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Evaluation tests + Teste diagnéstico IIDIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIID - 4 testes por unidade - Testes A e B com niveis diferenciados de dificuldade - Teste para aluno com Curriculo Especifico Individual - Teste Key for Schools - Solucdes - Grelhas de correcao e avaliacado dos testes TDA DT TOT IE DA Oe OD 1) -Grelhas aS avaliacgao - Producao escrita - Avaliacdo geral da turma - Avaliacdo global dos alunos, - Avaliagao do aluno com Curriculo Especifico Individual bit] prora=d gram + Ficha de autoavaliacao do aluno Ee ury Todos os materiais incluidos neste separador serdo disponibilizados em formato Word” editavel no e-Manual Premium. SO a crear ee glish Diagnostic Brg Unit © Warm-up Matriz do teste diagnéstico ren Competéncias rer) Formula perguntase | Yoeabuétioegramétca | A.Ligar pergunose | x2=16 Cea) Ore we ‘Swoush - 8." ano Evaluation tes Critérios de Great ‘A. Respostacorta ou erada B.Erras de ortografia: 0,5 Erro de tempo verbal: 2 Erro de pronome nterrogatio: 2 Resposta ceria ov errada Err ortogratind tempo verbal = [Tempo verter: Err de ortografiairelevantes ¢estruturs © epanade Serene: 200 16 poms Err de ortografia etrutura bastante iecenades ana respon apne ‘anteriores 1. Formular perguntas Sx 4=20 enter une da : ors Isaak ranges salingagem —URENRHESA, p70 Vilar coetament | OSES ‘05 tempos verbais. 7 3 Past mpl as Serre paras | Fie Sl _erpressoes. xk Terao presente orl pessado.e futuro | Sag Mare es Produ om Naconaade truncedsescrto | Foil Poostempes ALe2h3d4aGc6f7.gRb B. 1. How often do you play football? 2. How far is Lisbon from Oporto? 3. How long did you stayin Paris? 4. How many languages does your father speak? 5. How much money does Stephanie spend writing SMS to her friends? C.td2jReGisb6c7g Bln Ids D. 1. Mrs Norris will take Emily tothe doctor next week 2.1 90 to football practice every day. 3.1 wrote an email to Chris lastnight. 4. My parents were in Spain last month, 5. Tomorrow we will be/are going to be free to do whatever we want. 6.1 went to my grandparents’ house yesterday. E. open answer sesorgorizeds: 92d pontos Frases incoerentes sem esiruura: 20 pontos 131 mm © © CG 132 English Diagnostic Ae3 School: Mewes = ___ Class:______ No.: Date: Enc. Educacdo: Teacher: 1. Can | see you this evening? a. Yes, of course. Ill be free the whole morning. b. Of course they will! c. I'm not sure. Perhaps he will be busy on the day of the party. 2. Can we have dinner out? 3, Can | play football with you? 8. Do you think John will attend the party? 6. Do you think Anne will be top of her class? 7. Do you think Sarah will come? e. Sorry, I'll be busy then. f. Sure, she is the best. g. | don’t know. Maybe she will come. Oo | CO] O 4. Can we meet tomorrow? oO d. Yes, but you must put on your sports shoes. O O O 8. Do you think the Simpsons will accept the invitation? © | & Sorry I'm pennyless. B. Ask questions about the underlined words, using: 1 « How much * How many How long + How often » How fai | play football twice a week. 2 i a ia ai 2 Lisbon is about 300 km from Oporto. Paes SEP E CEE o te eee oe Ceca eee We stayed in Paris for two weeks. a ba - aa ? My father speaks five different languages. 8. - : 2 Stephanie spends a lot of money writing SMS messages to her friends. &) Match the statements with their functions. yp ‘Swoosh - 8." ano Evaluation tests Can | go to New York? oO Thanking oO . Greeting | can speak Russian fluently. Inviting When | grow up, | will be able to drive a car. |. Asking for permission Cc. 1 2. I can't buy this dress. It's very expensive. 3. 4 5. eo Bs Fp Expressing ability in the present Hi! How are you today? 6. Would you like to come along? oO £. Making a suggestion 7. Lwon't be able to go to the cinema oO 9. Expressing inability in the future _ 8. Why don’t we go to the cinema? O h. Agreeing 9. Great idea! © i. Expressing ability in the future 10. Thanks a lot. |. Expressing inability in the present ( D. Rewrite the sentences replacing the underlined words with the words in brackets. Don't forget to make the necessary changes to the sentence. 4. Mrs Norris took Emily to the doctor yesterday. (next week) 2 ine the football practice last weekend. (every day) x twit write an email to Chris tomorrow. {last night) My parents ae in Spain now last month 5. Now we are free to do what we want. (tomorrow) 6. | will go to my grandparents’ house next weekend, [yesterday] E. Write a text about yourself in which you say your name, age, nationality, family and favourite hobbies. a 133 “P CP Vi Vy Swoosh - 8,” ano Evaluation tests Unit OQ Media and technology ea ‘School: Name: __ Class: No.: Mark: Date: Enc. Educacao: Anes Teacher: — A. You will hear a news item on the radio about the person who created Facebook. For items 1 to §, fill in the missing information. Nationality [as Year he was bi 2. He is famous for creating | 3. 4 5. He studied at... University ‘Year he became a billionaire in B. You will hear a conversation between a mother and her daughter. Choose the correct option. 1. The girl wants to buy a (a) mobile phone (b) tablet (c) smartphone 2. To purchase the phone she has to pay (a) 15€ (b) 50€, (c) nothing because it's free 3. The phone is i {a) of a good quality (b) cheap (6) unique 4. What reason does the girl give for needing the phone? {a) She can use it to keep in touch with her friends. (b) She can call her family in case of an emergency. (c) She can make cheaper long-distance calls with it. . In the end, her mother pee {a) decides to buy her the phone {b) is still thinking of what to do (€) doesn’t buy her the phone 135 —— Fo fe 136 Read the text carefully. TECHNOLOGY ADDICTION IN TEENS ‘Many of today’s teens spend a lot of their time with their faces buried in a computer monitor or smartphone. Mums and dads who would prefer that their teens’ faces were buried in books might suspect the cause of this phenomenon is technology addiction. Kimberly Young, director of the Center for Intemet Addiction Recovery and author of internet Addiction: A Handbook and Guide to Evaluation and Treatment, defines technology addiction as a habitual compulsion to engage in using technology instead of addressing life's problems. For example, a teen, who instinctively pulls out her smartphone whenever her mum begins lecturing her, might be addicted to technology because such a reaction is a mechanism to avoid conflict. ‘Teens are particularly susceptible to technology addiction for several reasons, First, teens tend to have poor coping mechanisms. In the face of stress, they often tum to what's comforting to them, usually something easy to focus on, including online videos or social media sites. Also, in the teen years, self-identity is crucial. One attraction to technologies such as online video games and the Intemet is the anonymity it brings, allowing teens to express themselves without putting their ego at risk. ‘Technology addiction can have several negative effects on a teen. The interest of anonymity, for example, might pull a teen away from social engagement. Such an avoidance of social settings could lead to a teen shutting himself off from his peers. This also leaks into family life. A teen who overuses technology ar uses technology to cope with problems might refuse to engage in family discourse or family activities in favour of using the newest gadget or phone application. And addiction can affect a teen's work and academic performance. A teen who rushes to get online after school neglects his homework. A teen who is texting in class neglects the lesson. Adapted from: hitp:/feverydaylif 20 Minutes 1 99D.3 93 979939 999 D7 2 ) ) ) ) IDIODI9 999993 end ‘Swoosh - 8." ano Evaluation tests A. Identify the paragraphs where you can find some information about the following topics. Write the paragraph number in the corresponding circle. a) The attraction of technology b) Technology and teens nowadays ©) The risks of technology a) The meaning of technology addiction B. Read the text again and choose the correct option for items 1 to 4. 1. In lines 1-2 “buried in” means: {a) hidden from (b) giving all the attention to 2. Inlines 7-8 “to engage in” means: (a) to have an interest in (b) to be busy with 3. Inline 10 “lecturing” means: {a) praising (b) having a serious talk 4. In line 22 “shutting himself off from his peers” means: (2) running away from his friends () stop having any contact with his schoolmates C. Decide if the following statements are right (RI or wrong (W] according to the text. 1. Teenagers can’t usually deal with difficult situations. O 2. Online games and the Internet attract teens because they're a way of putting their ego at risk. 3, Through technology teenagers avoid anonymity. 4. Technology addiction can affect family life. D. Answer these questions about the text in full sentences. 4. Who is Kimberly Young? 2. Which behaviour mentioned in paragraph two is a mechanism to avoid conflict? 3. What happens to family life when teens become obsessed with technology instead of dealing with their problems? 4, How do we know that a teenager is neglecting his/her homework? 137 138 2 Choose the appropriate phrasal verb. Could you turn down / switch off the music, please? It's too loud. | need to log in / hang up the phone now. My mother is calling me for dinner. Can you switch on / shut down the radio? | want to hear the news. To call back / tog in you have to write your password, don't forget. Peter is looking for / sending back 2 friend on Facebook In the cinema we have to turn off / switch on our mobile phones. Fill in the blanks with the Past Simple or the Past Continuous of the verbs given in brackets. Yesterday (1)_____ {be the worst day of my life. There (2) {be} dark clouds in the sky and a | terrible storm (3)____ [begin] with a lot of thunder and lightening. | (4) [work] on my computer when suddenly it (5) ___ _— {break} down. All my work disappeared! | (6) ___ [decide] to go downstairs to call my dad. While | (7)_______ [run] down the stairs, | tripped over my sister's toy and (8)______[twist} my ankle. What a terrible day! Now I'm stuck at home. The only good thing is that I have my mobile phone! Complete the sentences with used to or didn’t use to. When I was younger | ______ have a mobile phone. Now | do. He ________play Farmville on the computer, but he stopped a few months ago, Peter ______have a small cell phone, but last week he sold it online and bought a new smartphone (eet go online very often, but now I'm addicted to social networking. My parents have mobile phones when they were teenagers. Now they do. 1____ play football with my friends when I was younger. Now we play ontine games instead ? : (caro: Hi. Is Jessica in, please? Jessica: It's me Carol. (4) 2 Caro: Glad that you're at home. @ tothe cinema with me? Jessica: To the cinemal? (3) Spee seers eee Tonight at nine. There's a premiere on today. i, 2 It's a comedy. Ok, but | have to ask my parents first. Can | = ________ later? \ aro: OK. ll wait for your call then. ) B. Choose ONE of the headlines and write a newspaper article for your school newspaper. Write 50-80 words. In your article you should: = summarise the main facts ~ answer the Wh’s questions and, whenever possible, the ‘How’ question (who, what, where, when, why) Mobile phones Technology Aniccin exhibitions New computers 139 am © & © P Unit 1) Media and technology Gan School: Name: Class:___No.: ce Mark: Enc. Educacao: _ Date: A. You will hear a news item on the radio about the person who created Facebook. For items 1 to 5, circle) the correct answer. CHRIS HUGHES ee Nationality 1. English / Australian / American Year he was born He is famous for creating "3. the Internet / Twitter / Facebook He studied at... University ‘4. Oxford / Harvard / Cambridge Year he became billionaire in 8. 2005 / 2007 / 2012 B. You will hear a conversation between a mother and her daughter. Choose the correct option. 1. The girlwantsto buya—— : (a) smartphone (b) tabiet (©) mobile phone 2. To purchase the phone she has to pay (a) nothing because it's ree (b) 15€ (o)50€ 3. The phone is i‘ (a) cheap (b) of agood quality (¢) unique 4. What reason does the girl give for needing the phone? {a) She can call her family in case of an emergency. (b) She can make cheaper long-distance calls with it. {c) She can use it to keep in touch with her friends. 5. In the end, her mother. Laer (@) doesn’t buy her the phone (b) is still thinking of what to do (€) decides to buy her the phone 140 - “Pp VP VC vy Swoosh »B,* ano Evaluation tests ENE CEPETEEON) pe Read the text carefully. ‘Many of today’s teens spend a lot of their time with their faces buried in a computer monitor or smartphone. Mums and dads who would prefer that their teens’ faces were buried in books 5 might suspect the cause of this phenomenon is technology addiction. Kimberly Young, director of the Center 7 for Internet Addiction Recovery and author 7 of Internet Addiction’ A Handbook and 10 Guide to Evaluation and Treatment, defines = technology addiction asa habitual compulsion 5 to engage in using technology instead of addressing life's problems. For example, a teen. o who instinctively pulls out her smartphone whenever 18 her mum begins lecturing her, might be addicted ta technology because such a reaction is a mechanism to avoid conflict. Teens are particularly susceptible to technology addiction for several reasons First, teens tend to have poor coping mechanisms. In the face of stress, they often 20 tum to what's comforting to them, usually something easy to focus on, including online videos or social media sites. Also, in the teen years, self-identity is crucial. One attraction to technologies such as online video games and the Internet is the anonymity it brings, allowing teens to express themselves without putting their ego = at risk. _ > 25 — Technology addiction can have several negative effects on a teen. The interest of anonymity, for example, might pull a teen away from social engagement. Such an avoidance of social settings could lead to a teen shutting himself off from his peers. - This also leaks into family life. A teen who overuses technology or uses technology to cope with problems might refuse to engage in family discourse or family activities 20 in favour of using the newest gadget or phone application. And addiction can affect r a teen's work and academic performance. A teen who rushes to get online after school neglects his homework. A teen who is texting in class neglects the lesson. Adapted from: http://everydaylife globalpost. com - A. Choose (X) the best title for the text. S * The advantages of technology O p * Technology addiction among teens (_) : = «The risks of social media (2) a 141 om © © SS. 142 B. Read the text again and choose the correct option for items 1 to 4. In line 2 “buried in” means: fa) hidden irom (b) giving all the attention to= In line 12 “to engage in” means: {a) fo have an interest in (b) to be busy with i In line 15 “lecturing” means: (0) praising {b) having a serious talk ee Ne In line 27 “shutting himself off from his peers” means: (a) running away from his friends {(h) stop having any contact with his schoolmates C.. Decide if the following statements right (R) or wrong [W] according to the text. 1. Teenagers can usually deal with difficult situations. O 2. Online games and the Internet attract teens because they don't put their ego at risk iS) 3. Through technology teenagers can be anonymous O 4. Technology addiction doesn’t affect family life. O D. Match the questions with the corresponding answers. 