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Al Francis L.




 Answer the following questions.

1. Can a smartphone be considered as a computer system? Defend your answer.

For me Yes, because smartphone is very similar to PC like browsing, watching, gaming, study
and etc. There are many things that smartphone can do similar to PC can do.

2. Based on the topics above, how can you differentiate an input from an output device? 

An input device sends information to a computer system for processing, and an output device

reproduces or displays the results of that processing.

3. What are the two types of mouse and explain their difference in functionality 

The Optical Mouse this have a USB cables to plug in the computer and its more practical that
many PC using today. The Wireless Mouse this have a USB Bluetooth and this need batteries to
work this device

4. Explain the advantages and disadvantages of: 

a. Non-Impact Printer 

These printers don't dent or tear the surface of the paper, and better models can produce
sharper images than impact models do using ribbons to make their imprints but these
printers cannot print composite forms.

b. Impact Printer

These printers are typically loud, but remain in use today because of their unique ability to
function with multipart forms.

5.  Besides from the example above, can you name other input and output devices? Enumerate and
define them briefly. 

Webcam - is a video camera that feeds or streams an image or video in real time to or through
a computer to a computer network

Microphone - is a device that captures audio by converting sound waves into an electrical


What is your opinion about the evolution of the technology used on input and output devices? How
did it impact our daily lives and activities? 

For my opinion the input and output becoming more easier to use because it can make our
daily lives activity easy to control and to do that need to be done and you can use it properly
and not making any mistakes and this cannot make you clueless to how to use this device.

In your opinion, what is most revolutionary input or output device that drastically improved our
way of life?

For me the Monitors that drastically improved because how make them more cautions how
user want it to be staring at the monitors that cannot affect their vision in the front of the

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