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Transport Engineering

Assignment I
1. Consider a zone with 400 households in zone A with car and 300 households in zone B
without car. Assuming the average trip generation rates and population growth shown below,

Zone Current Population Future Population Trip/day/person

after 10 years
A 400 700 6
B 300 460 2
a) The current trips per day for the study area
b) The future trips after 10 years
c) The future trips after 10 years by assuming all households with car
2. A study area consists of four zones with the following data collected for the respective zones.
Provide a trip distribution matrix using gravity model for two iterations.
Table 2.1- Trip generation of the TAZ
Zone Production Attraction
1 3400 2800
2 6150 6500
3 3900 2550
4 2800 4400

Table 2.2- Travel time between the TAZ

1 2 3 4
1 4 11 15 10
2 11 6 6 9
3 15 6 6 11
4 10 9 11 4
Table 2.3- Deterrence function
Travel 1 4 6 9 10 11 12 15 20
Fij 2 1.6 1 0.9 0.86 0.82 0.8 0.68 0.49
3. The base year O-D matrix for a four zone study area is given in the table below. Use the
doubly-constrained Furness model to find the trip matrix for the target year.
Table3.1- Base year O-D matrix with target year trip production and attraction
1 2 3 4 ∑ Target Oi
1 5 50 100 200 355 400
2 0 50 0 0 50 460
3 50 100 5 100 255 400
4 100 200 250 20 570 702
∑ 155 400 355 320 1280
Target Dj 260 400 500 802 1962
4. A data was collected about the household income, size and working member in a traffic
analysis zone. The data is to be used for calibrating a trip production model for the
household. Using the data and linear regression, estimate the best model that explains the trip
pattern of the zone.
Table 4.1- Data collected for sample Household of the TAZ
Household Working
Household Trip size Income member
1 9 5 10699 3
2 12 4 15307 3
3 3 2 5699 0
4 2 4 12746 2
5 11 4 17871 3
6 11 3 4095 2
7 1 3 11286 0
8 14 1 8841 1
9 8 1 13196 1
10 4 3 14482 2
11 11 3 6855 2
12 15 2 19305 0
13 15 2 18337 1
14 14 3 7639 0
15 14 5 5389 2
16 5 2 15320 0
17 7 1 17207 0
18 9 3 4590 2
19 10 5 11010 2
20 15 2 9085 1
5. A small study area has been divided into four zones and a limited survey has resulted in the
following trip matrix:
Table 5.1- Trip distribution matrix
1 2 3 4
1 - 60 275 571
2 50 - 410 443
3 123 61 - 47
4 205 265 75 -

Estimates for future total trip ends for each zone are as given below:
Table 5.2- Future trip production and attraction
Zones Estimated future origins Estimated future
1 1200 670
2 1050 730
3 380 950
4 770 995

Use an appropriate growth-factor method to estimate future inter-zonal movements.

Hint: Check conditions for convergence of the chosen method first.
6. Find the user equilibrium flow patterns and the equilibrium travel time for the network
described in the figure. The performance functions are
𝑡1 = 2 + 𝑥12
𝑡2 = 1 + 3𝑥2
𝑡3 = 3 + 𝑥3

Where 𝑡 and 𝑥 denote the travel time and flow, respectively, on link 𝑎 (where 𝑎=1, 2,3). The
origin-destination trip rate is 4 units of flow going from node 1 to node 3.

7. Find the system-optimizing flow pattern for the network shown in the figure below. Compare
this flow pattern to the UE flow pattern and comment on the difference. The link
performance functions are given below and the total trip between node 1 and 3 is 4 units.

𝑡1 = 2 + 𝑥12
𝑡2 = 3 + 𝑥2
𝑡3 = 1 + 3𝑥32
𝑡4 = 2 + 4𝑥4

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