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HERQA Checklist for Accreditation Assessors, UG, Social Science

የከፍተኛ ትምህርት አግባብነትና ጥራት Higher Education Relevance

ኤጀንሲ HERQA
and Quality Agency

HERQA Checklist for Accreditation Assessors, UG, Social Science

Higher Education Relevance

የከፍተኛ ትምህርት and Quality Agency
አግባብነትና ጥራት

Assessor’s Checklist for

Accreditation and Re-accreditation of
Undergraduate Programs
Assessor’s Checklist for
Accreditation and Re-accreditation of
Undergraduate Programs

HERQA Checklist for Accreditation Assessors, UG, Social Science

Table of contents

PURPOSE OF THIS DOCUMENT............................................................................................................................. 1

NOTE TO THE ASSESSORS..................................................................................................................................... 1

SECTION 1: CURRICULUM..................................................................................................................................... 3

SECTION 2: PHYSICAL FACILITIES.......................................................................................................................... 5

SECTION 3: STAFF REQUIREMENTS....................................................................................................................... 8

SECTION 4: ASSESSORS’ POSSIBLE RECOMMENDATIONS (MARK ✓)....................................................................12

SECTION 5: ASSESSORS’ RECOMMENDATION TO HERQA (MARK ✓)....................................................................13

APPENDIX 1: CONFIDENTIALITY OF INFORMATION............................................................................................. 15

HERQA Checklist for Accreditation Assessors, UG, Social Science

The key purpose of higher education in Ethiopia is to produce competent, adaptable and
responsible citizens who can contribute to the development of the nation and to transform the
livelihood of its population. To achieve these purposes and assure the standards of the
programs offered by higher education institutions, it is imperative to put in place different quality
assurance mechanisms. As one of these mechanisms, HEIs are required to pass through an
evaluation procedure and earn an accreditation. This task has been given to the Higher
Education Relevance and Quality Agency (HERQA).

HERQA, which was established as an autonomous agency through the Higher Education
Proclamation No. 351/2003, is one of the key agencies responsible for guiding and regulating
the higher education sector in Ethiopia. The mandates and responsibilities of the Agency are
reinstated in the new Higher Education Proclamation No. 650/2009.

Purpose of this Document

The purpose of this document is to provide a checklist for assessors to be followed while
conducting an accreditation and / or re-accreditation assessment as members of HERQA’s
accreditation team. It is hoped that the use of this checklist will help the assessors to collect
appropriate information as per HERQA’s requirements for program accreditation and re-
accreditation. Based on this information, assessors will provide a recommendation which is vital
to the ultimate decision by HERQA.

Note to the Assessors

The following checklist is prepared to help your review and assessment of professional Masters
and Bachelor degree programs according to HERQA’s essential requirements (ERs) and
accreditation criteria.
The following checklist is prepared to help your review and assessment of professional Masters
and Bachelor degree programs according to HERQA’s essential requirements (ERs) and
accreditation criteria.

The ERs (essential requirements) are the minimum requirements that must be met to run a
program. The criteria are the benchmarks or quality indicators that determine how the essential
requirements are met.

HERQA Checklist for Accreditation Assessors, UG, Social Science

A program must meet all the ERs and/or. Thus, to achieve or maintain accreditation or re-
accreditation, a program must meet all the ERs. It also has to show evidence that it can
reasonably be expected to achieve the recommendations forwarded by the HERQA team within
a specified period of time and would sustainably comply with all the set criteria.

Your completed checklist will be part of the assessment report but will not be made available to
the HEI under review.

When an area is found to be incomplete or not in compliance, it may be helpful to make notes
about the circumstances in the notes and comments space before moving onto the next item.
Likewise, you may note areas of strength.

Note: When you put the tick mark (✓) in the checklist please make sure that it accurately reflects
your judgment.

Yes The program has met or is in compliance with the requirement

No The program has not met or is not in compliance with the requirement

Inc. The information provided is either incomplete or is insufficient to decide on


NA The item is not applicable to this program

HERQA Checklist for Accreditation Assessors, UG, Social Science

Assessor’s name : Andualem Zenebe

Educational level : MSc
Field of specialization : Accounting and Finance
Institution visited : Beka College
Campus visited : Bishoftu
Program being evaluated : BA in Accounting and Finance
Date of visit : Oct. 12, 2020

Note: Please complete the following and give your comments for all of the essential requirements.