1. Who is Kimberly Young? Oo 2. Which behaviour mentioned in paragraph two is a mechanism to avoid i conflict? Oo 3. What happens to family life when teens become obsessed with a technology instead of dealing with their problems? oO 4. How can we see that a teenager is neglecting his/her homework? oO (a) When he/she rushes to get online after school. {b) When a teenager automatically pulls out the smartphone whenever his/her mum begins lecturing him/her, (6) These teenagers don't interact with their families (@) She's the director of the Center for Internet Addiction Recovery and the author of Internet Addiction: A Handbook and Guide to Evaluation and Treatment. oes A. Choose the appropriate phrasal verb. 1. Could you turn down / switch off the music, please? It's too loud 2. | need to Log in / hang up the phone now. My mother is calling me for dinner. 3. Can you switch off/ on the radio? | want to hear the news. 4. To log out / in you have to write your password, don’t forget. od ‘Swoosh - 8," ano Evaluation tests B. Match the parts to make complete sentences or questions with the Past Simple or the Past Continuous. 1. He was watching TV when ia {a) see my email last night? 2. When | saw Rachel, © @ playing computer games online 3. Did you © @ithe telephone rang. 4. Atten o'clock | was ©) @)she was running in the park. C. Complete the sentences with used to or didn’t use to. 4. When I was younger | have a mobile phone. Now | do. 2. He _____play Farmville on the computer, but he stopped a few months ago. 3. Peter have a small cell phone, but last week he sold it online and bought a new smartphone. 4. |______go online very often, but now I'm addicted to social networking. ssn Complete the following phone conversation using the expressions in the box below. Some are not necessary. mmedies « Would you like to go * What type of film is t eae « What time is it « What's up When « see you * call back Carol: Hi. Is Jessica in, please? Jessica: It's me Carol. (1) ed Carol: Glad that you're at home. (2) to the cinema with me? Jessica: To the cinema!? (3) ” “i | carol: Tonight at nine. There's a premiere today. Jessica: (4) a “ Carol: It's a comedy. Jessica: OK, but | have to ask my parents first Can! @) later? OK. I'ULwait for your call then. é 143 —_—e lh CS Unit © Media and technology School: __ 28 cms — Name: ec Class: No.: Fae icy Enc. Educagao: (Ee sete eee fee hana eee eevee eee Date: A. Write the words in the box below under the corresponding pictures. [Escreve as palavras da caixa por baixo das imagens correspondentes.) ‘mobile phone « Internet * radio « tele! ‘on + newspaper * SMS * computer * ema le pl t television * newspat IS * comp! B. Identify what you can do with this mobile phone. Write the letters next to the corresponding expressions. {identifica 0 que podes fazer com este telemével. Escreve as letras ao lado das expressoes correspondentes.} 1. Listen to music UO 2. Write an SMS oO 3. Talk to my friends oO 4. Check my email Oo 5. Connect via Bluetooth (C_) 164 : Sp PV Vy Swoosh -8.* ano Evaluation tests. a C. Look at the picture and write the number in the circles next to the corresponding words. r (Observa a imagem e escreve os ntimeros nos circulos ao lado das palavras correspondentes.) 7 laptop oO speaker oO mouse © - monitor =) earphones = (_) camera (_) keyboard =) towercase (_) webcam) ~ D. Find 10 words related to the media or technology and write them on the lines provided below. {Encontra 10 palavras relacionadas com os media ou a tecnologia, e escreve-as nas linhas em baixo.] mmProveor® romoezssan mreszmmmpa worro-) Sines A. You will hear a teen talking about body image. For items 1 to 5, Gircl 3) the correct - information. - | Name 5 fener eae a | settee Your body is how you see your body basedon: A [Definition of body image | * what you see ~ |3. school / the media : fe Boys should be 4 tall / well built ie a Girls should be B. You will hear a conversation between two friends discussing what to wear to a party. Choose the correct option. 1. Kate is worried about what to wear___ {a) to school (b) on a date (6) toa party 2. Jane is going to wear a {a) black jeans (b) skinny jeans (c) a short dress 3. Jane suggests Kate should wear {a)jeansandatop (b) ashort skirt —_(e) a pink dress 4, Kate rejects the suggestion because she doesn’t have {a) shoes (b) a belt (c)a bag na 5, Jane will speak to and call Kate back with the news. - (a) Tom (b) her mum (e) her friend A 166 rs Read the text carefully. 10 16 HOLLISTER — THE PERFECT STORE FOR TEENS Hollister is one of the most popular fashion stores for teens of all ages all over the world. People say that when you go to Hollister, you buy more than a brand or the clothes that you choose. In fact, what you are really buying is a cool image that will get you into the toughest teen groups around. But what exactly is Hollister? JM. Hollister made a clothing company for teenagers in 1922. He wanted to give them something that was comfortable yet fashionable to wear. He also wanted to make sure that his clothing line was more or Jess affordable. The first thing that he did was find inspiration for his store and clothing line. He followed surfer slang and decided to call girls Bettys and boys Dudes. This means that if you go to Hollister, you can shop at the Bettys ot Dudes section depending on who or what you are shopping for. He named his store efter a place in California, mostly after the South Califomian beaches, But the brand Hollister really became popular in 2000 when the makers of Abercrombie & Fitch decided to adopt it. They decided to do this because they felt that their Abercrombie store was failing with younger costumers. They needed a brand which was just as cool as. the Abercrombie brand but slightly cheaper and thus more accessible for younger consumers. However, Hollister was intended to be the "summer" store and Abercrombie more the “winter” store but they both sell summer and winter clothes. Hollister still leans. more to the summer clothing line and Abercrombie more towards winter. Since then, Hollister has become famous for its trendy clothes, especially its hoodies, T-shirts and jeans which every teen dreams of having. You can find a Hollisterstore in most major cities around the world. Altematively, you can also shop online. Check it out! Adapted from: nttpe:/sites google com/site/walkerhollister/home 167 mm © © © © . Match the parts of the sentences according to the text. Some expressions 168 are not necessary. 1. Hollister is a store for O 2. Hollister sells, 3. Hollister is famous for O 4. Hollister was initially oO {a) American teens. (b) teens all over the world. (©) its hoodies. (a) aimed at a winter line. (e) casual and affordable. (f) aimed at a summer line. B. Match the words from the text to the following meanings. 1. label O 2. not too expensive oO 3. not succeeding O 4, fashionable Oo CC. Find and match details about. 4. When the brand was first created (_) 2, What girls are called oO 3. When Hollister became popular oO 4. Abrand it competes with oO (a) failing (b) trendy (e) affordable (@) brand (a) 2000 (b) Abercrombie & Fitch (©) 1922 (a) Bettys D. Label the following images with the words in the box. Not all the words are needed. ~~ = ae ‘Swoosh - 8." ano Evaluation tests. 1 Minutes A. Write the adjectives in the correct order. 1. She bought a bag. (Italian / black / trendy) We live ina ae flat. (modern / small / cozy) 2 3. He has got some trainers. (white / new / expensive] 4. late a hamburger. (medium / tasty / French) B. Ci . | bought a colour ful / able sweater on the sales cle) the correct suffix for the word in bold. 1 2, Itwas an unforget less / able concert! 3. He was very thought less / ful to warn us about the strike. 4. I'lLnever convince mum to let me go. It’s use able / less. Join the sentences using a relative pronoun: who, whose or which. Iam going to a shop is not very expensive. We sawa girl _ clothes were really trendy. Anna wanted to buy some new jeans were really gorgeous. sere a | met the model we saw at the fashion show. sk Nationality + Job: Australian model Write a biography (50-80 words) Date of birth: November 3, 1987 about the supermodel Gemma Ward. Place of birth: Perth, Australia Use the information given to help Eyes + Hair: Green, blonde you fill in the gaps. Modelling Career: First modelling job: 16 years old, Cover: American Vogue, Teen Vogue ‘Accomplishments: Appeared ina John Mayer video; Named the 10" in the top 15 supermodels by Forbes Gemma word is (1)__ who was born (eee ES 3/51967..0), are green and she has got (4) — = hair. She started her career when she was (5) _ and she was on the cover of American Vogue and Teen Vogue. She appeared in 2 John Mayer video and was named the 10thin the top 15 supermodels by Forbes. 169 170 ? Unit wp Fashion and body image ¢ &¢ & © School: Name: a Mark: Enc. Educagio; Teachers A. Write the words in the box below under the corresponding picture. [Escreve as palavras da caixa por baixo da imagem correspondente.] We | rem | (sien Se a : | a sunglasses os See | bracelet flip flops shawl wedges bandana belt B. We can wear many different styles of clothing. Write the letters next to the - PN . conservative . extravagant |. practical . elegant sophisticated corresponding words. [Podemos utilizar muitos estilos de roupa diferentes. Escreve as letras ao lado das palavras correspondentes.} ~~ a) 5 a) casual Oo WY CV VY Vy Swoosh - 8.” ano Evaluation tests C. Look at the pictures below and complete the crossword. Use the words in the box to help you. (Observa a imagem e completa as palavras cruzadas. Utiliza as palavras da caixa como ajuda.) 81 51 41 |131 6) 4 0 | v | & E R Ww a E 2 1 a | ag G 1 H eo iT ACROSS [Horizontell _—_ Tat » model » gyeeweigh = cap + anorexic * necklace healthy « skinny * bag * photographer « sUm * tall « watch 171 47> 2s ws unit 2 Fashion and body image Test A Listening A.1.14 oars old others 3. metia 4. well built. stim Reading Atb2eacal B. 1. brand 2. affordable 3. failing 4. trendy 1.1922 2. Bettys 3.2000 4. Abercrombie & Fitch D.1.aude 2. customer 3. hoody 4. store Grammar A. 1. trendy black italian 2. cozy small modern B.expensive new white 4, tasty medium French 5 fashionable blue cotton 6. old yellow American B.1. colourful 2. unforgettable 3. thoughtful A.useless 5, horrible 6. comfortable G. 4.1 am going to shop which is not very expensive 2. We saw a git whose clothes were really trendy 3. Anna wanted to buy some new jeans which were really gorgeous. 4.1 met the model who we saw at the fashion show, 5, John likes girls who are not very tall. 6, Mary made an ad which was for Hollister Writing A. Suggestion Susan, Do you want to go shopping with me fora new pair of jeans? Would you like to go with me on Saturday? Please call me to confirm, Bye, Mary B. Suggestion Gemma Ward is an Australian model who was born in November 3, 1987, Her eyes are green and she has got tong blonde hair She started her career when she was 16 and she was on the cover of American Yogue and Teen Vogue. She appeared ina John Mayer video and was named the 10th in the top 15 supermodels by Forbes. Test B Listening/Reading (Same as test A) Grammar A. 1. trendy black italian 2. cozy small modern 3. expensive new white 4. tasty medium French B. 4. colourful 2 unforgettable 3. thoughtful 4 useless C. t.which 2. whose 3.which 4 who Writing Suggestion 4 an Australian model November 3. Her eyes 4-long blonde 5.16 Ce Listening scripts Exercise A "My name is Matt Scott and lam 14 years old, So what do think body mages? Let me see can pu this in words so that you ‘an understand Well, basicaly | think that body image is al ‘about how you see yourself, your body, based on what you can ‘see and also on what ather people around you tll you tha tell, you good things abou your body then youl probably have 8 good body image, but they don't, well. then I think that you probably wor’ fe! all that good about your bod. | don’t know about you, but think that teens today are subject toa lot of pressure in terms oftheir body image. The media really ambards us with what we should lack ke ite want to be cool. Nowadays, what this relly means is that you have tobe wel bul you're a boy. You should have afew muscles which means that you probably have to work auto lok cool. fyou'e agit, well, then things change a bit. You must be slim. Atleast thats what were constantly being tld by the people around us and the people an ‘Wand inthe magazines that we read. mnot sure thet tis is. reall fair, but this is what happens nonetheless! Exercise B Kate: Hi Jane that you? dane: Hi Kate. Ys, its me. Kate: Thank God. | almost panicked. Jane, | realy need your help I's about what | should wear to Tom's party this ‘weekend, 'm realy stuck and worried about this. don't know what towear. What are you going te wear? Have you decided yet? Jane: Relax Kate, | haven't realy thought about that but! think that 'm going to wear my skinny jeans and that black tightch top that | got for my birthday. think that that makes ‘me look realy tin and cool, What do you think? Kate: Oh yes, you took rally good in that. Te problem is that don’t have anything quite a cool as that. What am | going to «do? What will everyone say if don't wear something trendy? They'all tease me. | can't even bear the thought ofthat! Jane; Relax Kate, Come on. We'l finda solution. | know! Why don't you wear that short pink dress that you have? The one that we baught atthe shopping centre together. You look really ot in pink an that dress is really col Kates | can't wear that dress because | don'thave any shoes to ‘go wit tO dear. What am | going todo? Jane: Hang on Kate. My mum hasjust bought some shoes that wil look really good with that dress, iL ask her if can borrow them. Kate: Ok then, ask her and call me back. Soon! can't take this ‘much longer Jane: Ok then. Speak to you ina minute, Bye then Test CEI A. 1. belt 2. shawl 3. bandana 4. sunglasses 5. bracelet 6. piercing 7. flip flops 8, wedges B, Suggestion 1.A2.03.F 4.05.6. C. t.overweight2 slim 3 fat. photographer 8. model 6. anorexic 7. skinny 8. cap 9. healthy 10. necklace 411, watch 42, bag 13. tall 33.232 ) yy») ) »>r>PIIIIDID si So Sees Gee ne Swoosh - 8." ano Evalu tests Unit 2) Fashion and body image School: Name: Date: L F Enc, Educacao: Teacher: st A. You will hear five short conversations. For each conversation, (circle) the appropriate picture (A-C). 1. What will the boy buy? ua (a) @ (8) a —~ 2. How much do the shoes cost? 15.99€ ( @ m 13 8 z 175 4, How big is the discount? - 13 33% 30% | ¢ ®) © % a) w& 5, Where does the boy buy his jeans? a ZARA C&A | Primark ©) ie Adapted from: Cambridge Tests] i) B. You will hear a fashion designer talking about her summer collection. Listen and complete the table. ae : Inspiration for the collection | Main colour Pattern Favourite material * Accessory 1 * Accessory 2 176 ¢ 5. What style of clothes do you like? oO YY VP Vi vey Swoosh -8," ano Evaluation tests READING COMPREHENSION 30 Minutes A. Which notice (A-G) says the same as sentences 1-5? Write the correct letter in the corresponding place. Some are not necessary. 1. Don't wash in the washing machine. (_) 2. Don't use bleech O 3. You can only wash the item by hand. (_) 4, Very fragile material. O 5. The item may dye other clothes. Ci i Do not use aggressive cleaning} | ash with cate Delicate fabric! —(c products! | x 2) @) La Avoid washing in machines: | _Wash separate eee prycleanonly! =| (B) 7 ‘ eel ) 1@) A. Ill get a bigger size. Tl get a smaller size. They're perfect. 1. These jeans are too tight We all do Good for you. Sodo | 2. | don’t worry about my body image. 3. Jake put on some weight last month. Is he overweight now? He must be really skinny now. He must be anorexic. 