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Mission of the Church


The Catholic Church’s mission is to carry out and continue the work of Jesus Christ on Earth. The Church,
and those in it, must:

share the Word of God

help those in need

live as examples to all

Through this, missionaries aim to evangelise individuals and convert them to the Catholic faith.

The sharing of the Gospel and the life of Christ started with the commissioning and sending out of the 12

Normally, when we refer to the word church, we all think about the building we went to understand
and worship God one day. We also consider the extent to which we go to church to guide our mental
state, or our distance from our god. We believe that the doctrines, rules, and regulations the church
gives us are a way to make us a better Christian. I think we need to reconsider. The church is not a
building. The church is the bride of Christ, and we are all saved by grace. We are the shrine of the Holy
Spirit. The building is a place we can meet and open spiritual gatherings. This is another place to enjoy
the fellowship of Christianity. We do not regard the church as the place we go, but try to show God's
love to everyone in the everyday life of the church under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Does the
church need a building as a church? No Buildings make things more comfortable, but the church is a
human being. The church is a person gathered in a family where God is called and love is information.
This is the place people can grow in his words. The church is a family sharing Christ. The church is a place
where families gather and grow in the respectable love of God. This is not perfect. Unfortunately, no
matter where people gather, conflicts and differences will arise due to sin. The church is fully described
as a hospice, and they died of sin and only with Christ


The body of Christ is the Church, made up of all those who have accepted Jesus Christ as
their personal Savior. Each Christian, then, is a part of the body of Christ. Jesus Christ is compared to the
head – the part of the body to which the rest of the body submits. We who are Christians, church
members, believers, are compared to the body. As Christ is the head of the church, He is the One that
we need to listen to and obey. When we respond to His commands and directives, we will achieve the
work or tasks that He has commanded us to do. The body is important as well. Paul points out that when
the church is functioning at its best, every church member, every Christian has been given gifts and
skills. And every member has work to do in order that the church, like a human body, will function
effectively and efficiently. He also explains that every member of the church is vital to the functioning of
a healthy church. This is how it is with the church: if one member of the church is suffering, the whole of
the church will suffer too and we need to help, protect, or take steps to bring about healing in order that
the church will not become disabled, or lacking in any of the vital tasks of the body. The body is made up
of many parts as is the church, and we have a responsibility to each member of the church, just as we
have a responsibility to our body to care for it and keep it as healthy as possible.


The Church is a community of human beings who are still subject to sin, and so it is with humility
that she offers herself as the meeting place with the living God. Her existence for two thousand years
demonstrates the unceasing mercy and love of God in maintaining her in his grace as a faithful and
repentant people. In a world of passing fads and transitory ambitions, she offers the substance of the
wisdom of the Gospel and her growing understanding of it through two millennia. She offers the
possibility of enriching the present moment with the gifts of a tradition rooted in God’s self-revelation
and with the hope and meaning for human life that comes from God himself. In a world torn by war and
injustice, she celebrates the death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ, the gift of himself made eternally
present and effective, to make all peoples one with him as head of a reconciled and healed community.
In a world of violence against human life, the Church mightily defends life by her works of justice and
charity as well as by her advocacy for the protection of all human life.

Of her very nature, the Church is missionary. This means her members are called by God to bring the
Gospel by word and deed to all peoples and to every situation of work, education, culture, and
communal life in which human beings find themselves. The members of the Church seek to transform
society not by power but by persuasion and by example. Through participation in political life – either as
voters or as policy holders of public office – they work for increasing conformity of public policy to the
law of God as known by human reason and Divine Revelation. This they do especially by showing the
coherence of Catholic teaching with the fundamental yearnings and dignity of the human person.

This Catechism provides Catholics with a knowledge and understanding of the Gospel that enables them
to give an account of their faith to all who they meet with clarity and persuasiveness. They are more
effectively enabled to proclaim what God has done for them through his Son in the Holy Spirit, and to
explain the rich tradition of belief that is our heritage. This proclamation and catechesis are essential to
the new evangelization to which the Church commits herself today: to bring the Gospel of salvation to
those near and far.


The Church is the Temple of the Holy Spirit because it holds the grace of God within. Our bodies are
also Temples of the Holy Spirit. Each and every one of us is called to be a Temple of the Holy Spirit: it
allows us to grow closer with God as well as deepening and strengthening our faith. By having the Holy
Spirit within us, we also learn to use the Gifts and Fruits of the Holy Spirit in our daily lives. The Church,
or Temple, is a visible sign of God's covenant with David. Jesus is the cornerstone of the Church, and we
are the living stones that make up his Holy Temple which houses the Holy Spirit. We are one with God,
and He is one with us. We all believe in one faith and one true Lord, we are one with the Holy spirit, who
dwells within us and fills us with faith. What the soul is to the human body, the Holy Spirit is to the Body
of Christ, which is the Church. To this Spirit of Christ, as an invisible principle, is to be ascribed the fact
that all the parts of the body are joined one with the other and with their exalted head; for the whole
Spirit of Christ is in the head, the whole Spirit is in the body, and the whole Spirit is in each of the
members. The Holy Spirit makes the Church "the temple of the living God". Indeed, it is to the Church
herself that the "Gift of God" has been entrusted. In it is in her that communion with Christ has been
deposited, that is to say: The Holy Spirit, the pledge of incorruptibility, the strengthening of our faith and
the ladder of our ascent to God. For where the Church is, there also is God's Spirit; where God's Spirit is,
there is the Church and every grace.

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