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Established 1879 | Columbus, Mississippi

Tuesday | December 8, 2020

Oktibbeha supes approve pay raises for 6 road employees

The Oktibbeha Coun-
ty supervisors voted
Board unanimously supports potential
unanimously Monday
to extend the coun- state-funded projects in Starkville
ty’s curfew, from
midnight to 4 a.m.,
BY TESS VRBIN deserved a raise. Supervisors Orlando
until the board’s
next meeting on Trainer of District 2, Joe Wil-
Ok t ibbeha
Dec. 21. The board liams of District 5 and Board
also voted to raise super v isors
President John Montgomery
six road employees’ approved pay
increases for of District 1 voted for the pay
pay at Road Manag-
er Fred Hal Baggett’s six of the coun- raises while District 4 Super-
suggestion, starting ty’s 37 road visor Bricklee Miller voted
a discussion about employees against them. District 3 Su-
evaluating employ- with a 3-1 vote pervisor Marvell Howard
ees’ performance, at Monday’s Baggett was absent.
since the county Miller said she wanted
does not have an meeting after Road Manag-
evaluation system in er Fred Hal Baggett made to table the proposed raises
place. the suggestion based on job until a future meeting and
Tess Vrbin/Dispatch Staff performances that he said See OKTIBBEHA, 6A

FESTIVAL OF TREES Sanders attends

supes meeting
despite possible
exposure to
Sanders says he,
Holliman had lunch day
before Holliman tested
positive for virus

One member of
the Lowndes County
Board of Supervisors
has tested positive
for COVID-19. An-
other, who told The
Dispatch he may
have been exposed,
attended a public Sanders
meeting in person
Tess Vrbin/Dispatch Staff District 3 Super-
Anne Comer, left, of Aberdeen, and Mary Ann Briggs of West Point observe the Christmas trees that West Point citizens and visor John Holliman
businesses created for display, The Festival of Trees, in the Howlin’ Wolf Blues Museum on Monday evening after the tree tested positive for
lighting in the West Point City Park. The display took the place of the city’s annual Christmas parade that was canceled due the virus Saturday
to COVID-19 safety precautions. Organizations that normally would have built a float for the parade contributed decorated and could not attend
Christmas trees to the display, West Point/Clay County Community Growth Alliance director Lisa Klutts said.
the Monday’s su-
pervisors meeting, Holliman
District 1 Supervisor
Harry Sanders told The Dispatch.
Sanders, who had lunch with

LCIDA asks Lowndes supervisors

Holliman on Friday, attended the
Monday meeting in person despite
knowledge of potential exposure to
the coronavirus.

for $750K annually for three years Sanders said he does not think
he posed danger to others by show-
ing up at the meeting. During lunch
with Holliman, Sanders said, both
Supervisors continue to question use of the money that serves as its economic development
arm, was formed under a 1974 state law.
of them kept their masks on and
maintained a social distance of six
BY YUE STELLA YU expenses. The newly-proposed agree- The authority, which primarily main- feet. ment came after supervisors expressed tains the Lowndes County Industrial “I thought there was a slight risk
concerns and delayed actions on pre- Park near the Golden Triangle Region- that I might (pose a danger), but I
Following a unan- vious versions asking for permanent al Airport, is governed by seven board didn’t have any symptoms,” he said.
imous vote, Lowndes funding out of the county’s property members, each of whom is appointed “My exposure to John Holliman
County Industrial Devel- tax revenue. by supervisors and serves a four-year was only two days ago and they say
opment Authority (LCI- However, some supervisors — who term. LCIDA pays the Golden Triangle the incubation period is longer than
DA) board members ap- previously showed reluctance on the Development LINK roughly $140,000 that. So I feel like for a short period
proved Monday morning fund allocation — continue to raise per year to manage its daily business, of time … if I social distance myself
a draft agreement to ask questions about the need for the money. LINK CEO Joe Max Higgins previously and wear my mask and everything,
the county for an annual “If you are just dedicating a set told The Dispatch. it’s not putting anybody else in any
Hairston Currently, LCIDA receives funding
funding of $750,000 for amount of $750,000 a year, I think you danger.”
three years. need projects associated with those fig- from the county’s general fund each A person with mild to moderate
The Monday proposal is the latest ures,” supervisors’ president Trip Hair- year for its operational expenses, and COVID-19 symptoms may spread
of LCIDA’s recent attempts to set up a ston said. “Put the project to the dollar.” the county is responsible for paying off the virus for up to 10 days since the
steady cash flow to cover its operational LCIDA, a subsidiary of the county See SUPES, 3A See COVID, 6A


1 In what city does the Bumbershoot Music & Arts Thursday MEETINGS
Festival happen, with “bumbershoot” being another Today:
■ Zoom Books
word for “umbrella”? Starkville-Oktibbe-
and Authors
2 How long was the fossil of the largest sea-dwell- ha Consolidated
ing crocodile ever found, discovered in 2016 in event: The Friends
School District
Tunisia — 4 feet, 30 feet or 120 feet? of the Starkville
Library will host Board of Trustees
3 What kid-friendly dinner staple did Pizza Hut intro-
meeting, 6 p.m.,
Rex Moody duce as a topping in the U.K. in 2017? Dean James (aka
4 What New York bridge was replaced by the Gover- Miranda James) 401 Greensboro St.
Pre-K, Annunciation Dec. 11: Starkville
nor Mario M. Cuomo Bridge in June 2017? for a Books and

53 Low 34
5 What CNN anchor modeled for Calvin Klein, Authors Zoom Board of Aldermen
High interned at the CIA and studied Vietnamese at the event Thursday, work session, 10
Mostly sunny
University of Hanoi? a.m., City Hall
Answers, 6B Dec. 10 at noon.
Full forecast on The event, is Dec. 15: Starkville
page 3A. available to the Board of Aldermen
public and can be meeting, 5:30 p.m.,
INSIDE accessed by regis-
tering at https://
City Hall
Dec. 15: OCH
Classifieds 6B Health 6A Regional Medical
Comics 4B Obituaries 5A Registration must Capt. Virginia Rich works for the West Center board of
Crossword 3B Opinions 4A be completed by Point Police Department. She likes to trustees meeting,
Dear Abby 4B Dec. 9. read and is working on writing a memoir. 6 p.m.


2A TUESDAY, DECEMBER 8, 2020 The Dispatch •

Safe harbor law locks Congress into accepting Biden’s win

By the end of the day, every state is
expected to have made its election Trump thought courts were key to winning. Judges disagreed.
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS scathing language of repudiation. On Monday, U.S. District Judge
results official, awarding 306 electoral This has been true whether Linda Parker threw out a lawsuit
WASHINGTON — President the judge has been appointed by challenging Michigan’s election
votes to Biden and 232 to Trump Donald Trump and his allies say a Democrat or a Republican, in- results that had been filed two
their lawsuits aimed at subverting cluding those named by Trump days after the state certified the
BY MARK SHERMAN school in Williamsburg,
The Associated Press the 2020 election and reversing his himself. results for Biden. Parker, appoint-
loss to Joe Biden would be substan- The judicial rulings that have re- ed by President Barack Obama,
The Electoral College
WASHINGTON — tiated, if only judges were allowed jected Trump’s unfounded claims said the case embodied the phrase
is a creation of the Con-
Happy Safe Harbor Day, to hear the cases. of widespread voter fraud have “This ship has sailed.”
stitution, but Congress
America. There is a central flaw in the underscored not only the futility of “This lawsuit seems to be less
sets the date for federal
Other than Wiscon- argument. Judges have heard the the lame-duck president’s brazen about achieving the relief plaintiffs
elections and, in the case
sin, every state appears cases and have been among the attempt to sabotage the people’s seek ... and more about the impact
of the presidency, deter-
to have met a deadline in harshest critics of the legal argu- will but also the role of the courts of their allegations on people’s
mines when presidential
federal law that essential- ments put forth by Trump’s legal in checking his unprecedented ef- faith in the democratic process
electors gather in state
ly means Congress has to capitals to vote. team, often dismissing them with forts to stay in power. and their trust in our government.”
accept the electoral votes In 2020, that date is
that will be cast next week Dec. 14. But Congress after those states have that,” said Edward Foley, the slate of electors from would need to object in
and sent to the Capitol for also set another deadline, certified a Biden win. a professor of election law any state that misses the writing and be joined by
counting on Jan. 6. Those six days before electors But Trump’s argu- at Ohio State University’s Dec. 8 deadline, Foley at least one senator. If
votes will elect Joe Biden meet, to insulate state ments have gone nowhere Moritz School of Law. said. that were to happen, both
as the country’s next results from being chal- in court in Arizona, Geor- Judge Stephen Si- Already one member chambers would debate
president. lenged in Congress. gia, Michigan, Nevada, manek, appointed to hear of the House of Represen- the objections and vote on
It’s called a safe harbor By the end of the day, Pennsylvania and Wis- the case, has acknowl- tatives, Rep. Mo Brooks, whether to sustain them.
provision because it’s a every state is expected consin. Most of his cam- edged that the case would R-Ala., has said he will But unless both houses
kind of insurance policy to have made its election paign’s lawsuits in state push the state outside the challenge electoral votes agreed to the objections,
by which a state can lock results official, award- courts challenging those electoral vote safe harbor. for Biden on Jan. 6. Brooks they would fail.
in its electoral votes by ing 306 electoral votes to Biden victories have Missing the deadline
finishing up certification Biden and 232 to Presi- been dismissed, with the won’t deprive Wisconsin
of the results and any dent Donald Trump. exception of Wisconsin, of its 10 electoral votes.
state court legal challeng- The attention paid to where a hearing is sched- Biden electors still will
es by a congressionally the normally obscure safe uled for later this week. meet in Madison on Mon-
imposed deadline, which harbor provision is a func- Like the others, the day to cast their votes and
this year is Tuesday. tion of Trump’s unrelent- lawsuit does not appear there’s no reason to ex-
“What federal law re- ing efforts to challenge to have much chance of pect that Congress won’t
quires is that if a state has the legitimacy of the succeeding, but because accept them. In any case,
completed its post-elec- election. He has refused it was filed in accordance Biden would still have
tion certification by Dec. to concede, made unsup- with state law procedures more than the 270 votes
8, Congress is required ported claims of fraud for challenging election he needs even without
to accept those results,” and called on Republican results, “it’s looking to Wisconsin’s.
said Rebecca Green, an lawmakers in key states me like Wisconsin is go- But lawmakers in
election law professor at to appoint electors who ing to miss the safe har- Washington could the-
the William & Mary law would vote for him even bor deadline because of oretically second-guess

Feds passed up chance to lock in more Pfizer vaccine doses

Decision could delay the delivery of a second batch lock in an additional 100
million doses for delivery
of doses until manufacturer Pfizer fulfills other contracts in the second quarter of
2021, according to peo-
BY ZEKE MILLER firmed Monday by peo- cination program in the ple who spoke about the
AND JONATHAN LEMIRE ple familiar with the nation’s history once he matter on the condition of
The Associated Press
matter, came on the eve takes office Jan. 20, were anonymity because they
of Trump’s plans to host not invited. were not authorized to
a White House summit Pfizer’s vaccine is ex- discuss it publicly.
President Donald Trump
aimed at celebrating the pected to be endorsed by Days ahead of the vac-
aims to take credit Tues-
day for the speedy devel- expected approval of the a panel of Food and Drug cine’s expected approv-
opment of forthcoming first vaccine later this Administration advisers al, the administration is
coronavirus vaccines, week. His administration as soon as this week, with reversing course, but it
even as his administra- is seeking to tamp down delivery of 100 million is not clear that Pfizer,
tion is coming under scru- public skepticism over the doses — enough for 50 which has since made
tiny for failing to lock in a vaccine and secure a key million Americans — ex- commitments to other
chance to buy millions of component of the Republi- pected in coming months. countries, will be able to
additional doses of one of can president’s legacy. Under its contract with meet the latest request on
the leading contenders. The focus was to be on Pfizer, the Trump admin- the same timeline.
That decision could the administration’s plans istration committed to The Pfizer vaccine is
delay the delivery of a to distribute and admin- buy an initial 100 million one of two on track for
second batch of doses ister the vaccine, but offi- doses, with an option to emergency Food and
until manufacturer Pfizer cials from President-elect purchase as many as five Drug Administration au-
fulfills other international Joe Biden’s transition times more. thorization this month,
contracts. team, which will oversee This summer, the the other coming from
The revelation, con- the bulk of the largest vac- White House opted not to drugmaker Moderna.