4. Are you a fashion victim? O You too! Yes, Ido. Certainly not! Silky clothes. Expensive clothes. Casual and comfortable clathes. ODP APP ABP ARP ap [Adapted from: Cambridge Tests) ciate 177 Se (C. Read the sentences and choose the appropriate word for each space. 1. That dress is beautiful! Aso Bsuch many Da lot of 2. |went to the fashion show __ took place at the town hall. Awho Bwhich C whose Dwhere 3. The fashion show was really There were lots of people there! Asuccess: Bsuccessless C successfull D successful 4. I love that designer. He's Awonderless Bwonder C wonderful Dwondering 5. Many teens are conscious ___ their body image Aot Babout with Dover 6. Fashion dictates that women have to be nowadays. overweight Bthin © chubby Diat 7. Jeans are an example of __ clothes. Asmart B sophisticated C conservative Deasual 8. Did you ask the sales assistant, is very friendly, for a bigger size? Awho Bwhose C that Dwhich 9. | really love __ clothes which are in fashion! Atrendy Boutdated C old-fashioned Dfashionible 40. | only buy clothes that are machine ‘Awash Bwashable Cwashible Dwashy D. Read this article about Body Image and choose the appropriate word. Why are self-esteem and body image important? Self-esteem is all about (1) how / very much you feel you are worth ~ and how much you feel (2) other /others people value you. Self-esteem is important because feeling good (3) of / about yourself can affect {4) your / yours mental health and how you behave. People with (5) high /low self-esteem know themselves well and are happy with their (6) body / bodies. They're realistic and find friends that like and appreciate them for who they (7) are /aren’t. People with a good self-esteem usually feel more in control of (8) his / their lives and know their own strengths and weaknesses. (9) In addition / However the same is not true of the people with a low self-esteem. (10) These / This people are very conscious of their bodies and are often depressed as well. 178 “Pp VP VU vy Swoosh - 8." ano Evaluation tests E. Read this article about Portuguese fashion. Portugal has a long history as a textiles and ready-to-wear producer for international retailers, but Portuguese fashion design only really began to develop in the 1980's thanks to new design schools and regular fashion events. Lisbon's Bairro Alto (together with neighbouring Chiado) has always been the hub of young designers, many of whom have also presented their collections in Paris, Sao Paulo, New York, and other major fashion cities. Most designers have their own studios, while others are represented in several of Lisbon’s boutiques. Below are the four major names to look for. Alves / Goncalves This duo creates ready-to-wear for women and haute couture for men and women. You can check out their latest collections at their studio in Chiado. Ana Salazar Ana Salazar was the pioneer of Portuguese fashion, launching her own label in the early 80's. At her boutique in Chiado you'll find men and women's fashion together with accessories. Dino Alves A regular participant in Lisbon’s fashion events since the mid-90's, Dino Alves has also presented his collections in France, Germany and Brazil. In 2009 he was invited by the Italian brand “Segue” to design a piece of luggage, although he is best known for his daring men’s and women’s collections using unconventional materials and styles. Fatima Lopes She is Lisbon’s boldest designer and presents her collections to the major fashion capitals of the world every season. Her first international show was in Paris where she opened a shop. She also has a shop in Los Angeles. Her boutique in Lisbon is in Bairro Alto. She really caught the spotlight in 2000 by modelling her own million-dollar diamond-covered swimsuit down a Paris runway, and her creations are now sold around Europe and Asia. Adapted from: Decide if the sentences are right (R] or wrong (W] according to the text. 1. Portugal has a lot of experience in textiles. oO 2. Portuguese fashion changed in the 70's. oO 3. The Bairro Alto has always been an important fashion centre. a 4. Portugal doesn’t have any international fashion designers. 5, The text mentions five major Portuguese fashion designers 6. The duo Alves / Goncalves only create clothes for women. 7. Ana Salazar was one of the first major Portuguese designers. Dino Alves designed luggage for a French brand, . Fatima Lopes has a shop in Los Angeles. . She bought a diamond bikini. 179 180 Ps ae 25 A. Rewrite the sentences using the word given without changing the meaning. Use i between two and four words. . | bought a bag. It was very expensive (which) bought __very expensive. . Tim is too fat now. (overweight) Timis rather eee ee Pree . The people in my class worry about the way they look. {appearance} The people in my class worry about spoke to a boy. His mother works with mine: (whose) Ispoke toa boy with mine. . Mike knows a baby who is not too fat and really cute (chubby) Mike knows and really cute. . Complete this message. Write one word for each space. Pten's birthday is tis eseeand, Lm planning, av surprise 1) : ay eee gow wank to 3) ___? I think il Cove tt, Come 5) te Be fun The panty i» 6) Saturday 0) a Spray Piggott, Please call 9) to 10) | “Big hug, Dubie [Adapted from: Cambridge Tests] » PDD PP VV VD Vy ‘Swoosh - 8." ano Evaluation tests C. Read Peter's message. Write him a biography with the info he gave you for his blog. > G&S & Hil Tneed your Ref. T want to- unite a Biography about “Pink” to- post on my Blog, But I dont have time to do this, Can you doit fox me? Hore ib same inf about: her: Name: Alecio. Bth Moore “Bath date: Sxptamber B, 1979 Fst important job: Participation wv the Woulin, Rouge soundtrack with Christina Aguilere Fut album: Cant take me home (2000) Aachisermonts: BGrammy, ewards; 6 W0V 181 mm © & © © — PART1 Each student interacts with the teacher answering some personal questions. PART 2 Students interact with each other. Students ask and answer questions using prompt material. STUDENT A Here is some information about a fashion show. Look at this information and answer your partner's questions. FASHION SHOW Come and see Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Lincoln Center between West 62nd and 65th Streets and Columbus and Amsterdam Avenues in New York Start 9.00am Last event 8.00 pm September 5-12 Dress code: smart-casual Entrance: 358 STUDENT A You don’t know anything about this clothes shop. So ask student B some questions about it. Use these words to help you. CLOTHES SHOP * name? * where? * Sunday? * opening times / 4? * accessories? [Adapted from: Cambridge Tests] 182 PART1 Each student interacts with the teacher answering some personal questions. PART 2 Students interact with each other. Students ask and answer questions using prompt material. STUDENT B You don’t know anything about this fashion show. So ask student A some questions about it. Use these words to help you. * when? «start / 4? * dress code? * cost / $? STUDENT B Here is some information about a clothes shop. Look at this information and answer your partner's questions. ‘MAGIC DESIGN CLOTHES, SHOES and ACCESSORIES For you! 30% discount Monday ~ Saturday 9 am - 6 pm Next to the museum (Adapted trom: Cambridge Tests] 183 Se 184 Unit 2 Key for Schools Listening A1c282A4C58 B. t.c0d 2. small dots 2 silk 4. sunglasses 6. shoes Reading A.16283C406E B.1A2834405.C C.1A28304C5A6B8 20 8A9A 108 D. 2.cther 2. about 4.your 6. high 6. bodies 7 are 8. theit 9.However 10, These E..R2W3R4WSWEWZRBWOLR 10.W Writing A. 1. bag which was 2. overweight now 3. their apnearance 4 whose mother works 5. chubby baby / baby who is chubby B. 2.00 3.come / go 5.0 /along 6. on 8 at 9% me 10, confirm C. Suggestion Hi Peter, OF course | can help. Here's the biography. Alecia Beth More, better known by her stage name Pink, was born on 8th September in 1979, Her first important job was participating in the Moulin Rouge soundtrack with Christina Aguilera. Her first album was called Can't Take me hame in 2000, She won two Grammy awards and six MTV awards. Listening scripts Exercise A Dialogue 1 Teenage boy: | can't buy these jeans because they are too expensive, Teenage girl: Why don't you buy the blue shorts instead? They realy look good on you, Teenage boy: That's a good idea, | need a new pair of shorts for the hat weather Teenage girl: OK then, That's settled, Dialogue 2 Teenage gil: Look, Jeremy. These are the shoes that ‘mum wants for her birthday. Teenage boy: Are you sure? | wonder how much they cost Teenage grt: 'm sure, Look the price tag says 59.996. Teenage boy: Mmm... They're abit expensive aren't they? Dialogue 3 A Teenage girl 1: Anne, do you think | should buy a bikini or ‘a swimsuit? ‘Teenage git 2: ike the polka dot bikini Teenage git! 1:1 wonder ifit comes in shocking pink Dialogue 4 Teenage git: Excuse me, how much does this skirt cost please? ‘Shop assistant: I's on sale so you have a 20% ciscount on the price an the labal. ~ Teenage girl: Oh, that's terrific news. Ill go and try it on then. Where are the changing rooms? ‘Shop assistant: At the back of the shop on your right. Dialogue 5 Teenage grt: | love the jeans at Zara's Teenage boy: Really? | get mine from C&A, They're just as nice but much cheaper. Teenage girl: Oh really? | must go there then, Do you want ‘te.come along? Teenage boy: Sorry | can't. | have football practice today. Exercise B Well, really excited about my summer collection this year. have worked really hard and hope that my fans will, be won aver ky it. This collection was inspired by the = glorious sixties. I love the curves and the colours af the Sixties. Most of the collection isin ane or another shade of red, So it's really colourful. In terms of patterns | have Used lots of small dots which | think are realy cute. This year | have kept away from stripes to vary things abit for the people who usually buy my clothes. This season, | have used different types of fabrics but | guess that this collection has lats of silks which are very light and comfortable. | think silks are the perfect material for ‘summer and they show off a woman's curves which is always good. This year's collection also has two new ‘accesories. The first isa sunglasses collection which | think people will love and | have also created my personal shoe collection which should be out next month. ; ar me eee py ‘Swoosh - 8.” ano Evaluation tests — &) Healthy eating habits er School: Name: Date ease femee ay Mark: A Enc. Educacao: Teacher: _ - Cosme _) 15 Mente A. You will hear a news item on the radio about healthy eating habits. For items 1 to 5, fill in the missing information. Topic of the programme Diet should be hig! Diet should be rich in 2. like calcium and iron Healthy eating habits for teens Fruits and 1. 5 Things teens should do to improve their at healthy meals and snacks rp ie3 and maintain a healthy 3. Teens should avoid eating 4 Instead of fizzy drinks teens should drink 5. B. You will hear a conversation between two friends. Choose the correct option. 4. They decide to have lunch at ___ am (a) Pizza Hut (b) McDonalds: (¢) a local restaurant i 2. For starters they order___ - (@) a salad (b) soup {€) nothing 3. For their main course they decide to share (a) a pizza ES (b) a lasagne (c) a curry dish 4. They order some __ to drink. (a) zero coke (b) sparkling water - (©) still water ; 5 Themeal costs (a) 75€ (b) 10 (o) 15€ 187 mm © © © © ie Read the text carefully. A Food Standards Agency study shows teenage girls eat more unhealthily than any other group in the population - a government research revealed this week. The study wanted to discover what the nation is eating. The results reveal that despite million-pound govemment initiatives to encourage us all to eat more healthily, obesity levels in the UK are broadly: 5 unchanged from a decade ago. ‘The research was commissioned by the government's food watchdog, the Food Standards Agency (FSA), which said it was worried about girls between 11 and 18 failing to eat enough foods essential for growth and good health. ‘When they did eat, they consumed food and drink high in sugar and fat such as processed. 10 foods, sweets, chocolate and fizzy drinks, the FSA said, and failed to eat enough with important, nutuients such as iron and calcium ~ found in leafy green vegetables and dairy products — which are essential for strong bones and to prevent anaemia, The survey found that among those of secondary school age, 46% were failing to get the minimum recommended amount of iron or magnesium, and fewer than one in 10 (7%) were eating the minimum recommended 15 five portions of fruit and vegetables a day. Dr Alison Tedstone, the FSA's head of nutritional science, said the issue was “an area of concern” and added: “Broadly, teenage girls particularly don't eat enough. Overall they are a group of the population whose diets are poor, Ait 20 Young children’s diets | are generally OK, adults generally ate a similar picture, adolescents generally are poor. That's 25 been the picture for a number of years.” The government reacted yesterday and said that it will ban all fast food, 30 chocolates and fizzy drinks in British schools. (Adapted from: www. theguardian. com) A. Choose [X] the best title for the text. 1. British eating habits. 2. British teens’ eating habits. 3. Food and drinks at schools. 188 i “PY VP VU vay ‘Swoosh - 8.” ano Evaluation tests B. Read the text again and choose the correct option for items 1 to 4. 1. Inline 2 “revealed” means: {a) showed (b) presented 2. Inline 15 “portions” means: (a) meals (b) servings 3. In lines 16-17 “an area of concern” means: (a) something that is worrying (b) the place where people are concerned 4. inline 23 “picture” means: e=e— (a) reality (b) drawing CC. Decide if the following statements are right (R) or wrong (W] according to the text. 4. Teenage girls eat the healthiest in Britain. oO 2. The government has invested a lot of money to try to teach people in the UK to improve their eating habits. (_) 3. This study was done by the Food Standards Agency. oO 4. Children will be able to eat junk food at schools. oO D. Answer the following questions. 1. Which age group of girls are failing to eat well? 2. What are these girls eating? 3. What are young children’s diets like? 4. Is this a recent reality in Britain? 189 190 -— GG = 10 Minutes § es oNoe = ee oe = Choose the correct answer. I need to withdraw some money / moneys from the cash machine. I bought two hamburger / hamburgers for us. He gave me some advice / advices which were really helpful Avoid eating food which has a lot of sugar / sugars. You need electricity / electricities to charge your computer. | Love listening to the music / musics that Beyoncé makes. Fill in the blanks with the verbs do or make in the appropriate form. Yesterday | (1) ____ my homework very quickly because | wanted to go and help my mother (2)___ the shopping. Before we left, mum @)____a list with the things that she needed so that we could (a cake for my birthday. Mum (6) ______ the suggestion that we should bake a chocolate cake. This (6) sense because | adore chocolate! This really (7) __ me very happy. We had to go shopping very quickly because mum had lots of things to (®)_ before my birthday party! Fill in the blanks with: much, many or a Lot of. | looked in the fridge but there wasn’t milk, sorry! Some teenagers don’t eat ____ vegetables. My doctor says the children can’t ever eat too ___ fruit. You shouldn't eat too rice and potatoes because it’s very fattening for you. We bought _____ice cream so that there would be enough for everyone. My dad is on a diet. The doctor says that he can’t eat too ___ cheese. : WY VP VU vay ‘Swoosh - 8.” ano Evaluation tests > Cowernie —) 35 Minutes A. Complete the following dialogue. customer: Waiter, please? : : Waiter: Would you like (4) A ese Customer: Yes, for starters (2) some vegetable soup, please. Waiter: Certainly. And for your (3) 2 Customer: | think that I'd like a small ham and cheese pizza. Waiter. What() oo ~ Customer: I'd like some freshly squeezed orange A j juice please. a Waiter: © What about (5) _ 2 Customer: Oh yes, I'd like a chocolate mousse, please. B. Write an email to your best friend inviting him/her out for a meal. In your email you should: ~ say when [Friday night - 8 pm) es ~ suggest a restaurant ~ new Chinese restaurant ~ say where you'll meet a Write 50-80 words. Te sansa 191 Qa fd : ae © © © ©& - Unit e Healthy eating habits ( School: _ - i 2 | Name: SE ice Clases, Noy ~ Date: eee Enc. Educacao: Teacher: Mines A. You will hear a news item on the radio about healthy eating habits. ae For items 1 to 5, choose the correct information. Topic of the programme Healthy eating habits for teens 5 Fruits and 1. vegetables / meat Diet should be high in Diet should be rich in 2. things / nutrients like calcium and iron Things teens should do to improve their Eat healthy meals and snacks and diet maintain a healthy 3. lifestyle / weight Teens should avoid eating 4 ink food / restaurant food Instead of fizzy drinks teens should drink 5. water / fresh juice = B. You will hear a conversation between two friends. Choose the correct option. 