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María Camila Aconcha García

Código: 1003250590

Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia UNAD

Licenciatura en lengua extranjera con énfasis en ingles

Ingles 1

Grupo: 518002_77

Noviembre 2020

Queen Story

Once upon a time there was a queen who was very concerned about her children because

they were lazy and did not want to study. One day the queen called her councilors for advice,

and the councilors gave her some recommendations; for example, give them little chores at

home before they can play. The Queen wanted to apply these recommendations but was

aware that the children would ignore these orders, so she planned a more severe punishment

that would teach them to be more responsible and respectful. The queen locked her children in

a room and told them that they would not leave there or feed them until they learned to be

obedient and responsible with their studies. After two days the children, already hungry and

tired of being locked up, began to cry and called their mother asking for forgiveness and told

her that they would listen to what she ordered them, that they would study and would be good

children. The queen was a little moved by the sincere crying of her little ones so she took them

out and fed them and thus they learned their lesson and never disobeyed their mother again.

Evidence of contributions to the fórum


Daily routine link

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