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School Name RIMT University

Reference Number rimt-001 BCM 1106./BCM 1104/BB 1104-Basic Comm

Selection Type Question Text Difficulty Level

Denotations and Connotations are

Single Select ------------barriers in communication process Moderate
Which is NOT one of the three purposes for
Single Select giving oral presentations? Moderate
 A------------ includes rules for forming
compound words, abbreviating technical terms,
Single Select and writing unusual or difficult words Moderate
------------ indicates the hierarchy of topics and
Single Select their sequences Moderate
Single Select Which of the following is a basic part of report? Moderate
The purpose of a -------------- is to help the
management identify the reasons underlying a
Single Select situation that management already know Moderate

In ------------- layout of letter, every line begins

at left margin and thus makes each paragraph
Single Select look like a distinct block of message Moderate

----------is a kind of written announcement that

is distributed to a large number of people to
convey any commercial or non-commercial
Single Select message at minimum time, costs and efforts Moderate
Comparing to resume, ------------ is more
Single Select academic oriented Moderate

Single Select Which of the following is/are business letters? Moderate

In form of communication, a subordinate is
permitted to communicate with the boss of his
Single Select boss Moderate

This communication takes place among the

members of a group where every member of a
group can communicate with the nearest two
Single Select members Moderate

______is talking to oneself in one’s own mind

Single Select such as soliloquies, asides in dramatic work etc Moderate
Class room teaching and directors meeting are
Single Select the examples of Moderate
Communication through news papers and
Single Select television are known as Moderate
In _______speakers’ choice of words
unintentionally communicates something more
Single Select than what the actual words state Moderate
Single Select The term “communis” derived from word Moderate
Communication means _______ information,
Single Select feeling and thoughts, with others Moderate
Grapevine communication is associated with
Single Select ------------communication Moderate

Single Select Lateral communication is between Moderate

Single Select Audio Visual communication Combines Moderate

Single Select Communication problems otherwise known as Moderate
Single Select Posters fall under ---------communication Moderate

Single Select Horizontal communication flows through Moderate

Single Select Gestural communication is a -------- Moderate
Single Select Physical Barriers to communication are Moderate
Single Select Communication starts with Moderate
The number of key elements in the
Single Select communication process is Moderate

Single Select The two broad areas of communication are Moderate

Which of the following combination is /are

Single Select example/s of oral communication? Moderate
Which of the following combination is /are
Single Select example/s of written communication? Moderate

Single Select Orders and directives are the example of Moderate

Communication between HR manager and
Single Select salesman is an example of Moderate

Single Select Diagonal communication is also known as Moderate

Communication between HR manager and
Single Select Finance manager is an example of Moderate
Down ward communication and upward
Single Select communication are Moderate
Placement of purchase order to supplier of
Single Select material is--------------- communication Moderate

Single Select Communication can be inward or outward Moderate

The word ‘communication’ derived from the
Single Select Latin word ‘Communis’ means Moderate
Functional coordination is one important reason
Single Select for communicating with Moderate
Single Select Communication with superiors involves Moderate
Single Select The most basic type of listening is known as Moderate

Single Select Readability is determined mainly by Moderate

Single Select The main objective of communication is Moderate

Gossip and rumor are part of------
Single Select communication. Moderate
Single Select Examples of oral communication---------- Moderate
Which one is an effective audio-visual
Single Select communication? Moderate
Single Select Advantage of written communication Moderate
Single Select _____refers to mental disturbances Moderate
Single Select The handshake that conveys confidence is Moderate
. -----from the following is not an essential
Single Select quality of a Good Business Letter Moderate
.______ means arrangement of connected
computers to exchange the information for the
Single Select purpose of business communication Moderate
Confidence, pleasant personality, eye contact is
Single Select include in------ Moderate
. -------is a set of skill that influence how will
Single Select people interact with each other Moderate
Attraction and respect is the type of---------
Single Select barriers in process of Business communication Moderate
Dressing Styles is the type of--------- barriers in
Single Select process of Business communication Moderate
Fear is the type of--------- barriers in process of
Single Select Business communication Moderate
Blindness is the type of--------- barriers in
Single Select process of Business communication Moderate
--------- is the process of translation of message
Single Select into understandable language Moderate
The communication process is complete only
Single Select when the receiver send_____ Moderate
Communication is a _______ of facts, ideas,
Single Select and opinions by two or more persons Moderate
_____channel of communication called the
Single Select grapevine Moderate
Single Select . Examples of oral communication _________ Moderate
Single Select Written communication includes ________ Moderate
Single Select Communication saves time in ________ Moderate

Single Select Telephonic conversation is a _______ Moderate

Envelopes containing transparent papers to
Single Select show the address are called _____ Moderate
In the communication cycle, the process of
retranslation of signals into ideas is called
Single Select _______ Moderate

If each line in the inside address is started after

Single Select leaving a small gap, it is known as __________ Moderate
Single Select The inside address should be written ________ Moderate
Reports from the subordinates to the superiors
Single Select take the form of ________ Moderate

Single Select Pictures, slides, films fall under _________ Moderate

Realizing the potential of the self is part of the
Single Select _________ Moderate

