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Surfaceand CoatingsTechnology 86-87 (1996)177-183

Comparison of the structure of PVD-thin films deposited with

different deposition energies
E. Lugscheider *, C. Barimani, C. Wolff, S. Guerreiro, G. Doepper
Materials ScienceInstitute, Aachen University of Technology, Templergraben 55, D-52056 Aachen, Germany


Under the various available PVD processes, thin films can be deposited with higher or lower deposition energy, e.g., with or
without ion bombardment. Related to this deposition energy the structure and consequently the properties of the deposited films
can be directly influenced. The wide range of possible deposition parameters for the PVD-processes enables the use of materials
in form of thin films in a large scope of applications, as a result of the different properties which can be achieved. Particularly
high adhesion of thin films is always desired, which depends among other things on the microstructure of coatings.
The aim of this paper is to compare three different PVD deposition processes: cathodic arc evaporation, magnetron sputtering
and electron beam evaporation. These PVD processes are related to their film structure produced under three different conditions
and studied in terms of their deposition energies. Structure and morphology of the coatings are compared at identicaltemperatures
resulting in a model, which is suggested to explain how excitation of deposited films takes place. Besides condensation effects, the
momentum transfer of ions caused by biasing the substrates is obviously important and leads to film densification without
increasing the substrate temperature.

Keywords: PVD; Structure; Deposition energy; erN-coatings

1. Introduction determine the important parameters which may influence

the resulting microstructure of coatings, especially for
Physical vapor deposition (PVD) processes are sputtering and electron beam evaporation. As a main
increasingly used for the deposition of various coatings parameter the ratio (TITnJ between the deposition tem-
on tools and components, e.g., to improve wear behavior perature (T, in K) and the coating melting point (Tm ,
or corrosion resistance [1,2]. In addition to others, in K) has often been reported. Nevertheless, no compari-
Chromium nitride (CrN) is one of the popular and son of the basic PVD processes has been carried out up
universally used coating systems. The desired properties to now, considering the influence of ion bombardment.
of such coatings mainly depend on their microstructure, In this paper the resulting microstructure of thin films
which can be directly influenced by varying the level of deposited by cathodic arc evaporation, sputtering and
deposition energy during the deposition process. electron beam evaporation are compared related to the
Therefore, the presence of ion bombardment in addition different predominating deposition energies, using erN
to heating up the substrates plays an important role in as a modern coating system.
thin films microstructure.
Depending on the type of PVD process and the target
materials, different degrees of ionization of the particles
and different quantities of ions in the vapor phase during 2. Experimental details
deposition have been reported [3-5]. However, several
structure zone models have been developed [6-11] to Standard PVD processes, such as cathodic arc evapo-
ration, sputtering and electron beam evaporation, have
been used to deposit the coatings. Each of these depos-
* Corresponding author. Rheinisch-Westfaelische Technische ition methods represents a special state relating to
Hochschule Aachen, Lehr- und Forschungsgebiet Werkstoffwissen-
schaften, Augustinerbach 4-22, 52056, Germany. Tel.: 49 241 805329; deposition energy, e.g., partial pressure, kinetic energy
fax: 49 241 8888264. and momentum transfer of vapor and gas atoms, cherni-

0257-8972/96/$15.00 © 1996ElsevierScience SA All rights reserved

PI! S0257-8972(96)03041-1
178 E. Lugscheider et al./Surfaceand Coatings Technology 86-87 (1996) 177-183