Lawmakers who met with Giuliani scramble after COVID news

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS scrambled to make sure loss to Joe Biden and sub- diagnosis continued
they did not contract the vert the November vote. Monday as the Michigan
WASHINGTON — virus. On numerous occasions, House announced it had
President Donald Trump The 76-year-old former Giuliani met with offi- canceled its voting ses-
said Monday his person-
New York mayor, hospi- cials for hours at a time sion scheduled for Tues-
al attorney Rudy Giuliani
was “doing very well” talized in Washington, without wearing a mask, day. Giuliani spoke for
after being hospitalized had traveled extensively including hearings last hours last week before a
with the coronavirus to battleground states to week with state lawmak- Republican-led commit-
as lawmakers in battle- press Trump’s quixotic ers in Arizona, Georgia tee in Lansing investigat-
ground states that Gi- effort to get legislators and Michigan. ing alleged election irreg-
uliani visited last week to overturn his election Fallout from Giuliani’s ularities.
The Dispatch • TUESDAY, DECEMBER 8, 2020 3A

Continued from Page 1A
all LCIDA’s debts. In Fis- the world to change hors- unforeseen happens, they appointment to allow for
cal Year 2021, LCIDA re- es in the middle of the don’t have to come to the more time to interview
quested $1.3 million from stream,” he said. “We’ll board for the money.” the candidates.
the county but was bud- fund LCIDA through District 4 Supervisor One of them is former
geted to receive $285,000. the normal budget pro- Jeff Smith could not be Lowndes County Admin-
The annual allocation, cedure, normal budget reached for comment. istrator Ralph Billingsley,
however, is not enough practices that Lowndes District 3 Supervisor John who served in that role
for LCIDA to build up a County has participated Holliman did not attend for almost 13 years before
healthy reserve or build in for the last 20 years.” the meeting after he test- retiring in September. He
up infrastructure be- Hairston said commit- ed positive for COVID-19 said he applied because
fore industries move in, ting $750,000 each year on Saturday, Sanders told he would like to apply his
LCIDA board president may not be a good use of The Dispatch. financial knowledge to
Thomas Lee previously taxpayer money. If LCI- the county’s economic de-
told The Dispatch. LCI- DA is trying to build up a velopment.
DA now has $3 million reserve, he said, he would
Appointments “With my extensive
In other business, su- financial experience and
in the bank, $1.3 million like to see an upper limit.
pervisors reappointed everything, and having
of which cannot be spent “It’s important to know
Adam Charles Holmes worked in the county ad-
as required by the Rural how much is enough as
as the District 4 appoin- ministration for almost 13
Development Authority, Courtesy image/Golden Triangle Development LINK far as the reserve,” he
The map highlights the land owned by the Lowndes tee on the LCIDA board, years,” he said, “I think I
which lends LCIDA mon- said.
County Industrial Development Authority, which is a whose term will now end could bring a wealth of ex-
ey. Lee said it’s impossi-
county subsidiary that holds land for industrial devel- in 2024. perience and knowledge
To receive more rev- ble to predict how much
enue, LCIDA first asked
opment, builds infrastructure and maintains industry
they need in the bank, Greg Rader, who to that board.”
equipment. LCIDA owns almost 5,000 acres of land served as an at-large Kyle McConnell, presi-
the county in November surrounding the Golden Triangle Regional Airport. because it varies case-
to permanently designate by-case. The $1.7 million member on the board, did dent of McConnell Broth-
a mill’s value — however available in the bank not seek reappointment. ers Transfer and Storage
and Frank Lockhart ing to wait until we go to
much revenue one mill a meeting to get it fixed. can be easily spent, he His term expired Nov. 30, in Columbus, also applied
— District 2 appointee
generates — each year to and vice president of It could cost hundreds of said. Painting each of and two applicants have for the position. He could
fund the authority. Mills the board — attended a thousands of dollars,” he the three elevated water applied for his position. not be reached by press
are used to calculate special-call meeting and said. tanks, for example, would Supervisors tabled the time.
property taxes, and one agreed unanimously they cost roughly $300,000 to
mill equals $1 of proper- need the funds for future Concerns remain $400,000, he said.
ty tax levied on $1,000 economic development. The proposed agree- “You never know,” he
worth of assessed value. Lockhart proposed to ask ment, which merely said. “I think we’ll have to
Lowndes’ mill value this the county for an annual changed the request for be comfortable with the
year is $750,000, accord- funding of $750,000 for one mill to a fixed figure $750,000 right now. If we
ing to the county’s Fiscal three years, which was — which is the equivalent need more, we’ll go back
Year 2021 budget. unanimously approved. of a mill’s value this year to the supervisors and re-
Following supervi- Lockhart could not be — did not change a lot quest more.”
sors’ concerns that the reached for comment by of hearts among supervi- Brooks, who has sup-
contract would outlive press time. sors. ported LCIDA’s proposals
their terms, District 5 Lee said the amount District 1 Supervisor for designated funding,
Supervisor Leroy Brooks is a good figure. The au- Harry Sanders said he said he will vote in favor
last week proposed add- thority needs the money, will remain a firm “No” of any agreement LCIDA
ing a three-year limit to he said, so that when an on the matter if the agree- brings back to the super-
the agreement, which he emergency arises, the au- ment comes to a vote. The visors.
withdrew later pending thority can spend money county should not enter “Operating the Indus-
clarification from LCIDA for repairs out of its own into a contract with its trial Park can be a very
whether and why they pocket, instead of waiting own subsidiary, he said, expensive proposition,”
need the money. for supervisors to meet and he does not think he said. “... I have no prob-
On Monday, four of and approve funds. LCIDA really needs the lem with them getting the
the seven LCIDA board “If we have a line go funds. money even if they don’t
members, including Lee out, Severstal ain’t go- “There’s no reason in spend it all. If something

What is LCIDA?
BY YUE STELLA YU surrounding the Golden Starkville. OCEDA owns Triangle Regional Air- the North Star Industri-
port, according to a fact
LCIDA board al Park and the building
Created under a 1974 sheet from the Golden members that houses the Greater
state law, Lowndes Coun- Triangle Development ■ Thomas Lee-President
Starkville Development
ty Industrial Develop- LINK, which LCIDA
■ Frank Lockhart-Vice
Partnership, she said.
ment Authority (LCIDA) President
hires to manage its daily ■ Karl Williams-Secretary “It is essentially an or-
was formed as a Lowndes business. The average ganization that works for
■ Ronnie West
County subsidiary that annual budget for opera- ■ Adam Charles Holmes Oktibbeha County and
oversees economic devel- tions is about $2.5 million, ■ Pete Perkins works through the LINK
opment efforts. according to an email ■ Greg Rader (whose term for the industrial recruit-
LCIDA is responsible from the LINK Tuesday expired Nov. 30) ment side of it,” Spruill
for land purchases for in- morning. said.
dustrial expansion, main- The site has attracted serves two-year terms. However, unlike LCI-
tenance and infrastruc- more than 20 industries The board members do DA, OCEDA does not
ture building primarily over the years, including not receive any stipend. receive any county fund-
at the Lowndes County Steel Dynamics Inc., PAC- Before the LINK took ing, she said. Instead, the
Industrial Park near the CAR, Stark Aerospace, over the management of authority collects rent
Golden Triangle Region- Airbus and Lexicon. LCIDA in 2003, Charleigh from industries located
al Airport. It receives LCIDA is also respon- Ford was the one who at the industrial park
annual funding from the sible for maintaining helped manage LCIDA’s and receives 15 percent
county just like other de- industry assets on the business, Lee said. Now, of the 2-percent food and
partments. The county is site, including four wells, the LINK is responsible beverage tax revenue in
LCIDA’s primary funding two pressure filter water for recruiting industries Starkville. In Fiscal Year
source and it is also re- treatment plants, three and negotiating deals 2019, for example, the tax
sponsible for all of LCI- elevated water tanks, 26.5 with them, whereas LCI- generated $323,414 for
DA’s debts. miles of water lines, nine DA holds the land and OCEDA — the bulk of its
The first industry wastewater lift stations, takes care of infrastruc- annual budget of roughly
whose way was paved by 6.84 miles of sewer mains, ture and maintenance. $400,000, she said.
the organization was Wey- a biological wastewater LCIDA’s governing
erhauser, which began treatment facility and body, as well as its rela-
construction of its Colum- generators, according to tionship with the LINK,
bus mill in the 1970s, said the LINK’s fact sheet. is similar to the Oktib-
LCIDA board president The authority is gov- beha County Economic
Thomas Lee. erned by seven board Development Authori-
“It was nothing but members, including one ty (OCEDA), said Lynn
wasted land,” Lee said of from each supervisors’ Spruill, Starkville May-
the time before Weyer- district and two at-large or and president of the
hauser. “People were out members, who can live OCEDA board. The board
there rabbit hunting.” anywhere in the county. consists of five supervisor
LCIDA now owns al- All members are supervi- appointees and the may-
most 5,000 acres of land sor appointees and each ors of Sturgis, Maben and

4-County to provide Wi-Fi

hotspot for public at central office
DISPATCH STAFF REPORT about the progress we’ve made, but we
know that there are many folks out there
Officials at 4-County Electric Power who still don’t have access to fast, reliable
Association announced the company will internet. That’s why we’ve set up this free
provide free short-term internet access for hotspot.”
visitors to the cooperative’s central office. Clark said 4-County hopes to extend
The company will allow anyone need- the free access to other areas as well. SOLUNAR TABLE
The solunar period indicates
ing internet access for school, work or “We’ll have access at our Starkville of- peak-feeding times for fish and game.
Tues. Wed.
other uses to access its hotspot from its fice and we’ve already identified locations Major 7:16p 8:06p
Minor 1:34a
parking lot at 5265 South Frontage Road, in the areas where we are putting up fiber. Major 7:41a 8:31a
which is located just east of the Highway We hope they will help members who Minor 2:37p 3:11p
Courtesy of Mississippi Department

793 (airport) exit. need immediate access to broadband and

of Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks

The Dispatch
The decision comes after 4-County an- who can’t get FASTnet service yet,” Clark
nounced its plans to provide broad-band said.
service to its 48,000-plus customers in 4-County’s FASTnet internet service
September. is rolling out with three pilot projects in The Commercial Dispatch (USPS 142-320)
Published daily except Saturday. Answers to common questions:
“Since we made the decision to provide western Clay, northeastern Choctaw and Entered at the post office at Columbus, Mississippi.
broadband to our members, I’ve heard northern Noxubee counties, and the co-op Periodicals postage paid at Columbus, MS Phone: 662-328-2424
POSTMASTER, Send address changes to:
from so many thankful people,” 4-County hopes to build out to the rest of the mem- The Commercial Dispatch, P.O. Box 511, Columbus, MS 39703 Website:
CEO Brian Clark said in a press release bership when those projects are complet- Published by Commercial Dispatch Publishing Company Inc., Report a news tip:
516 Main St., Columbus, MS 39703
issued Monday. “We are very excited ed.
PETER BIRNEY IMES Editor/Publisher
BIRNEY IMES III Editor/Publisher 1998-2018
BIRNEY IMES JR. Editor/Publisher 1947-2003

BIRNEY IMES SR. Editor/Publisher 1922-1947

ZACK PLAIR, Managing Editor

BETH PROFFITT Advertising Director
MICHAEL FLOYD Circulation/Production Manager


Points out paper’s failure
to acknowledge Pearl Harbor
I have just finished looking through Monday’s
Commercial Dispatch and found absolutely no
mention of Pearl Harbor Day, none.
My apologies if, after three times through the
paper, I have overlooked it.
And if not, please note my total dismay, dis-
appointment and displeasure in the Dispatch’s
seeming lack of patriotism.
We should never forget the more than 16 million
men and women who served in our military during
the ensuing WWII. More than 400,000 died; more
than 2,000 on Dec. 7th. We in this great country
breathe freely on a daily basis while we stand on
the shoulders of these giants among men. We
should never forget them!
Shame on you Peter Imes and Zack Plair.
Warren Nybo

More thoughts on ‘suitcase’ video

Thanks to James Hodges for his thorough
response yesterday to Stan Boden’s letter printed
December 4. Mr. Hodges covered pretty much all
the bases, but I’ll add a couple of points that I don’t
think he mentioned.
First, despite all the excitement this video has
apparently caused for some, the story seems to THE NATION
have disappeared from the news cycle since, with-
out ever being covered by any major news source
aside from Fox – and even they’ve dropped it since
Friday as far as I can tell.
Will Democrats ever drop identity politics?
Perhaps more telling is the fact that, in keep- he days right little or not at all. Barack Obama becoming
ing with all their other legal actions which have after an elec- Yet Rep. Karen the first black president was a
thus far been presented without any supporting tion are an ideal Bass, chair of the Con- big deal. Nothing against Cori
evidence, if this video was the bombshell Mr. time for political par- gressional Black Cau- Bush, but how big a deal is her
Boden hoped, the Trump legal team would surely ties to work on fixing cus, is now calling on becoming the first black Missouri
have used it. But, as with all of the other evidence bad habits. For Demo- California Gov. Gavin congresswoman, as many media
Rudy Giuliani and others discuss at length at their crats, that would mean Newsom to fill Vice felt obliged to put in their leads?
“hearings,” this video is not brought up in court. kicking the increasing- President-elect Kamala The New York Times had a
Why? Because lawyers can lose their license for ly dated custom of de- Harris’ soon-to-be-va- twofer — actually, two of them —
making fraudulent claims in that setting; there is claring race, ethnicity cant Senate seat with when Ritchie Torres and Mon-
no penalty for doing the same in a hotel conference and gender factors a black woman. Bass daire Jones, both from New York,
room, however. in filling leadership says she’s available, by were elected as the “1st Gay Black
Until I read Mr. Boden’s letter, though, I was positions. Demands Froma Harrop the way. Members of Congress.” Torres
unaware of the existence of this video so, thanks on President-elect Joe Note that her also considers himself Latino, so
to him, I found it and watched it. I don’t know how Biden to put these considerations demand comes one month after that makes three identities.
anybody viewing it could be convinced that it was front and center show a failure to voters in the very Democratic Lest we forget, an openly
unequivocal evidence of ballot tampering. Unless understand how politically poison- state of California rejected a plan gay man named Barney Frank
they just really, really wanted to. From the video I ous identity politics have become. to restore affirmative action in spent 32 years representing a
saw posted by an Atlanta TV news outlet it would Happily, Biden is choosing public hiring. demographically mixed district
have been impossible to that these ballots were people who are highly qualified A problem with succumbing to in Massachusetts. A gay man in
being counted after all the other poll workers had for the job. But unhappily, and the pressure is it’s never enough. Congress is not really news. That
been told to go home or to distinguish the source no small irony, focusing on their Much fuss was made over Biden’s Torres was a highly effective
of the ballots to be ‘suitcases’ of illegal ballots as identity only subtracts attention naming what The Washington member of the New York City
Mr. Boden claimed or as regular ballot containers from their impressive careers. Post described as the “first Council should have been reason
as Mr. Hodges did. Biden’s pick to head the Hispanic American” to head the enough to support him.
Putting aside the fact that this video has been Treasury, Janet Yellen, is a Department of Homeland Securi- Biden has pledged to name the
since debunked by a variety of sources including world-renowned economist. She’s ty. That would be the very capable first black woman to the Supreme
the Georgia Secretary of State’s office, I would already been chair of the Federal Alejandro Mayorkas. Court, if and when he can fill a
hope that people would require a little more solid Reserve, for heaven’s sake. And “Latino advocates,” Bloomberg vacancy. I have no problem with
“evidence” than that before making up their minds so, why open news stories with a News says, were then pushing a qualified black female Supreme
what it shows. proclamation that, if confirmed, Biden to name New Mexico Gov. Court justice. The problem is the
Frankly, I find it astonishing how many fellow Yellen will become “the first fe- Michelle Lujan Grisham as health pledge.
citizens believe that the sort of massive conspir- male Treasury secretary”? Is she and human services secretary. Biden told CNN that he under-
acy they appear to suspect could succeed. When now a diversity hire? Though angry when those efforts stands it’s the advocacy groups’
20 people have a hard time keeping information No one elected the identity pro- seemed to fail, the activists now “job to push me.” The Democratic
secure, what chance would a scheme requiring fessionals now pressuring Biden. seem pleased that Biden has Party would do itself a big favor
thousands to do so, spread over at least a handful And it’s unclear whether mem- named another Latino, Xavier by pushing back on the diversity
of states, if not more? And why not make the vote bers of the groups they profess to Becerra, to that prominent post. fixation. It’s good for neither the
margin a little bigger and more convincing than represent want their services. For You have to feel for Becerra. A party nor the talented people it
12,000 votes if you’re going to go to all that trouble? example, a Washington Post/Ip- graduate of Stanford Law School burdens with unnecessary labels.
Not to mention have a Democrat or two more find sos poll asked African Americans and California attorney gener- Froma Harrop, a syndicated
their way into the Senate. early this year whether a white al, he could have competed for columnist, writes for the Provi-
Without a runoff that is. presidential candidate’s pick of a the job with anyone. Now many dence (Rhode Island) Journal. Her
Paul Mack black vice president would excite think he was named to lead HHS e-mail address is fharrop@gmail.
Columbus them. Some 73 percent responded because of his coloration. com.


