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written by Kristyl Decelry Gianne S. Dela Cerna


Order by appearance:

Esme – 75 year old widow

Kaitlyn – hospice nurse caring for Esme
Amanda – 40’s; Esme’s daughter and has three kids:
Nina – 14yr old
Jacob – 11yr old
Lara – 7yr old
Albert – Esme’s dead husband
Olivia – Albert’s workmate in the museum



(Hospital Room-Day-2018)

Esme sighs as she sits on her bed propped up with some pillows, her nasal cannula in her nose. She is old
beyond the natural lifespan of old people these days and she’s paying the price for it. Her skin is fragile it
almost looks like it would rupture on anything more than the softest of touches. Her eyes are not focused
but randomly moving. Her hair is wispy over a scalp that shows signs of pressure sores, pink from constant
contact with pillow or chair.

The hospice nurse on duty, Kaitlyn, walks into the room followed by Amanda, Nina, Jacob and Lara.

NURSE KAITLYN: Happy Tuesday, Esme! You have some visitors.

Amanda pulls a chair up along the side of Esme’s bed, reaches for her hand and holds it. Esme smiles at

AMANDA: Hey mom. How are you feeling?

ESME: Oh I’m alright. Tired.

AMANDA: Yeah? I brought the kids with me.

NINA, JACOB, LARA: (in chorus) Hi Grandma.

ESME: You’re all getting big. (A gentle smile across her face)

Nina, the youngest of the siblings, averted her gaze from her grandma and looks around. She notices a
box on the side table. She reaches for it.

NINA: Mom. What is this? (Her little hands barely accommodating the whole of the box)

ESME: Careful, sweetheart.

With her hand pointing to the box on Nina’s hands, Amanda stands and walks to get it.

AMANDA: Yeah what is this, Mom? I remember seeing this growing up, but you were always so protective
of it.

Esme looks out the window, her voice soft and weak but you hear it come to life.

ESME: Oh that? (She smiles and turns back to Amanda) Bring that here.

Amanda takes the box her and Esme rests her hand on it as she closes her eyes and then opening them
back again to look at Amanda and her grandchildren.

ESME: Let me tell you about this box. It was when your father had just passed . . .



(Funeral Home – Afternoon – 1977)

Esme, now in her mid-30’s, dressed in black and teamed with a fascinator of the same hue, stands next to
her daughter, Amanda who just turned 5 not too long ago, and the casket of her husband, Albert.

People approach them and pay their condolences. They would hug them or shake their hands. To console
the crying little girl, they would even touch Amanda’s shoulders or pat her head. Esme is emotionless, the
weight of everything still hasn’t hit her.

(City Street – Night – 1977)

Esme stares into nowhere as she sits in the driver’s seat. Her mind wandered a bit to little Amanda who
was sleeping soundly when she left the house hours ago. She’ll be fine. Her Grandparents are still there,
she thought to herself. Again, she was lost in her thoughts as the traffic light shifts from red to green.
Headlights of the car behind her reflect off the mirror onto her face.

Esme snaps out of it, looks in the passenger’s seat and drives home when she realized it was completely
vacant. The night was quiet when Esme got home and she went straight to Amanda’s room after she
thanked her parents for staying and telling them to go to bed too.


Esme pulls the covers up over Amanda’s shoulders and reached to kiss her forehead when she slowly
wakes up.

AMANDA: Mommy?

ESME: Shh, go to sleep, sweetheart. It’s okay.

AMANDA: It’s late. I want Daddy.

ESME: I know, sweetheart. I do, too. But Daddy is always be with us, right?

Amanda nods.

ESME: (continues) Because Daddy is an angel watching over us now,

AMANDA: But Mommy?

ESME: Yes, sweetheart?

AMANDA: I don’t want Daddy to be an angel, I want him to come home and read me stories.

Esme tries hard to fight back the tears and not lose it. She reaches for Amanda’s hands under the sheets
and holds it tight. She musters a smile and nods her head.

ESME: Get some sleep, baby. We love you so much. So much…

She kisses Amanda on her forehead and quickly walks out of the room. The moment she shuts the door
behind her, tears started pouring endlessly. She hurried to her room where she finally folds over,
completely losing it.

It took a few minutes for her to calm down. As the night deepens, the chances of Esme to sleep soundly
gets lesser by the minute. She hears the clock tick. She hears the wind blow. Suddenly, she hears the door
to her room creak open and she looks over. There, Amanda stands in the doorway.

AMANDA: Mommy?

ESME: Come here, sweetheart. (She sits up and reaches an arm for Amanda)

Amanda climbs up on the bed, went under the sheets and cuddles up next to her. Amanda then hugs her

AMANDA: I really miss Daddy, Mommy.