cal reactions, quantity and ionization degree of ionized substrates were cleaned by r.f-sputtering with argon
target atoms as well as intrinsic plasma motion. Table 1 ions.
gives an overview of typical parameters and the quantity The electron beam evaporation was used as the depos-
of ionized target atoms of some PVD processes [3]. ition process with the most obvious lowest deposition
The arc PVD-thin films were deposited in a Multi energy. In this case the quantity of ionized vapor
Arc PVD 20" system equipped with a random arc source. particles is reported as less than 1% [13]. The depositions
The coating plant is a commercially established system, were carried out in a modified CemeCon CCSOOE
which is able to evaporate several metallic materials electron beam evaporation laboratory apparatus. A
with up to four targets. The CrN coatings had been specific feature of this plant is a second electron beam
deposited in an reactive gas atmosphere (nitrogen). The gun for heating up the substrates directly with electrons.
arc PVD-thin films were first carried out, because this The substrates were only heated in this way up to the
is the process showing highest energy caused by the high temperature values as reported above, and no bias
quantity of ionized vapor particles, about 80% for Cr voltage was applied. Therefore only a thermal excitement
[12], as well as the mean ionization degree of 2 [13], of the condensing material took place. The evaporation
using 0, 50, 100 and 200 V d.c. bias voltage. The resulting material was a commercially available Cr2N powder,
temperatures were 250, 330, 400 and 500aC, measured which was reactively evaporated by adding nitrogen
by a thermocouple at the backside of the 2-mm thin during deposition. Prior to coating, the surfaces of the
samples. Prior to deposition the substrates had been substrates were electron bombarded.
bombarded with chromium ions, which enhanced the The substrate material was a typical HSS, namely S
cleanness of the surface. 6-5-2. The specimens were polished with a 6-llffidiamond
In the case of magnetron sputtering, only 5% of the paste. In this context it should be noted that the melting
target material is ionized, whereas the rest is made up point of CrN is low enough (approximately 1740aC=
of inert gas (argon) and reactive gas (nitrogen) ions. 2013 K) to reach a zone 3 microstructure which is
Therefore the energy during deposition, especially for reported in Ref. [6]. Considering the temperature when
reactive sputtering, must be lower than in arc evapora- the substrate S 6-5-2 starts loosing its hardness (560 aC=
tion because the mean number of the participating ions 833 K), with CrN as coating system, a ratio of
show lower atomic masses which leads to a decrease of T/Tm =0.41 can be realized when only thermal excite-
momentum transfer. The investigations were performed ment takes place during condensation. This value marks
in a Leybold Heraeus Z 400 Magnetron Sputter facility the beginning of the above-mentioned zone 3. However,
(laboratory equipment). The substrates were coated in the experiments we attempted to enable comparability
under reactive conditions using a commercially available of the applied PVD processes, although the apparatus
chromium target. The deposition mode was d.c., whereas geometry had a limiting effect. For example, the distance
the biasing of the substrates was practiced under r.f. between target and substrate was, in the case of sputter-
conditions. To realize the same substrate temperatures ing, only 40 mm, whereas for arc and electron beam
and deposition conditions, first the reachable temper- evaporation it was about 190 mm. This will be consid-
atures, which could be achieved only by biasing the ered in Section 3. Table 2 gives an overview of the
substrates with the same voltage values as in the arc- various parameters.
PVD experiments, were measured. Resulting temper-
atures were 115, 145, 175 and 21O aC, measured as
described above. The differences in temperature were 3. Results and discussion
balanced by using a resistance heating system, which
enabled the same temperature values as reported for the The investigation of the microstructure was carried
arc-PVD experiments. In the case of sputtering, the out by high resolution scanning electron microscopy.

Table 1
Typical parameters and quantity of target ions of different PVD processes [3]

Parameters Processes

Magnetron sputtering Anodic arc ion plating Electron beam ion plating Cathodic arc ion plating

Evaporation tool sputter effect electron beam electron beam thermal arc
Phase transformation solid-vapor solid-vapor liquid-vapor solid-vapor
Geometry of target/cathode any is possible limited limited any is possible
Quantity of ionized target atoms (%) 1-5 5-40 <1 50-100
Additional ionization aimed unusual aimed not necessary
Inert gases necessary yes no variable no
Reactive deposition possible yes yes yes yes
E. Lugscheider et al. / Surface and Coatings Technology 86-87 ( 1996) 177-183 179

Table 2
Processing parameters of the used PVD processes

Parameters Processes

EB-PVD Sputtering Arc-PVD

Quantity of ionized target atoms (%) <1 [13] 5 [3] 80 [12]