What Biden’s first 100 days might look like

he Donald Trump’s seems baked in the cake, as emissions will have fallen 9% disputed islets in the East and
Biden-Har- presidency, the the country would not long tol- from the end of 2019. Emis- the South China Seas and has
ris adminis- light at the end erate congressional inaction if sions from cars and aircraft committed itself to defend
tration will confront of the tunnel may the pandemic were still raging fell 4% in 2020, from power the Japanese and Philippine
“a pandemic, an be sighted within through the population as it is 2.8%, and from industry .6%. claims, Beijing has not backed
economic crisis, Biden’s first 100 today. On the flip side, forest fires away from its claims and, in-
calls for racial days. As for racial inequality, reduced the 9% cut in carbon deed, has grown increasingly
justice and climate The Pfizer and the pandemic has exposed, emissions by fully one-third. bellicose in making them.
change. The team Moderna vaccines, deepened and widened it. The Yet, it is in foreign policy The U.S. has also been
being assembled which have proven surge in shootings and kill- where the traps appear. thickening ties to Taiwan.
will meet these 90-95% effective ings in major cities during the The drawdown in U.S. Yet, what many Americans
challenges on Day against the virus, pandemic is hitting the Black troops in Afghanistan, to 2,500 see as a democratic island of
One.” Patrick Buchanan begin to come on communities hardest. by Jan. 15, will leave us with 25 million whose defense is a
So declares the line this month. The decline in test scores the smallest contingent since moral obligation and strate-
transition team of Joe Biden, By the end of Biden’s first 100 at schools where kids have the U.S. plunged into that gic necessity, China sees as
to echo what he’s defined as days, May 1, the beneficial been kept away from formal country to remake it more in a breakaway province, and
the lead items on his presi- effect of scores of millions classes since March is most our image in 2001. signals in every way that it
dential agenda. And if this of vaccinations should be pronounced among minorities. And the troop drawdown would fight a war rather than
is his agenda, then how our visible to all, and the pandemic Black and Hispanic workers in comes at a time when the Tal- let Taiwan go.
presumed 46th president will should be seen as irretrievably service industries are a dispro- iban control the largest swath These issues are likely to
proceed suggests itself. receding. portionate share of the victims of Afghan territory since be decided in this decade. And
The COVID-19 pandemic At least, that is the hope of the pandemic. being overthrow 19 years ago. it is hard to see how the U.S.,
is now close to its apex, with a and expectation. And the If half a century of social The possibility of a collapse in 7,000 miles away, with a slowly
million new cases and a death media would naturally attri- progress after the civil rights Kabul, chaos ensuing and the shrinking share of the world’s
toll in excess of 10,000 each bute the new dawn not to the revolution of the ‘60s and country disintegrating early in economic and military power,
week. We appear to be near triumph of Trump’s Operation eight years of the first Black a Biden presidency cannot be would prevail indefinitely over
the crest of the “second wave.” Warp Speed but to the new president have failed to reduce ruled out. a China that has the advantag-
Biden’s emphasis, as he has president. racial disparities in income, Would Biden be willing to es of proximity and population,
signaled, will be on slowing Biden’s response to the wealth, employment and incar- preside over an American de- and whose power is steadily
down the spread of the virus economic crisis caused by cerations, does anyone believe feat similar to that in Vietnam rising in relative terms to that
by universal masking and the COVID-19 pandemic will Joe Biden has the solution? in 1975? of the United States.
locking up and shutting down almost surely be along the As for climate change, John But the truly formidable Patrick J. Buchanan, a na-
sectors of the American econ- lines of what Congress is now Kerry, the new climate czar, challenge for a President tionally syndicated columnist,
omy. debating, contingent upon will begin his tenure after a Biden will be China, which is was a senior advisor to presi-
Yet, even as the worst of whether Mitch McConnell is year of the deepest reductions not the China of 2016 that Vice dents Richard Nixon, Gerald
the pandemic appears direct- prepared to accept what comes in carbon emissions in record- President Biden recalls. Ford and Ronald Reagan. His
ly ahead in December and over from the House. ed history. While the U.S. refuses to website is
January, the last six weeks of A trillion-dollar package By Dec. 31, U.S. carbon recognize China’s claims to blog.
The Dispatch • TUESDAY, DECEMBER 8, 2020 5A

COMMERCIAL DISPATCH Enon Cemetery of Ack- ceded in death by her Starkville is in charge Eden Brown Services. Lavender’s
OBITUARY POLICY erman. Welch Funeral husband, Sid; and one of arrangements. Funeral Service of
Obituaries with basic informa- STARKVILLE —
Home of Starkville is grandchild. Mrs. Ford was born Infant Eden Brown, Aliceville is in charge
tion including visitation and
service times, are provided
in charge of arrange- She is survived by in 1928, in Indianola, four months, died Dec. of arrangements.
free of charge. Extended obit- ments. her children, Robert to the late Fred Vernon 2, 2020, in Nashville,
uaries with a photograph, de- Mr. Long was born Dobbs, Patsy Coo- Griffith and Mary Lu- Tennessee. Hattie Lewis
tailed biographical information to the late Robert R. per, Janet Welch and cille Caston Griffith. Graveside services STARKVILLE —
and other details families may Long Sr. and Elizabeth Christy Dobbs all of She had three broth- are at 11 a.m. today, in Hattie Pearl Young
wish to include, are available Reed Long. He was a Hamilton; nine grand- ers, Bobby Preston Zion Hill Cemetery of Lewis, 76, died Nov.
for a fee. Obituaries must be
veteran of the U.S. Air children; and four Griffith, Lester Gorman Macon. 21, 2020, Berkley, of
submitted through funeral
homes unless the deceased’s
Force and was formerly great-grandchildren. Griffith and William He is survived by his California.
body has been donated to employed as owner of Pallbearers will be Edley Griffith. parents, Arti Brown Graveside ser-
science. If the deceased’s numerous restaurants. Danny Dobbs, Benny She is survived by Sr. and Alexus Brown; vices will be at 11
body was donated to science, In addition to his Dobbs, Scott Dobbs, her daughter, Lynda F. and siblings, Ay’dan, a.m. Wednesday, in
the family must provide official parents, he was pre- Adam Dobbs, Payton Graham of Starkville; Sha’kiya, Addylan and Sessums Community
proof of death. Please submit ceded in death by his Dobbs and Tommy and two grandchildren. Arti Jr. Cemetery. Visitation is
all obituaries on the form step-mother, Mary
provided by The Commercial
Sanders. from 1-6 p.m. today, at
Apple Long. John Moore
Dispatch. Free notices must
Douglas McCoy West Memorial Funeral
He is survived by Regina Williams CRAWFORD —
be submitted to the newspa-
CARROLLTON, Ala. Home. West Memo-
per no later than 3 p.m. the his wife, Sue Vaugh CALEDONIA — John “Jack” Moore, 75,
— Douglas Ray “Doug” rial Funeral Home of
day prior for publication Tues- Long; son, Bobby Long Regina Williams, 53, died Dec. 5, 2020, at
McCoy, 67, died Dec. 2, Starkville is in charge
day through Friday; no later of Murrieta, Califor- died Dec. 7, 2020, at Windsor Place.
2020, at DCH Regional of arrangements.
than 4 p.m. Saturday for the nia; step-children, Baptist Memorial Hos- Arrangements are
Sunday edition; and no later Medical Center of Tus- She is survived by
Melissa Goodman of pital-Golden Triangle. incomplete and will be
than 7:30 a.m. for the Monday
East Helena, Montana, caloosa, Alabama. her daughter, Yolanda
edition. Incomplete notices Arrangements are announced by Carter’s Renee Lewis; siblings,
Renee Bowen of Deca- Graveside services
must be received no later incomplete and will be Funeral Services of Betty Sanders, Julia
tur, Angie Pickens of will be at 11 a.m.
than 7:30 a.m. for the Monday announced by Carter’s Columbus. Sutton, John Young Jr.,
through Friday editions. Paid Madden; Greg Bowen Thursday, in Magnolia
Funeral Services of John A. Young, Tommy
notices must be finalized by 3 of Starkville and Jason Gardens Cemetery of
Columbus. Frank Hodges Young, Walter Young,
p.m. for inclusion the next day Bowen of Brandon; five Aliceville, Alabama.
Monday through Thursday; and step-sisters; and 13 WEST POINT — Lavender’s Funeral Robert Young, Joe
on Friday by 3 p.m. for Sunday
grandchildren. Thomas Hughes Frank B. Hodges, 82, Service of Aliceville is Young, William Young,
and Monday publication. For KENNEDY, Ala. — died Dec. 6, 2020, at his in charge of arrange- Melvin Young, Charles
more information, call 662- Thomas W. Hughes, 76, Young and Larry
328-2471. Willie Washington Jr. died Dec. 6, 2020, at his
residence. ments.
Young; and four grand-
NOXUBEE COUN- Funeral services will
residence. children.
Charles White TY — Willie C. Wash-
A private family
be at 11 a.m. Thurs- Clara Howard
ington Jr., 46, died Dec. day, at Calvary Baptist PANOLA, Ala. —
SULLIGENT, Ala. graveside service will Church, with James
4, 2020, in Georgia. Clara Ruthie Smith
— Charles Anderson be Thursday, in Mt. Towery officiating. Howard, 65, died Nov.
Arrangements are
White, 78, died Dec. 3, incomplete and will be Tabor Baptist Church Burial will follow at 28, 2020, at her resi-
2020, at North Missis- announced by Carter’s Cemetery of Palmetto, 3 p.m. in Lakewood dence.
sippi Medical Center Funeral Services of Alabama. Dowdle Fu- South Cemetery of Ter- Graveside services
of Tupelo. Funeral Macon. neral Home of Millport, ry. Visitation will be one will be at 2 p.m. Sat-
services were at 2 p.m. Alabama is in charge of hour prior to services urday, in Greater New
Monday, at Otts Funer- arrangements. at the church. Calvert
al Home Chapel, with Flora Dobbs Mr. Hughes was Funeral Home of West
Salem A.M.E. Zion
HAMILTON — Flo- Cemetery. Visitation
Mitch Nethery and Tod born Feb. 6, 1944, in Re- Point is in charge of will be from 3-5 p.m.
Ward officiating. Burial ra Dobbs, 87, died Dec. form, Alabama, to the
1, 2020, at her resi- arrangements. Friday, at Lavender’s
followed in Crews late Walter Garon and Mr. Hodges was Funeral Service. Laven-
Cemetery. Visitation dence.
For a Mae Hughes. He born Nov. 5, 1938, in der’s Funeral Service
was one hour prior to Funeral services will
was formerly employed Terry, to the late Ruth of Aliceville, Alabama
be at 1:30 p.m. Sunday,
services. Otts Funeral as a preacher and with Earlene Hodges and is in charge of arrange-
at Hamilton United
Home of Sulligent was Golden Flake Snake Roy Hegman Hodges. ments.
Methodist Church, with
in charge of arrange- Foods. He was a veteran of
Roger McGrew officiat-
In addition to his par- Charlie Upton
ing. Burial will follow in the U.S. Navy. He was Ricky Green Incomplete
Mr. White was born ents, he was preceded formerly employed as
Friendship Cemetery. COLUMBUS — 2nd Ave. N. Location
May 23, 1942, in Sulli- in death by his siblings, a carpenter and was
Visitation will be from Ricky Green, 57, died
gent, Alabama, to the Geneva McDaniel, a member of Calvary
1 - 1:30 p.m prior to ser- Dec. 4, 2020, at North
late Johnnie Anderson Betty Sue Brazeal, Baptist Church.
vices. Tisdale-Lann Me- Mississippi Medical
White and Mary Alice morial Funeral Home of Alexander Hughes and In addition to his
Merchant. He was a E.J. Hughes. Center of Tupelo.
Aberdeen is in charge parents, he was preced- Graveside services
graduate of Sulligent of arrangements. He is survived by ed in death by an infant
High School and was will be at 2 p.m. Thurs-
Mrs. Dobbs was his wife, Mary Angelyn daughter, Wanda Hodg- day, in Community
formerly employed born Aug. 8, 1933, in Hughes; children, Risa es; son, Keith Hodges; Cluster Cemetery of
as a supervisor and Lowndes County, to the Rast and Sonya Steger; and siblings, Joy Lynn Aliceville, Alabama.
purchasing agent with late Rufus Willard and sister, Evelyn Shelton; Abney and Roy Hodges. Visitation will be from
Hyster. Bessie Walters Rye. and two grandchildren. He is survived by 1-5 p.m. Wednesday,
In addition to his She attended Caledonia Memorials may be his wife, Mary Hodges; at Lavender’s Funeral
parents, he was pre- school and was a grad- made to Hospice of daughter, Cindy Hall of
ceded in death by his uate of Hamilton High Northwest Alabama, West Point; sister, Pam
brother, Dan White. School and Mississippi P.O. Box 1216, Winfield, Pace of Terry; three
He is survived by his State College for Wom- AL 35594. grandchildren; and four
wife, Joyce Garrison en. She was formerly great-grandchildren.
White. employed as a regis- Irma Ford Memorials may be
tered dietitian with STARKVILLE — made to St. Jude Chil-
Robert Long Jr. Lamar County Hospital Irma “Amy” Lois Ford, dren’s Research Hospi-
STARKVILLE — and as a dietetic consul- 92, died Dec. 6, 2020. tal, 501 St. Jude Place,
Robert Raymond Long tant. She was a member Graveside ser- Memphis, TN 38105 or
Jr., 83, died Dec. 6, of United Methodist vices will be at 1 p.m. PSP & CBD Foun-
2020, at his residence. Church. Wednesday, in Me- dation, 7961 Falling
Graveside services In addition to her morial Garden Park. Creek Road, Bedford,
are at 11 a.m. today, in parents, she was pre- Welch Funeral Home of VA 24523.