ESME: I know baby.

Again, she turns away her head from her little girl. She covers her face and holds her breath, doing her
best not to sob and let her hear.

(Hallway – Morning – 1977)

Esme stares at a family portrait as tears stream down her face.

ESME: You said forever. You promised me. Now what am I supposed to do? What am I supposed to say?
The doorbell rings. She wipes away the tears, draws a deep breath and walks to the front door. There, a
few steps away from her doorway, she sees a woman in a black pleated dress who looks around the same
age as her skirts away to a black sedan. As she reaches her car, she looks back at Esme and with a half-
smile she gives a nod to Esme.

OLIVIA: I’m so sorry to be here this hour but I have an early flight today and I just had to give that to you.
Some other time, then.

Esme looks at her confused. The woman looks familiar but she doesn't know why. Esme's attention
redirects to the package sitting on the front step at her feet.

(Living Room – 1977)

Esme sits on the couch, places the package on the coffee table and opens it. Inside the package is a
wooden box with an envelope. She opens it, and reads the card.

Esme, my love.
I know how much you like to hear that — but I don’t only write it because you like it — I write it
because it makes me warm all over inside to write it to you.

I wish I could walk through that door, kiss you, and tell you everything will be fine. My heart aches
for what you must be feeling. But know that I love you deeply and cherish every moment we had
together. All of those are the most beautiful parts of my life. I know you are probably thinking: Can I
go back and change something? The answer is no.
But, my love, if you could go back for a moment would you?
So this my love is my final, parting gift to you.

Forever in my heart, your loving husband.

Esme slowly lays the card on the table. Dazed and confused, she pulls the old wooden box out and pushes
the cardboard box onto the floor. She sits the wooden box on the table as she looks it over curiously. Esme
opens the lid of the wooden box and looks inside. There is an old key, a key hole, and a white display with
the black number "10". He leans back, thinks for a moment, picks up the key, puts it into the hole, and
turns it…


(Side of the Road – 1991)

Esme, now 22, in one of her Sunday dress stands behind the car and opens the trunk to look for – actually
she forgot what she was looking for. She pauses for a moment, confused.

ALBERT: Is the lug wrench not there?

Esme immediately spins around.

ESME: Albert?

ALBERT: Esme? Hey, I’m sure I put it there before I left –

ESME: How?

Albert stands after finally jacking the car up just enough for the tire to be off the ground.


Esme grabs him and pulls him close to her, then lets him go, steps back and holds his face.

ESME: Tell me this is real.

ALBERT: (Nervous chuckle) Hey, are you okay? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.

ESME: Oh my God, you’re here. You’re really here!

Esme pauses and looks around, not daring to let go of him.

ESME: Where’s Amanda?

ALBERT: Uh, who?

ESME: Amanda, our little girl. She misses you so much already.

ALBERT: Hey, are you okay? I know it shocked you when I told you you’re the one and I wanted to marry
you. But there’s no need to overdo it.

Esme turns. She looks around looking for something she doesn’t even know what.

ESME: Did I die too?

ALBERT: (Appalled) Excuse me? That is no funny, Esmeralda.

ESME: You died, but you're here. But I’m here too, so did I?

Esme turns around and everything is black, Albert is gone, the car is gone, just blackness.

I know you are probably thinking: Can I go back and change something? The answer is no.


(Living Room – 1977)

Esme wakes up on the couch with a jolt. Her heart was beating so loud she could feel it want to free itself
of her chest. She looks around the room and rubs her eyes. There's the box on the coffee table with the
lid closed. She opens it and the indicator inside the box displays "9".

(Graveyard - Afternoon – 1977)

Esme kneels beside a fresh grave. It was raining hard and a mixture of water and tears race down her face
as she breaks down while holding to her chest a family portrait.

(Kitchen – 1977)

Esme leans on the counter, drinking a bottle of water as she looks into the living room at the box on the
coffee table. She puts the bottle back in the fridge and walks herself into the living room. She looks at the
box for a moment, opens it and holds up the key. Inserts the key into the hole and turns it.



(Esme’s car – 1969)

Esme drives on an old county highway, passing cars as fast as she can. She finally catches up with the car
she was chasing and flashes her headlights at it.

(Albert’s car – 1969)

Albert is in his car when Emma’s car comes speeding up behind him, flashing her lights. He is clearly
distraught. He pulls to the shoulder. Esme follows.

She jumps out of her car and runs up to his. She flings opens his door and squats down next to him.

ESME: I’m coming with you.

ALBERT: To where?

ESME: To Tucson.

ALBERT: No, you have a job at the museum.