Section 1: Curriculum

S. No Essential requirements Yes No Inc. N/A Remark

1.1 Introductory Introduction/background 

part Program rationale 
Program objectives/Aim 
Graduate profile 
Teaching methods 
Assessment methods 
Degree Nomenclature 
Admission criteria 
Quality assurance 
Program resources 
1.2 Course Course category Major 
Breakdown Supportive 
Common 
Course title 
Course code 
Course load 
Semester load 
Prerequisites 
Course summary 
1.3 Course Course title/code/load/prerequisite 
Syllabus Course description 
Course objectives 
Full content outline 
Teaching methods are appropriate 
Assessment methods are appropriate 
Text and reference books 
1.4 Courses are appropriate for the program 
1.5 Total credit hours for the program is as per the standard 
[108 (+3) for three years degree, 144 (+3) for four years
degree and 180 (+3) for five years degree)
1.6 Course load per semester is as per the standard (15- 
18 Credit Hours for a regular program and 9-12 for
an extension program)

HERQA Checklist for Accreditation Assessors, UG, Social Science

Comments on Section 1: Curriculum

1.1 Introductory part  No comment.

1.2 Course breakdown  No comment.

1.3 Course syllabus  No comment.

1.4 Appropriateness  No comment.

of courses

1.5 Program course  No comment.

1.6 Semester course
load  No comment.

HERQA Checklist for Accreditation Assessors, UG, Social Science

Section 2: Physical Facilities

S. Essential requirement Yes No Inc N/A Remark

2.1 Basic computer lab Appropriate Technical Assistant 
Computers (at least 15 desktop computers) 
Internet connectivity 
Size (@ 3 m2 per student) 
Appropriate Technical Assistant 
Computer lab for 
2.2 Computer to student ratio 1:2
major course(s) 
Size (@ 3 m2 per student)
2.3 Classrooms Are suitable for the teaching and learning 
[are well ventilated, well illuminated and free
from sound pollution]
Are adequately furnished with the necessary 
equipment (armed chairs, podium, marker
and whiteboard)
Size (@ 1.2 m2 per student) 
Accommodate at least 40 students 
2.4 Library resources Are suitable for attentive reading [are well 
ventilated, well illuminated and free from
sound pollution]
Text books are latest version (at most 10 
yrs) and adequate (1:5) both in number and
Reference books are latest version (at most 
10 yrs) and adequate (1:15 at least 3 kinds)
both in number and kind
Encyclopedias are available 

Technical dictionaries are available 

Academic journals are available 
Technical periodicals are available 
Electronic books and PCs are available
Internet connectivity 
Size (@ 1.5 m2 per student), should 
accommodate at least 25% student of the
Conference (meeting) table with chairs, 
Department head printer, telephone
2.5 
office An office for teaching and administration
staffs with adequate space (2.0 m /person) 2

Computers with Internet access for each 

teaching staff
Chairs and tables with drawers and File 
2.6 Staff office
Nearby toilets separate for males and females 
(1toilet for 20 instructors)

HERQA Checklist for Accreditation Assessors, UG, Social Science

* use similar format if additional lab is required

HERQA Checklist for Accreditation Assessors, UG, Social Science

Comments on Section 2: Physical facilities

2.1 Basic Computer lab

 No comment.

2.2 Computer lab for  No comment.

Major course(s)
2.3 Classroom
(organization and
resources)  No comment.

2.4 Library (organization

and resources)  IFRSs, IPSASs, and ISA related/version texts and references shall be
 Text and reference books for some courses are not available (e.g. Risk
management and Insurance, Accounting information system, Project
analysis and evaluation, Government and NFP accounting,
 Course related proclamations, regulations, and periodical shall be availed.

2.5 Department head  No comment.

2.6 Staff office  Need to be furnished.

HERQA Checklist for Accreditation Assessors, UG, Social Science

Section 3: Student progression and graduate outcomes

S. No Essential requirement Yes No Inc N/A Rema
3.0 Student progression Have a mechanism to monitor student 
and graduate outcomes performance and progress regularly
Trace level of and reasons for student 
attrition and take actions to minimize the
Chairs and tables with drawers and File 
Nearby toilets separate for males and females 
(1toilet for 20 instructors)

Comments on Section 3: Student progression and graduate outcomes

3.0 Student progression
and graduate
outcomes  No comment.

Section 4: Continual quality assurance

S. Essential requirement Yes No Inc N/A Rema
No rk
4.0 Quality assurance Have a functional internal quality assurance 
unit unit leading the quality assurance system
with clearly defined duties/responsibilities
and lines of communication
Allocate a budget to the quality assurance 
unit to carry out its responsibilities
Assign a qualified person to lead the unit 
(minimum of 2 years of teaching experience,
trained in educational quality assurance,
trained in teaching, and assessment
Conduct quality assessment using the 
internal quality standard tool