Joyce Knight
Joyce Marie Knight, 66,

Chuck Yeager, 1st to break sound barrier, dies at 97 of Steens, MS passed away
Sunday, December 6, 2020, at
Trinity Health Care, Columbus,
NASA Administrator: Yeager’s death erything, but by the time
I’m finished, I won’t have
ger, then a 24-year-old
captain, pushed an or-
A graveside ser vice will
is ‘a tremendous loss to our nation’ missed much,” he wrote.
“If I auger in (crash) to-
ange, bullet-shaped Bell
X-1 rocket plane past 660
be Wednesday, December
9, 2020, at 2:00 PM at
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ing into the jet age and morrow, it won’t be with a mph to break the sound Woodlawn Cemeter y, Steens,
the space age. He said, frown on my face. I’ve had barrier, at the time a MS with L owndes Funeral
Retired Air Force Brig. ‘You don’t concentrate a ball.” daunting aviation mile- Home directing.
Gen. Charles “Chuck” on risks. You concentrate On Oct. 14, 1947, Yea- stone. Mrs. Knight was born on June 29, 1954, in
Yeager, the World War on results. No risk is too Fort Hood, TX to Laura Boman Mason and John
II fighter pilot ace and great to prevent the nec- E. Mason, Sr. She was involved with Church
quintessential test pi- essary job from getting activities, playing word games on her phone, and
lot who showed he had done,’” Bridenstine said. enjoyed shopping. Mrs. Knight loved watching
the “right stuff” when in “In an age of me- her grandchildren play ball and spending time
1947 he became the first dia-made heroes, he is with her family. She worked at Belk and the
person to fly faster than the real deal,” Edwards cleaners for many years.
sound, has died. He was Air Force Base historian Mrs. Knight is preceded in death by her
97. Jim Young said in August husband, Howard Franklin Knight; and sister,
Yeager died Monday, 2006 at the unveiling of a Linda Burns.
his wife, Victoria Yeager, bronze statue of Yeager. Mrs. Knight is survived by her daughters,
said on his Twitter ac- He was “the most righ- Robin Peacock of Steens, MS and Cynthia
count. “It is w/ profound teous of all those with (Brandon) Farley; grandchildren, Chais Knight,
sorrow, I must tell you the right stuff,” said Maj. Tres (Deanna) Peacock, Dylan Peacock, Seth
that my life love Gener- Gen. Curtis Bedke, com-
Peacock, Jasmine Farley, Zachary Farley and
al Chuck Yeager passed mander of the Air Force
Skylar Farley; great-grandchildren, Luke
just before 9pm ET. An Flight Test Center at Ed-
incredible life well lived,
Knight, Aria Peacock, Adelaide Peacock, Mason
America’s greatest Pilot,
Peacock and Deklan Knight; mother, Laura
Yeager, from a small
& a legacy of strength, town in the hills of West
Boman Mason; father, John E. Mason, Sr.; sisters,
adventure, & patriotism Virginia, flew for more
Brenda Junkin, Loretta Harper, Rebecca Both,
will be remembered for- than 60 years, including Imogene Towery, Frances (Patrick) Perrigin
ever.” piloting an X-15 to near and Judy Lane; brothers, John Mason and David
Yeager’s death is “a 1,000 mph (1,609 kph) at Mason.
tremendous loss to our Edwards in October 2002 Honorary pallbearers will be Chais Knight,
nation,” NASA Admin- at age 79. Tres Peacock, Dylan Peacock, Seth Peacock and
istrator Jim Bridenstine “Living to a ripe old Zachary Farley.
said in a statement. age is not an end in itself. Memorials may be made to St. Jude Children’s
“Gen. Yeager’s pio- The trick is to enjoy the Research Hospital 501 St. Jude Place Memphis,
neering and innovative years remaining,” he said TN 38105.
spirit advanced America’s in “Yeager: An Autobiog- Compliments of
abilities in the sky and set raphy.” Lowndes Funeral Home
our nation’s dreams soar- “I haven’t yet done ev-
6A TUESDAY, DECEMBER 8, 2020 The Dispatch •

n Make half your plate veggies: A simple hack for
healthy eating (and portion control) is to make half your
plate veggies at each meal. The veggies pack in essential
vitamins, minerals and other phytonutrients important for
health and longevity.

Health tips from Dr. Oz and Dr. Roizen

Hot topic: Chili peppers Cleveland Clinic’s levels of polyphe-
Heart, Vascular & nols.
protect your health Thoracic Institute Don’t hesitate to
A man in Canada recently set looked at data from chop up a pepper
his third mark recognized by 4,729 studies that for tonight’s dinner
the Guinness World Records for included roughly — but reports from
speed eating his way through 246 570,000 people and the Environmental
grams of ghost peppers, which found regularly Working Group
are ranked as the world’s hottest eating chili pep- suggest some
chili pepper. Afterward, he told pers reduced the hot peppers may
a television station he felt ‘great risk of death from contain potentially
about winning the title,’ because cardiovascular toxic insecticides
it puts him one step closer to his disease by as much Drs. Oz and Roizen that can harm the
goal: ‘Collect as many Guinness as 26 percent and central nervous
Records for eating hot peppers as of cancer-related system. So spice
I can.’ deaths by 23 percent. up your life, but wash peppers
According to some research, Chili peppers contain capsaicin, well, and buy organic or grow your
this pepper champion may be ex- a chemical compound that, despite own when you can.
tending the time he has to achieve its red-hot nature, has a cooling, Mehmet Oz, M.D. is host of “The
his fiery ambition. A new study, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, Dr. Oz Show,” and Mike Roizen,
presented initially at the American anticancer and blood-glucose-reg- M.D. is Chief Wellness Officer and
Heart Association’s Scientific Ses- ulating effect. Some research also Chair of Wellness Institute at Cleve-
sions 2020, suggests that people suggests that when eaten regular- land Clinic. To live your healthiest,
who regularly eat chili peppers ly, chili peppers can aid in weight tune into “The Dr. Oz Show” or visit
may live longer. Researchers from loss, possibly due to their high

Continued from Page 1A
task County Administra- aries, Garrard said. The partment heads’ assess- The supervisors also
tor Emily Garrard with board has voted annually ment of their employees’ voted unanimously to ex-
compiling data on every to raise road employee performances. tend the county’s curfew,
road employee’s wages salaries by 3 percent for “I think we need to from midnight to 4 a.m.,
and how long they have the past several years. look at the performance until the next meeting on
worked for the county. Garrard said the board base (and) be sure to pay Dec. 21.
The six employees should be competitive salaries,” he The board did not vote
who received raises were cautious said. to renew the protective
not all making the same when con- face mask requirement,
amount of money before
the vote, and they all re-
raises for
County support in place since the previous
ceived different amounts county em- for city projects meeting on Nov. 16, but
Later, the supervisors Oktibbeha County is one
of additional pay. ployees as a
Miller told The Dis- whole. The voted unanimously in sup- of the counties under Mis-
patch she county has Garrard port of Starkville’s efforts sissippi Gov. Tate Reeves’
believes about 175 to secure state funding mask mandate assigned
the coun- employees. for two potential projects to individual counties in
ty should “At some point, ev- that the board of alder- which COVID-19 corona-
have a sys- erybody in the county is men decided to pursue in virus cases are continuing
tem in place going to be making way October. to spike. Reeves added
for perfor- too much money and the The aldermen start- Oktibbeha to the list of 54
mance eval- county can’t afford it,” she ed discussing potential counties on Dec. 1.
uations for Miller said. projects at the encourage-
its employ- The county has a poli- ment of State Rep. Rob
ees in order to determine cy that department heads Roberson (R-Starkville),
when they deserve a raise. must submit recommen- who is also the attorney
She also said she thought dations for individual pay for the county supervi-
Baggett’s justifications for raises on or before July 1 sors. They agreed to ask
the proposed increases, each year, according to for funding to build a new
such as employees’ good county documents. library, since the current
attendance records and Miller said granting one is about 60 years old,
dedication to their jobs, performance-based raises and to extend both Hospi-
were insufficient. without a system in place tal Road and Stark Road
“To me, that’s some- to measure performance to create easier access
body that’s doing their could open the door to to both Highway 25 and
job,” Miller said. “That’s legal action against the OCH Regional Medical
not a performance in- county from employees Center.
crease.” who do not get raises but Both projects are un-
Montgomery said he feel they are outperform- der the city’s jurisdiction.
did not have a problem ing employees who do. The county contributes to
with tabling the motion Montgomery is a lawyer the library’s funding, but
but supported the raises and said he does not see the city owns the land and
and would have supported this as an issue. the building and therefore
more than the ones Bag- “(Their) boss came to has the authority over
gett proposed. us as a board to ask for both.
In August, the board raises for those people,” Starkville Mayor Lynn
authorized a study of the he said. “I don’t see any Spruill said
county’s salaries and room for a lawsuit.” the library
payment plans from the Montgomery said he project,
Stennis Institute of Gov- does not the city’s
ernment and Community have a prob- preferred
Development, a service lem with e n d e a v o r,
and research organization the idea of a would be a
at Mississippi State Uni- countywide service to
versity that works with lo- employee the entire Spruill
cal governments to make evaluat ion county.
them more efficient. The system. “This would be some-
study should be complete T r a i n e r Montgomery thing that would service
in early 2021. told The all our residents who don’t
About 30 percent of the Dispatch he thinks eval- have access to the inter-
road department’s annual uations are necessary in net and computers,” she
budget is employee sal- addition to trusting de- said.

Continued from Page 1A
beginning of the symp- Sanders said his wife, According to a series
toms, but some people Norma Sanders, had a of policies supervisors
may not display symp- fever Sunday morning unanimously approved in
toms at all, according to but tested negative for August, county employ-
the Centers for Disease the coronavirus. She has ees must report to their
Control and Prevention been instructed to stay supervisors if they de-
(CDC). The incubation at home and take anoth- velop symptoms or have
period, which represents er test Thursday to make been exposed to positive
the time between expo- sure the Sunday test was COVID-19 patients. They
sure and development of not a false negative. must then receive a test,
symptoms, ranges from “I’m sticking at home self-quarantine for at
two to 14 days, according until Thursday anyway least 14 days and remain
to the CDC. until she gets retested,” symptom-free for at least
Supervisors who at- he said. “I took my tem- 72 hours before coming
tended the Monday meet- perature. Didn’t have any. back to work, The Dis-
ing all wore masks, with I feel fine.” patch reported. The CDC
President Trip Hairston, Sanders said he will recommends a 14-day
Jeff Smith of District 4 only seek a test if he dis- quarantine but said a 10-
and Sanders sitting at the plays signs of COVID-19, day quarantine is also ac-
table with supervisors’ such as headache, fever or ceptable, according to its
attorney Tim Hudson and diarrhea. website.
Chancery Clerk Cindy “I don’t see any reason Holliman did not re-
Goode. District 5 Supervi- to go get tested if I don’t spond to a Dispatch inqui-
sor Leroy Brooks sat in a show any symptoms,” he ry about his health condi-
corner of the boardroom. said. tions.