1. They decide to have lunch at __ (a) Pizza hut (b) McDonalds (©) a local restaurant 2. For starters they order __ (a)asalad —_(b) soup (©) nothing 3. For their main course they decide to share fa)apizza —(b) a lasagne (c)a curry dish 4. They order some to drink. (a) zero coke (b) sparkling water (¢) still water 5, The meal costs ——___. (a) 7.56 (b) 10 () 15€ 192 es YY Vv Vv vy ‘Swoosh - 8." ano Evaluation tests 70s Read the text carefully. A Food Standards Agency study shows teenage girls eat more unhealthily than any other group in the population — a government research revealed this week. The study wanted to discover what the nation is eating. The results reveal that despite million-pound government initiatives to encourage us all to eat more healthily, obesity levels in the UK are broadly 5 unchanged from a decade ago ‘The research was commissioned by the government's food watchdog, the Food Standards Agency (FSA), which said it was worried about girls between 11 and 18 failing to eat enough foods essential for growth and good health. ‘When they did eat, they consumed food and drink high in sugar and fat such as processed 10 foods, sweets, chocolate and fizzy drinks, the FSA said, and failed to eat enough with important nutrients such as iron and calcium — found in leafy green vegetables and dairy products - which are essential for strong bones and to prevent anaemia. The survey found that among those of secondary school age, 46% were failing to get the minimum recommended amount of iron or magnesium, and fewer than one in 10 (7%) were eating the minimum recommended 15. five portions of fruit and vegetables a day. Dr Alison Tedstone, the FSA's head of nutritional science, said the issue was “an area of concer’ and added: “Broadly, teenage girls particularly don't eat enough. Overall they are a group of the population whose diets are poor. 20 Young children’s diets are generally OK, adults generally ate a similar picture, adolescents generally are poor, That's 28 been the picture for a number of years.” The government reacted yesterday and said that it will ban all fast food, 30 chocolates and fizzy drinks in British schools, (Adapted from: www. A. Choose (X) the best title for the text. 1, British eating habits. O 2. British teens’ eating habits. oO 3. Food and drinks at schools. oO 193 mae eS eS Se B. Read the text again and choose the correct option for items 1 to 4. 1. Inline 2 “revealed” means: (a) showed (b) presented 2. In line 15 “portions” means: aa (a) meats ) servings 3. In lines 16-17 “an area of concern” means: {a) something that is worrying (b) the place where people are concerned 4. Inline 23 “picture” means: {a) reality (b) arawing C.. Decide if the following statements are right (R) or wrong (W] according to the text. 4. Teenage girls eat the healthiest in Britain © 2. The government has invested a lot of money to try to Cy) teach people in the UK to improve their eating habits. (_) 3. This study was done by the Food Standards Agency. C 4. Children will be able to eat junk food at schools. CX D. Match the questions with the answers in the box below. 1. Which age group of girls are failing to eat well? © 2. What are these girls eating? O 3. What are young children’s diets like? Oo 4. Isthis a recent reality? oO ‘A. Generally speaking they are OK. B, Girls between the age group of 11 and 18. C. No, itisn’t. It’s been the case for a number of years now. D. Food and drink high in sugar and fat such as processed foods, sweets, chocolate and fizzy drinks. 194 “Pp VP VU vy ‘Swoosh - 8.” ano Evaluation tests oh Choose the correct answer. I need to withdraw some money / moneys from the cash machine. He gave me some advice / advices which were really helpful. | bought two hamburger / hamburgers for us. Se Avoid eating food which has a lot of sugar / sugars. B. Choose the appropriate form of the verbs do or make. Yesterday | (1) did / made my homework very quickly because | wanted to go and help my mother 2) do / make the shopping. Before we left, mum (3) did / made a list with the things that she needed so that we could [4] do / make a cake for my birthday. Mum made the suggestion that we should bake a chocolate cake. | adore chocolate! C.. Fill in the blanks with: much, many or a Lot of. 1. Some teenagers don't eat i vegetables. 2. You shouldn't eat too rice and potatoes because it's very fattening for you 3. We bought ice cream so that there would be enough for everyone. 4. My dad is on a diet. The doctor says that he can’t eat too cheese. ~ . Cwarme_) 35 Mnutes A. Complete the following dialogue with the expressions in the box below. customer: Waiter, please? Waiter: Would you like (1) Customer: Yes, for starters (2) _ some vegetable soup, please. Waiter: Certainly. And for your (3) 2 Customer: | think that I'd like a small ham and cheese pizza. Waiter: What (4) eae Customer: I'd like some freshly squeezed orange juice please Waiter: What about (5) __ ees Customer: Oh yes, I'd like a chocolate mousse, please. 195 196 Unit e Healthy eating habits School: Name: Date: jf Mark Enc. Educagio: ____ Teacher: A. Write the words in the box below under the corresponding pictures. [Escreve as palavras da caixa por baixo das imagens correspondentes.] cod * soup * lettuce m « bread ° rice meat * cereal Link the following containers to the foods / drinks. [Liga as expressdes de quantidade as comidas e bebidas.) 1. atinof =) 2. asliceof () 3. ajarof =) 4. aboxof () 5. abowlof () ; “Pp VP Vv vy ‘Swoosh -8." ano Evaluation tests - C. Look at the picture and write the foods next to the adjectives that they taste like. [Observa a imagem e escreve 0 nlimero ao lado da palavra que descreve 0 gosto de cada alimento.) - sweet C) plain () spicy © sally. ut cour Cor greseyi) D. Find 10 words related to food or quantifiers and write them on the lines given below. - {Encontra 10 palavras relacionadas com comida ou expressdes de quantidade e escreve-as ‘nas linhas em baixo.) J A P P L E P c P pPamun 10 ub aaouwpane REP Cab mw momZzonHaa Hee vpannan waa eae a omunacHRrog Hmwaanonao MeoOmA axon Oor>pum > rune Ree Bua > On Ze rae D PR Oa wD ) a 197 198 Unit 8 Healthy eating habits Test A Listening A. 1. vegetables 2, nutrients 3. weight 4, junk food 5. water Beaac2aababbc Reading Ad B Caw2RaRaw D. 1. Girls between the ages of 11 and 18. 2 They ate food and drink high in sugar and fat such as processed foods, sweets, chocolate and fizzy drinks. 3. They are generally OK, 4, No it isn't I's heen a case for numbers of years now. La 2b ada Grammar A. 1. money 2. hamburgers 3. advice 4. sugar 8. clectricity 6. music B. 1.cid 3, made 4. make 5. made 6, made T.made 8. do G. t. much 2 many 3, much 4. much 6.a ot of 6. much Writing A. Suggestion: order 2.1 like 3. main course 4. would you like to drink 5. dessert? [Would you like anything) B. Open answer Test B Listening (Same as test A) Reading Aa Caw2raraw Bore2baa D.1.8203a4C Grammar A. 2.advice 3. hamburgers 4. sugar B. 1.cid 2 do 3. made 4. make C. 4. many 2. much 3.a lot of 4. much Writing (Samo as test A) Listening scripts Exercise A Presenter: Time for our weekly health spot. As usual with ‘me inthe studio have Dr Jemes Herdon who, as you know, is leading nutritionist. Or Herdon, this week we'll bbe epeaking about the healthy eating habits for teens so could you please give our teenage listeners some advice ‘about the healthy eating habits that they should have? ee De Heron Yes crany Wel ny opinion teenagers edt consume aealhy det hats Hahn rts and vege, ond chin utente claum tn, Teararerscan doe ot folreove hel it at ely Tei gu chon Aeteaae ey cae Teenagers shoul avi eating nk bed al ais because tishigh nsaturated at sal sugar an own aan We courand se WSs Preserer: wat about beverages? What shoul they do Invlation wal hey dink? Dr Herden Vel, azo suggest thatthe cutback on altho fez drinks they nk land i recommend that they eral et eel re se Accs ar cone ae ee Grea dames dle PresenersTharks Dots tht we hae tine fr this week See yo apa wet wet, Exercise B Girt 10h, there you are! was starting to get abit nervous, So, where shall we have (unch then? Shall we go to Pizza Hut? Girt2: No, I don't really fel tke junk food, so how about we go to aur usual local restaurant? Girl 1: Oh there's afr table. Oh, hore's the menu, What shall we have? Girl 2: Let's order a salad for starters. They're healthy and really delicious here Girl t: OK then, Would you share a Lasagne with me.I feel tke lasagne, but one is too much for me. GirL.2: OK then. What do you want to drink? Girl: Let's order a large botle of sparkling water Girt2: OK but how much does that all cost. only have 10 euros with me. Girt 1: Hang on a minute, Let me see, Dont worry The bill only cames to 15€ which means 7.508 each. Girt 2: OK then, Lt’ call the waiter over then. Test CEI A. 1. lettuce 2 cod 3. soup 4. meat &. rice 6, jam cereal 8 bread BLD 2C3E4B5A ©. sweet ~5; plain ~6; spicy 2; salty-3; sour & greasy 1 D. packet, apple, chocolat, fish, box, puding, yoghurt, milk, sondwier, jar voumrvuTe porH—noOUD> ooonwaATs REDE mD manzomazc 4--vommos waaezraxrm omv-czros 4mcuRO-90 xrorazxoo oromp>urr Ar-zZvampr w-zeraaa> mroammama a Unit €) Healthy eating habits School: Name: Date: Enc, Educacao: 2 ee Toaehior (aR ent A. You will hear five short conversations. For each conversation, picture (A-C). ircle) the appropriate 1. What does Mark have for breakfast every day? 2. Jenny thinks it’s important to eat fruit. How many portions of fruit does she eat every day? | (@) @) 3. What is Jane’s favourite food? 201 mm © © © © 4. What does Henry not eat? ® 5. How often does Maria's family eat out every month? (a) © B. You will hear a woman making a reservation at a restaurant. Complete the reservation form below. » Nando’s« Name Day a os Tablefor [3 Pe “Meal ordered 4. Special request | 6. [Adapted from: Cambridge Tests) 202 OW ‘READING COMPREHENSION 30 Minutes A. Read the sentences and choose the appropriate word for each space. 1. Yesterday | hada soup for ______at the restaurant. (a) starters (b) dessert (©) side order 2. Fruit is an example of a healthy (a) meat ) dinner (€) snack 3. Waiter, can you please bring the ______so | can order. (a) receipt (b) bill (c) menu 4. What would you like to___? How about some lemonade? (a) drink. (b) drinks (c) eat 5. Last night |had ice cream for dessert. {a) some (b) much (c) many 6. To make a salad you need = {a) meat (b) lettuce (c) soup 7. Aiter a meal some people like to eat {@) breakfast (b) dessert (oa starter & It's a good idea to make a if you want to eat out. (a) complaint (b) request (c) reservation 9 latea_____————_cake for tea today. {@) box of (b) packet of (0) slice of 10. | don't know what to choose. Can you please _ a suggestion? (a) do (b) make (o) tell B. Choose the appropriate reply for each of the following conversations. 1. Have you decided yet? CO |ArYes. we'd like the cod . The menu please. . Can you bring the bill? - So will | }. Neither do | So do | . It's healthy for you. . It's unhealthy for you .. They're healthy for you - Why don’t you order the chicken? . Try the steak then. . How about the salmon then? .- Especially Indian curry. . Especially plain vegetables. . Especially sweet pork {Adapted from: Cambridge Tests] 2. | hate liver. CO 3. What do you think of fried food? Fy ; 4. | feel like eating fish 2 5.1 love spicy food pePrleaerlpaslpeaeloe 203 —a< Sf Se C. Read the article about a healthy breakfast. Then Circle) the best word for each space. A Healthy Breakfast Doctors say that the most important meal (1) ________ the day is the meal {2)________ starts the day. Yes, you guessed it. This means that breakfast is very important for our health. They defend that we (3} ____ eat something in the first hour after (4) ___________ get up. When we wake up our bodies haven't eaten (5) ____ hours and they need energy to start {6} ____________ day. They say that the secret to a healthy lifestyle begins with a healthy breakfast. So, we should always eat something even if it’s (7) _______ a tiny snack like a liquid yoghurt or a fibre biscuit or two. If you're not hungry first thing in the morning, you can always eat something (3) ____s filling a few hours later. They suggest that you take a sandwich with you to eat (9] you feel hungry. For those (10) _____ eat breakfast when they wake up every day, doctors suggest that they eat a continental breakfast. In other words: fresh bread or toast with a slice of ham or cheese or some milk and cereal. A good idea is to also eat some fruit to get lots of vitamins into your body early in the morning! Avoid eating fatty foods and cakes for breakfast! 