ESME: I can't live my life without you. I’m not allowing to you leave without me again. I did it during the
war, and I said I'd never do it again.
He touches his arm reassuring him.

ALBERT: It'll be fine. We weren’t meant to be.

ESME: No! We ARE meant to be. Marry me.

ALBERT: What just like that? One minute you're telling me telling me to just go and move to Tucson alone.
We’re over. Now it’s marry me?

ESME: I love you, I do.

ALBERT: I love you too, but I can’t.

ESME: (interrupting) I don’t care. I don’t care about any of it, if it's not with you.

ALBERT: I don’t –

ESME: (interrupting) I’ll give up everything, because nothing else matters.

ALBERT: Esme –

ESME: I love you. Marry me. Yes?

Albert gets out of the car and they embrace and kiss.



(Living Room – 1977)

Esme slowly wakes up on the couch. She opens the box sitting on the coffee table. The display says "8".
She grabs the key and looks at it.

(Bedroom - Night - 1977)

Esme sits on the edge of the bed, it's quiet, and she's alone. She stifles a sob when she opens the box, the
display reads "6".

ESME: All these plans we had for our life, Albert. Things we were going to do. You told me we were going
to grow old together. Now I'm just growing old alone. And this bed is empty without you.

She grabs the key, puts it in the key hole and turns it…


(Bedroom – Morning – 1971)

Esme is asleep. Albert slides his hand over her shoulder and onto her chest as she pulls herself close to
him, she snuggles into him, still not fully awake. Albert pulls himself up and kisses her on her cheek.

ALBERT: I love you.

Esme opens her eyes, he nuzzles under her arm and lays her head on his chest. He wraps his arm around
her and takes a deep breath, just taking it all in.

ESME: God, I loved this.

ALBERT: Yeah? Me too. Lock this one away safe in the memory bank?

ESME: (chuckles) The memory bank, yeah.

ALBERT: And when we are old, senile and can't remember anything one of us will tell the other these

They kiss.

ALBERT: These are definitely the ones I want to keep. These are the ones I can't forget.

Albert looks at her, wondering if he should say this.

ESME: This, and when the baby is born.

Albert sits up quickly, surprised.


Esme smiles at him, nodding.

ALBERT: And she'll be a beautiful girl, just like her mommy. Whatever that name is, that's what we'll name

ESME: Amanda.

ALBERT: Really? You know that right off the top of your head. I'll have to check you on that.

ESME: Check it.

ALBERT: Anyway it doesn't matter because we agreed a boy first.

ESME: Hey, it's out of my hands.

Esme grabs her pillow and hits him with it and they laugh it off together.



Esme opens the door and enters the house. Thirteen years have passed since Albert's funeral and Esme
shows her age, her hair has turned grey and her eyes look tired.

ESME: (yells) Amanda?

AMANDA: I'm coming, Mom.

Amanda steps out into the hallway, she's eighteen now and beautiful. She slings a backpack over her
shoulder as she walks down the hallway.

ESME: Hey sweetheart. I've got the car packed. You got everything?


Amanda kisses her on the cheek.

AMANDA: Thanks Mom.

Esme opens the door.

ESME: I'll walk you out.

(Driveway - Continuous – 1991)

Esme and Amanda stand beside the car. They embrace, then she reaches into her bag and pulls out a
necklace with a key charm on it and holds it up.

ESME: This was from your Dad. He would say, the best memories are locked away in the heart, and love
is the key that unlocks them. I want those memories safe and they shall be you when the time is right, and
I can't think of a more right time.

She puts the necklace on her neck, she grabs the charm and looks at it.

AMANDA: It's beautiful.

They embrace again and then Esme grabs her face and kisses her on the forehead. She opens the door to
the car, as Amanda gets inside and starts it.

ESME: I'm proud of you sweetheart.

AMANDA: I love you, Mom.

ESME: I love you too, baby girl.

She taps the hood and waves as she pulls out of the driveway.
(Esme’s HOUSE – Living Room – 1991)

Esme grabs the box off a shelf and sets it down on the coffee table in front of her.

ESME: Well baby she's off to college, she's going to be a curator just like you. We were supposed to send
her off together.

Esme sighs and opens the box. The display reads "4". She grabs the key, inserts it into the hole and turns



(Albert's Office – Day – 1951)

Albert sits in his office at the museum. Artifacts and antiques are on the walls. He sits at his desk looking
over the box and the key, then pauses to make a note. Esme knocks on his open door, holding baby
Amanda in her arms. Albert looks at her and puts the key away, closes the box, and pushes it to the side
of the desk.

ALBERT: Hey my loves!

ESME: Hey dada, we wanted to stop by and surprise you.

She points to the box on the desk.

ESME: What's that?