Target to substrate distance (mm) 190 40 190
Evaporation material Cr 2N Cr Cr
Inert gas Ar
Reactive gas N2 N2 N2
Film thickness (J.ll11) 3.5 2.5 5
Resulting pressure during deposition (Pa) 0.2 1.3 2

The aim was to examine the dominant parameters which of grains across the columnar crystallite boundaries can
are mainly responsible for the different microstructures be observed simultaneously. Compared with this, the
occurring, depending on the energy level of the con- microstructure of the arc-PVD thin films has no distinc-
densing material; Fig. I and Fig. 2 show the observed tive grain boundaries, although both coatings were
microstructures. Each figure compares the resulting deposited at the same temperature.
microstructures for electron beam (EB) evaporation, However, it can be seen that there are different ways
sputtering and arc evaporation directly with respect to to realize an energetic excitement of PVD thin films
the different deposition temperatures: 250, 330, 400 and during deposition. The qualitative presentation of the
500°C. The SEM images are arranged in such a way as assumed excitement processes is suggested in Fig. 4. At
to show the deposition energy increasing downwards. the same temperature, the resulting energies and the
On the SEM images it can be seen that, with increasing deposition temperatures are shown for the different PVD
temperature for each PVD process, the microstructure processes. The different values may be read either from
of the thin films tends from a columnar form towards a the resulting energy or the temperature scale, which is
more "dense and uniform" structure. Moreover, the indicated by the arrows. The basic bars up to 250°C
surface of the coating becomes more and more smooth represent the influence on the temperature, whereas in
with increasing substrate temperatures. This effect is the case of sputtering and arc evaporation, the bars
strongly developed for the arc-PVD coatings. At lower above represent the effect on film densification. It has
temperatures, embedded droplets lead to defects in film been considered that the ratio of both bars results in an
uniformity and preferential growth of crystallites, as can approximated calculation (shown later in this paper).
be seen in Fig. 1(c). The arrow marks the pinhole where Although in Fig. 4 the deposition temperature, for exam-
a crystal was dislocated from its original growing place. ple, is 250°C, the excitation processes are basically the
With increasing temperature and ion energy, this prefe- same for each temperature value.
rential growth is suppressed and the surface becomes In Fig. 4, it can be seen that, on one hand, there exists
smoother. These observations were confirmed by SEM a thermal excitement, which can be found on temper-
images with a high magnification, on which the internal ature measurement. On the other hand, an energetic
microstructure of the thin films could be impressively supply of the condensing films can be ascertained by
noticed. This is shown in Fig. 3 where the microstructure investigating the resulting microstructure. The latter
of the electron beam and arc evaporated coatings con- observation is suggested because the coatings show a
firm the supposition, while the substrate temperature "denser" microstructure caused by an increasein energy
was 500°C for both. levelof the condensing materials at the sametemperature
Comparison of the different PVD processes for each levels. As discussed above, the quantity of ionized
temperature level shows a densification of thin films coating particles, and therefore their atomic masses, are
with increasing condensation energy. Whereas the higher for arc evaporation, so that such deposited thin
electron beam evaporated coatings have generally films show very "dense" structures. This should be seen
columnar structures, the sputtered and arc evaporated in context to the lower energy PVD processes, sputtering
coatings show a more fibrous and "dense" microstruc- and electron beam evaporation, where coatings show a
ture. Obviously, the method of exciting the films during more columnar structure.
deposition plays a more important role than substrate Therefore the effect of ion bombardment on the
temperature. In the SEM image in Fig. 3(a) it can also growing microstructure may be divided into two parts:
be observed that the EB-PVD deposit shows a transition on one hand thermal excitement caused by condensation
from a columnar structure to recrystallization effects. In effects, and on the other hand densification of coatings
addition to some columnar crystallites, crosswise growth caused by momentum transfer of energetic ions.
180 E. Lugscheider et al.fSurface and Coatings Technology 86-87 ( 1996) 177-183




Fig. 1. Resulting microstructures at deposition temperatures of 250 and 330°C for (a) electron beam evaporation, (b) sputtering, (c) arc evaporation.

