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A further problem I

personally faced was

during filming days my
tripod was stuck on a
slanted angle and I did
not know how to
straighten it.

Take the camera off the Keep the camera on the

tripod and film free tripod but find a way to
handed as I could not get make it level.
the tripod to stand up


If I found a way to level off

None of our shots would have the tripod so the camera
been slanted and I would have was at a flat angle it would
avoided the possibility of the have improved the quality
camera falling from the of my clips a lot more as
slanted tripod. they would all be flat and
smoothly filmed.


If I didn’t use the tripod to film,

there was a very high chance The tripod may not become level it
my clips would have been may just be stuck at an angle in
shaky, and I would have had to which case I would have to take
film them free hand. Also, they the camera off it and not use it.
may have been at wonky Having the camera on a slanted
angles which would have made tripod may also be a danger issue
them look poor quality. as it could break equipment.

My final decision was to find a way to level out the tripod as I really needed to use it to
improve the quality of my frames. By moving out some of the legs more than others I was
able to level it off, so the camera sat straight on top of it. This also meant the camera was in
no danger of falling off.

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