Single Select A memo is an example for ________ Moderate

Audio Visual communication combines
Single Select _________ Moderate
Communication problems otherwise known as
Single Select __________ Moderate
Single Select Posters fall under _________ communication Moderate
Horizontal communication flows through
Single Select __________ Moderate
Single Select Face-to-face communication means Moderate
Single Select Physical Barriers to communication are _______Moderate
BCM 1104/BB 1104-Basic Communication

Answer Option1 Option2 Option3

Option2 Physical barriers    Semantic barriers   Encoding barriers

Option2 To persuade To debate To build goodwill

Option4 Appendix List of references Bibliography

Option4 Appendix List of references Bibliography

Option2 . Cover Recommendation Title page

Option1 Report . Memos Letters

Option1 Full block Semi-block Simplified

Option3 Memo Notice Circular

Option3 Cover letter Interview Curriculum Vitae

Option4 . Refusal letter Customer relation letter Order status letter

Option4 Wheel Chain . Circular

Option3 Wheel communication Chain communication communication

Interpersonal . Intrapersonal
Option3 Dialogue communication communication
Intrapersonal Group
Option3 Mass communication. communication communication.
Interpersonal Mass
Option3 Group communication communication communication

Unintended Active
Option2 communication Meta communication communication
Option2 Greek . Latin Chinese

Option2 To receive Exchange of Conveying

Option2 Formal Informal Horizontal

Superior and Subordinate and
Option2 subordinate Same cadre of personal superior
Both auditory &
Option3 Auditory only Visual only visual
Option2 Enquire Barriers Encoding
Option2 Oral Visual Written
Option4 discussion Telephonic talk Periodical meeting
Option1 Non-Verbal Message Direct conversation oral communication
Option1 Time and distance Interpretation of words Denotations
Option2 Encoding Sender Channel

Option1 Five Six Seven

Verbal and non-
Oral and written Verbal and written verbal
Option3 communication communication communication
presentations and
Meetings, memos and Meetings, memos and performance
Option3 presentations performance reviews reviews
Circulars and
Option2 Letters and voicemail Reports and email voicemail
Downward Diagonal
Option1 communication Upward communication communication
Horizontal Diagonal
Option3 communication Lateral communication communication
Cross ward Horizontal Vertical
Option1 communication communication communication
Downward Diagonal
Option4 communication Upward communication communication
Horizontal Diagonal
Option1 Vertical communicatio communication communication
Vertical Horizontal Internal
Option4 communication communication communication
Vertical Horizontal Internal
Option4 communication communication communication

Option1 Common Community To Hear

Option2 Superiors Peers Subordinates

Option3 Directions Orders Complaints
Option1 Discriminative listenin Comprehension listeningAppreciative listenin
Active and passive
Option2 Punctuation Length of words voice
Information and Skill and personality Control and
Option1 persuasion development management

Option2 Formal Informal Horizontal

Option3 Letter E-mail Telephone

Option4 Cinema Television Drama

Option3 Save time Save money Permanent record
Option3 Coherence Notion Distraction
Option2 Limp Firm Loose

Option4 Candid Clarity Completeness

Option2 Website Internet Google

Option3 Physical Features Psychological Barrier Grooming Manners

Option4 Barrier Knowledge Emotions

Option2 Physical Barrier Psychological Barrier Emotional Barrier

Option4 Physical Barrier Psychological Barrier Emotional Barrier

Option3 Physical Barrier Technical Barrier Emotional Barrier

Option1 Physical Barrier Psychological Barrier Emotional Barrier

Option1 Decoding Encoding Feedback

Either Positive or
Option3 Positive Feedback Negative feedback Negative Feedback

Option1 Exchange Foreign exchange Control

Option2 Formal Informal Horizontal

Option3 Letter E-mail Telephone
Option1 Reports & forms . Interviews Film
Option3 Internal communicatio Interview Oral communication
Non-verbal Visual
Option2 Verbal communication communication communication

Option3 Window envelops Easy envelop Address envelop

Option2 Encoding Decoding Response

Option3 Block form Correct form Indented form

Option3 Below the salutation Above the heading Above the salutation
Upward Downward Face-to-face
Option1 communication communication communication
Option2 Body languages communication Reporting
Option4 development Language development Skill development
Internal External Lateral
Option1 communication communication communication
Both auditory and
Option3 Auditory Visual visual

Option2 Enquire Barriers Encoding

Option2 Oral Visual Written
Face to face
Option4 discussion Telephonic talk periodical meeting
Option2 Visual communication Direct conversation Oral Communication
Option1 Time and distance Interpretation of words Denotations

Technical barriers

To inform

. Glossary

. Table of contents


All the above

. Publicity


All of these

. Inverted “V”

Free flow

All of these

None of these

Fathom communication

All the above


Among all


All the above



Oral and non-verbal


All the above

All the above


Vertical communication

Any of the above

None of these

External communication

External communication

To Understand

Employees’ unions
Evaluative listening




All the above

Psychological noise



Presentation skill


international Barrier

Cultural Barrier

International Barrier

International Barrier

None of the above




Front envelop


Address form
Above the date

Visual communication

visual communication

Personality development

Written communication



All of the above


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