Thornton named the densification effect "forward peen- estimated with the following formula, showing the
ing" [14], which leads to enhanced adatom migration atomic mass ratio (r) of the participating ions during
and bulk diffusion [15]. This is 0 bviously more effective deposition:
when a high quantity of ionized particles of the coating
material is available. The ratio between the atomic mass
quantity of target ions' atomic mass
of the target ions and other ions participating in conden-
sation, e.g., inert or reactive gases, appears to play an + quantity of gas ions'
important role. This effect has been approximately atomic mass atomic mass of target material
E. Lugscheider et al.jSurface and Coatings Technology 86-87 (1996) 177-183 181




Fig. 2. Resulting microstructures at deposition temperatures of 400 and 500°C for (a) electron beam evaporation, (b) sputtering, (c) arc evaporation.

1 Atomic masses: Cr=52, Ar=40, N 2=28. Conditions :

'ED-PVD= -=0.02 atom/ion ratio = 1; degree of ionization = 1 (single
0.05· 52+0.75 ' 40+0.20 ' 28 In the case of arc evaporation this ratio is 0.91,
'sputtering 0.73
52 because most of the participating ions are made up of
chromium. The sputtering ratio isjust 0.73 because most
0.8' 52+0.2' 28 of the ions are gas ions with less atomic mass, whereas
I'l\rc-PVD= =0,91
52 for electron beam evaporation the ratio is nearly zero,
182 E. Lugscheider et al.lSurface and Coatings Technology 86-87 ( 1996) 177-183

E [any unit] T [OCI

Deposition temperature 250°C

4 .- .-
.- '" 300
.- '"
II 200
2 i
, 100

I 0
EB-PVD Sputtering Arc-PVD

mom en tum transfer of ions (film den sifica tion)

therm al excitement by healing

thermal excitem ent by ion bombardment (condensation effects )

E ~ resulting ene rgy

Fig. 4. Schematic diagram of the influencing parameters for the ener-

getic excitement of PVD thin films during deposition.

Fig. 3. Internal microstructure at a deposition temperature of 500°C

for (a) electron beam evaporation, (b) arc evaporation. differences in interface adhesion can be mentioned. The
EB-PVD coatings show lower adhesion to the substrates
than for arc evaporated layers. The best interface can
be observed for sputtered thin films (see Fig. I and
since there is nearly no ionization. This is shown in Fig. 2). Therefore, ion cleaning before deposition seems
Fig. 4 by the bars representing the film densification. to play an important role for interface bonding; r.f.-
The ratios of the different species were determined by sputter cleaning is the best way to achieve a good
measuring the partial pressures. adhesive interface zone.
Compared with the above-mentioned structure zone
models, no distinctive analogies are observed, particu-
larly in the case of sputtering and arc evaporation. One 4. Conclusions
reason may be that the substrate temperature range in
this investigation was to small. On the other hand, the A comparison of the microstructure of thin films
ion bombardment may cause another form of energetic deposited by different PVD processes was carried out.
excitement of the reactive processes compared to only At the same temperature levels, ion bombardment was
heated substrates. Beyond that, the microstructures of added in the case of two PVD processes, to investigate
the sputtered films are nearer to the arc-PVD thin films, the effect of energetic excitement on the forming of thin
than to the electron beam evaporated coatings. This film microstructure. With increasing deposition temper-
may also be explained by the above-suggested influence ature on the one hand and increasing quantity of ionized
of the atomic mass ratio between the participating ions. target atoms on the other, the microstructure tends from
A tendency from columnar crystallization towards a a columnar form to a structure like bulk material. This
microstructure like bulk material can be reported, is accompanied by a smoothing of the surface coating.
depending directly on the energetic excitement level of As an attempt at an explanation, the effect of ionization
the condensing film because of the increasing ada tom has been approximately estimated using a formula for
mobility. the ratio of participating ions. The resulting ratio values
In addition to the above-discussed observations, were in good agreement with the SEM investigations,
E. Lugscheider et al.jSurface and Coatings Technology 86-87 ( 1996) /77-183 183

because the ratios for sputter- and arc-PVD are similar References
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