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RIGHT TO PRIVACY authenticated so as to be usable for subsequent information, or other material pursuant to any

• (Art. III, Secs. 1 &3) reference, in that — powers conferred under this Act, shall not convey
• (i) The electronic document has remained to or share the same with any other person.
Section 1. No person shall be deprived of life, liberty, or complete and unaltered, apart from the addition of • SECTION 33. Penalties. — The following Acts
property without due process of law, nor shall any person be any endorsement and any authorized change, or shall be penalized by fine and/or imprisonment, as
denied the equal protection of the laws. any change which arises in the normal course of follows:
communication, storage and display; and • a)(32) Hacking or cracking which refers to
• (ii) The electronic document is reliable in the light unauthorized access into or interference in a
Section 3. (1) The privacy of communication and of the purpose for which it was generated and in computer system/server or information and
correspondence shall be inviolable except upon lawful order of the light of all relevant circumstances. communication system; or any access in order to
the court, or when public safety or order requires otherwise, as • (b) Paragraph (a) applies whether the requirement corrupt, alter, steal, or destroy using a computer or
prescribed by law. therein is in the form of an obligation or whether other similar information and communication
the law simply provides consequences for the devices, without the knowledge and consent of the
document not being presented or retained in its owner of the computer or information and
(2) Any evidence obtained in violation of this or the preceding original form. communication system, including the introduction
section shall be inadmissible for any purpose in any • (c) Where the law requires that a document be of computer viruses and the like, resulting in the
proceeding. presented or retained in its original form, that corruption, destruction, alteration, theft or loss of
requirement is met by an electronic document if — electronic data messages or electronic documents
• i) There exist a reliable assurance as to the integrity shall be punished by a minimum fine of One
• Art. 26, Civil Code hundred thousand pesos (P100,000.00) and a
of the document from the time when it was first
generated in its final form; and maximum commensurate to the damage incurred
Every person shall respect the dignity, personality, privacy and and a mandatory imprisonment of six (6) months
• ii) That document is capable of being displayed to
peace of mind of his neighbors and other persons. The to three (3) years;
the person to whom it is to be
following and similar acts, though they may not constitute a presented: Provided,That no provision of this Act • b)(33) Piracy or the unauthorized copying,
criminal offense, shall produce a cause of action for damages, shall apply to vary any and all requirements of reproduction, dissemination, distribution,
prevention and other relief: existing laws on formalities required in the importation, use, removal, alteration, substitution,
execution of documents for their validity. modification, storage, uploading, downloading,
communication, making available to the public, or
(1) Prying into the privacy of another's residence; • For evidentiary purposes, an electronic document
broadcasting of protected material, electronic
shall be the functional equivalent of a written
signature or copyrighted works including legally
document under existing laws.
(2) Meddling with or disturbing the private life or family protected sound recordings or phonograms or
• This Act does not modify any statutory rule relating information material on protected works, through
relations of another; to the admissibility of electronic data messages or the use of telecommunication networks, such as,
electronic documents, except the rules relating to but not limited to, the internet, in a manner that
(3) Intriguing to cause another to be alienated from his friends; authentication and best evidence. infringes intellectual property rights shall be
• SECTION 31(30). Lawful Access. — Access to an punished by a minimum fine of One hundred
electronic file, or an electronic signature of an thousand pesos (P100,000.00) and a maximum
(4) Vexing or humiliating another on account of his religious
electronic data message or electronic document commensurate to the damage incurred and a
beliefs, lowly station in life, place of birth, physical defect, or
shall only be authorized and enforced in favor of mandatory imprisonment of six (6) months to
other personal condition.