Beamer Ball 2: Shane Beamer takes over at South Carolina

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS replace fired Will Mus- mer long-time Virgin- regulations — for a chat. using phones and video The landscape has
champ, laid out his vi- ia Tech coach Frank He’ll quickly head chats to connect with changed since Beamer
COLUMBIA, S.C. — sion in turning around Beamer. “You absolute- back to Oklahoma to potential assistants, cur- left a decade ago — both
Shane Beamer was an South Carolina, which ly can. We have every- finish the season as as- rent recruits and Game- positive and negative.
assistant at South Car- has gone 6 -16 the past thing you need to win at sistant head coach and cocks.
olina in 2010 when the two years and 5-15 in the a high, high, high level.” tight ends coach with Beamer said he has Beamer’s new office
Gamecocks made their SEC. Beamer arrived the Sooners. learned something is in a $50 million, two-
only appearance in the Beamer at South Carolina on “It’ll be chaotic, but from everywhere he’s year old operations facil-
Southeastern Confer- thanked Sunday, meeting with I’m surrounded by a coached from his time ity that is one of the best
ence title game. Muschamp players and the Game- great group of people at Mississippi State in college football. How-
Things didn’t go well for his ded- cocks staff. Several in this facility here and with Sylvester Croom, ever, just up the road is
that day; South Carolina ication to former players, some we’ll get it done,” he the SEC’s first Black a national championship
lost to eventual national South Car- he coached including said. head football coach, to program in Clemson,
champion Auburn 56 -17. olina over receiver Moe Brown, Athletic director Ray Steve Spurrier for four South Carolina’s bitter
At his introduction the past Beamer and others (Outback Tanner declined to dis- seasons with the Game- rival.
Monday as South Caro- five sea- Bowl MVP Ryan Brewer cuss Beamer’s contract cocks from 2007-10 and Beamer, as Spurrier’s
lina’s new head coach, sons, then and quarterback Perry length or salary. He said five seasons with his recruiting coordinator,
Beamer vowed that pledged to bring consis- Orth) stopped by Mon- the Board of Trustees dad at Virginia Tech. set the table for South
South Carolina would tency to the Gamecocks. day morning. Beamer will review the deal at its “I haven’t sat in that Carolina’s landmark five
return to Atlanta “and “People say you can’t came outside — South next meeting Dec. 15. (head coaching) chair, straight victories in the
this time we’ll finish the win at South Caroli- Carolina’s operations Beamer said he’ll jug- but I know what it’s like rivalry from 2009-13.
job.” na,” said Beamer, the center is locked down gle his current and new from people who have,” Since then, Clemson has
Beamer, named to 43-year-old son of for- because of COVID-19 job the next two weeks, he said. See BEAMER, 3B


New Hope
comes back
to take
MSU’s bowl game chances, the 2021
Kosciusko in
recruiting class and KJ Costello’s future

New Hope High School
boys basketball team
erased a 13-point half-
time deficit to beat Kos-
ciusko 75 -69 in over-
time in Monday’s road
The Trojans trailed
37-24 at the half but
went into overtime tied
67-67. They allowed
just two points to the
Whippets in the extra
LJ Hackman scored
23 points to lead the
Trojans. Ty Crowell had
18, Eric Caldwell had
14, and Jorden Edwards
had 14.
New Hope’s next
game is at 7 p.m. Sat-
urday against Corinth
See PREP, 3B

perfect Justin Ford/USA TODAY Sports
Mississippi State Bulldogs quarterback Will Rogers (2) and head coach Mike Leach (R) look on from the sideline during the first half
season against the Mississippi Rebels on Nov. 28 at Vaught-Hemingway Stadium.

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS BY BEN PORTNOY iteration of Alabama and Flori- Mike Leach and managing Leach attributed some of da ends up in the CFP and New the varying changes to the
PIT TSBURGH — Year’s Six, that would leave the recruiting trail as the difficulties in scouting play-
The Pittsburgh Steel- STARKVILLE — Mike
Leach is rearing for a postsea-
seven spots remaining for the Early Signing Period draws ers this year. Because of the
ers spent three months
son appearance.
rest of the conference.
Should the SEC tables re-
nearer COVID-19 pandemic, coach-
es have been limited in their
shaking off whatever MSU has seen four players
2020 threw at them. While bowl selections main as they are through the ability to hit the road and re-
among Southeastern Confer- in its 2021 class decommit for
Schedule changes. In- final two weeks of the season, varying reasons over the past cruit in addition to attending
juries to a handful of ence teams likely won’t be MSU’s postseason fate would games in person. Players are
settled for another two weeks, month. Now less than 14 days
impact players. The likely come down to which of also being forced to commit
Leach told reporters Monday shy of the Early Signing Peri-
ever-present threat of the Bulldogs, South Carolina, to schools without having
that he’d be in favor of par- od which runs from Dec. 16
COVID-19. Tennessee, Arkansas and LSU seen them due to the NCA A’s
ticipating, regardless of what through Dec. 18, it’s expected
Through the cha- the remaining bowl games ongoing recruiting dead peri-
MSU’s final record reads. Leach and his staff could add
os, they kept winning. would want. It’s also conceiv- od.
“I want to play as many as many as six or seven more
Sometimes pretty. able Texas A&M or Georgia “They always say, ‘Well
games as we can,” he said. “I prospects to the Bulldogs’ I’m going to stand on the ta-
Sometimes ugly. Some- could end up in a New Year’s
mean, we got a young team, current 19-player haul. ble for this…’” Leach said in
times a little of both Six bowl as well, thus open-
and the more practice, the ing another potential spot for Monday, Leach addressed reference to meetings among
in the same game.
more work we get, the better MSU down the line. the 2021 recruiting class and recruiting staffers and talent
Through it all, they in-
sisted they were well the way I look at it.” The Bulldogs can improve where it stacks up of late. evaluators. “ I’ve never really
aware of their flaws. Given the uncertainty their postseason stock over “This class has been more seen that stand on the table.
pointing out time and brought on by the COVID-19 the final two weeks with home of a comprehensive effort Most of the coaches I know
again the only thing pandemic, there is no win games against Auburn and with everybody involved,” would break the damn table
perfect about them was threshold required to be eligi- Missouri still left on the led- he said in comparison to the if they stood on the table. ...
their record. ble for a bowl game this season. ger. 2020 class. “And it does kind Next time we get into that,
So much for that. Under normal circumstances, “I think we’ve been gener- of vary as far as researching I’m going to make the guy
Pittsburgh’s bid for schools need to win six games ally positive the whole time,” and calling recruits. it’s not as stand on the table. I’m going
an unbeaten season is to qualify for a bowl. Through Leach said in reference to productive a time, as I’d like to to make sure it’s an old table
over. Washington’s — eight games in 2020’s 10-game MSU’s recent run of near miss- see, but it is the type of thing and he has to stand on it.”
yes, Washington’s — conference-only schedule, es against No. 12 Georgia and where all of a sudden, OK, As of Monday, MSU’s class
quest for an unlikely di- MSU has a 2-6 overall record. Ole Miss. “I think that, yes, we everybody’s off this week, al- ranks No. 35 nationally and
vision title may just be At present, the SEC had have had reduced numbers, right, call all your recruits. So No. 10 in the SEC according
starting. tie-ins with seven bowl games but I don’t think that’s really it hasn’t been a lack of time; to the 247Sports Composite
Alex Smith threw for not including the College Foot- diminished our desire to play. it’s been a lack of contact and Rankings after reaching as
296 yards and a touch- ball Playoff, the New Year’s It’s diminished some of our ad- hands-on, show somebody high as No. 22 ahead of the
down, Dustin Hopkins Six games and the Las Vegas vantage, perhaps, but not our around type of deal.” most recent wave of decom-
kicked a tiebreaking Bowl, which has been can- desire to play and improve our While the Bulldogs have mitments.
See STEELERS, 3B celed. Assuming that some skills.” seen an influx of departures, See MSU, 3B
2B TUESDAY, DECEMBER 8, 2020 The Dispatch •

Allen throws for 4 TDs, Bills beat 49ers 34-24 in Arizona

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS son with at least 300 yards passing and fell incomplete. San Francisco respond- It was their first win in an official
three touchdowns, which set a franchise ed with a 97-yard drive that ended at “Monday Night Football” game since
GLENDALE, Ariz. — Josh Allen record. Jim Kelly did it three times in the Buffalo 2 when Jeff Wilson Jr. was beating Miami 23-18 in 1999.
threw for 375 yards, tied a career high 1991 and Drew Bledsoe three times in stuffed for no gain on fourth down.
with four touchdown passes and the
Buffalo Bills stayed in sole possession of
2002. It was just the second game since
2000 that featured two turnovers on
Allen’s homecoming, sort of
The Bills had a much more pleasant Allen had a big game against the
first place in the AFC East with a 34-24 trip to the desert than three weeks ago, downs to start a game.
victory over the San Francisco 49ers on 49ers, which is the team he rooted for
when they lost a 32-30 heartbreaker to But San Francisco got the ball back while growing up in Firebaugh, Cali-
Monday night. the Arizona Cardinals. That was the one play later on a fumble by Allen and
Buffalo (9-3) moved a step closer to fornia. The town is about a 3-hour drive
game when DeAndre Hopkins made the 49ers took advantage. Nick Mullens from San Francisco, and Allen went to
winning its division for the first time a stunning catch over three Buffalo hit Brandon Aiyuk in the middle of the
since 1995 thanks to a nearly flawless games as a kid with his family. This was
defenders with 2 seconds left for the end zone for a 2-yard touchdown.
performance from Allen. The 24-year- the first time he had played against San
game-winning score. It was all Buffalo for the rest of the
old quarterback was stellar against the Francisco.
San Francisco has had several recent first half and much of the game. Allen
49ers, completing 32 of 40 passes with hit Beasley for a 5-yard touchdown and
injuries at its slot cornerback position
no interceptions.
and struggled to cover Beasley, who had later found tight end Knox for a 4-yard Injuries
He threw touchdown passes to Cole Bills: Beasley left in the first quarter
a career-high 130 yards receiving on score as the Bills pushed ahead 17-7 by
Beasley, Dawson Knox, Isaiah McKen- and was evaluated for a head injury but
nine catches. halftime.
zie and Gabriel Davis as the Bills built quickly returned. ... RB Devin Single-
State Farm Stadium — which is home Mullens finished 26-of-39 passing for
a 17-7 halftime lead and controlled the tary (knee) left in the first quarter but
to the division-rival Arizona Cardinals 316 yards, three touchdowns and two in-
majority of the second half. returned. ... Safety Jaquan Johnson was
— was dressed up to make the 49ers feel terceptions.
The Bills are one game ahead of the hurt on a punt return in the fourth quar-
Miami Dolphins with four games left for slightly more at home. There were San
Francisco banners hanging on the walls Prime-time success ter and limped off the field with help.
both teams.
along the sidelines and the videoboard The Bills got a rare prime-time win. 49ers: DT D.J. Jones (ankle) left in
San Francisco (5-7) lost in its first
showed Niners highlights and flashed They’re now 8-22 in prime-time games the first half and didn’t return.
game at its adopted home in Arizona.
The 49ers will be based in Glendale for messages like “Faithful to the Bay.” since 2000, and 2-8 on Monday night,
at least the next three weeks after Santa The teams traded goal-line stands in with their one victory coming against Up next
Clara County issued strict new coronavi- the first quarter. the Jets in November 2014, when the The Bills host the Pittsburgh Steelers
rus protocols that forced the team to find The Bills opened the game with a game was moved back a day and played on Sunday night.
a temporary new home. 74-yard drive that was stopped at the in Detroit after a major snowstorm The 49ers stay in Arizona and they’ll
It was Allen’s fourth game of the sea- Niners 1 after Allen’s fourth-down pass snarled much of Buffalo. host Washington on Sunday.

Former NFL player Urschel sells virtue of math to youngsters

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Math) called Bending sound as 1+1=2. NFL. There’s nothing nitely something I had about the museum and
the Arc. Urschel is a “John has a lure be- more special than to play to think about,” Urschel encouraging people of all
John Urschel has member of the board of cause he was a profes- a sport at a high level,” he said. backgrounds to engage
found that a master’s trustees at MoMath and sional football player, and said. “Three years was Urschel wrote a book in mathematics and con-
degree in mathematics, serves as the organiza- we really honor that in the perfect time. I have called “Mind and Matter: sider a career in math,”
his stature as an accom- tion’s ambassador by ex- this country,” said Cindy a pension, I’m vested, I A Life in Math and Foot- Lawrence said. “From
plished author and his tolling the virtues of the Lawrence, CEO and ex- really got the experience. ball” that was published the day I first met him,
pending doctorate from subject to children of all ecutive director of Mo- “I’m glad I decided to last year. He got it done I was impressed by his
the Massachusetts Insti- backgrounds, particular- Math. “People are very go into the NFL instead while studying at MIT friendliness, his intelli-
tute of Technology isn’t ly African-Americans. excited to meet someone of going straight to a and remains on course to gence, his enthusiasm.”
necessarily enough to “My job in some sense who played profession- Ph.D., which I was think- graduate this spring. Those qualities, along
sell young students on is to teach and encourage al football. So that’s the ing about. I’m glad I got “My job is going to be with his past, enabled Ur-
the benefit of crunching young people in math, hook. And then we com- out when I did because a professor at some math
schel to make a lasting
numbers. which is very close to plete that with someone I have a lot of things in department or comput-
What really makes impression on a group
my heart,” Urschel said. who is enthusiastic and math that I want to do. I er science department
him interesting to most of middle school kids
“Math for its own sake is eloquent and speaks won- want to prove myself as a where my primary re-
kids is that he’s a former a pretty reasonable pur- derfully about the bene- mathematician.” sponsibility will be to during one of his initial
NFL player who opted suit because no matter fits of math.” The potential for con- perform research, and I visits to the museum.
to immerse himself in what field you go into, Now 29, Urschel cussions and a study that hope be able to teach the “John talked about
math. you really need to able to starred at Penn State be- showed the prevalence values and importance playing professional foot-
“In the broader con- think reasonably to some fore being selected by the of chronic traumatic en- of broader sciences,” he ball, which many of them
text, it helps because it degree.” Ravens in the fifth round cephalopathy (CTE) in said. thought would be a great
makes me more believ- His vast education of the 2014 NFL draft. deceased players also Urschel will always career at first,” Lawrence
able. It shows I have an and independent study He played 40 games with were factors in his exit be welcomed at the New recalled. “And by the end
interest in doing other of mathematic equations Baltimore, starting 13, from the football. York City-based National of John’s 10-minute talk,
things,” Urschel said. enable Urschel to speak and enjoyed just about ev- “The cost of an NFL Museum of Mathemat- he had them convinced
“Often, a mathematician expertly about calcula- ery minute of it. season on your body, not ics. they all wanted to go to
is too abstract for young tion and intuitive think- And then, in July 2017, just your head, was defi- “He’s very passionate school to study math.”
people.” ing. Throw in the fact Urschel abruptly retired
Urschel recently drew that he played three sea- and turned his full atten-
700 participants world- sons as an offensive line- tion toward his studies at
wide for an event staged man with the Baltimore MIT.
by the National Museum Ravens, and you’ve got “I have amazing mem-
of Mathematics (Mo- a combination that’s as ories of playing in the

