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SCC Supply chain cockpit

Alert Monitor

Alert Profile
Conditions for Alert

Overall Alert Profile

Application-specific alert profiles

Alert Overview by Objects

Plan Monitor

Alert Monitor Purpose

Alert profiles Purpose

Overall Alert Profile

application-specific alert profiles

Alert Overview by Objects

To monitor whether your application is running without problems

user customization,

Alert Monitor Monitor Auto Send Alert Notification

Applications for any Notify the users when
problems exception takes place.

Push Alert Management

Apln DB Pull via Nt prof * Via Alert Notification
Event Mng Engine - Applicable for
Portal - inbox

Determine quality of current planning by comparing with simulated versions over different periods b
Compares Plan key figures with specific objects, versions and periods and provides scores

Key Figure Schema

Key figure Variant Defines how the evaluation of a key figure is calcul
Calculation rules
; Calculation of the scores for a key figure variant
Calculation of a formula variant
Plan monitor for PP/DS - implementation

(Work Area) query object pool a subset of all the supply chain elements in SAP AP
APO queries to retrieve detailed information on your supply cha
KPIs (key performance indicators) for measuring supply chain performance
APO KPIs express abstract supply chain objectives
To monitor whether your application is running without
Determine in what situations the system reports the problem -
generates an alert
Assign to SCC, system only displays alerts for the alert types
that exist for the objects that you are processing in the
If you want to view all alerts for individual objects, such as for
a particular location product, irrespective of which application
the alerts were generated
Individual Message
Collective Message
Aggregated Message

* - pull mechanism, schedule program /SCMB/ANOTPULL

Alert mangmt facility- mySAP Technology Components ® SAP Web Application Server ® Basis Service
Business Workplace and Services (BC-SRV-OFC) ® Alert Management (BC-SRV-GBT-ALM).

alert category SCM_ANOT

favorites and substitutions : authorization object C_APO_AMON with activity 22, which is contained in the AMON Superuser rol
Determine alerts from background
Deleting alerts

ns over different periods by using key figures

rovides scores

on of a key figure is calculated in the Plan Monitor

chain elements in SAP APO that is considered when a query is launched in SCC
mation on your supply chain elements such as locations, products, and resources from the APO system
in performance
t supply chain objectives in financial or physical units for comparative purposes. They are retrieved from the SA
lication Server ® Basis Services/Communication Interfaces ® Alert mangmt facility- mySAP Technology Compo

contained in the AMON Superuser role

from the APO system

They are retrieved from the SAP Business Information Warehouse (SAP BW
ity- mySAP Technology Components ® SAP Web Application Server ® Basis Services/Communication Interfaces
ices/Communication Interfaces ® Business Workplace and Services (BC-SRV-OFC) ® Alert Management (BC-SR
C) ® Alert Management (BC-SRV-GBT-ALM).
Module Demand Planning
Area Planning Area Adminstration
Scope basis for all activities in APO Demand Planning
It is a collection of parameters that define the scope of all planning tasks
Connected to Data Mart

Data View

1 Data View to 1 Planning book
1 Planning book - many data views
1 Planning book - 1 POS
POS 1 POS --> many planning books
(CVC+hierar 1 POS --> 1 Planning area
) 1 planning area --> many POS

Planning DP Master Demand

Data Mart Area (KF, Data forecasts
uom, $)

1 InfoObjects in DP
1.1 Key Figures (contains data as Qnty, amount and number factors)
1.1.1 in APO always create APO KF's and not BW KF's
1.1.2 Types in DP

Key Figures

History Forecast

Historical input Baseline Forecast Promotion

Original History Corrected Forecast
Corrected History Historical input (order history) KF
what Actual data is used to calculate the forecast.
source Infocube/Live Cache
Storage Stored in Planning area
Output Univariate Forecast Profile Original History

what Actual data is used to calculate the forecast after adjustment if set o
source Infocube/Live Cache
Storage Not stored in Planning area
Output Displayed in interactive demand planning Corrected History

what history that has been corrected by the system or manually by the user is stored

