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Lesson Plan Grade 10 Science

The Universe and Beyond

Rationale We humans are only beginning tounderstand the entities and forces
governing the mechanism of the universe through this
chapter we are going to explore much larger envronment where
distance and measure oftime dwarf our small world we live in.
Content Standards The learner demonstrate an understanding of;
 The theory of plate tectonics, its supporting evidences on its
existence and the processes involved in plate movements;
 The earth’s landmasses that broke apart to form continents.

Source: DepEd K-12 Curriculum Guide, Grade 7

Learning Competencies  Compare the threemain tye of galaxies
 Describe milky way as one type of galaxy
 Describe the possible scenario for the formation of large
elliptical galaxy.
 Describe the properties of the universe that determine its
final state.
Performance Standards The learner will be able to:
 Create a model showing an expanding universe
 Explain how astronomers are able to determine that the
universe is expanding.

Focus  Critical thinking

 Problem Solving
 Curiosity
 Awareness

Key Concept Galaxies, Spiral Galaxy, elliptical Galaxies, Irregular Galaxies,

Galactic Cluster, Galactic Collisions and Interactions, The dynamic
Resources Textbook, Printed Matrials, Visual Aids, Projector, Speaker
References Rebecca C. Nueva Espania, PhD. , Alberto V. Florido Jr. , Ryan V.
Lansangan, Josephine M. Calamlam, Jose Isaak M. Calamlam,
Science and Technology K to 12 ABIVA Publishing House, Inc.

Essential Questions  How did the astronomers come to the conclusion that the
universe are expanding?
 How does the Big Bang Theory describe the birth and the
future of the universe?


Inquiry Stimulus The universe is continously expanding with infinite possibilities.
Like the universe, we should also broaden our horizon and have an
open mind to the many possibilities and opportunities that might
come your way to improve yourself and other people.
Inquiry Questions  As a student, how will you be open to the opportunties that
may come to you?
 How will you deal with situations and with other peope
around you that somehow makes you weaker?
Learning Support  Project-based learning
Pedagogies  Cased-based learning
 Discovery learning
Lesson Plan Grade 10 Science

Instructional Strategies  Group Work

 Discussion
 Investigation

I. Routine Activities
A. Opening Prayer
B. Cleanliness and orderliness
C. Checking of attendance
II. Day 1-Galaxies
Activity 1.1
Group the class into three (3). Distribute the
Materials----- manila paper, marker, scatch tape.
Direction: Draw the ideal universe you want to live in.
Explain why you choose to live in that
Of universe.
 Define what is a Galaxy and enumerate its type.

DAY 2-Types of Galaxies

 Discussed the different types of galaxies.
Spiral Galaxies
Elliptical Galaxies
Irregular Galaxies
Activity 1.2
Directions: work by pair. Complete the table below and
share it to the class.

Type of Shape Stars Formation

Galaxy Present



DAY 3-Galactic Clusters, Galactic Collitions and

 Discuss the Galactic Cluster and the Galactic
Collision and Interactions.

Activity 1.3
Directions: Answer the following questions and be
prepare for a random selection of students to share
his/her answers.
Lesson Plan Grade 10 Science

1. What is a Galaxy?
2. What causes stars to group together and form
3. How would you classify our own galaxy, the
Milky Way?
4. What makes Galaxies different from one
DAY 4: Sci-Fi Movies: Facts and Myths about space
Activity 1.4
Directions: Evaluate weather a scene in a sci-fi movie
about space is scientifically true or is just a myth. At the
end of the movie, make a reaction paper aboutyour
observations on the scenes.

DAY 5: The dynamic Universe

 Discuss the dynamic Universe, the Big Bang
theory, the expanding of the universe and the fate
of the universe.

Activity 1.5
Directions: Answer the following questions:
1. How did theastronomers come to the conclusion
that the universe is expanding? Site some
2. How does the big bang theory describe the birth
and the future of the universe?
3. What quality can possibly determine the final
state of the universe? How will it affect the
probable fate of the universe?

DAY 6: Hubbles Law: Amodel of Expanding Universe.

Activity 1.6
Directions: Perform Activity 3.2 on page 61 of your
textbook and answer the questions that

III. Closing Activities

A. Closing prayer


Assessment tools  Written work (WW)
 Performance task(PeTa)
 Quarterly Assessment(QA)

Metacognitive When the introduction is done, ask these reflection questions:

Extension  How do you figure out the universe you are live-in?
 What properties does our unuverse have?
 How vast is the universe?

Cross-Disciplinary Social Sciences

Applications Balance, order and harmony are imirtant aspects in keeping any
system intact, from the smallest up to the largest that exist in the
Lesson Plan Grade 10 Science

universe. As a member of a society, being organized andmaintaing

order by following rules and regulations are importantto maintain a
harmonious relationship with others.

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