Breakdancing gets Olympic

status to debut at Paris in 2024
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS and beyond to the 2028 existing events being
Los Angeles Games, by dropped. Two extreme
GENEVA — Break- claiming it will hit a long- canoe slalom events will
dancing became an official term target of equal partic- replace canoe sprint
Olympic sport on Monday. ipation by men and women events, and the men’s
The International Olym- athletes, and more urban- 50-kilometer race walk
pic Committee’s pursuit ized events. will be replaced by a
of urban events to lure With Paris organizers mixed gender team
a younger audience saw needing time to prepare event.
street dance battles offi- their project, the IOC kept The IOC said “limit-
cially added to the medal to its pre-pandemic sched- ing the overall number of
events program at the 2024 ule to confirm the 2024 events is a key element in
Paris Games. sports lineup this month curbing the growth of the
Also confirmed for Par- even before some are test- Olympic program as well
is by the IOC executive ed in Tokyo. as additional costs.”
board were skateboarding, Breakdancing will be In other IOC business,
sport climbing, and surf- called breaking at the Bach confirmed the more
ing. Olympics, as it was in the than 11,000 competitors
Those three sports will 1970s by hip-hop pioneers at the Tokyo Olympics
make their Olympic debuts in the United States. should not stay in the offi-
at the Tokyo Games which It was proposed by Par- cial athlete village for the
were postponed because of is organizers almost two entire games, to help lim-
the coronavirus pandemic years ago after positive it the risk of COVID-19
by one year to open on July trials at the 2018 Youth infections.
23, 2021. Olympics in Buenos Aires. Teams will be advised
Alongside the additions, Breaking passed further of a policy that athletes
the IOC made subtrac- stages of approval in 2019 should arrive at their ac-
tions: The slate of 329 med- from separate decisions commodation no more
al events in Paris is 10 few- by the IOC board and full than five days before the
er than in Tokyo, including membership. start of their competition
four lost from weightlift- In Paris, breaking has and have left two days af-
ing, and the athlete quota been given a prestige ter it ends.
in 2024 of 10,500 is around downtown venue, joining Boxing is on the To-
600 less than next year. sport climbing and 3-on- kyo program despite its
Two sports with trou- 3 basketball at Place de le governing body, known
bled governing bodies — Concorde. as AIBA, being derecog-
boxing and weightlifting Surfing will be held nized by the IOC last
— saw the biggest cuts more than 15,000 kilome- year.
to the number of athletes ters (9,000 miles) away A seven-candidate
they can have in Paris. in the Pacific Ocean off presidential election is
Weightlifting should the beaches of Tahiti, as being held this weekend
have 120 athletes in Paris, the IOC already agreed in and Bach said AIBA was
which is less than half of March. “well aware” of the Olym-
its total at the 2016 Rio de Among the 28 estab- pic body’s concerns about
Janeiro Games. The sport lished Summer Games some of the contenders,
could be dropped entirely sports, a total of 41 addi- which he did not identify.
due to its historic doping tional events were pro- The IOC was skeptical
problems and IOC con- posed to Monday’s meet- last year about an offer to
cerns over the pace and ing. clear AIBA’s $16 million
depth of reform at the In- All increases were re- debts, if the sport’s Olym-
ternational Weightlifting jected, including ocean pic status was retained,
Federation. rowing and parkour, and by Russian boxing offi-
The IOC stressed its changes were allowed cial Umar Kremlev who
future priorities for Paris, only at the expense of is now a candidate.
The Dispatch • TUESDAY, DECEMBER 8, 2020 3B

Stanford replaces South Carolina atop women’s AP Top 25

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Louisville moved up three The Cardinal had to shift their
spots to No. 2 — matching the Pac-12 opener over the weekend
NEW YORK — Coach Tara highest ranking in school histo- to Las Vegas due to Santa Clara
VanDerveer and Stanford are ry — and received two first-place County’s ban on sporting events
the new No. 1 in The Associated votes. UConn, which has yet to and practices for three weeks.
Press women’s basketball poll. play a game because the Huskies They were supposed to play
The Cardinal ascended to the were on pause due to coronavirus Washington State on Tuesday in
top spot Monday after previous concerns, stayed at No. 3, also re- Las Vegas, but the Cougars don’t
No. 1 South Carolina lost at home ceiving two first-place votes. have enough scholarship players
to then-No. 8 North Carolina The Wolfpack, who got the oth- available due to coronavirus pro-
State. Stanford received 24 of the er two first-place ballots, jumped tocols.
30 first-place votes from a nation- four places to No. 4 after the 54- The next game listed on the
al media panel. 46 victory over the Gamecocks. Cardinal’s schedule is Friday
The Cardinal moved up to No. South Carolina fell to fifth. against UC Davis at home, then a
1 at nearly the same time last Arizona, Baylor, Oregon, Ken- game at Cal on Sunday.
year and held on to that spot for
three weeks, the team’s first ap-
tucky and Texas A&M round out
the top 10. No. 6 is the highest
“The pandemic, the situation
we’re in, it really makes you ap- Sudoku YESTERDAY’S ANSWER

pearance there in seven years. ranking in Arizona’s history. preciate each game,” VanDerveer
VanDerveer downplayed the VanDerveer is poised to make said. “Each game is so precious,
Sudoku is a number- Yesterday’s answer
placing puzzle based on
significance of her team moving history of her own: With her next and we’re so excited to be play- Sudoku
a 9x9 gridis witha several
num- 4 6 5 3 9 2 1 7 8
to No. 1 in Week 3 of the season. victory, she will tie Pat Summitt’s ing. We’re here in Vegas, we don’t ber-placing
given numbers.puzzleThe object 1 7 9 8 4 5 3 6 2

2020 Conceptis Puzzles, Dist. by King Features Syndicate, Inc.

“Rankings are important in all-time record of 1,098 wins. know what our schedule is. We’re based onthe
is to place a 9x9
numbers 2 3 8 7 6 1 9 5 4
March,” she said. “Let’s hope Where and when that might hap- working the phones, trying to get grid
1 to 9with
in theseveral
empty spaces 8 9 3 5 2 7 6 4 1
we’re playing in March.” pen, however, is still up in the air. games.” given
so that numbers.
each row, eachThe 5 2 6 1 3 4 8 9 7
column and each 3x3 the
is to place box
numbers 7 4 1 6 8 9 2 3 5
contains the1same to 9 number
6 5 4 9 1 8 7 2 3
the empty spaces so

only once. The difficulty 9 8 7 2 5 3 4 1 6
that each row, each
level increases from
column and each 3 1 2 4 7 6 5 8 9
3x3 boxtocontains
Sunday. Difficulty Level 12/07

Continued from Page 1B

the same number only once. The difficulty level
45 -yard field goal with Pittsburgh since 1991. Heinz Field three times. kinds of distractions, increases from Monday to Sunday.
2:04 remaining, and Washington won the Pittsburgh coach changes of this, that and
Washington rallied for Super Bowl that sea- Mike Tomlin insisted the other. At the end of
a 23-17 victory on Mon- son. The club’s expec- his club would not use the day, we’ve got to go
day in one of the biggest tations this year are the disruption as an ex- play good football.”
surprises of the NFL far more modest. Yet a cuse. But the weight of For the first time in
season. day after the New York what the Steelers have a long time, the Steel-
“We’ve been down Giants won at Seattle, been dealing with, com- ers didn’t. At least not
for such a long time and Washington (5 -7) kept bined with second-half enough of it.
we’re trying to rebuild pace while giving the injuries to inside line- Still, even after Smith
ourselves and build up,” lowly NFC East its sec- backer Robert Spillane hit Logan Thomas for
first-year coach Ron Ri- ond marquee victory in and cornerback Joe Ha- a 15 -yard touchdown
vera said. “This is some- 25ish hours. den, made for a tough pass to tie the game
thing we can build off “We’re on a roll,” said day. at 17, the Steelers had
of.” defensive end Montez Roethlisberger a chance. They drove
The Steelers (11- Sweat, who knocked passed for 305 yards into field goal range but
1) missed a chance to down three Roethlis- and two touchdowns,
rather than have fill-in
clinch a playoff berth berger passes. “This but was picked off by
Matthew Wright — pro-
and dropped into a tie is the kind of football Jon Bostic — a former
moted from the practice
with defending Super we’ve been wanting to Steeler — with 1:59 re-
squad due to an injury
Bowl champion Kansas play since Game 1.” maining. Hopkins add-
City for the best record ed another 45 -yard field to Chris Boswell — at-
in the AFC with four It’s the kind of foot- goal and Pittsburgh’s tempt a 45 -yard field
weeks remaining. They ball the Steelers had last-gasp drive ended goal into the open end at
squandered a 14-point played since Game 1. with the ball near mid- Heinz, the Steelers went
lead. The best start in the field and Washington’s for it. Roethlisberger’s
“It stinks,” Pitts- franchise’s 87-year his- players sprinting off in heave to rookie running
burgh quarterback Ben tory came to an abrupt celebration while the back Anthony McFar-
Roethlisberger said. halt on a rare Monday Steelers trudged to the land Jr. fell incomplete
“Been a while since we late afternoon game. locker room. and Smith calmly drove
lost a game. It’s not a The NFL pushed the “We’re getting to that Washington 45 yards in
good feeling.” contest back a day as point of the season when nine plays to set up the
The Steelers were part of the fallout from you’ve got to be sharp winning score.
10 -point favorites while a COVID-19 outbreak in all areas, your whole “I didn’t feel good
facing a team that hadn’t in Baltimore that forced team, both sides of the about putting that
won three straight since the league to postpone ball,” Roethlisberger (kick) on him,” Tomlin
2018 and hadn’t won in the Ravens’ visit to said. “There can be all said of Wright.

Continued from Page 1B
won six in a row along er said he talks football Bob Caslen said Beam- than later. He refer-
with national titles in with his father all the er stood out as he, Tan- enced his father, Frank, ACROSS
2016 and 2018. time and will continue ner and senior athletic going 2-8-1 in his sixth 1 Gorillas and
“They’re on a good to do so during his time. administrator Chance season at Virginia Tech, gibbons
run,” Beamer said of He’s proud to carry Miller conducted candi- something that could 5 Degrade
the rival. “When I was the family’s “Beamer date interviews. never happen these 10 Casual eatery
here before, we were on Ball” imprint. “To me “He has the character days. 12 Road work
a pretty dang good run that means, attacking, that will bring this pro- “I didn’t present an markers
ourselves.” scoring on offense, de- gram to a championship eight-year plan, five- 13 Very quickly
South Carolina ath- fense and special teams level,” Caslen said. year plan” to Tanner, 15 Wilder’s “—
letic director Ray Tan- and I hope to bring that” Beamer understands Beamer said. “You can’t Town”
ner asked Beamer if his to South Carolina, he he likely won’t get any think long term. Every 16 Golf peg
father would come with said. cushion if things don’t day, you have to move it 17 Cool — cu-
the deal. Shane Beam- University President change sooner rather forward.” cumber
18 Athens rival

MSU 20 Waiter’s aid

21 Some agents
22 Turns left
Continued from Page 1B
23 “Tomorrow” 43 Whirlpool 19 Rancher’s
Shrine Bowl is nor- back in Starkville next downs. Following the musical DOWN rope
KJ Costello’s future mally reserved for col- year, Leach said, “I L SU game, the former 25 Group of 1 Spanish 20 Letter before
at Mississippi State lege seniors who are think that’s still in the Cardinal performed to actors farewell iota
remains murky preparing for the NFL works. Not sure yet.” mixed results and was 28 Paid for a 2 Locker art 24 Deep-seated
Monday, the East- draft. Given the usual In his first game at twice pulled in favor of hand 3 Snare 25 Beach robe
West Shrine Bowl an- criterion, Costello’s se- MSU after a four year ca- freshman backup Will 31 China setting 4 Put in stitches 26 Crumbly
nounced MSU quarter- 32 Rascals 5 Dull pain Italian cheese
lection would presume reer at Stanford, Costel- Rogers.
back K J Costello had 34 Shark feature 6 Big snake 27 Fabled sailor
received an honorary in- that he will not be us- lo broke a three-decade Costello has not ap-
ing his extra year of el- old SEC passing record peared in a game since 35 Brewed 7 Turkey’s 29 Conjured up
vite to the event, though beverage
igibility afforded by the as he torched defend- leaving an Oct. 31 con- capital 30 Protect
the game will not be 36 One — kind
NCA A this year. Asked ing national champion test against No. 1 Al- 8 Playground 33 Impudent
held due to the ongoing 37 Betting limit
COVID-19 pandemic. if he had any indication L SU for 623 passing abama with an undis- sight 35 Addition
40 Once more 9 Emerson column
The East-West Costello would not be yards and five touch- closed injury.
41 Makes works 38 Tell tales

smooth 11 Corrupt 39 Broad st.
42 Network 14 Eel look-
points alikes
Continued from Page 1B
in the BIGG Classic in 18 at Starkville Chris- New Hope girls soc- PKs for New Hope.
Biggersville. tian. cer team beat Pontotoc Parnell had the Tro-
1- 0 in Monday’s road jans’ goal in regulation
Other scores Prep Boys match. as the match headed to
Prep Girls Basketball Reagan Presley had penalties in a 1-1 tie.
Columbus Christian the lone goal for the
Academy 75, Amory Trojans.
Columbus Christian Starkville Academy 5,
Christian Academy 72 New Hope’s next
Academy 76, Amory Byhalia 0
S TEENS — The Co- match is Saturday at
Christian Academy 9 BY H A LI A — Brody
lumbus Christian boys Grenada.
S TEENS — The Co- edged A mory Christian Pierce had a hat trick as
lumbus Christian Acad- Academy 75 -72 on Mon- Prep Boys Soccer the Starkville Academy
emy girls routed A mo- day in Steens. New Hope 1, Pontotoc boys team beat Byhalia
ry Christian Academy Joe Michael Edwards 1 (New Hope wins on 5 - 0 in Monday’s road
76 -9 in Monday’s home had 22 points, Tyler penalty kicks) match.
game. Looney had 14 and Ja- PONTOTOC — The
Morgan Whitten A ndrew Pollan and
cob Minga had 13 for New Hope boys team
scored 22 points for the Isaac Lepard each add-
the Rams. beat Pontotoc on penal-
Rams. CC DeVos had ty kicks on Monday in ed goals for the Volun-
17, and Faith Yeates had Prep Girls Soccer Pontotoc. teers.
nine. New Hope 1, Pontotoc Trey Parnell, Chris- Starkville Acade-
Columbus Chris- 0 tian Juarez and Caden my hosts East Rankin
tian’s next game is Dec. PONTOTOC — The Perrigin all made their Academy on Tuesday.
4B TUESDAY, DECEMBER 8, 2020 The Dispatch •

