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Group Feedback:


 Participation and Commitment: ‘Distinguished – 95%/A’

 Team Role Fulfillment: ‘Distinguished – 95%/A’
 Collaboration and Productivity: ‘Distinguished – 95%/A’
 Communication: ‘Distinguished – 95%/A’

Aimee was extremely committed to the project and inexplicitly took on the role of
group leader. This naturally came about as a result of her charisma and passion for
the project and what it could become. She checked up on the project’s progress
daily, commented/edited work consistently as well as she conducted key research
through her various connections. She attended all group meetings and took on as
much work as she could while providing several key ideas for the project such as
interviewing the Georgia Sustainability committee to help structure our research.
During our meetings, she repeatedly helped her group members refocus the
direction which their work was taking back towards the main goal of the project. She
spoke in a constructive manner and was effective in her role of revising and editing
our work. She consistently reminded members in the group chat of the deadlines for
our sections which ultimately resulted in the completion of our task on time.


 Participation and Commitment: ‘Distinguished – 95%/A’

 Team Role Fulfillment: ‘Distinguished – 95%/A’
 Collaboration and Productivity: ‘Distinguished – 95%/A’
 Communication: ‘Distinguished – 95%/A’

Ted’s commitment to the project was clear from the onset as he greatly assisted in
the formation of the initial brainstorming ideas and the formation of the first draft of
the project. He was regularly participating in the group chat, providing opinions,
suggestions as well as maintaining an awareness of his group member’s progress.
Ted stuck to the deadlines and completed his work to an exceptional ability, taking
several scenery videos that made the final cut as well as assisting in the script
writing. Ted was very effective in his roll by leading the application of the feedback
we had received from our group conference with Dr L, and then integrating it into
the third and final draft. Ted also assisted in conducting key research alongside
Aimee which made providing evidence for our claims about sustainability at Tech
credible, thus improving our ability to speak Rhetorically. Ted showed great passion
for the work we were doing which showed in the high level written sections he
produced along with his insightful comments and revisions to others work.

 Participation and Commitment: ‘Distinguished – 95%/A’

 Team Role Fulfillment: ‘Distinguished – 95%/A’
 Collaboration and Productivity: ‘Distinguished – 95%/A’
 Communication: ‘Distinguished – 95%/A’

Adit participated in the group chat, although not on the same level as Aimee and Ted
but was committed to the project and its greater goal. Adit provided several key fixes
and comments during the production of the script which led to the flow of the
production to be improved drastically after the second draft. Therefore, I believe
that Adit successfully fulfilled his role of ensuring the framework of the artifact
remained intact through our various edits and additions. Adit was productive in
revising his sections as well as editing others. He made several key additions to my
section on Kendeda which allowed it to have more scientific backing. He reached out
for clarification when he needed it in a timely manner which led to him completing
all his work on time. Adit did extremely well in completing the closing statement
when we had our second conference only a day before the deadline, this showed his
effectiveness as a member of this team, illustrating his commitment to ensuring our
artifact was of the highest level.

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