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Let us have the 3W's today!

1. What did we learn today? list at least 5.

a. In caring for the elder effective communication is the most vital part of effective care
b. Augment my knowledge about healthy eating pattern and the importance exercise and nutrition
c. How to assess an older adult’s health and wellness (procedure or steps)
d. Importance of the different ethical consideration when caring to the older adults
e. Nursing consideration when taking care of older adults (e.g use of open-ended questions to get more
2. So What? (Relevancy, importance or usefulness)? At least 2 sentences for each above listed
a. If we communicate well not only to the elders but to every patient that we interact we can provide a
good care that will keep our patient happy and contended. We can ensure the best possible health and
well-being as we connect with them through effective communication.
b. Even though we are not nutritionist it is only just that we at least know about basic nutrition and
healthy as we are connected to patient. We can promote and educate food that is appropriate for the
c. This would be my 1st practice in assessing an older adults, so that I have a basis when I have to assess
an older patient when clinical duties are to assume. In order to provide a reliable assessment it is
important to know the steps and procedure.
d. We all know that ethics in nursing is very important because workers must recognize health care
dilemmas, make good judgments and decisions based on their values while keeping within the laws that
govern them. For example nurse do not influence the patient's choice this means that nurses should be
sure patients have all of the needed information that is required to make a decision about their medical
care and are educated.
e. It is very important to take note that older adults has difference or changer with younger patients which
is affected as we age (e.g weaken immune and organ system, cardiac output decreases, hearing loss etc).
And as a student nurse this is a reminder to us.
3. Now What? (How will you apply it as a student nurse in yourself, family and patients)? at
least 1 sentence each for topic above you had listed
a. As a student nurse I can practice effective communication on a daily basis, talking to my neighbor
especially if they call me to get their vital signs for instances.
b. As a student nurse in the family it is my duty to promote and educate my family members about
nutrition. Especially my father because he has no control when it comes to eating even if it is bad for him.
c. My parents are getting older and I can use this new knowledge and skills through assessing their health
and wellness.
d. When I was assessing my grandfather I ask his consent and explained to him the process as I proceed
with the health assessment.
e. When I was assessing my grandfather I kept in mind the nursing consideration and techniques that was
mention in the videos

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