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PAO 2020


The outline is the skeleton of the essay. It is formed by 3 parts: the complete introduction,
the body (3 topic sentences with 3 supporting ideas/words) and the conclusion.

Write the outline of your essay: *Remember to highlight the thesis, each topic sentence and the call for
action in the conclusion.


“Success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying,

sacrifice and most of all, love of what you are doing or learning to do.” – Pelé. Most of

the times, student success depends on the university chosen; on Ecuador, one of the

most important universities is ESPOL. Although ESPOL is a university where a student

can enjoy the green areas, participate in student clubs, carry out sports activities or other

types of activities. A polytechnic student has to keep in mind what his goal is to achieve

and know that he will have teachers or tutors around him who will help him to become a

professional person. A ESPOL student is characterized by being resourceful,

competitive and knowing how to overcome obstacles.


TOPIC SENTENCE 1: The Student Espol, personal and professional excellence,

for contribute to improving society with Science, Technology, Art, Innovation, and
investigation. Currently the I3lab faster the competitive in the area: space technology is
very interesting the University following innovation.
 Excellence
 Contribute to improve society
 Be competitive
PAO 2020

TOPIC SENTENCE 2: In the first place, throughout their professional training, a

polytechnic student takes different subjects such as ARP, communication,
entrepreneurship, among others that help improve intellectual faculties and generate
more skills as a professional.
 Professional training
 Improve intellectual faculties
 More skills as a professional

TOPIC SENTENCE 3: Communication is very important for an polytechnic

student, they have improve how talk to people to have a better understanding of the
situations and make good decisions to surpass every challenge.
 Communication
 Improve
 Better understanding of the situations


Some universities try to improve their students then they will go to the world to

demonstrate their abilities, when we talk about the Espol this fact is very important, the

Espol always want to improve their students to make them greater professionals than the

average, being more competitive, know the people around them and have good

communication with the everyone, an Espol student have to improve In their careers and

know how get through every challenge to get to the top, d be willing to have new

experiences. however to get that kind of abilities, any student need to know the world

around him an

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