the individual or entity having a legal right to the three (3) years;
possession or the use of the plaintext, electronic
• Electronic Commerce Act of 2000 signature or file and solely for the authorized
purposes. The electronic key for identity or RA 4200
• SECTION 7(7). Legal Recognition of Electronic
Documents. — Electronic documents shall have the integrity shall not be made available to any person
legal effect, validity or enforceability as any other or party without the consent of the individual or SECTION 31(30). Lawful Access. — Access to an electronic
document or legal writing, and — entity in lawful possession of that electronic key. file, or an electronic signature of an electronic data message or
• (a) Where the law requires a document to be in • SECTION 32(31). Obligation of Confidentiality. — electronic document shall only be authorized and enforced in
writing, that requirement is met by an electronic Except for the purposes authorized under this Act, favor of the individual or entity having a legal right to the
document if the said electronic document any person who obtained access to any electronic possession or the use of the plaintext, electronic signature or
maintains its integrity and reliability and can be key, electronic data message or electronic file and solely for the authorized purposes. The electronic key
document, book, register, correspondence, for identity or integrity shall not be made available to any
person or party without the consent of the individual or entity necessary to enable him to act in capacity, and which would blacken the Since the object of the privilege is to protect the patient, it may
in lawful possession of that electronic key. reputation of the patient. be waived if no timely objection is made to the physician's
SECTION 32(31). Obligation of Confidentiality. — Except for the Lim v. CA
purposes authorized under this Act, any person who obtained REQUISITES:
access to any electronic key, electronic data message or In order that the privilege may be successfully claimed, the
electronic document, book, register, correspondence, Facts:
following requisites must concur:
Juan Sim filed for a petition for annulment with the RTC of
information, or other material pursuant to any powers
conferred under this Act, shall not convey to or share the same Pangasinan on the ground that P has been suffering from a
mental illness called schizophrenia before, during, and after the 1. the privilege is claimed in a civil case;
with any other person.
marriage and until present. PR announced that he would
present as his next witness the Chief of Female Services of the
2. the person against whom the privilege is claimed is one duly
SECTION 33. Penalties. — The following Acts shall be National Mental Health Hospital, Dr. Lydia Acampado, who
specializes in psychiatry. The counsel forthwith orally applied authorized to practice medicine, surgery or obstetrics;
penalized by fine and/or imprisonment, as follows:
for the issuance of a subpoena ad testificandum requiring the
doctor to testify. P’s counsel opposed on the motion on the 3. such person acquired the information while he was
a)(32) Hacking or cracking which refers to unauthorized access
ground that any testimony from the doctor will violate the attending to the patient in his professional capacity;
into or interference in a computer system/server or doctor-client privileged communication since the latter
information and communication system; or any access in order
personally examined the P in her professional capacity. Despite
to corrupt, alter, steal, or destroy using a computer or other such opposition, the subpoena was issued. P’s counsel filed for 4. the information was necessary to enable him to act in that
similar information and communication devices, without the capacity; and
a motion to quash the subpoena. Counsel for PR contended,
knowledge and consent of the owner of the computer or however, that Dr. Acampado would be presented as an expert
information and communication system, including the
witness and would not testify on any information acquired 5. the information was confidential, and, if disclosed, would
introduction of computer viruses and the like, resulting in the while attending to the petitioner in a professional capacity.
corruption, destruction, alteration, theft or loss of electronic blacken the reputation (formerly character) of the patient.
Respondent Judge denied the urgent motion and allowed the
data messages or electronic documents shall be punished by a
doctor to testify.
minimum fine of One hundred thousand pesos (P100,000.00) These requisites conform with the four (4) fundamental
and a maximum commensurate to the damage incurred and a conditions necessary for the establishment of a privilege
mandatory imprisonment of six (6) months to three (3) years; P’s counsel filed with the public respondent to annul the order against the disclosure of certain communications, to wit:
of the RTC judge. The CA denied the petition on the ground
that P’s counsel failed to prove the confidential nature of the
b)(33) Piracy or the unauthorized copying, reproduction, 1. The communications must originate in a confidence that
testimony given by or obtained from Dr. Acampado. CA
dissemination, distribution, importation, use, removal, they will not be disclosed.
further ruled that the doctor was summoned only to testify as
alteration, substitution, modification, storage, uploading,
an expert witness and not as an attending physician of P.
downloading, communication, making available to the public,
or broadcasting of protected material, electronic signature or 2. This element of confidentiality must be essential to the full
copyrighted works including legally protected sound Issue: WoN the case at bar falls within the PC under Rule 130. and satisfactory maintenance of the relation between the
recordings or phonograms or information material on parties.
protected works, through the use of telecommunication
networks, such as, but not limited to, the internet, in a manner RULING:
3. The relation must be one which in the opinion of the
that infringes intellectual property rights shall be punished by community ought to be sedulously fostered
a minimum fine of One hundred thousand pesos (P100,000.00) This rule on the physician-patient privilege is intended to
and a maximum commensurate to the damage incurred and a facilitate and make safe full and confidential disclosure by
mandatory imprisonment of six (6) months to three (3) years; the patient to the physician of all facts, circumstances and 4. The injury that would inure to the relation by the disclosure
symptoms, untrammeled by apprehension of their of the communications must be greater than the benefit
subsequent and enforced disclosure and publication on thereby gained for the correct disposal of litigation.
