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Dear Mom,

Thank you. I cannot think of more appropriate words to say besides those two simple, yet powerful
ones. You are deserving of gratitude every single day for the way you raised your family, you maintained
your grace, you balanced schedules, and you blessed others. Today and every day I am thankful for the
gift you are, as a mother, friend, mentor and hero. Many people never get to meet the person they look
up to but I was fortunate enough to be raised by mine.

Thank you for putting up with the selfishness that comes with teens years. Thank you for humbling
yourself to put my needs (and more often wants) above your own. Thank you for sacrificing innumerable
hours to help with projects, or take care of ailments, or to simply spend an afternoon bonding with me.
Thank you for constant prayers over and for me. Thank you for home-cooked meals after long days at
the office. Thank you for new clothes when I already more than enough. Thank you for mother/daughter
dates. Thank you for displaying grace in the midst of storms. Thank you for being a wife of noble
character. Thank you for showing me how to be strong. Thank you for laughing with me so hard we cry.
Thank you for memories I will never forget, and a legacy I will proudly carry on.

I cannot wait for the day that I get to live out a life with my future family that reflects the influence you
have had on ours. I cannot wait to follow in your footsteps of being a present, intentional, and loving
mother – an encouraging, supportive, and tactful wife – and a consistent, loyal, and hardworking
employee all at once. You are, without a doubt, the most incredible person I know and to be your
daughter is an honor I will never be deserving of. I hope to make you as proud of me as I am of you
every day.

Thank you for being the woman God made you to be, for she is also everything I aspire to be.

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