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Tyrone o terrível

Tyrone the Terrible

Boland era um pequeno dinossauro que morava na floresta com seu pai e mãe
Boland was a small dinosaur that lived in the forest with his father and mother

Havia muitas crianças na vila

There were many children in the village

Ele brincava com todos, exceto um

He played with everyone except one

Seu nome era Tyrone o horrível

His name was Tyrone the horrible

Ele era uma criança, mas era muito maior que os outros, por isso era conhecido como valentão
He was a child, but he was much bigger than the others, so he was known as a bully

Tyrone implicava com Boland e roubava o seu lanche

Tyrone teased Boland and stole his lunch

Boland tentava se esconder, mas Tyrone sempre estava lá

Boland tried to hide, but Tyrone was always there

Boland tinha dificuldade em dormir e pensava como evitar Tyrone

Boland had trouble sleeping and was thinking how to avoid Tyrone

Terry disse a boland, que ele precisava fazer amizade com Tyrone
Terry told boland that he needed to befriend Tyrone

Mas ele acha difícil, mas teve uma ideia

But he finds it difficult, but he had an idea

Encontrou Tyrone e disse que como o dia estava quente, ele ofereceu um sorvete para Tyrone
He met Tyrone and said that as the day was hot, he offered Tyrone an ice cream

Tyrone pegou o sorvete e colocou na cabeça de Boland e saiu rindo

Tyrone took the ice cream and put it on Boland's head and left laughing

Boland contou a Stela o que tinha acontecido

Boland told Stela what had happened

E ela disse para ele ficar calmo quando fosse provocado

And she told him to stay calm when provoked

Quando Boland encontrou Tyrone, estava calmo e caminhava com seu lanche
When Boland found Tyrone, he was calm and was walking with his snack
Tyrone pisou em sua calda para ele soltar o seu lanche
Tyrone stepped on his syrup for him to drop his snack

Quando os amigos de Boland o encontraram, sugeriram que ele lutasse com ele
When Boland's friends found him, they suggested that he fight him

Que ele também era um dinossauro e ele aceitou

That he was also a dinosaur and he accepted

Então Boland encontrou Tyrone e disse estou cansado de Bullying, venha e lute comigo
So Boland found Tyrone and said I'm tired of Bullying, come and fight me

Foi uma luta rápido, Boland apanhou e achou que não foi uma boa idéia
It was a quick fight, Boland was beaten and thought it was not a good idea

Era melhor aprender a conviver com Tyrone

It was better to learn to live with Tyrone

Mas Boland não estava convencido e pensou a noite que tinha que ter um jeito
But Boland was not convinced and thought at night that there had to be a way

Na próxima manhã, Tyrone roubou o lanche de Boland, e ele correu o mais que pode
The next morning, Tyrone stole Boland's snack, and he ran as fast as he could

Quando Boland ouviu um grito

When Boland heard a scream

Tyrone gritava e pedia ajuda porquê sua boca estava queimando e ele tinha sido envenenado
Tyrone screamed and asked for help because his mouth was burning and he had been poisoned

Boland disse que era um absurdo,

Boland said it was absurd,

Que não sabia que ele era sensível e que ele gostava de sanduiche de pimenta
That I didn't know that he was sensitive and that he liked pepper sandwich

Então Tyrone ficou longe de Boland e ele ficou brincando com seus amigos
So Tyrone stayed away from Boland and he was playing with his friends

Muito tempo depois, os cientistas encontraram Tyrone o horrível

Much later, scientists found Tyrone the horrible

Mas ele tinha um sorriso diferente no rosto.

But he had a different smile on his face.

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