Reproductive System Working in Sync With Nervous and Endocrene System

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Lesson Plan Grade 10 Science


Rationale All living things have a definite life span, and reproduction ensures
that all species have a chance to propagate their own kind without
sccumbing to extinction. Humans, like other complex form of
animals, are capable of sexual reproduction. In this chapter, you will
learn about the parts of the reproductive system, the process
involved in the development of sperm and egg and the important
roles of the nervous and endocrene systems in different process of
the reproductive system.

Content Standards The learner demonstrate an understanding of;
 Coordinated functions of the reproductive, Endocrine, and
Nervous system
 Parts and function of the Male Reproductive System
 Parts and function of the Female Reproductive System
 Conception and Gestation

Source: DepEd K-12 Curriculum Guide, Grade 7

Learning Competencies The students will be able to;
 Describe the parts and function of the male and female
reproductive organs.
 Describe the role of a certain hormones involve in the
process of reproduction.
 Describe the feedback mechanism involve in regulating
process in the reproductive system.
Performance Standards The learner will be able to:
 Explain how nervous system coordinates and regulates these
feedback mechanism to maintain homeostasis.
 Illustrate how fertilization and gestation occurs.

 Critical thinking
 Problem Solving
 Curiosity
 Awareness

Key Concept Male Reproductive organ, Female Reproductive organ, Nervous

system, Endocrine System, Conception, Gestation
Resources Textbook, Printed Matrials, Visual Aids, Projector, Speaker
References Rebecca C. Nueva Espania, PhD. , Alberto V. Florido Jr. , Ryan V.
Lansangan, Josephine M. Calamlam, Jose Isaak M. Calamlam,
Science and Technology K to 12 ABIVA Publishing House, Inc.

Essential Questions  How does the Nervous System influence the functioning of
the male reproductive system?
 How do you describe a sperm?
 What are the differences and the similarities of the male and
female reproductive organs?
 What are the functions of the hormones estrogen and
 When does conception occur?


Lesson Plan Grade 10 Science

Inquiry Stimulus Nowadays, our country is facing issues on reproductive health and
effect of overpopulation.
Inquiry Questions
 How will you adhere to the moral attitude towards
responsible parenthood in the future?

Learning Support  Project-based learning
Pedagogies  Cased-based learning
 Discovery learning

Instructional Strategies  Group Work

 Discussion
 Investigation

I. Routine Activities
A. Opening Prayer
B. Cleanliness and orderliness
C. Checking of attendance

II. Day 1-Coordinated Function of the Reproductive,

Endocrene and Nervous System

- Explore
- Let them think of a certain situation where in two
things are being connected to each other and can’t be
- Let them explain why they choose such things.
- Firm-Up
- Cite some examples that two bodys act as one. The
last example should be the Nervous, Endocrine and
the Reproductive system work collaboratively.
- Let them tell their prior knowledge about the three

DAY 2-Continuation
- Deepen
- Discuss How the three systems work coordinately on
page 176 of the textbook.
- Let them internalize and try to ask them through their
personal experiences. Let the student share his/her
experience in class.

- Transfer
- Work as a group.
- Cite one situation manifesting the collaborative work
of the nervous, endocrene and reproductive system.
Discuss it in a small group and after the small group
sharing, we’ll proceed to a large group sharing.
Lesson Plan Grade 10 Science

Type of Shape Stars Formation

Galaxy Present


DAY 3-Galactic Clusters, Galactic Collitions and

 Discuss the Galactic Cluster and the Galactic
Collision and Interactions.

Activity 1.3
Directions: Answer the following questions and be
prepare for a random selection of students to share
his/her answers.

1. What is a Galaxy?
2. What causes stars to group together and form
3. How would you classify our own galaxy, the
Milky Way?
4. What makes Galaxies different from one

DAY 4: Sci-Fi Movies: Facts and Myths about space


Activity 1.4
Directions: Evaluate weather a scene in a sci-fi movie
about space is scientifically true or is just a myth. At the
end of the movie, make a reaction paper aboutyour
observations on the scenes.

DAY 5: The dynamic Universe

 Discuss the dynamic Universe, the Big Bang
theory, the expanding of the universe and the fate
of the universe.

Activity 1.5
Directions: Answer the following questions:
1. How did theastronomers come to the conclusion
that the universe is expanding? Site some
2. How does the big bang theory describe the birth
Lesson Plan Grade 10 Science

and the future of the universe?

3. What quality can possibly determine the final
state of the universe? How will it affect the
probable fate of the universe?

DAY 6: Hubbles Law: Amodel of Expanding


Activity 1.6

Directions: Perform Activity 3.2 on page 61 of your

textbook and answer the questions that

I. Closing Activities
A. Closing prayer


Assessment tools  Written work (WW)
 Performance task(PeTa)
 Quarterly Assessment(QA)

Metacognitive When the introduction is done, ask these reflection questions:

Extension  How do you figure out the universe you are live-in?
 What properties does our unuverse have?
 How vast is the universe?

Cross-Disciplinary Social Sciences

Applications Balance, order and harmony are imirtant aspects in keeping any
system intact, from the smallest up to the largest that exist in the
universe. As a member of a society, being organized andmaintaing
order by following rules and regulations are importantto maintain a
harmonious relationship with others.

Prepared by:

Yvette Marie Yaneza Nicolas


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