Comments on Section 4: Continual quality assurance

4.0 Quality assurance  No comment.

HERQA Checklist for Accreditation Assessors, UG, Social Science

Section 5: Research, development, and educational exchanges

S. No Essential requirement Yes No Inc N/A Rema
5.0 Research and Have a clearly set research agenda for 
community outreach academic staff as well as students in line
with the country’s developmental needs
Allocate a sufficient budget to support 
research and staff exchange
Formulate and implement a staff 
development policy that allows a balance of
capacity between teaching, research, and
service functions

Comments on Section 5: Research, development, and educational exchanges

5.0 Research and community
outreach Needs improvement.

HERQA Checklist for Accreditation Assessors, UG, Social Science

Section 6: Staff requirements

For first time accreditation of a program, the staff requirement is at least 2 Masters and 1
Bachelor degree holders for the first two academic years (first two admissions). The HEI should
employ one additional lecturer (Master’s degree holder) every year starting from the third
admission (at the beginning of the third year), and continues until it graduates the first batch.
Qualifications of the academic staff at every level must be in the subject area of the program for
which accreditation is sought.

Although the minimum requirements in terms of the criteria indicated in this checklist are fulfilled,
accreditation and /or re-accreditation is granted provided the minimum staff requirements
indicated in this section are met.

Note: The section on adequacy of academic staff will be finalized by HERQA staff members
based on your advice about the appropriateness of their qualifications presented.

HERQA Checklist for Accreditation Assessors, UG, Social Science

Section 7: Assessors’ Possible Recommendations (Mark ✓)

1. Accreditation and/or re-accreditation without condition

The institution is in full compliance with the standards for accreditation and/ or re-accreditation.
Any follow-up matters are not, in the judgment of HERQA, of a nature or scope that affects the
institution’s capacity to maintain adherence to accreditation standards for the period of
accreditation. Recommendations or any follow-up reports relate either to minor compliance
matters or to the strengthening of practices that meet the standards of compliance. Accreditation
and/ or re-accreditation without condition may be for a period of up to three years for
accreditation and five years for re-accreditation. Accreditation and/ or re-accreditation without
condition may apply to institutions seeking initial accreditation or renewal of accreditation.

2. Accreditation and/ or re-accreditation with condition.

The institution is substantially in compliance with the standards for accreditation and/ or re-
accreditation. Any areas of non-compliance are not of such nature or scope to call into question
the institution’s substantive adherence to accreditation and/ or re-accreditation standards during
the term of accreditation and/ or re-accreditation. The institution has demonstrated the intent and
capacity to rectify identified deficiencies and strengthens practice in marginally acceptable
matters. HRQA’s accreditation staff and/ or peer reviewers may make follow-up visits to confirm
compliance on specified matters. Accreditation and/ or re-accreditation with condition may be
for a period of up to three years for accreditation and five years for re-accreditation, contingent
on the finding of compliance within no more than one year on any area of deficiency cited in the
accreditation and/or re-accreditation report. Accreditation and/ or re-accreditation with condition
may apply to institutions seeking initial accreditation or renewal of accreditation.

3. Denial of accreditation and/ or re-accreditation

The institution does not meet the standards for accreditation and/ or re-accreditation. Denial of
accreditation and/ or re-accreditation may apply to institutions seeking initial accreditation or
renewal of accreditation.

HERQA Checklist for Accreditation Assessors, UG, Social Science

Section 8: Assessors’ recommendation to HERQA (Mark ✓)

1. Grant accreditation re-accreditation

2. Grant accreditation  re-accreditation with conditions.

Accreditation is granted only if the following conditions are adequately fulfilled before the
commencement of the program:

a) Provide IFRSs, IPSASs, and ISA related/version books for use as texts for financial accounting
courses, accounting for public sector and civil society, auditing principles and practices.
b) Course related government proclamations and regulations; and periodicals shall be availed.
c) System documents for activities related to quality assurance, research and community services need

3. Deny accreditation re-accreditation due to the following reasons:


The above is my prudent professional recommendation as HERQA’s assessor

Name: Andualem Zenebe

Date: Oct. 31, 2020


HERQA Checklist for Accreditation Assessors, UG, Social Science

Appendix 1: Confidentiality of information

This report is confidential until it is approved and communicated by HERQA to the HEI under
evaluation. Since information or evidences obtained during the course of the review are used
only for HERQA’s decision, it is not allowed to use them for personal or any other purposes. Site
visitors’ memoranda, notes and other work products generated during the course of the visit are
the property of HERQA and may not be disclosed to any other third party.


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