1. (ayof 6. (already @at @)only {aon fall 2. (a)who 7. (a)too (®) which (just (@) whose (most 3. (aycan’t 8. (a) which (b) should () who. tqwill (whose 4. (a)they 9. (a)when (he @) unless (we (while 5. (a) for 10. (a) which (after (b) whose (on fawho 204 0 ae. ‘Swoosh - 8. ano Evaluation tests il D. Read the article about what famous people eat. What the Stars really eat Chef Kate McAloon lets us in on the food secrets of her celebrity clients. She is the choice chef for several A-list celebrities, including Miranda Kerr and husband Orlando Bloom, Gwyneth Paltrow and husband Chris Martin, Steven Spielberg and his wife Kate Capshaw, Meg Ryan, Courteney Cox and David Arquette. McAloon is the woman behind the delicious food served at their Hollywood dinner parties and Sunday soirees, as well ps as the dishes on their dinner tables at family meal times. “Food is one of the greatest a joys in our lives if we eat properly,” McAloon says. So what is it about her food that makes it so special? McAloon says: “It's always healthy and clean, but it's the flavour that distinguishes my food and I get it from using lots of fresh herbs and spices and good quality fresh products like fresh vegetables, ~ meat and fish.” Bs Chef McAloon began cooking for Orlando Bloom after Gwyneth Paltrow introduced them at one of her fabulous parties. We asked her about what the stars really like to eat and here is what she told us: “Kerr loves wild salmon, lots of fresh veggies and salads, cacao powder and coconut. Bloom loves turkey burgers. He's always asking me to make some for him. Although they have their favourite dishes, they do eat a bit of everything. | make sure that they have a varied and healthy diet with lots of fruit and | vegetables. | avoid making fried food for them, as it's not a healthy option.” We asked her what is the secret of pleasing celebrities and she answered that you can't be afraid of mixing ingredients and trying out new things but that every few days | you have to cook something that they really love like a good old turkey burger. (Adapted trom: www.] a Decide if the sentences are right (R) or wrong [W) according to the text. 1. Chef McAloon cooks for lots of celebrities. O 2. One of her clients is Tom Cruise and his family. O i 3. Chef McAloon is responsible for making the food at the star's dinner parties and Sunday scirees. O - 4. Her food is special because it is very expensive C ~ 5. Orlando Bloom introduced Chef McAloon to Gwyneth Paltrow. (— = 6. Kerr loves eating wild salmon and fresh vegetables. @ 7. She makes lots of fried food for her stars. oO Quote a sentence from the text that presents the magic formula for making stars happy. és 205 206 oe Came) sn AA. Read a review about a typical English pub and an email from a friend. Review of a Gastropub: The Crawley Lamb Inn Pros: * Friendly staff * Good selection at a variety of prices = Well prepared, fresh food * Attractive interior with a large fireplace Cons: * Reservations required if you arrive with a dog * Food is prepared to order so it can take a bit longer Address: Witney, Oxfordshire OX29 9TW www. The review above presents some opinions. Complete your diary with the following information: (Adapted trom: Cambridge Tests] PY VV Vv vy Swoosh - 8." ano Evaluation tests B. Complete the following email. e | ea ‘sane: Birthday visit @ vena woot ion [Hoera FR WHOSE r Hi Jake! I'mso excited to come and visit you for 1. birthday. [have lots 2. is plans for us to do together. For my birthday lunch, I'd love to go toa typical English pub 3. you know of 4. ____ that is good? It’s my first time in England and I want to do all the things that the locals do. Can you suggest a fantastic pub 5,_____ lunch? Your American friend, Jony C. Now imagine Jerry has decided to visit you in Portugal and he is dying to hear from you. Write a short email in which you answer his questions and tell him about a good restaurant to eat in Portugal. Write 50-80 words. suet @ soxcate ser season Se BIU whos 1ie_«Pantme 207 ee & 10 Minutes PART 1 Each student interacts with the teacher answering some personal questions. PART 2 Students interact with each other. Students ask and answer questions using prompt material. STUDENT A Here's some information about a restaurant. Look at this information and answer your partner's questions, Balti Traditional curry house in East London Specialties: chicken rezala and lamb lemon grass Opening sae se tO! = x Open Every Bank Holiday Lunch: 12 noon to 2:30 pm * & a Evening 5:30 pm to midnight vie Price: Lunch: 15¢ mw | Dinner: 25£ Where we ae x w = : 71 Brick Lane, London, E1 6QL STUDENT A You don’t know anything about this restaurant. So ask student B some questions about it. Use these words to help you. Restaurant + type of restaurant? + specialties? * time / dinner? * average price / €? + open / Monday? [Adapted from: Cambridge Tests) 208 VD VD vay Swoosh - 8." ano Evaluation tests SPEAKING — STUDENT 8 10 Minutes PART 1 Each student interacts with the teacher answering some personal questions. PART 2 Students interact with each other. Students ask and answer questions using prompt material. STUDENT B You don’t know anything about this restaurant. So ask student A some questions about it Use these words to help you. Restaurant * name? 3 + specialties? * opening hours? © tO Sy + average price / £2 ne@ | address’ | Here's some information about a restaurant. Look at this information and answer your partner's questions. = & a B « = 3 ie >< Nonna Lina Italian restaurant and pizzeria f at Specialties: homemade pizzas and lasagne di carne YN CN Opening hours ae YAY YN Lunch: 11 am to 2:00 pm Evening 6:30 pm to midnight Closed on Monday Price 10-20 rands Where we are 125 Orange street, Capetown, South Africa [Adapted from: Cambridge Tests) reser 209 210 eC ©& Unit 8 Key for Schools Listening ALAZC3B4ABA B.1. Wednesday 2. night-7pm 3.6 4. barbecued chicken 6, chocolate cake Reading Ada2cBchaGa6b Abc 9c 10.5 BLA2ZC3&B4C5A Cita Bo BbAchaGc7dBa Ga 0c DLR ZW3RAW SEWER ZW E. “You can’t be afraid of mixing ingredients and trying tout new things but that every few days you have to cook something that they really lave like a good old turkey burger: Writing A.1. Crawley Lamb Inn 2. fresh food 3. variety 4, attractive interior with fireplace §. friendly B. 1, my2. of 3. Do4. any. for ©. Open answer Listening scripts Exercise A Dialogue 1 Mark: Well, | have breakfast every day when | get up. | usually have somettiing quick like some milk and cereal, | never have anything cooked like bacon and eggs. Dialogue 2 Jenny: At school | learnt that i's very important to eat fresh fruit every day. My science teacher told us that you should try to eat five different fruits every day. ™m trying to do that but at the moment stil only eat three Dialogue 3 Jane: That's such a difficult question to answer. Let's see, | adore pizza and | also like Chinese food but | {quess that my favourite food of all really is spaghetti tuolognaise. When my mum makes it, | always ask for more! I's really delicious. Dialogue 4 My mum taught us to eat everything when we were litle, and | think that | manage to do that. Well, eS ‘almost. | eat things like liver and fish but there is. something that | can’t eat no matter how hard | try. Broccoli it's too green and mushy for me! | absolutely hate the stuff! Dialogue 5 Well, sometimes we eat out. We usually eat out when isa special occasion like someone's birthday or when my mum is too tired to cook. If | really think about it, guess that we tend to eat out about four times per month, an average, | mean Exercise B Customer: OK then. So here are my personal details so that you can make my reservation. As I said it will be my son’s birthday and | want to make sure that everything will be just perfect for him. | want this to be a birthday to remember. Receptionist: Yes, madam. We will do our best to make sure that everything is just perfect. Could you please give me a name to reserve the table under? Customer: Oh, yes. Jones, Kathleen Jones. Receptionist: And that'l be a table for..? Customer: Wednesday night Receptionist: How many people will the table be for? Customer: Six two adults and four teenagers. Receptionist: What time do you want me make the reservation for? Customer: 7 o'clock, please Receptionist: Have you decided what you'l be having or do you want to choose when you get here? Customer: Oh, yes, we always have barbecued chicken at Nando's Receptionist: Do you have any special request? Customer: Oh, yes, id like to order a chocolate birthday cake, please. A small one for the 6 of us. Receptionist: OK then, lt that down. Is there anything else? Customer: No, there isn't, thank you. Receptionist: OK then. Thank you for calling Nando's and we'l see you tomorrow evening, WD VP Vv vy Swoosh 8." ano Evaluation tests Unit 6 The Environment aa School: Name: Date: Bima A. You will hear the director talk about the documentary series Planet Earth. For items 1 to 5, fill in the missing information. Enc, Educagao: - Teacher: PLANET EARTH TYPEOF FILM CUMENTARY Director Fothergill f Number of episodes Commissioned by Year it started [Cost sa es B. You will hear a conversation between two friends about what they plan to do to help the planet. Choose the correct option. 1. Kate and Pete had an interesting __ lesson. (a) Biology (b) Science (©) History 2. Kate plans to start (a) reusing things (b) reducing the things she uses {e) recycling 3. Pete thinks that Kate's family should buy ___ (a) energy saving lamps (b) rechargeable batteries (©) a recycling bin 4. He invites Kate to participate ina (a) conference (b) clean up campaign (c) manifestation |. 5. Theyare meeting at =. (a) 8:30am (b) 9:00 am (©) 9:30am 213 mm Cf © S&S &S Stee Read the text carefully. GIFTED KIDS CAN CHANGE THE WORLD Gifted kdds are different individuals. They are those who can see different things and solve the problem in their own way. Gifted kids can help fight against poverty and world hunger. They can 5 also work to protect and keep the environment clean as well as defend children’s rights to a healthy planet, ‘This may sound impossible but it isn't really. Itcan be started by doing simple things at home, 10 then at school and finally at a community level Gifted kids like you and me can save the community by helping in various ways. We can all do simple things like — watering plants that give us fresh air, collecting donations for animals 16 in need or extinction and recycling the things ‘that we don't need any more. This may sound simple but it's actually a very important step to reducing the amount of the Earth’s resources that we use up every day. If we 20 can help the planet, then wo are really working towards guaranteeing that our future is better. So what can gifted kids do again? Well, they can save water by tuming off the tap while brushing their teeth and not taking long baths, 25 but rather short showers. They can save the electricity by turning the lights off when they are not in a room. They can save the environment by not burning trees. They can save the animals by giving them shelter. In addition, they can save 30. mother Earth by not dumping garbage into the sea, In short, they can change their habits and become environmentally friendly. And who knows — perhaps they can even persuade adults to do the same! ‘Adapted from: wwweteenink com 214 WP Vv Vv vay ‘Swoosh - 8." ano Evaluation tests Match the parts of the sentences according to the text. Some are not necessary. Gifted kids can oO ; ~ buying green products. ir You should start by O doing simple things at home. Recycling is a simple C yet effective way of saving the planet's resources. Perhaps kids can even influence (_) having things that belonged to others. change the world. adults to become more environment friendly, Find a word in the text which means: find a solution for (paragraph 1) more than one [paragraph 2) feblabeieeeee eee a making sure that (paragraph 3) eee em a eee a safe place to live in [paragraph 4) assreseers = Decide if the following sentences are right {R) or wrong (W) according to the text. Gifted kids are those who help the environment. Doing small things isn't enough to help the planet Our future depends on the state of the environment. It’s difficult to convince others to help. Label the following environmentally friendly actions according to their descriptions in the text. 215 216 vs A. Put the verbs in brackets in the appropriate tense. esp eS Ifwe ______ [not saye] endangered animals, they will become extinct. Unless we protect the planet, our future {not be) good. fhe (want] to, he will make a difference. The planet (die] if we don't do something soon: ifwe all___ [use] cars, we will pollute the air. Governments listen when we (protest). Complete the sentences with the appropriate preposition for the phrasal verb look. ‘after + for « forwardto + outfor + yp * UP to I can't find my keys. Can you help me look them? My idol is my older brother. | really look him. Mum asked me to look the baby while she went shopping. Ifyou don’t know the meaning of a word, look it________in the dictionary, We are really looking Christmas this year. | can’t wait! When you walk to school look _______ crazy drivers and walk on the pavement. Choose the correct verb. When | was on holiday|____ sleep until late. (a) can {b) coute The children at that school wear uniforms! (a) have to (b) coula | __ study for the test. | don’t want to get a bad mark. (a) would (b) have to Excuse me, you tell me where the post office is? (a) must (b) coule Tom ___speak French well. {a) can (b) have to They say you drink and drive {@) must (b) mustn't : — ee Gam) sn = A. Write a short text about Leonardo DiCaprio, a star who fights to protect the ; environment. Use the information below to help you (30-50 words). tests Bi Short | Name - Leonardo DiCaprio introduction | Date of birth - 11 November 1974" | Place of birth - Los Angeles, California Physical Hair ~ blond a description Eyes - blue | Height - 1,83 - Qualities andtraits |» co-wrote, produced and narrated - the global warming documentary The 11th Hour - * created a foundation that deals with environmental causes including - access to clean water, renewable energy and forest preservation B. Read the beginning of a story about the environment, then finish the story in any way you like (30-50 words). Itwas a hot day in the middle of July so | decided to go to the beach. When I got there | saw that there was a dolphin that was trapped in the shallow water. | didn’t know what to do so is fie i rs 217 ee @§ © © & Unit 6 The Environment [ teste ff School: Name: Date: L Enc. Educacao: Teacher: es en A. You will hear the director talk about the documentary series Planet Earth. For items 1 to 5, circle the missing information. PLANET EARTH TYPE OF FILM ___ DOCUMENTARY Director 1. Adrian / Alastair Fothergill | Number of episodes 2.11/15 Commissioned by 3. CBC / BBC Year it started 4. 2005 / 2010 | Cost 5. most expensive / cheapest documentary ever made | B. You will hear a conversation between two friends about what they plan to do to help the planet. 1. Kate and Pete had an interesting lesson. fa) Biology (b) Science (©) History 2. Kate plans to start = (@) reusing things (b) reducing the things she uses (@)_ recycling 3. Pete thinks that Kate's family should buy __ (a) energy saving lamps ——_(B)_rechargeable batteries (©) arecycting bin 4. He invites Kate to participate ina (a) conference (b) clean up campaign (©) manifestation 8. They are meeting at fa) 8:30am {b) 9:00 am (2) 9:30am 218 : “P VP UV vy ‘Swoosh - 8," ano Evaluation tests ERNE CONPREHEIGON) ae Read the text carefully. GIFTED KIDSCAN 4 ¥ CHANGE THE WORLD !'y Gifted kids are different individuals. They are those who cana a see different things and solve the problem in their own way. Gifted kids can help fight against poverty and world hunger. y They can also work to protect and keep the environment clean 5 aswell as defend children’s rights to a healthy planet. a. Thiliony solndimpomatie bus itientroall, Reanbestertad by doing simple things at home, then at school and finally ata = = 2 community level. Gifted kids like you and me can save the community by helping in various ways. We can all do simple } a é@ x 10 things like - watering plants that give us fresh air, collecting 2a 8) ? donations for animals in need or extinction and recycling the things that we don't need any more. This may sound simple but it's actually a very important step to reducing the amount of the Earth's resources that we use up - 15. every day, If we can help the planet, then we are really working towards guaranteeing that our future is better. a So what can gifted kids do again? Well, they can save water by tuming off the tap while brushing their teeth and not taking = “SAVE long baths, but rather short showers. They can save the _~ 2 aleciticity by tuming the lights off when they are not in a room. They can save the environment by not buming trees. They can save the animals by giving them shelter. In addition, they can save mother Earth by not dumping garbage into the sea, In short, they can change their habits and become environmentally friendly. And who knows ~ perhaps they can even persuade adults to do the samel ‘Adapted from: www.teenink. com A. Match the parts of the sentences according to the text. 1. Gifted kids © (a) doing simple things at home. - 2. You should start by oO (b) is a simple yet effective way of saving the : ated 3. Recycling oO planet's resources. 