ALBERT: That, is an artifact that we just got in. It's called a Baruch box.

ESME: What's a Baruch box?

Albert takes Amanda from Esme’s hands. He answers Esme but talks to Amanda in a playful, baby voice.

ALBERT: (to Amanda) It comes from an ancient tribe known as the Baruch, yes it does. And there's a lot
of lore around it, yes there is. Really fascinating stuff, yes it is

Albert kisses Esme. Her eyes the box. Albert nuzzles Amanda.

Olivia knocks on the door, she walks in with some papers.

ALBERT: (CONT’D) Come on in. Olivia, this is my wife Esme. Olivia is a conservator here at the museum.

Olivia and Esme shake hands.

OLIVIA: Nice to meet you.

ESME: Same here.

Esme points to Albert.

ESME: (CONT’D) He must keep you busy.

OLIVIA: He keeps things interesting that's for sure. Anyways, I just wanted to drop these off.

Olivia puts the papers on Albert's desk.

OLIVIA: (CONT’D) Do you want me to take a look at the Baruch box?

ALBERT: Um, not right now, I'll bring it over to your office a little later.

Olivia nods and excuses herself. Albert returns his focus to Amanda.

ALBERT: (CONT’D) Hey sweetheart, are you having fun with daddy today?




(Bedroom - Afternoon – 2018)

Older Esme lays in her bed, with the box next to her closed. Amanda is still holding her hand, Lara sits on
the edge of the bed. The hospice nurse, Kaitlyn, walks into the room.

NURSE KAITLYN: How ya doing Esme?

ESME: (sighs) I'm tired.

NURSE KAITLYN: Well why don't you get some rest.

AMANDA: Yeah Mom take a nap, we'll be right out in the living room, we aren't going anywhere.

Amanda leans over and kisses Esme on the cheek, Nina and Jacob follow suit.

AMANDA: (CONT’D) I love you, mom.

ESME: I love you too, baby girl.

NINA: Love you grandma.

ESME: I love you too, sweetheart.

LARA: Love you grandma.

ESME: I love you, Lara bear.

Amanda, Nina and Lara makes their way to the door.

ESME: (CONT’D) (to Jacob) Hey, little man.

She caresses her cheek, holds her chin, and looks her over.
ESME: (CONT’D) You’re a spitting image of your grandpa Albert. Did you know that?

JACOB: You tell me that every time grandma.

ESME: Oh? Well then it must be true.

Nurse Kaitlyn puts her arm around Jacob and leans down next to him.

NURSE KAITLYN: Jacob, why don't we let grandma get some rest? OK?

JACOB: Alright. Bye grandma.

Jacob kisses her on the cheek.

ESME: I'll see you later, sweetheart.

Jacob walks out of the room, pausing to look one more time at her grandma from the doorway.

NURSE KAITLYN: Can I get anything for you? Some fresh water or anything?

ESME: No, I'm fine thank you.

The nurse reaches down for the box. Esme puts her hand on top of it stopping her.

ESME: (CONT’D) You can leave it.

NURSE KAITLYN: Alright. I'll be right out there if you need anything.

Esme nods to her. She exits the room, and shuts off the light on her way out. A bedside lamp illuminates
Esme and the box. She places the box on her lap and opens it, pulls pictures out and lays them off to the
side. Esme reaches in and pulls out the key and looks at it one more time. The display shows "1", Esme
puts the key into the hole and turns it.



(Park - Afternoon – 1970)

Albert on his 30’s sits on a blanket underneath a shade tree beside his wife. There is a picnic basket with
finger foods, and fried chicken. Esme smiles at him and they kiss.

ALBERT: You know what?

ESME: What?

ALBERT: From the moment I laid eyes on you I knew I was going to marry you.

ESME: So you don’t regret it.

ALBERT: Not for a million years.

ESME: Good, cause you don’t have a choice.

Albert pushes the hair away from her forehead as he caresses the side of her face.

ESME: Let's do this forever.

ALBERT: I’m game.

ESME: I don’t ever want to be without you.

ALBERT: You never will be.

Esme smiles at him and they kiss.



(Bedroom - Day (Later) – 2018)

Esme lays in her bed, the box rests open on her lap, the display shows "0". The pictures and letters are at
his side. Esme has a smile on her face, she exhales one long last time and her body relaxes. Jacob stands
in the doorway looking in. He walks into the room quietly and stops alongside the bed.

JACOB: (whispers) Grandma?

He closes the lid on the box and picks it up. Sits on the chair next to the bed, rests it on his lap and re-
opens it. Inside of the box, the key is in its place and the display reads "10". She picks up the key and looks
at it, puts the key in the hole and turns it.


JACOB: (excited) Grandma!

. . . END . . .

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