Privileged Communication (Rule 130, Sec. 24(c)
the witness stand, to the end that the physician may form a
correct opinion, and be enabled safely and efficaciously to The physician may be considered to be acting in his
A person authorized to practice medicine, surgery or obstetrics cannot in a treat his patient. It rests in public policy and is for the general professional capacity when he attends to the patient for
civil case, without the consent of the patient, be examined as to any advice interest of the community. curative, preventive, or palliative treatment. Thus, only
or treatment given by him or any information which he may have acquired disclosures which would have been made to the physician to
in attending such patient in a professional capacity, which information was enable him "safely and efficaciously to treat his patient" are
covered by the privilege. It is to be emphasized that it is the confinement, treatment and rehabilitation or has
tenor only of the communication that is privileged. The mere been committed to a Center under this program.
fact of making a communication, as well as the date of a b. SEC. 64. Confidentiality of Records Under the
consultation and the number of consultations, are therefore Compulsory Submission Program. — The records of a
not privileged from disclosure, so long as the subject drug dependent who was rehabilitated and
communicated is not stated. discharged from the Center under the compulsory
submission program, or who was charged for
violation of Section 15 of this Act, shall be covered
One who claims this privilege must prove the presence of these
by Section 60 of this Act. However, the records
aforementioned requisites. There is authority to the effect that
of a drug dependent who was not rehabilitated,
information elicited during consultation with a physician in the
or who escaped but did not surrender
presence of third parties removes such information from the
himself/herself within the prescribed period,
mantle of the privilege. It is quite clear from Dr. Acampado's
shall be forwarded to the court and their use shall
testimony that the petitioner was never interviewed alone. Said
be determined by the court, taking into
interviews were always conducted in the presence of a third
consideration public interest and the welfare of the
party, the father of Nelly Lim who is also a doctor. drug dependent.
c. SEC. 67. Discharge After Compliance with Conditions of
While it may be true that counsel for the petitioner opposed Suspended Sentence of a First-Time Minor Offender. — If
the oral request for the issuance of a subpoena ad the accused first time minor offender under
testificandum to Dr. Acampado and filed a formal motion for suspended sentence complies with the applicable
the quashal of the said subpoena a day before the witness was rules and regulations of the Board, including
to testify, the petitioner makes no claim in any of her confinement in a Center, the court, upon a
pleadings that her counsel had objected to any question favorable recommendation of the Board for the
asked of the witness on the ground that it elicited an final discharge of the accused, shall discharge the
answer that would violate the privilege, despite the trial accused and dismiss all proceedings. Upon the
court's advice that said counsel may interpose his objection to dismissal of the proceedings against the accused,
the testimony "once it becomes apparent that the testimony, the court shall enter an order to expunge all official
sought to be elicited is covered by the privileged records, other than the confidential record to be
communication rule." The particular portions of the retained by the DOJ relating to the case. Such an
stenographic notes of the testimony of Dr. Acampado quoted order, which shall be kept confidential, shall restore
in the petitioner's Petition and Memorandum, and in the the accused to his/her status prior to the case.
private respondent's Memorandum, do not at all show that any He/she shall not be held thereafter to be guilty of
objections were interposed. Even granting ex gratia that the perjury or of concealment or misrepresentation by
testimony of Dr. Acampado could be covered by the privilege, reason of his/her failure to acknowledge the case
the failure to seasonably object thereto amounted to a waiver or recite any fact related thereto in response to any
thereof. inquiry made of him for any purpose.


1) RA 9165 (Dangerous Drugs Act) SECTION 44. Confidentiality. – All records pertaining to cases
of violence against women and their children including those
in the barangay shall be confidential and all public officers and
a. SEC. 60. Confidentiality of Records Under the Voluntary employees and public or private clinics to hospitals shall
Submission Program. — Judicial and medical records respect the right to privacy of the victim. Whoever publishes
of drug dependents under the voluntary submission or causes to be published, in any format, the name, address,
program shall be confidential and shall not be used telephone number, school, business address, employer, or
against him for any purpose, except to determine other identifying information of a victim or an immediate
how many times, by himself/herself or through family member, without the latter’s consent, shall be liable
his/her parent, spouse, guardian or relative within to the contempt power of the court.
the fourth degree of consanguinity or affinity,
he/she voluntarily submitted himself/herself for

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