Jets fire Gregg Williams after call on defense costs 1st win
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Williams was fired after Williams and assistant “Obviously, he wasn’t timeout, but I didn’t.” New Orleans, where he
he inexplicably called for head coach/inside line- happy,” Gase said. “But, The 62-year-old Wil- was suspended a year by
NEW YORK — Adam an all-out blitz against Las backers coach Frank Bush that’s our profession.” liams had been the Jets’ the league in 2012 for his
Gase thought through the Vegas on Sunday with the would serve as the interim Team captain Marcus defensive coordinator the role in the Saints’ bounty
final agonizing moments Jets seconds away from defensive coordinator. Maye took an uncharac- past two seasons under scandal.
of the New York Jets’ stun- their first victory. Derek “I obviously wasn’t teristic swipe at Williams Gase. The two had a mi- The no-nonsense Wil-
ning loss and tried to not Carr heaved a perfectly happy about that call,” a after the game, saying nor clash earlier this sea- liams has made a career
make a rash decision. placed 46-yard touchdown somber-sounding Gase that the defense should son when Williams said of being an aggressive
The coach got a little pass to Henry Ruggs III — said. “That was a heart- have been in a better call the Jets’ scoring average play caller on defense,
bit of sleep before he head- who was in man-to-man, or breaking way for our guys in that situation. Gase in- on defense wasn’t just all but the Jets have strug-
ed to the team’s facility Cover Zero, coverage with to lose a game. For that to sisted Maye’s comments on his unit — implying
gled this year while
Monday morning — with rookie cornerback Lamar happen in that situation, didn’t play a role in his de- Gase’s struggling offense
ranking 29th in total de-
the same conclusion he Jackson — with 5 seconds it’s just ... we can’t have cision. was also to blame.
had Sunday night: defen- fense and 30th in scoring
left to lift the Raiders to a that happen.” Gase was surprised to Defensive tackle Quin-
sive coordinator Gregg defense. Williams had
31-28 win. Gase said he spoke with hear the play call by Wil- nen Williams seemed to
Williams had to go. The decision was high- CEO Christopher John- liams, and acknowledged take exception to the de- to deal with star safety
“I just felt like that was ly criticized by fans, media son, general manager Joe he has authority to over- fensive coordinator’s fir- Jamal Adams being trad-
the best thing for our team and even his own players. Douglas and team presi- rule the defensive coordi- ing, using five facepalm ed to Seattle during the
moving forward,” Gase It left the Jets players, who dent Hymie Elhai about nator — but did not. emojis in a quote tweet of summer, linebacker C.J.
said during a conference only moments earlier were what he thought should be “I wish I would’ve,” ESPN’s tweet announcing Mosley opting out be-
call. “Organizationally, celebrating what appeared done — and they agreed it Gase said. “Sometimes the move. cause of COVID-19 con-
we had a discussion this to be a win, in shock on was right to move on. Gase during a game, you’re Williams has had sev- cerns, and linebacker Av-
morning and we felt like the sideline. then told Williams about talking through a bunch of eral stops through the ery Williamson dealt to
this was the best move to The team announced the decision during a near- situations and that comes NFL during a 30-year Pittsburgh in the middle
make.” it had “parted ways” with ly hour-long discussion. up. I wish I would’ve called career, including with of the season.

Comics & Puzzles

Dear Abby
Because ones, however, No! In a sense, you were taken
my husband the only way to be for a ride, and I’m not talking
and I work, I take absolutely certain about four-wheelers. Your next
our 6-month-old your little one is soul mate should be someone
to a sitter several safe would be to who is completely honest and,
times a week. I change babysit- preferably, fully employed. Drew
understand little ters. is neither.
ones tend to be
made a friend on remarried for four years to a
mean some- Facebook. “Drew” wonderful man who treats me
times — hitting, and I texted like a queen. However, he and
biting and pushing through Messen- my 18-year-old daughter dislike
ZITS — but in this ger, and I went to each other, which causes a
case, it’s a little ride four-wheelers huge amount of stress and con-
different. with him one flict. They fight, and I’m stuck
My sitter cares day. We hit it off in the middle. I don’t know
for her 3-year-old Dear Abby great. We started what I can do to resolve this
granddaughter as dating, and he problem. I love them both with
well as her clients’ moved in with me all my heart! — DESPERATE
children, and her granddaugh- for a few months. FOR PEACE
ter pushes the littler ones. I In the beginning, Drew DEAR DESPERATE: I wish
have seen her push a 1-year-old didn’t mention he was working you had mentioned why your
down. I have never observed only part time. After he told husband dislikes your daughter
any of the other children do it, me he had been moved to part and vice versa. Is he overbear-
only the granddaughter. time, I told him he needed to ing and trying to parent her?
I wouldn’t be so worried if tell his boss he needed full That is YOUR job, not his.
my daughter were 2 and could time or a different job. I wrote Your daughter is no longer
GARFIELD defend herself, but she’s only a comment to that effect on 14. At 18, she is now con-
6 months old. She is crawling, their page, and his boss texted sidered to be an adult, and
sitting up and standing already, me back saying Drew can work because the “combatants” are
and I’m gravely worried the as much as he wants! He also both adults, they should act
girl will harm my infant. I don’t said Drew hasn’t worked full like it, be civil and refrain from
want my baby ending up with time since he started working turning their disagreements
a head injury. What can I do to there. into open warfare. Your mistake
try to resolve this? — DEEPLY Well, Drew got mad at has been allowing yourself
CONCERNED IN THE SOUTH me and left. I still love him. I to be placed in the middle. A
DEAR DEEPLY CONCERNED: thought he was my soul mate. better solution would be to
Talk to the sitter about your Should I keep wishing we could get family counseling if your
concerns. Ask if it is possible get back together? — FEELING daughter plans to continue to
to keep the older girl separate LIFELESS live with you.

TODAY’S BIRTHDAY (Dec. times. next. The equivalent of a bouncy
8). A different kind of life is TAURUS (April 20-May 20). ball will be hiding inside one of
shaping up for you in 2021 and You don’t expect people to read your tasks of the day.
an agreement will change to your mind, but it would be nice if LEO (July 23-Aug. 22).
better fit new circumstances. It they would at least tune into the Being first on the scene will
will be so exciting to be asked tone you’re using or retain a few give you multiple advantages.
to do the very thing you enjoy words of what you say. Oblivious For starters, the silence before
most. Your talent sings and people may just need to be the action will be magical. Then
grows. Family needs something awakened. it’s like the opening credits roll
new from you, and you’ll love GEMINI (May 21-June 21). of a movie, rich in foreshadow-
what you have to learn in order Your identity is not a cultural ing with plenty of clues about
to provide it. Aquarius and narrative. You may enact as- what’s to come.
Taurus adore you. Your lucky pects of a type; try them on as VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22).
BABY BLUES numbers are: 3, 38, 17, 1 and one would a costume. They’re The things that go right don’t
49. not your real clothes. No single have nearly the scientific value
ARIES (March 21-April 19). person entirely fits a stereotype, as the ones that go wrong.
Good news! Elaborate problems though many fill out aspects That’s where the excitement,
will not need elaborate solu- of it. fun and learning come from.
tions. Simple solutions applied CANCER (June 22-July 22). There’s nothing that cannot be
repeatedly to multiple layers Who doesn’t love a bouncy ball? embraced in this whole day.
will do. Amazing progress will You smack it on the ground, LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23).
be made with one effective and then you’re never quite sure You can own the day and still
measure repeated hundreds of what kind of chase will come move through negative emo-
tions. Negativity isn’t a bane
to overcome; rather, it’s part of
life to process and use. Shade
gives the picture dimension.
SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21).
BEETLE BAILEY It will be impossible to dedicate
yourself to solving a problem
without accidentally solving
something for yourself in the
process. Everything you give will
also be a gift to you.
Dec. 21). Loving people can
still harbor secret blame for
one another for less-than-ideal
outcomes. Though it’s true
that some of the problems are
no fault of your own; it doesn’t
change what needs to be done
about it now.
19). If you knew that your whole
purpose in an endeavor was to
lay a launching pad for the next
person’s rocket, would you still
put in the work? Of course, you
would, just as your predecessor
did for you.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb.
18). You see what’s around you
and glimpses of something a
little farther — enough to tease
you into journeying on. Pack
fortifications. The distance is
more distant than it looks.
20). If it feels like you’re stuck
in a spot, then it’s only because
you are. The good thing is that
you noticed. Also, there are
about ten easy ways to get out
of this and hundreds of more
hard ways. You’re one phone
call away from freedom.

Sit-down strike
The Dispatch • TUESDAY, DECEMBER 8, 2020 5B
VOIE, DECEASED Deed of Trust, and the legal

holder of said indebtedness,
JOLINE MANSEAU PETITIONER Lawrence P. Walker, having re-

NO: 20-0228F Ads appear in The Commercial Dispatch,

quested the undersigned Sub-
stituted Trustee to execute the
trust and sell said land and

Letters Testamentary having

terms of said Deed of Trust
and for the purpose and satis-
The Starkville Dispatch and Online
property in accordance with the

been issued on the 2nd day of fying the sums due thereunder,
September, 2020, by the Chan- together with attorney's fees,
cery Court of Lowndes County, Substitute Trustee's fees and
To place ads starting at only $12,
Mississippi, to the under-
signed upon the Estate of
expense of sale. call 662-328-2424 or visit
Jerome William Lavoie, De- NOW, THEREFORE, I, Christoph-
ceased, notice is hereby given er D. Hemphill, Substituted
to all persons having claims Trustee of said Deed of Trust THE DISPATCH n CDISPATCH.COM n TUESDAY, DECEMBER 8, 2020 n 6B
against said Estate to present will on the 23rd day of Decem-
the same to the Clerk of said ber 2020 offer for sale at pub-
Court for probate and registra- lic outcry for cash to the
tion according to law within highest bidder, and sell within
Legal Notices Legal Notices
ninety (90) days from the first Legal Notices
legal hours (being between the Apts For Rent: Other Sporting Goods

LEGALS Garage Sales

publication of this notice; oth- hours of 11:00 a.m. and 4:00
TRUSTEE'S NOTICE OF SALE erwise, said claim will be p.m.) at the south east front ED SANDERS GUNSMITH
forever barred. door of the Lowndes County Open for season!
WHEREAS, on September 27, Courthouse at 505 2nd Aven-
Tue−Fri: 9−5 & Sat: 9−12
Call us: 662-328-2424 2019, Jeremy Iria Brownlee, a
single man, executed a Deed
WITNESS MY SIGNATURE, this ue North, Columbus, County of
the 24th day of November, Lowndes, State of Mississippi,
Two free signs Over 50 years experience!
of Trust to Christopher D. 2020. the following described prop- Repairs, cleaning, refin−
Legal Notices Hemphill, Trustee, for the bene- erty situated in Lowndes Estate Sales ishing, scopes mounted &
fit of Joseph Carl Froshour, /S/ JOLINE MANSEAU County, Mississippi, together zeroed, handmade knives.
The following vehicles have which Deed of Trust is recor- JOLINE MANSEAU, ADMINIS- with all improvements and ap- Located: Hwy 45 Alt, North
been abandoned at ded on September 30, 2019, TRATOR OF THE ESTATE OF purtenances now erected on, New Hope Estate Sale of West Point, turn right on
in Mort. Book 2019 at pages JEROME WILLIAM LAVOIE, DE- and all fixtures of any kind, or 174 Virgie Drive Yokahama Blvd, 8mi & turn
Auto Mart LLC 20552-20557 in the office of CEASED description now attached to left on Darracott Rd, will
said land:
Columbus, MS 39702
1009 Gardner Blvd the Chancery Clerk of Lowndes
County; and CODY W. GIBSON, MSB Fri. Dec. 11, 9am−4pm see sign, 2.5mi ahead
Columbus, MS 39702 Sat. Dec. 12, 9−4 shop on left.
or #103967 5.14 acres, more or less, lying
Jim’s Towing and Recovery LLC WHEREAS, default having been SCOTT MULLENNIX in the Southwest Quarter of the Sun. Dec. 13, 1pm−4 662−494−6218.
1020 ½ Gardner Blvd made in the terms and condi- MSB#104859 Northwest Quarter of Section Mon. Dec. 14, 9am−1
Columbus, MS 39702 tions of said Deed of Trust and 405 TOMBIGBEE STREET 6, Township 19 South, Range Selling contents of
the entire debt secured JACKSON, MISSISSIPPI 39201 17 West, Lowndes County, Mis-

house, bedroom suites,
2008 Chev Impala thereby, having been declared TELEPHONE: 601-948-9840; sissippi, described as follows: dining room suite,
VIN #2G1WC583389157593 to be due and payable in ac- FACSIMILE: 601-487-5341 curios, TV’s,
cordance with the terms of said EMAIL: Commencing at the Northwest
Deed of Trust, and the legal corner of the Southwest bookcases, Cub Cadet
2010 Chev Malibu
VIN #1G1ZC5EB4AF142882 holder of said indebtedness, Quarter of the Northwest riding mower, Ads starting at $12
Joseph Carl Froshour, having PUBLISH: 12/1, 12/8 & Quarter of Section 6; run 12’ x 20’ storage
If not claimed they will be sold requested the undersigned 12/15/2020 thence South for 16 feet; run building, shop full of
thence East for 22 feet to an Good Things To Eat
on December 16th, 2020, at Trustee to execute the trust tools, fishing
10 AM at 1020 ½ Gardner and sell said land and property STATE OF MISSISSIPPI existing fence corner, as the collectibles, windmill,
Blvd., Columbus, MS by Auto
Mart LLC or Jim’s Towing and
in accordance with the terms of
said Deed of Trust and for the TATE REEVES GOVERNOR
South 87 degrees 00 minutes COLEMAN outdoor décor,
Christmas décor,
Recovery LLC. They will be sold purpose and satisfying the East along a fence and the RENTALS power tools, hand tools,
for monies owed for the tow sums due thereunder, togeth- MISSISSIPPI DEPARTMENT OF South right-of-way of a public TOWNHOUSES & APARTMENTS
er with attorney's fees, road known as Oswalt Road for ladies clothes, linens,
bill, storage fees, and all other ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY kitchen items,
expenses incurred to process trustee's fees and expense of
415 feet; thence South 00 de-
grees 09 minutes East for 540
1 BEDROOM swings, washer & dryer.
the claims. Chris Wells, Interim Executive
Director feet; thence North 87 degrees 2 BEDROOMS Hundreds of items.
Witnessed this the 3rd day of NOW, THEREFORE, I, Christoph- 00 minutes West parallel with Just off of Old Yorkville
December, 2020. er D. Hemphill, Trustee of said
December 1, 2020
the South right-of-way of afore- 3 BEDROOMS Road. Photos @
Deed of Trust will on the 23rd NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING mentioned Oswalt Road for