4. Perhaps kids caneven (_) era ah (@) influence adults to become more environment friendly. a 219 220 | B. Match the expressions with the words in the box. z various 1. findasolutionfor = () pat shelter 2. more than one oO a solve 3. making sure that O guaranteeing 4, asafe place to livein (_) C. Decide if the following sentences are right (R] or wrong (W) according to the text: 4. Gifted kids are those who help the environment. 2. Doing small things isn’t enough to help the planet, io 3. Our future depends on the state of the environment. (_) 4. It's difficult to convince others to help. GQ D. Label the following environmentally friendly actions according to their descriptions in the text. Use the words in the box to help. recycle save water 1. 2 3. 4. vm A. Choose the appropriate option. 1. If we save / don’t save endangered animals, they will become extinct, 2. Unless we protect / don't protect the planet, our future will not be good 3. If he want / wants to, he will make a difference. 4. The planet die / will die if we don't do something soon. : “P VP Vv ey Swoosh 8." ano Evaluation tests B. Complete the sentences with a preposition in the box below. Not all are needed. after © for * forward to + outfor * up * upto 2 1. I can’t find my keys. Can you help me look them? - 2, My idol is my older brother. | really look him. 3. Mum asked me to look ____ the baby while she went shopping. 4. I didn’t know the meaning of the word so | looked it __ in the dictionary. C. Choose the correct verb. 4. When | was on holiday | ____sleep until late. (a) can (b) could - 2. The children at that school wear uniforms! . (a) have to (b) would 31 study for the test. | don’t want to get a bad mark. (a) would () must 4. Excuse me,_____you tell me where the post office is? A {a) must (b) could : 35 Mines : AA. Read the beginning of a story about the environment then finish the story in any way = you like (30-50 words). Itwas a hot day in the middle of July so | decided to go to the beach. When | got there | saw A that there was a dolphin that was trapped in the shallow water. | didn’t know what to do so |... 221 ame © © & © Unit @ The Environment Peel School: Name: Date: n Enc. Educagio: A. Write the words in the box below under the corresponding picture. (Escreve as palavras da caixa por baixo das imagens correspondentes.) hurricane + glacie’ B. Complete the gaps with a word in the box. (Completa os espacos com palavras da caixa.) + renewable Sihzust ues.» globel wanming, «-creannouse + actdraf = canforests = (EONS 1. We are running out of oil so we need to start using energies. 2 is when the temperature of the Earth increases. 3. is rain that contains dangerous chemicals. 4 The _____ effect is caused by pollution and rising temperatures. 5. We need to protect ____ in countries like Brazil. 6. help cause acid rain. 222 a C. Look at the clues below and complete the crossword. Use the words in the box Ei to help you. (Lé as pistas e completa as palavras cruzadas. Usa as palavras da caixa como ajuda.) elephants + fureeané + reuse « oil spill + protect » paper * activist species + globalwarming + acidrain + endangered temperature Tet] » 30 i ona mlz> i ACROSS > [pow | iS | Lanimals which have big ears and a trunk 2. to keep safe c | 3. the amount of heat/cold that we feel 5.a very strong wind | fens 7. different types of plants and | a. 4, the result of an increase in the Earth's animals ~ femmpersture: 9. rain with dangerous chemicals - | 6. an accident involving oil and water 10 secagptn 8. species that are in danger 11. something that we write on and can recycle 12, a person who fights for the environment Fs 223 224 Unit 6 The Environment TestA ) 33, | Listening A. A.Alastair 2.11 8.BBC 4.2005 5, the most expensive Bitb2c3c4b5a A.terp acai B.t.soWve 2 various 8. guaranteeing 4, shelter CR 2W3RaW D. 1. save the animals/give animals a shelter 2, recycle 3, save waterturn off the top 4, turn the light of Grammar A. 1. don’t save 2. won't be 3. wants 4. will die 5. use 6. protest B. 1. for 2, upto 3.after 4. up 5. forward to C.1b223.b4b 5266 out for Writing A. Suggestion Leonarda DiCaprio was born on 11" Novernber 1974 in Los Angeles, California. He isa very famous American actor. He has got blond hair and blue eyes and he is 1,83 m tall. He is a very tolerant and hardworking person. He co-wrote, praduced and narrated the global warming documentary The 11th Hour. Being environmentally friendly he also created a foundation that deals with environmental causes including access to clean water, renewable energy and forest preservation. B. Open answer ALL Alastair-241 3. BBC 4, 2005 5. the most expensive Babacacao5a Reading Adc2asbad Bac2asdao CiR2waRraw D. 1. save the animals 2 recycle 3. save water 4 turn the lights off Grammar A. 1 don't save 2 protect 3. wants 4. will de B, 1.tor 2 upto 3.aiter & up C.tb 203646 Writing A. Open answer ee Listening scripts Exercise A Hella everyone, My names Alastair Fotherail that's A-LA-S-T-A--R and lam the director ofthe fantastic saries called Planet Earth. As you know ths is a documentary which currently has a total of eleven episodes. We are stil shooting ‘so we may well have a few more in a couple of months or years, Planet Earth was commissioned by the BEC. Is the ‘most expensive nature documentary series ever made by the BBC, We began shooting the series in 2005 and have had quite 3 few celebrities on the series sofa. I'm thinking of ‘names like David Attenborough or Sigourney Weaver who I'm ‘sure that ye'l recognise, The series has been very popular ‘and has even won an Emmy anard. Exercise B Kate: So what did you think of our Science lesson today? Pete: Wel, itwas actually rather cool. mean, knew that our planetwas in danger but| hadn't really realised that things were as bat as they actually ae, Kate: Yi, | know what you mean. You know, today’s lesson has ‘actualy inspired me to try to do something to make our planeta better place. think that 'm going to start recycling, Pete: Wellin that case, you should ask your mum to buy 3 recycling bin so that you can separate your household rubbish Kate: Thats @ good idea, Sut | want to do more. Pete: Well, I think that there's something that you might be interested in then Kate: On yeah! What? Peta: This weekend a couple of my friends are getting together to participate in an environment campaign ‘organised by aur town council, Kate: What exactly are you gcing to do? Peta: Well, we're meeting on Saturday to clean up the beach, You know, ick up the litter that people leave onthe beach and stut, Kate: What ime are you meeting? Pete: Well the initiative starts at 9 and should be finished ‘around 5. But we're meeting atthe town hall at 830, Kate: Sounds like 2 good idea. | might just meet you there! Pete: I's adate! | mean deal. Test CEI A. t.cilstick 2 drought 3, ozone layer 4. tidal wave 5. glacier 6. hurricane 7. recycling 8 endangered species, B, 1. renewable 2, Global warming 3, Acid rain 4. greenhouse 5. rainforests 6. Exhaust fumes C. 1. elephants 2. protect 3. temperature 4. Global warming 8. hurricane 6, oil pill 7. species & endangered 9. acid rain 10. reuse 1, paper 12. activist ¥ ) CP VP VU Uy ‘Swoosh - 8.” ano Evaluation tests a Unit 6 The Environment [eee ole essed School: Name: Date: iB Enc. Educaga Teacher: ‘le) the appropriate ) > You will hear five short conversations. For each conversation, ( r picture [A-C). E 1. What is Sophie going to do to protect the Environment? ~ 227 me © © © © 4. How many wild Asian elephants are there in the world today? == 000 tad 000 ae 000 | QB / You will hear a scientist talking about the effects of global warming, Listen and complete the table. SCIENTIFIC REPORT : Scientist's name Michael Studinger Current job Works for the 1. Topic of talk Global Warming is caused by * Fossil fuels release ae methane and gases into the atmosphere {adapted from: Cambridge Tests] 228 : QP VP ‘Swoosh - 8." ano Evaluation tests 2 ‘READING COMPREHENSION 30 Minutes - A. Which notice (A-G) would you put up in the following cases (1-5)? Write the correct a letter in the corresponding box. Some are not necessary. 1. You want people to switch off the lights. Cy A 2. People should beware of exhaust fumes.) Guided Jour 5 Wild Animals ee aid 3. You want to recruit volunteers. ( 4, This box is only for recycling glass. 5 5. Drive carefully and mind the wild animals. | Glass museum Closed from _12.30 - 2.30 pm os Danger: Air quality P fc) E) ny Cee Volunteers Sa = wid animats ahead? | needed ae ve energy - fo (G) Z © | & we won't be in danger. it's dangerous. we will all be in danger. Pardon? What did you say? Excuse me, can | get past. I'm sorry. Neither are we. So are we. That's right. PApPappoas It's lke an umbrella that protects the Earth from the sun. . = a Al z Oo It's very easy. Yes, | understand, Oo Not any. Not much Not many. = 5. How many elephants are there? opp op (Adapted from: Cambridge Tests] 229 am © © © © (C. Read the sentences and choose the appropriate word for each space. 1. There are many ______ on the planet nowadays. A.danger species B.endanger species _€. endangered species, 2. Doyou worry protecting the Environment? Aor Bof ©. over 3. Areyouan fan? A. environment B. environmental C. environmentally 4, What state do you think the planet is —__ Ain Boon C.up 8. Elephants are animals which are ___ danger. Ain Bon under 6 What do you think governments must A.todo G. doing 7. Everybody says | take A. over B. back C.atter 8, If temperatures continue to rise, icebergs D. species danger D. about D. environments D.about D.about D.did D. won't A. will melt B. melts, C. melts pene we recycle, we will waste the planet's resources! Alf B. When C. Unless 10, | think you should turn Aon B. off C. of D. After Di back to protect the planet? _____ my father. We have the same eyes and ears. melt devices when they are not in use. D. Read this article about the environment and choose the appropriate word get together we 3) can / shouldn’t make a notable impact on our society. First, start by 4) get / getting all the “one persons” together in your school. | 5) Better / Best yet, get all those people together and start your school’s very own Environmental Club! That's what we 6) do/ did at Auburn High School. 7) Our / Its club started because kids wanted to clean up our Earth. They 8) realize / realized the | Itis hard for one 1) person / persons to make a change, but 2) after / when all of us | | | | impetus has to begin with cleaning up the environment closest to you. | | One program we started was a clean-up of our school’s outdoor campus. We were disgusted with the amount of pollution we found scattered 9) on/ around our school. So we decided to do something about it and make our efforts noticeable to the rest of the student body. We arranged to pick up trash during lunch and after school. We put the trash on display so the 10) whole / only school could enjoy the garbage collage they created. ‘ 230 riiematanineaaniaemell : 2 oe Swoosh - 8.” ano Evaluation tests 2 E. Read this article about saving the environment. Saving The Environment: One Home At A Time! Pollution can be seen not only throughout the world, but also in our own homes. It comes from household chemicals, the amount of water people use and the waste : people produce and throw away. What can be done to stop this pollution? Surprisingly, - a person can help save the environment by doing simple things. First, we need to recycle, which saves landfill space for other waste and allows | products to be used over and over again. Recycling just one aluminium soda can save = the energy equivalent of half that can filled with gasoline. Recycling can also reduce | = the number of trees cut down to produce paper products. It takes very little effort; it | is not hard to place plastic and glass bottles, aluminium cans and paper in a bin. | Anyone can do it. Then, we need to watch the amount of water used in the home. Water can be conserved by taking short showers instead of baths, repairing leaky taps, using the dishwasher or the washing machine only when it is fully loaded, or simply turning the tap off while brushing your teeth. Even though there is plenty of water on Earth, only a very small percentage is fit for human consumption. We need to help save this water every way we can. Water is a valuable resource that can be wasted as easily as it can be conserved and we can all start doing this in our own homes. Decide if the sentences are right (R] or wrong (W) according to the text. A 1. There is also pollution in our homes. > 2 Acause of pollution is househald chemicals. es 3. Recycling leads to less landfill space for other waste, . 4, Recycling a can of soda can save energy. 5. Recycling doesn't save trees. 6. Itis very difficult to recycle. 7. Itis difficult to save water at home. . It is acceptable to use the dishwasher when it's not full. . You can recycle plastic, glass and aluminium. ). There is lots of water on the Earth for us to use. - 231 i 35 Mites A. Rewrite the sentences using the word given without changing the meaning. Use between two and three words. 1. Itis possible for everyone to recycle. (can) Everyone 2. It is forbidden to copy in tests. . (mustn't) You pa in tests. 3. | think it’s a good idea to use rechargeable batteries. (should) I think we rechargeable batteries. 