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GROUP ASSIGNMENT ON- “Facebook Marketing and Advertising”

Members: Roll No.

Ritika Jain 181349
Swetha Prabhakaran 181361
Sagar Tank 181352
Akshat Vyas 181403
Ayush Chauhan 181410

Date of Submission-7th December, 2018

Create Page ........................................................................................................................... 3
Creating Campaign: .............................................................................................................. 5
Marketing objective for our campaign ................................................................................... 6
AD Set .................................................................................................................................. 7
Create Ad ............................................................................................................................ 11
Image Text Overlay ............................................................................................................ 16

Create Page
To create a Facebook ad we need a Facebook page for our brand, the same can be created on
the below window where we get an option to create a Facebook page if don‟t have any. It is
essential to have a Facebook page to get connected with our connections and more
prospective customers for our products. For this through a Facebook Account we can create a

As can be seen from the above window that Facebook page are of multiple types, like:

 Local Business or Place- when we have to promote business in a particular place

 Company, Organization or Institution- to promote our organization via organization
 Brand or Product- to promote our Brand name or a particular product style.
 Artist, band or Public Figure- Page to promote a public figure, artist etc.
 Entertainment- any kind of entertainment page to grab attention.
 Cause or community- Promotion of any special social cause or community.

One can select the page type as per the need of the business.

We selected Brand or Product type of page to promote our brand PugMark. As this is the
brand which caters to the sports sector.

As we can see on the window below while creating a Facebook page, we are asked for the
page name, category and profile picture. We kept our page name on our brand name
„PugMark‟, which falls under the category of Health/Beauty and we decided to keep the
profile picture as the logo of our brand as it gives more credibility to our page.

PugMark Logo

Creating Campaign:
While drafting a campaign the company should have clear idea about the objective of the
campaign, target market for the campaign, what they want to earn from the campaign and the
budget to be spend. On Facebook we can enter all these details step by step and use the
platform for promotion of our brand as per our requirements. With the following steps we
attempted to make our own campaign for our brand „PugMark‟.

For creating campaign we went to create ads from the drop down icon on our page. And

Creating Campaign as mentioned below:

Marketing objective for our campaign
Facebook provides us the platform where we can effectively design our campaign by keeping
in mind the business life stage, target audience and objective behind the campaign. Setting up
the objective helps us to define the goal of our campaign. This provides direction to the
Facebook ad manager to understand and select the best ad placements, formats and thus help
us to deliver the message to the expected target audience.

After selecting the create ads we are directed to the above mentioned webpage. Here get to
see the

Ads Manager screen where we can select from the various marketing objectives. Our
marketing objective here was to work on the Reach of the brand. Thus we selected Reach as
our objective.

By selecting reach as our objective we can create brand awareness of our brand.

On selecting the Reach, we get to see the following window:

Here we gave our campaign name as “PugMark” that makes it easy for us to define the
objective of our campaign.

We are also asked about the budget type where we opted budget optimisation which further
asks us to define the budget, wherein we selected daily type of budget with the capacity of
Rs. 1000 per day and campaign bid strategy of lowest cost. This strategy would allow us to
deliver our message to large number of people with fixed expenditure budget.

AD Set
After successfully creating our Facebook page we are now directed towards next tab of AD
set, it consists of details regarding our page that has to be included in our campaign, the
Audience (market segment) which we are to target as per our objective and vision to promote
our campaign, and budget details, which we want to expend in the campaign.

We add the Ad set name to give the Facebook Ad Manager an idea about the audience that
we are targeting. We can choose to target a broad audience or target some specific prospects.
Facebook lets you choose three types of target audiences:

1. Core Audience: This is your priority audience who you want to reach on the basis of
various factors such as location, gender, age, language, behaviour and interests. Since
we are targeting Ahmedabad region therefore that is selected. Age group set for our
audience is between 16 to 35. While their interest would be in health, sports, fitness.
2. Custom Audience: This is a group of people who have already had some connection
to the brand or has visited the Facebook page frequently. Therefore those who have
visited our page or website before has been set as our custom audience.
3. Lookalike Audience: This is a group of people who have similar characteristics to
our custom audience. Facebook data is used to target lookalike audiences.

The brand/product page is shown to give an estimate of our potential reach. We can provide
some specifications such as age, gender, location and range to target a specific group. The
daily reach is estimated to give an idea of the reach and the daily expenditure.

Since we are targeting for year-end sales thus we have taken the schedule for ad from 10th
Dec to 1st Jan 2020.

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Create Ad
Through the Create Ad window, we can link our brand page as well as our other social media
accounts such as Instagram. Next, we select the format of our ad. We have selected single
image ads to display our store and a promotional photoshoot.

Apart from the single image option, Facebook gives a varied range of options such as
Carousel, Single video or slide shows. We chose the caraousel ad as we wanted to show
pictures related to different themes such as our retail store in Ahmendabad and our promo

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We have selected image as our cover. As we have choosen carousel so many images can be
displayed at a single point. Destination URL is entered so that the user can reach to the
landing page.

There are 4 images inserted in the advertisement. The display of the facebook advertisement
on a mobile screen is shown as the above picture in the right.

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Headline is “PugMark Collection” and description is “Wide Range of variety”.

Here it is displayed how the post will appear on facebook mobile stories. Aspect ratio is one
of the most important components of facebook marketing because it gives a better user

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Here we have posted about our brand as we need to constantly reach out new people so that it
can benefit our brand. As we have targeted Ahmedabad so we have also included the location
so that people of this city can connect with us.

The image below shows the ad preview at the desktop feed. Many people access through
desktop and optimization of advertisement should be there so that desktop and mobile users
can get a better user interface.

We have taken reach as our objective as we want that our ads should be shown to multiple
unique users.

Description- Where sports meets contact. This is placed because we are mainly targetting
sports and fitness freaks and hence sports is a catch word in description for the customer.

We have used different headlines in order to attract to our customer through local targetting.
For example we have included “ Khelo Ahmedabad Khelo” which will attract the population
of Ahmedabad. We have also included “Choose from a wide range” so that customer can get
idea of vast range of SKU‟s available with our store.

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In the image below we have included “SHOP NOW” as our CTA button as our ultimate aim
is to lead the visitors to our shopping page.

After that we are redirected to the payment mode where in order to place our add we need to
pay an amount.

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Image Text Overlay

Both the images have been rated OK when checked on

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