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Complete the chart and write sentences about the jobs. Follow the example

Before the Before the Before the Before the Before the
pandemic: pandemic: pandemic: pandemic:. pandemic:.
wear only a give food or build houses,
talk to apartments or ?
helmet. packets in the
hands of customers in roads for a
customers the garage construction

New normal - New normal: New normal: New normal: New normal:
wear a helmet give food or talk to the - be a jack of
and a mask packets customers on all trades ?
everywhere keeping the phone
distance from
- wear a mask

Example: Jessica is a firefighter. Before the pandemic, she always wore only a helmet, but
now she wears a helmet and a mask everywhere.
1. 1. Eusebio is a delivery person. Before the pandemic, he always _______________,
but now he ___________________________and ________________________.
2. 2. Flor is a mechanic. Before the pandemic, she always ____________________, but
now she ________ _____________________________.
3. 3. Miguel is a construction worker. Before the pandemic, he always
_____________________, but now he _______________________________.
4. 4. __________ is a ___________. Before the pandemic,
__________________________, but now _____________________________.

EXTRA: What other jobs do you know? What did they do? What
do they do now? Talk to your teacher or classmates about them if
you are in contact with them.

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