4. If we don’t pressure governments, they won't pass environmentally friendly laws. (unless) governments, they won't pass environmentally friendly laws. 8. I'm going to take care of an abandoned dog (look) I'm going to Hs an abandoned dog. B. Complete this letter. Write one word for each space. es Mg Din wsiting,to- complain 1) the lack, of seoyoling Bins 2) own town. 3) _ we want people to weyole then use need 4) _ make sure that they have lots of cycling, Bins to use easily. Lu my stuet 5) __ arent 6) _ Bint so my dad has to put all the things we wank to weoyole bv the car ond tabe them to the neansst reoyaling, Bina 7)__gou think that this practical and that it convinces 8) fo eoyele? T ash you 9) think about thy and make the necessary changes 10) __ that we caw all reeyole and protect the planet. (Adapted from: Cambridge Tests) 232 oc 2 + aa ‘Swoosh - 8.” ano Evaluation tests - C. Read a story about protecting the elephants. When Mario was small, he hunters and the African wanted to protect the planet, elephants. He managed to Time passed and he went to __ publish his story. Now university and became a everyone is trying to save journalist. One day, he wrote | the elephants because avery shocking story about of him. (Adapted trom: Cambridge Tests) 233 ame © © © © 234 lone PART 1 : Each student interacts with the teacher answering some personal questions. PART 2 Students interact with each other. Students ask and answer questions using the prompt material, STUDENT A Here's some information about an environmental film festival. Look at this information and answer your partner's questions. ENVIRONMENTAL FILM FESTIVAL Avast collection of films about the Environment ENTRANCE: 5$ March 18-30 Washington DC Morning session 9.00 am - 11.30 pm Afternoon session 3,00 pm - 5.30 pm STUDENT A You don’t know anything about this conference. So ask student B some questions about it Use these words to help you. ENVIRONMENT CONFERENCE + where? + when / day? * guest speaker? * entrance fee? J) Te ature ot Manking +start/ 4? [Adapted from: Cambridge Tests] ee ‘Swoosh - 8." ano Evaluation tests es PART 1 Each student interacts with the teacher answering some personal questions. PART 2 Students interact with each other. Students ask and answer questions using the prompt material. STUDENT B You don't know anything about this film festival. So ask student A some questions about it. Use these words to help you. FILM FESTIVAL * what / about? + when? + where? + session times? + cost/$? STUDENT B Here's some information about a conference. Look at this information and answer your partner's questions. ENVIRONMENT CONFERENCE Parque das Nagées - Lisbon April 12 Guest Speaker: Al Gore Starts 9.30 am - Finishes 4.00 pm _ Penns conmeneuce Global Warming Free admittance The Future of Mankind Lunch provided (Adapted from: Cambridge Tests} 235 236 Unit @ Key for Schools Listening ALB 2A3B8 405.8 B. 1. ceBridge Project 2. Global Warming and its consequences 3 humans 4, carbon dioxide (C02) 5. greenhouse Reading ALG 2B3F4C5E Bic 2A3.B4A5.C Cc 203CaASAGEZCBARC WE D. 1. person 2. when 2. can 4, gating 5 Battar 6. aid 7.Our 8. realized 8, around 10. whole E.R 283.0 GR SW OW 7.W BW 9.R 10.W Writing A. 1. can recycle 2 mustn't copy 3. should use 4, Unless we pressure 6. look after B. 1. about around 3. If 6, there 6. any 7.0 8. people 9 to 10. s0 C. open answer Listening scripts Exercise A Dialogue 1 1 rally think that we should all do something to protect the environment. lave decided to speak to my mother land to get her tohelp me convince my whole family to be a lat mare environmentally Friendly. think that with her help ibe able to convince the rest ofthe family. Dialogue 2 ‘Our organisation is devoted to protecting the Iberian ax, We don't get many government grants or subsidies so we really need donations from the general public to help us continue doing what we are doing. We accept any donation even fit’ just 5. You know what they say -every drop helps. Dialogue 3 This year we are going to implement an environmentally friendly programme at our schoal. We are going to start off by setting the example for our students and so we have decided to substitute all our school lamps with environmentally friendly ones, which wit permit the school to save a lot of eneray in the long run. We hope that this small act wll influence our students to go home. and ask their parents to do the same, ame © © $ S&S Dialogue 4 Unfortunately s we all know, elephants ar in a great danger of becoming extinct Tis can be confimed by some prety scary numpers. Did you know that nowadays there are only 00 ~ 700000 Arian elephants lft? This really is nt al that much, This is why we believe that urgent poaching measures need tobe taken by African governments Dialogue 5 (ne ofthe elects or consequences af glabal warming is ‘melting icebergs Thisis really serious as its increasing the Earth's water levels, nthe near future, this will mean that some ofthe cities or even countries that we know and (ove wll disappear Isn't ths a rather frightening thought? Exercise B My name Michael Studinger. | am a scientist and | am currently working for the IceBridge project. | have been invited here today io tell you more about glabal warming and its environmental consequences. Globat warming is expected to have very serious and even devastating consequences for planet Earth. For some years, global warming which as you know is the gradual heating of Earth's surface, oceans and atmosphere - 25 | was saying for many years this was @ topic of heated debate in the scientific community But today scientists and researches all agree that global ‘warming is real and that itis caused by humans. Basically, when we burn fossil fuels we pump carbon dioxide (CO,), methane and other greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. These gases do not allow the Earth's heat to be released back into the atmosphere. This is why ‘we are all now suffering from global warming! This isthe harsh reality which we can'tignore! PY VP Vv Uy Swoosh - 8." ano Evaluation tests Unit & Places to visit azz School: Name: Date: ais Enc. Educagao: Teacher: sn A. You will hear a tour guide talking about the Buckingham Palace. For items 1 to 5, fill in the missing information. BUCKINGHAM PALACE Original name Buckingham House [Where itis {city Year it was built Year it became the official royal palace 3, —__ | How many rooms geet Number of visitors each year B. You will hear a conversation between two friends about a trip to London. Choose the correct option. 4. Becky went to London yesterday (a) morning (b) afternoon (0) evening 2, She went to London by pues (a) car (b) bus (6) underground 3. Becky and her friends ate (a) Japanese food (b) Indian food (c) Italian food Becky says the restaurant was (a) full {(b) expensive (©) quiet . After the meal, Becky and her friends _____ (a) sat and talked (b) went to the cinema _(€) walked by the water 240 ‘READING COMPREHENSION ¢ ¢ © & Read the text carefully. 10 16 20 THE WONDERS OF PARIS I H a ‘ i a “The city of lights’, ‘the city of romance’, ‘the culinary capital of the world’, all these are just names Paris, in France, is known by. Over seven million people visit this city each year, Paris is one of the most amazing places you will ever visit. There are so many phenomenal things to see and do you'll never get bored. ‘The most prominent landmark in Paris would have to be the Fiffel Tower. More than seven million people visit the Eiffel Tower each year. For a small fee you can ride the elevator to the top. The view from the top is spectacular. If you want to do some exercise, you can ‘take the stairs that go from the ground to the second platform. Many people like to go to the Eiffel Tower at night because it is all lit up. The Arc De Triomphe and Versailles are some of Paris's other famous landmarks. The ‘Arc De Triomphe honours all the soldiers who fought for France, particularly during Napoleon Bonaparte’s reign. Under the Arch lies the Tomb of an Unknown Soldier, which honours all of France's soldiers who have never been identified. And then there is Versailles which is one of the most extravagant buildings in the world. It is a humongous palace with over 700 rooms, 67 staircases, 2000 windows, and 1260 fireplaces. The whole property is 19,262 acres. There are also famous museums in Paris. Some of the more well known ones are the Louvre and the Musee de L'Air et de L’espace. The Louvre was originally a royal palace but became a museum in 1793. Outside the museum there is a substantial glass pyramid. Inside there are heaps of exhibits including artefacts from Egypt, Greece, and Rome. The Mona Lisa by Leonardo Da Vinci is also displayed there. In conclusion, visiting Paris, in France, truly is a memorable experience. Paris is one of the most beautiful cities in the world you can possibly visit. There are so many phenomenal things to see and do that you will never get bored. Adapted from: www-teenink com 20 Minutes PY VD Vi Vy ‘Swoosh - 8.” ano Evaluation tests Match the parts of the sentences according to the text. Some expressions are not necessary. There are amazing places) (@) avery luxurious palace. The view from the topo _) (b) an old castle. Versailles is (e) the Eiffel Tower is fantastic. oo The Louvre is (a) a very famous museum. (e) to visit in Paris. () where we can meet people. Read the text again and find words that mean the following: In paragraph 1 a word that means “tired and impatient”. In paragraph 2.a word that means “an amount of money”, In paragraph 3.a word that means “huge, very big” In paragraph 4 a word that means “a lot of something”. ce Name the place where you can see: the Mona Lisa, a painting by Leonardo Da Vinci - the Tomb of an Unknown Soldier = a breathtaking view of Paris ~ many rooms, windows and fireplaces ~ Eerie eee eet ee Label the following landmarks according to their descriptions in the text. 241 10 Minutes - A. Complete the sentences with the Present Perfect. 1. you /see) the news lately? Travelling is getting expensive. a 2 Jane [study] French so that she can travel to France 3. Peter _______ [go] to France. | don’t know if he has. P cakes, come back yet. i 4, |_____ [not /visit] the Louvre yet. ? 5. There_______ {be} many earthquakes lately. at Gi eT (travel to Paris three times. Complete the sentences with the adverbs given in the box below. One is not necessary. Tor « since * just «already * never * ever * yet a 1. Have you been to Paris? = 2 She has ___ been up the Eiffel Tower before. It's her first time today. ~ 3. Ihaven’t seen her____ May. - 4. I've lived in Paris ____almost five years. 5. | haven't finished my homework _____, so | can't go out now. a 6. Is Peter in? - No, he has ______gone to school. He left only two minutes ago. 4 C. Choose between the Past Simple or the Present Perfect. ~ 1. He ____as a tour guide for 15 years. He loves his job: (a) worked (b) has worked a pute to France last year? {a) Did you go (b) Have you gone 3, |________ you lately! Are you ok? (a) didn’tsee —_(b) haven't seen a [Saker many postcards when | was in Paris. (a) bought (b) have bought 5. They _______ from France last week. (a) returned (b) have returned 6 —______ your homework? Not yet! (a) Did you finish (b) Have you finished 242 = ee ae Swoosh -8." ano Evaluation tests sn A. Write a short text about the Louvre. Use the information below to help you. ae ce | What eae + Paris - France B * the late 12th century Open #10 August 1793 as museum | « an exhibition of 537 paintings Other * world’s largest museums information | « more than 8 million visitors each year B. This is part of a letter you received from your French friend Jacques. Wy parents sai thay will lt: me travel to Portugal this summur, Can T stay at your Rouse? Can you tell me what T should Bring? What will we see and do there? Livchinge lanes ta tein ga Dacques Write a letter answering Jacques's questions [50-80 words]. 3 i 2463 ee : Unit & Places to visit - School: Name: Date: (es Enc. Educagio: si . You will hear a tour guide talking about the Buckingham Palace. “ For items 1 to 5, choose the best option. | BUCKINGHAM PALACE | Buckingham House) | Original name Queen's House | Where itis (city) 1. London / Westminster | Year it was built 2.1707 1705 | Peseta ih official | 3 1937/1937 royal palace | How many rooms 4.715 / 775 | Number of visitors each year | 5. § 000 / 50 000 B. You will hear a conversation between two friends about a trip to London. Choose the correct option. 1. Becky went to London yesterday fa) morning (b) afternoon (©) evening 2. She went to London by : (a) underground — (b) car (c) bus: . Becky and her friends ate (a) Indian food (b) Japanese food (c) Italian food 4. Becky says the restaurant was fa) expensive (hb) full (c) quiet 5. After the meal, Becky and her friends ~ (a) sat and talked (b) walked by the water (¢) went to the cinema 244 Gp VP VD Uy Swoosh - 8." ano Evaluation tests zo vs Read the text carefully. 10 20 THE WONDERS OF PARIS i a ak A H phi i i ir “The city of lights’, ‘the city of romance’, ‘the culinary capital of the world’, all these are just names Paris, In France, is known by. Over seven million people visit this city each year. Paris is one of the most amazing places you will ever visit. There are so many phenomenal things to see and do you'll never get bored ‘The most prominent landmark in Paris would have to be the Eiffel Tower. More than seven million people visit the Eiffel Tower each year. For a small fee you can ride the elevator to the top. The view from the top is spectacular. If you want to do some exercise, you can take the stairs that go from the ground to the second platform. Many people like to go to the Eiffel Tower at night because it is all lit up. ‘The Arc De Triomphe and Versailles are some of Paris's other famous landmarks. The ‘Arc De Triomphe honours all the soldiers who fought for France, particularly during Napoleon Bonaparte’s reign, Under the Arch lies the Tomb of an Unknown Soldier, which honours all of France's soldiers who have never been identified. And then there is Versailles which is one of the most extravagant buildings in the world. It is a humongous palace with over 700 rooms, 67 staircases, 2000 windows, and 1260 fireplaces. The whole property is 19,262 acres. ‘There are also famous museums in Paris. Some of the more well known ones are the Louvre and the Musee de L'Air et de Liespace. The Louvre was originally a royal palace but became a museum in 1793, Outside the museum there is a substantial glass pyramid. Inside there are heaps of exhibits including artefacts from Egypt, Greece, and Rome. The Mona Lisa by Leonardo Da Vinci is also displayed there Tn conclusion, visiting Paris, in France, truly is a memorable experience. Paris is one of the most beautiful cities in the world you can possibly visit. There are so many phenomenal things to see and do that you will never get bored, Adapted from: wurw.teenink com 245 — Se Se iP A. Match the parts of the sentences according to the text. 1. There are amazing places (_) (a) the Eiffel Tower is fantastic. 2. Theviewfromthe topof (_) (a) a very famous museum. 3. Versailles is © @avery luxurious palace. 4, The Louvre is © @tovisit in Paris. B. Match the words from the text with the corresponding meanings on the right. 1. bored (line 4) OC ehuge, very big 2, fee (line 6] ©) @tired and impatient 3. humongous [line 14) © @alot of something 4, heaps lline 20) © @lan amount of money C. Name the place where can you see: 1. many rooms, windows and fireplaces - ae ee rere cei oe Reena 2. the Mona Lisa, @ painting by Leonardo Da Vinci - 2. a breathtaking’view offParig—— es 4. the Tomb of an Unknown Soldier ~ —___ D. Label the following landmarks according to their descriptions in the text. 246 “PY VP Vv vay ‘Swoosh - 8.” ano Evaluation tests fo Mates A. Choose the appropriate form of the Present Perfect. 1. Have you seen / Has you seen the news lately? Travelling is getting expensive. 2. Jane have studied / has studied French so that she can travel to France. rm. 3. Peter have go / has gone to France. | don't know if he has come oe back yet 4. | haven't visit / haven't visited the Louvre yet. B. Choose the appropriate expression. 1. Have you ever / for / yet been to Paris? 2. She has just / never / for gone up the Eiffel Tower before. It's her first time today. 3. [haven't seen her for / just / since May. 4. I've lived in Paris for / already / since almost 5 years. C. Choose between the Past Simple or the Present Perfect. 1. He ______asatour guide for 15 years. (a) worked (by has worked 2. ___ to France last year? (a) Did you go (b) Have you gone 3. |_______ you lately! Are you ok? (@)didn't see (by haven't seen 4. |____ many postcards last year. (a) bought (b) have bought ame sa A. This is part of a letter you received from your French friend Jacques. Write him a letter answering his questions (30-50 words). "Wy, panorts will tet me visit you in“ Poxtugal this summer. Can I stay ob your house’? ‘hs places car ae vit? What ane we going to do? What i the weather tite thes?” 247 Unit G Places to visit School: Name: Class: No.: 1 / Mark: Enc. Educacao: Teacher: a Date: A. Write the words in the box below under the corresponding picture. [Escreve as palavras da caixa por baixo da imagem correspondente.] B. On holiday we can use many types of transportation. Write the letters next to the corresponding words. One is not necessary. (Nas férias podemos usar varios meios de transporte. Escreve as letras ao lado das palavras correspondentes. Uma nao é necessaria.) 1. boat oO 2. motorbike (_) 3. train oO 4. bus O 8. car G > ¢ ° 2 g a c 248 GD) VP VD Vy ‘Swoosh - 8." ano Evaluation tests C. Look at the pictures below and complete the crossword. Use the words in the box to help you. [Observa as imagens e completa as palavras cruzadas. Usa as palavras da caixa.) 