1.2 Characteristics (planning object) Tells the level on which you plan and save
Levels of Characteristics


Characteristics Values

Value Name

Naming Convention
9A APO Characteristic - business content
O BW Characteristic - business content
Z user defined Characteristics

Limitations in DP

Data types DATS - date and TIMS - time - Not allowed

Case type No lower cases
usage Do not use Compound characteristics

Descriptive Characteristics
For Non-DP usage of Descriptive characteristics, Put it in consumption group
Consumption group helps planning forecast at customer level i.e at sales and o

1.3 Master Planning Object Structure

Plannable characteristics for one or more planning areas
Types of characteristics in POS
Standard Characteristics
Z characteristics
Specific Characteristics as required for SNP - not supported (see 9ASNPBAS)
Characteristic based forecasting
Forecasting of dependent demand

Master Planning Object Structure

Other POS -
Aggregates Std SNP

For each MPOS : create CVC, --> Planning Area --> Key figures --> Enter values to Key figures
Assignment of Characteristics to MPOS
For DP Can assign any characteristics to MPOS
For below fixed set of characteristics can be assigned
FC with BOM
SAP recomends do not change the characteristics in the MPOS when activated
When MPOS is deactivated then all CVC's are deleted and existing Live cache time series objects become incon

1.4 CVC or Characteristic Combination

What A characteristic value combination is the combination of characteristic values with wh
1.5 Aggregates/ Persistent Aggregates/ hierarchy
Why Speed up data access and improve performance
APO aggregates are different from BW aggregates
APO aggregates should be available in BW for actual data
Aggregation cannot be done for navigational attributes
When aggregate is triggered for Characteristics then Data is stored
Contains subset of characteristics in the MPOS
refer OSS note 503363

1.6 Planning Area

What the central data structures for Demand Planning and Supply Network Planning
The liveCache objects in which data is saved are based on the planning area

contains UOM, $, $ conversion type, Time - Storage bucket profile, Key figure

1.6 Time bucket Profiles

Time Bucket Profiles

Storage Bucket Profiles (for Planning

data storage) p

Time Stream (to attach factory calendar)

Storage Bucket Profiles

Note Have long Horizon, Once a storage buckets profile is in use, it is not possible to chan
Process Stage 1 Pre-requisite understanding
1.1 Data storage methods
Infocube DP Actual and old data
LiveCache time
1.2 Key Figure
1.3 Characteristics
1.4 Attribute
1.5 Master planning objective structure
1.6 Aggregate
1.7 Storage bucket profiles
1.8 Planning area

Stage 2
2.1 Selection of Key figures

Which key figures you need for DP?

Which key figures you want to store?
Which Key figures you need to create?

Check list : Need Key figure for each of below

Department, business partner, corrected history, corrected forecast, promotion
Sequence of implementation
Key figures

Storage buckets profile
Planning Area

data views


er adjustment if set of conditions are satisfied in master forecast profile.

by the user is stored

you plan and save

onsumption group
vel i.e at sales and other order levels

ries objects become inconsistent

aracteristic values with which you want to plan

actual data

s then Data is stored at both lowest level and at aggregate level. There is consistency between levels

y Network Planning
the planning area

ket profile, Key figures, Aggregates for Key figures


Planning Bucket Profiles (for

planning data)

e, it is not possible to change it.Since the storage bucket profile does not take up any room in liveCache, this does not affect performance
d forecast, promotions, ex-post forecast, and/or ex-post MLR forecast, periods, subtotals, fixed values storage, s
ween levels

s not affect performance

xed values storage, spare key figures (to avoid deletion of LTSO
Q1 When creating CVC, Why time series objects created by adjust time series objects?
Q2 What are aggregate difference between MPOS and Planning Area
eries objects?

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