;
 safe use of plant and associated equipment, electrical safety, safety in confinedspaces
and other training required under hazard-specific regulations;
 safe use of hazardous substances relevant to the work to be performed;
 correct use, fit and care of PPE , tools and equipment and why the equipment isneeded;
 emergency and first aid procedures;
 sun protection to prevent skin cancer;
 fire protection;
 information on dust, fumes and air quality; and
 Recognition of poorly ventilated areas and confined spaces.
What’s More 11

What is 5S?

The 5Ss are Japanese words that start with letter S. But in the Philippines, some thought of 5
English words that all begin with letter S which is equivalent to these Japanese words; it is
therefore necessary to remember the Japanese’ 5Ss. What is important aside from retaining this
into our minds is to make it part of our daily habit. Below are the 5Ss and their English

What I Have Learned

Activity 1: “I remember”

A. Direction: Enumerate or list down the following as directed. Write your answer(s) on the
space provided below.

1 – 5: What are the Japanese 5Ss on Occupational health and safety?

B.Direction: Identify the following correctly by writing your answer on the space provided for
before each number below.

_________________ 1. It is an Action to identify and eliminate all unnecessary items from


_________________ 2. It is a CONDITION where all members practice accordingly.

_________________ 3. It is an ACTION to put every necessary items in good order.

_________________ 4. Is a CONDITION where high standard of good housekeeping is

maintained so that there is no dust and rust anywhere.

_________________ 5. It refers to an ACTION to clean your workplace thoroughly.

What I Can Do

Activity 2: “I can do”

Poster Making

DIRECTION: Draw a poster in consonance with the theme “Control Hazard, Before It Starts”

1. Pencil
2. Poster paint or oil paint or crayon
3. Whole cartolina (yellow)
4. Ruler

Risk assessments are very important as they form an integral part of an occupational
health and safety management plan. They help to: Create awareness of hazards and risk.
Identify who may be at risk (e.g., employees, cleaners, visitors, contractors, the public, etc.).

When doing a risk assessment, take into account the methods and procedures used in
your workplace, the actual and potential exposure of the workers, and the measures and
procedures necessary to control such exposure through work practices, engineering controls,
hygiene practices and facilities.

Remember your risk assessment needs to take into account the current state of the workplace
and any potential situation as well.

Are risk assessments the golden cure-all salve that will eliminate all accidents and injury from
the workplace and allow “zero-harm” to move from fiction to reality? Not at all. But isn’t it better
to go into situation with your eyes wide open?

Risk assessments encourage awareness of the real and present hazards and risks in the
workplace. A good risk assessment thereby is a tool used for preventing injury in the workplace.
They also benefit the workplace through increased dialogue and communication between all
staff members about individual safety.

If you only have one safety stand down a year, please consider me next time, as my story
will make them think!
Assessment: (Post-Test)

A. Direction: Enumerate or list down the following as directed. Write your answer(s) on the
space provided below.

1 – 5: What are the Japanese 5Ss on Occupational health and safety and Meaning?
5S :JAPANESE ENGLISH Meaning/Description






B. Direction: Identify the following correctly by writing your answer on the space provided for
before each number below.

_________________ 1. It is an Action to identify and eliminate all unnecessary items from


_________________ 2. It is a CONDITION where all members practice accordingly.

_________________ 3. It is an ACTION to put every necessary items in good order.

_________________ 4. Is a CONDITION where high standard of good housekeeping is

maintained so that there is no dust and rust anywhere?

_________________ 5. It refers to an ACTION to clean your workplace thoroughly.

Key to Answers
Reference 16

Cardenas, Elpidio. 1989, Fundamental and Elements of Electricity; Philippines: National

Bookstore.>kenjoyb Web results K to 12 Electrical Learning Module-SlideShare

https//r2---sn-2aqu-jbt6.googlevideo .com/videoplayback?expire=1589550145&ei=4Ue...

Philippine Electrical Code. 2000 Edition

Teachers’ Guide on TLE: Mechanical Drafting. 2012 Edition


For inquiries and feedback, please write or call:

Department of Education – Bureau of Learning Resources (DepEd-BLR)

Department of Education – Division of Gingoog City

Office Address: Brgy. 23, National Highway,Gingoog City
Telefax: 088 328 0108/ 088 328 0118
E-mail Address:

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