10) H 1n « binoculars * backpack phone * carava! + hiking * torch barbecue + knife * in « compass * fishing tent * campfire * sul 249 250 Unit Qpuces to visit Test A Listening A. Lciyot Westminster 2.1705 2.1897 4.775 6.60.000 Boic2b3.b4a 5c Reading A.te2c3aad B. 1. bored 2.fee 3. humongous 4. heaps C. 1. the Louvre 2 the Arc de Triomphe 3. the Eiffell Tower 4, Versailes ithe palace of Versailles) D. 1. the Arc de Triomphe 2. the Eiffel Tower 3.Versailles 4. the Louvre Grammar A. 1. Have you soon has studied 3. has gone 4. haven't visited 8. has been 6, have traveled B. 1. ever 2 never 3. since 4. for &. yet 6. just / already Ciib2eabaa5a6n Writing A. Suggestion The Louvres a very famous museum that is located in Paris, France, Itwas builtin the late 12th century It opened ‘asa museum on 10th August 1793 with an exhibition of 537 paintings. Itis one ofthe world’s largest museums and is visited by more than 8 million visitors each year. B. Open answer Test B Listening A. 1 city of Westminster 2. 1705 3. 1837 4.775 5, 50.000 Borc2ac3a4ab5.b Reading Atd2ascab B.tb2daaae G. 1. the palace of Versailles 2. the Louvre 3. the Eiffel Tower 4. the Arc de Triomphe D. 1.the palace of Versailles 2. the Eiffel Tower 3. the Louvre 4 the Arc de Triomphe Grammar A. 1. Have you seen 2. has studied 3. has gone 4. haven't visited B. t.ever 2 never &.since 4. for C.rbrsaraa Writing A. Personal answer SS © Listening scripts Exercise A ‘And there you can see Buckingham Palace. Its the oficial Landon residence and main workplace of the British ‘monarch. Ii located in the city of Westminster, and tis. palace isthe setting for state occasions and reyal hspitality, Originally known as Buckingham House, the building which farms the core of today's palace was a lage townhouse built for the Duke of Buckingham in 1705. For atleast 150 year it \was.a private estate. Buckingham Palace finally became the ficial royal palace of the British monarch upon the accession of Queen Victoria in 1837, Although it is used forthe many official events and receptions held by the Quen, the State Reams at Buckingham Palace are open to visitors every year: For visitor information, please consult the Royal Collection website [Buckingham Palace has 775 rooms. These include 19 State rooms, 52 royaland guest bedrooms, 188 staff bedrooms, 92 offices and 78 bathrooms. ‘Buckingham Palace is furnished and decorated wit priceless works of art that form part of the Royal Collection, one of the major art collections inthe wortd today. However itis not an art gallery and nor is ita museurn More tan £0,000 paople visit the Palace each year as quests, to banquets, unches, dinners, receptions andthe Royal Garden Partis. For those who do receive an imitation to Buckingham Palace, portraits are stil set in the walls, a they were by Queen Victoria, Exercise B John: | tied to phone you yesterday. Becky: Qh sory... was busy all day and then | went to London inthe evening for meal out with some friends Jahn: Did your father take yeu thera by car? Becky: My father wasn't at ome and as the underground was. ‘closed for repairs, had to take the bus. It was quite slow. John: Di you goto your favourite Italian restaurant? Becky: was hoping ta try some Japanese food but my friends booked a table at an indian place. John: Was it expensive? Becky: Quite cheap actually. And the food was very good. but i's only a small restaurant soa lot of people had to wait for tables and. it was quite nosy John: So you didn't stay and talk on afterwards then. Becky: We went fora walk along the river: Itwas toe late to {goto the cinema, Test CEI A. 1. monuments 2. campsite 3. forest 4. mountains 5. castle 6. hotel 7. river B. city B.iG263F405.CGE C. 1. phone 2. fishing 3. campfire 4 caravan 5. binoculars 6. knife 7. torch 8. compass 9. tent 10. hiking 11. barbecue 12, sun 13. backpack WP VP VD Vy Swoosh - 8.” ano Evaluation tests Unit 8 Places to visit Pee ol ese School: Name: Oate:___ff Hs Enc, Educagio; = Teacher: A. You will hear five short conversations. For each conversation, picture (A-C). 1. Which postcard did Sophie receive from her parents? i 253 Uv ‘a CC ¢ > ap S : 4, What time will the train to Manchester leave? 02:00 ~ ~ eZ (©) B. You will hear a tour guide talking with some tourists about Oporto, in Portugal. Listen and complete the table. | TOUR GUIDE — | Guide's name Maria | Bank opens from | Until | Closed on Bus to city centre: | fsiNumnbera-- jal eke ee ee ee faa * Cost = a Sait Aa benoe a on, (Adapted from: Cambridge Tests) 254 o) - ‘READING COMPREHENSION AA. Which notice (A-G) says the same as sentences 1-5? Write the correct letter in the corresponding box. Some are not necessary. 1. It's not for adults. ) 2. We can help you day and night. 3. You can have lunch here. 4. Confirm the time the visit begins. ) a 5. Come here to book a holiday. Oo ‘ | cat) city CENTRE | YOUTH CAMPSITE CLOSED TO TRAFFIC Tourist information Under 16s only | ALL DAY TODAY (¢) open 24 hours _ a eee ? (B) F =a, TRAVEL AGENCY Fly away tothe sun | this winter B. Choose the appropriate reply for each of the following conversations. 4. We have just arrived from London.) B. Cc. 2. | have to leave now. A. B 2 ©. 3. Why didn’t you come to the museum) | A yesterday? iB |e we cs ; 4 Have you ever been to England? Ola B . 5. c. © 5, How long did the journey take? O|* B c It’s not here. It's enough. Did you enjoy it? It's too early. Where have you been? How long was the trip? | didn’t see them there, Itwas a great day, | had to do something, That's great Yes, Ido. Never. About 300 kilometres, Almost two hours. Last week (Adapted from: Cambridge Tests) 255 256 10. S eo oS Read the sentences and choose the appropriate word for each space. shouldn't have said that, sorry! I'd like to take it A. over B. back C. after Have you ___ been to Scotland? A. for B. since C. ever Du already My father has worked in London two years. Now he is back. A. for B. since C.ever + D. already Hurry up! The plane is about to take A. over B. back C. after Dioff Last year |__ to Scotland with my parents. A. travel B. travelled C.have travelled De am travelling I've known Peter _ 2004, A. since B.for C.ever D. already Everybody says | take _ my father. We have the same eyes and ears. A. over B. back C. after Sorry. | haven't finished my homework So | can’t go to the cinema. A. never B. ever C. yet D. just I really visiting the museums in town. They were so interesting! A. wanted B. enjoyed C.saw D. entered Iwas extremely ___ because | learnt a lot in the tour. A. interesting B. pleasant C.nice D. happy Read this article about Couch Surfing and choose the appropriate word. Thousands of people around the world (1) had / have / having a new hobby - Couch Surfing. In almost (2) all / some / every country, you will find people that enjoy hosting other ee people at their homes. “Couch Surfing is @ cheap way of f Rte ss finding free accommodation and learning about a new culture, Secs (3) say / says | saying Trent Collins. It's very easy and you can even travel (4) at / to / in groups. It’s the (5) best / better / good way to make new friends. Around the world (6) here / there / they are about 600.000 members. When (7) has / is / did Couch Surfing begin? Casey Fenton states it started fourteen years (8) after / ago / since when he found a very cheap flight from Boston (9) of / at / to Iceland. He then emailed 1.500 students from the University of Iceland asking if he could stay. He received more (10) than / in / to 50 offers of accommodation. On the return flight to Boston, he began to develop the idea of the Couch Surfing project. WP VV Uy ‘Swoosh - 8." ano Evaluation tests. Read this article about Lino Pires. LINO PIRES, A FAMOUS PORTUGUESE IN WARWICKSHIRE Born near Castelo Branco, Lino Pires only emigrated to England in 1960 because his brother-in-law did not accept a proposition to finance the purchase of a café. In the UK, he found the opportunity to have a business of his own Lino Pires bought the local pub in Priors Hardwick, a small village in Warwickshire, in 1973 from a customer in a bar at two in the morning. He sealed the deal with a handshake and then asked where the pub was. When he arrived at the pub, he found a tavern, for just 10 or 12 guests. His wife was worried, but Lino Pires was confident. Over 20 extensions were built over the years. Some walls were constructed with old stone belonging to a church bought in ruins. The rooms are decorated with antiques from the region and also from Portugal. The tearoom is full of newspaper clippings, trophies, photographs and autographs. In 40 years, the Butcher's Arms has become famous in the region, receiving more people than the 100 who inhabit the village each day. At the weekend, the number reaches up to 500 per day. The food is described by Lino Pires as “pure”, with fresh ingredients and cooked to order, without resorting to shortcuts such as microwaves. Lino Pires has a recipe ta integrate Portuguese people coming to the UK: “Invite the English into your home. We can’t complain about the British being cold! We are the ones coming here and we have to make the effort to adjust to the English people. This has always been my philosophy and my wife’s too. She would bake a cake and invite a neighbour for coffee. That's how we started to have as many friends here as we do in Portugal.” (Adapted from: www} Decide if the sentences are right [R] or wrong (W] according to the text. 1 2 3 Lino Pires travelled to England to look for a job opportunity. O The local pub he bought in Priors Hardwick in 1973 was very big ( His wife was confident when she saw the pub. O |. He rebuilt the pub into a bigger restaurant several times. oO . The name of the restaurant is the Butcher's Arms. . The Butcher's Arms is only famous in Priors Hardwick. . The pub is located in a village where more than 500 people live. . The secret of his food is using the microwave and fresh ingredients. . Lino Pires gives some advice to Portuguese people who want to emigrate ). Lino and his wife started to have many friends because they invited to England people to their home. 257 a=) a A. Rewrite the sentences using the word given without changing the meaning. Use between two and four words. 1. The last time | travelled abroad was three years ago. (for) Ihaven’t ___ three years. 2. It's 2014 and | hadn't been to England for three years. (since) Ihaven’t os 20TH, 3. Mary went to Warwickshire last year. {ago} Mary went to Warwickshire = 4. Lino is the mast hardworking person I've ever seen. (never) Ihave such a hardworking person before. 5. Mike joined the cooking club two years ago. (for) Mike has been in the cooking B. Complete this letter. Write one word for each space. | Deon Tama and. Michast, Lin wsniting. (1) say thank you (2) __ the meek T staged | @)___bowely Rome. Tt (a) _ good to see you again, ‘Here 6) the photos (6) the city that you asked for. Taye great photos, axt (1) ____? T hope you le @) | Ly ___ going to oust my grandparents ov Manchester next week. T wilh | tobe a tot of photor there, too. T havent seov my, guandparents for a long | ie) | “Tanks again. | Big huge | Jessica, [Adapted from: Cambridge Tests) 258 - GP VP VD Vy Swoosh -8." ano Evaluation tests C. Read Julie’s postcard. Write her a postcard answering her questions. his Sle For Carepondence Hil Lim glad. that youre going to- oisit me this, wecbend. How will gow get here? VUhat time a will you arrive? What shall hc Acdece een a Saree SS | ~ wedo? See you soon Se ee Cours, See : Shute + (Adapted trom: Cambridge Tests] am © © & © a PART1 Each student interacts with the teacher answering some personal questions. PART 2 Students interact with each other. Students ask and answer questions using prompt material. STUDENT A : Here's some information about an art gallery. Look at this information and answer your partner's questions ART GALLERY AND MUSEUM Avast collection of paintings and sculptures firearms and medieval swords FREE ENTRANCE Monday ~ Saturday 9.00 am ~ 6 pm Kelvingrove in Glasgow Scot STUDENT A You don’t know anything about this school trip. So ask student B some questions about it. Use these words to help you SCHOOL TRIP * where / go? * day? * travel / train? * what / see? * come back / 4)? (Adapted from: Cambridge Tests] 260 SOD Dp ey ‘Swoosh » 8." ano Evaluation tests. ‘ona: PART1 Each student interacts with the teacher answering some personal questions. PART2 Students interact with each other. Students ask and answer questions using prompt material. STUDENT B You don’t know anything about this art gallery. So ask student A some questions about it. Use these words to help you. ART GALLERY AND MUSEUM * where? * what? * close / Yr * open / Sunday? * cost /£? STUDENT B Here's some information about a school trip. Look at this information and answer your partner's questions. (Adapted from: Cambridge Tests} 261 ae © & © © 262 Unit Q reyter schoois Listening AL1C 28344050 B. 1.8.30 am 2.3m 3. Saturdays and Sundays 4.32 5. 80 cents Reading A.10283A4F56 B.1c2Aac4acss C.1.82C344058647.0809.8 10.0 D. have 2.every 3.says 5. best 6. there 7.did 8. ago 8. t0 10. than E. .R2W3.W4aREREW ZW EWORIOR Writing A. 1 travelled abroad for 22 been to England since 3.ayear ago 4, never seen 5. club for two years B. 2. or 3.your 4.was 8.are 6.of 7. they B.them 9am 10. time C. Open answer Listening scripts Exercise A Dialogue 1 ‘Teenage girl: Look, Jack, ve just received this lovely posteard from my parents. ‘Teenage boy: Oh, what a prety village and it's right by a river Is iin the mountains? Teenage gil: Yes, but you can't see the mountains in the, picture ‘Teenage boy: Hum... Perhaps they're behind those trees, Dialogue 2 Teenage boy: cant goon holiday in June because my cousins are going to stay with me then Teenage gir: Why don't you goin August I's lovely ‘month up inthe mauntans, Teenage boy: Julyis better. There aren't so many people So'l eave on the 12th and come back at the end ofthe month. Teenage girl OK, so you'll be back for my birthday party in August, then, jialogue 3 Teenage girl 1:Susan, where are we going to meet tomorrow? You said you're going to show me some things around here. Can we meet atthe bus stop near ry house? Teenage girl 2: | can't. 'm going tothe town market with ‘my mother. Sothink we should meet infront of the ‘museum opposite our school. Teenage gil 1: OK. See you tomorrow then. Dialogue 4 Teenage gr: Excuse me, what time i the next train to Manthestr, lease? Man: It usualy leaves at quarter past nine, but there's a two hour delay today. ‘Teenage girl: Oh, that’s a problem. IFit doesn’t leave by a ‘quarter past eleven | won't beable to meet my friends intime, Man:['m sorry. There's nathing | ean do Dialogue 5 Teenage girt: | went to London last weekend, Teenage bay: Really? '™m going to go there tomarraw. Teenage girt: Oh! Are you going by bus? Teenage boy: That's the best way. There's afast train, but its too expensive for me. Exercise B Goo morning and welcome to Oporto. | hope you had a {900d journey and are not too tired this morning. My name is Maria and | am here to help you. I want to tell you a few things that you might find useful. Firstly, some information about the banks. They're open irom half past eight in the morning unti 3 o'clock in the afternoon. That's 8.30 am until 3 pm, They're open every day except (on Saturdays and Sundays but at the weekends you can exchange money in the hotel ‘Next, some information about the buses. You can take @ tous from the hotel tothe city centre, You'l need to catch ‘bus number 32. There are buses every fifteen minutes so you won't have to wait lng, You'l find the bus stop just Outside the hotel. A ticket to the city centre costs 80 cents, Finally, tonight we're having a Port wine welcoming cocktail... welcome to Portugal

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