© The Dispatch
Auto Mart LLC day of December 2020 offer for 415 feet to the East right-of- Stewart’s Antiques &
Jim’s Towing and Recovery LLC sale at public outcry for cash to Notice is hereby given that the way of a public road known as DEPOSIT Estate Sales
the highest bidder, and sell Mississippi Environmental Crowe Road; thence North 00
Benny Shelton
Publish: 12/08 and within legal hours (being Quality Permit Board will hold a degrees 09 minutes West
along the East right-of-way of
AND Columbus, MS
12/15/2020 between the hours of 11:00
a.m. and 4:00 p.m.) at the
public meeting on Tuesday, at
9:00 a.m. on January 12, 2021 said Crowe Road and along a CREDIT CHECK 662−251−1515
south east front door of the in the Mississippi Department fence for 540 feet to the POINT

Lowndes County Courthouse at
505 2nd Avenue North, Colum-
of Environmental Quality, 515
Amite Street, Jackson, Missis-

I WILL CONVEY only such title

bus, County of Lowndes, State sippi 39201.
2015 KIA SOUL of Mississippi, the following de-
scribed property situated in
as is vested in me as Substi-
tuted Trustee.
2411 HWY 45 N
VIN# KNDJN2A26F7114134 Consideration will be given to
Lowndes County, Mississippi, the following surface mining
Witness my signature this the
2014 JEEP GRAND CHEROKEE together with all improvements
VIN# 1C4RJEBGXEC453785 and appurtenances now erec-
bond release application (s) :
24th day of November 2020. Ads starting at $12
ted on, and all fixtures of any Valley Gravel Company, Al 099, Houses For Rent: North
IF NOT CLAIMED, THESE kind, or description now at- Permit No. P97-039t Lowndes /s/ Christopher D. Hemphill Firewood / Fuel
VEHICLES WILL BE PUT UP FOR tached to said land: County, Mississippi Christopher D. Hemphill, Sub-
stituted Trustee (MSB #9367) COLONIAL TOWNHOUSES.
DAY OF DECEMBER 2020 AT Commencing at the Southeast The applicant seeks the re- Dunn & Hemphill, P.A.
10:00 A.M. AT ALLEN'S AUTO corner of the Southwest 214 5th Street South bath townhouses. $650 to Various lengths.
SERVICE & TOWING, 1423 Quarter of the Southwest
GARDNER BLVD., COLUMBUS, Quarter of Section 3, Township
lease of 90% of the perform-
ance bond posted to cover the Columbus, MS 39701
$750. 662−549−9555.
Ask for Glenn or text.
662−295−2274. Five Questions:
reclamation of 7 acres of sur-
MS. 20 South, Range 17 West, face mined land located in Sec- m Furniture
Lowndes County, Mississippi; tion 29, Township 18N, Range Telephone: (662) 327-4211 Mobile Homes for Rent
PUBLISH: 11/24, 12/1 &
thence North a distance of 533
feet; thence West a distance of
18E, Lowndes County, Missis-
sippi .
Facsimile: (662) 328-3468
West Point: Good cond,
GE Washer ($500) & GE
1 Seattle
100 feet to a point on the Posted: 11/30/20 3BR/2BA MH in New Hope.
West Side of a paved county $650 dep + $650/mo. No Dryer ($125), microwave
All comments must be re-
ceived by the Office of Geology Publish: 12/1/20, 12/8/20,
road known as Spurlock Road, ($25). Call anytime, 662−
2 30 feet
pets, quiet area. Leave full
IN THE CHANCERY COURT OF said point being 20 feet from no later than January 1, 2021, 12/15/20, 12/22/20 name & message, 275−7679.
LOWNDES COUNTY, MISSIS- centerline; thence Northeast- in order to forward a copy of 205−712−6697.
SIPPI erly along the said West side of the comments to the operator
Spurlock Road a distance of and to incorporate the com-
IN THE MATTER OF THE ES- 388 feet; thence North 23 de-
It’s a classified 3 Macaroni and
ments into the hearing records RENT A CAMPER!
TATE OF ELIZABETH B. PROF- grees 27 minutes East along as required by law.
FITT, DECEASED the said West a distance of 75 CHEAPER THAN A MOTEL!
feet; thence North 22 degrees
JOHN CAMPBELL PROFFITT, EX- 05 minutes East along the said
For further information, write Utilities & cable included, rule-of-thumb:
the Mississippi Department of Ads starting at $25 from $145/wk − $535/mo
ECUTOR West side a distance of 200
feet to an iron pipe; thence
Environmental Quality, Office of
Geology, P. O. Box 2279, Jack-
Columbus & County School
locations. 662−242−7653 We tell readers
NO. 2020-0227-RPF North 24 degrees 19 minutes son, Mississippi 39225, or call Apts For Rent: West or 601−940−1397. 4 Tappan Zee
East along the West side a dis-
tance of 210.69 feet; thence
(601) 961-5527. what they need
North 25 degrees 30 minutes
to know to buy

Real Estate
Letters Testamentary have East along the said West side
5 Anderson
James Matheny

been granted and issued to a distance of 94.76 feet to an Division Director
John Campbell Proffitt, Execut- iron pipe and being the point of
or of the Estate of Elizabeth B. beginning of the herein de-
Proffitt, deceased, by the Chan- scribed tract of land; thence
Mining and Reclamation Divi-
sion what they need. Cooper
cery Court of Lowndes County, continue North 25 degrees 30 Apartments & Houses Ads starting at $25
PUBLISH: 12/8/2020
Mississippi, on the 19th day of minutes East along the said
November 2020. This is to give west side a distance of 102.79 1 Bedrooms Lots & Acreage
2 Bedroooms
notice to all persons having feet, to an iron pipe; thence SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE'S NO-
claims against said estate to North 60 degrees 20 minutes TICE OF SALE
1.75 ACRE LOTS Good/
Probate and Register same
with the Chancery Clerk of
West a distance of 423.48 feet
to an iron pipe; thence South WHEREAS, on November 5, 3 Bedrooms Bad Credit Options. Good
Lowndes County, Mississippi, 27 degrees 05 minutes West a 2015, Troy Anderson, ex- credit as low as 20% down,
within ninety (90) days from the distance of 102.62 feet to an ecuted a Deed of Trust to J. Furnished & Unfurnished $499/mo. Eaton Land,
date of first publication of this iron pipe; thence South 60 de- Douglas Dalrymple, Trustee, for 662−361−7711.
Notice. A failure to so Probate grees 20 minutes East a dis- the benefit of Lawrence P. 1, 2, & 3 Baths
Walker, which Deed of Trust is
Lease, Deposit
and Register said claim will tance of 426.32 feet to the

Place an ad safely
forever bar the same. point of beginning and contain- recorded on November 9,
Approx. 7 acres located
THIS the 19th day of Novem-
ing 1.0 acres, more or less,
and being located and situ-
2015, in Mort. Book 2015 at
pages 24522-24526, in the of-
& Credit Check between Dale Road and
ber 2020. ated in the Southwest Quarter fice of the Chancery Clerk of Buck Egger Road. Access

327-8555 from home with

of Section 3, Township 20 Lowndes County, Mississippi; off either road. $30,000.
John Campbell Proffitt, Execut- South, Range 17 West, and 662−549−0696
or Lowndes County, Mississippi.
WHEREAS, Charles E. Yow, II,

the Classifieds.
OF COUNSEL: Including the following manu- Esq., was duly substituted as LAMAR CO., AL−80 ACRES
John W. Crowell, MSB 7906 factured home: 1999 Legend Trustee in said Deed of Trust in Apts For Rent: Other
hunting land, north of
Crowell Gillis & Cooper, PLLC 16x82 Mobile Home, Serial No. the place and stead of the
Post Office Box 1827 HL11075AL. Trustee, J. Douglas Dalrymple, The Military Square Millport. $585 per acre.
Columbus, MS 39703 by instrument dated May 15, Apartments are now Call for more info,
PHONE: (662) 243-7443 1999 Legend 16x82 Mobile 2019, and recorded on June 3, accepting applicants! 205−695−2248 or
FAX: (662) 328-6890 Home, Serial No. HL11075AL. 2019, in Mort. Book 2019 at We have 1, 2, and 3 205−799−9846. pages 10488-10489, in the of-
I WILL CONVEY only such title fice of the Chancery Clerk of bedroom units available.
PUBLISH: 11/24, 12/1 & as is vested in me as Trustee. Lowndes County, Mississippi; All apartments are newly Mobile Homes for Sale
12/8/2020 and remodeled, and include:
Witness my signature this the New Washer/Dryer, New 2019 Clayton Mobile Home
24th day of November 2020. WHEREAS, Christopher D. Refrigerator, New A/C Unit! Brand new, never lived in.
Hemphill, was duly substituted Fully furnished, perfect for
IN THE CHANCERY COURT OF /s/ Christopher D. Hemphill as Trustee in said Deed of We also offer rent an older couple or person.
LOWNDES COUNTY, MISSIS- Christopher D. Hemphill, Trust- Trust in the place and stead of discounts for: Attached front porch with
SIPPI ee (MSB #9367) Trustee, J. Douglas Dalrymple,
−Active Military roof. May have to be
Dunn & Hemphill, P.A. and in said Correction and Ap-
IN THE MATTER OF THE ES- 214 5th Street South pointment of Substitute Trust- −Veterans moved unless lease is
TATE OF VIOLA NEAL, DE- Columbus, MS 39701 ee in place and stead of Sub- −Seniors approved by land owner.
CEASED stituted Trustee, Charles E. Call us at: 662−205−0005 $40,000. 828−674−8659
m Yow, II, Esq., by instrument

Service Directory
CAUSE NO: 2018-0245 Telephone: (662) 327-4211 dated November 16, 2020,
Facsimile: (662) 328-3468 and recorded on November 20,
NOTICE TO CREDITORS 2020, in Mort. Book 2020 at
Posted: 11/30/20 pages 30954-30956, in the of-
THE STATE OF MISSISSIPPI fice of the Chancery Clerk of
LOWNDES COUNTY Publish: 12/1/20, 12/8/20, Lowndes County, Mississippi;
12/15/20, 12/22/20 and
Letters Testamentary have
been granted and issued to the
undersigned upon the Estate of IN THE CHANCERY COURT OF
WHEREAS, default having been
made in the terms and condi- Promote your small business starting at only $25
Viola Neal, deceased, by the LOWNDES COUNTY, MISSIS- tions of said Deed of Trust and
Chancery Court of Lowndes SIPPI the entire debt secured Carpet & Flooring General Services General Services Lawn Care / Landscaping
County, Mississippi, on the thereby, having been declared
16th day of November, A. D., IN THE MATTER OF THE ES- to be due and payable in ac-
2018. This is to give notice to TATE OF JEROME WILLIAM LA- cordance with the terms of said
all persons having claims VOIE, DECEASED Deed of Trust, and the legal Bucket truck & stump LAWN SERVICE
against said estate to Probate holder of said indebtedness, removal. Free est. Mowing, cleanup, tree
and Register same with the JOLINE MANSEAU PETITIONER Lawrence P. Walker, having re- Serving Columbus cutting, landscaping,
Chancery Clerk of Lowndes quested the undersigned Sub- since 1987. Senior sodding & bush hogging.
County, Mississippi, within NO: 20-0228F stituted Trustee to execute the citizen disc. Call Alvin @ 662−356−6525
ninety (90) days from the first trust and sell said land and 242−0324/241−4447
publication date of this Notice NOTICE TO CREDITORS property in accordance with the "We’ll go out on a limb for
to Creditors. A failure to so Pro- terms of said Deed of Trust TERRA CARE
Letters Testamentary having and for the purpose and satis-
bate and Register said claim
will forever bar the same. been issued on the 2nd day of fying the sums due thereunder, Phone: 662−549−1878
September, 2020, by the Chan- together with attorney's fees, **HOLIDAY SPECIAL** WORK WANTED: Licensed Landscaping, Property
This is the 19th day of Novem- cery Court of Lowndes County, Substitute Trustee's fees and 4 ROOMS − $100 & Bonded. Carpentry, minor Clean Up, Plant Care,
ber, 2020. Mississippi, to the under- expense of sale. 1 Room − $50 electrical, minor plumbing, Bush Hogging,
signed upon the Estate of 2 Room − $70 insulation, painting, demo− Herbicide Spraying
/s/CURTIS NEAL, EXECUTOR Jerome William Lavoie, De- NOW, THEREFORE, I, Christoph- 3 Rooms − $90
ceased, notice is hereby given er D. Hemphill, Substituted lition, gutters cleaned,
Carpet−Rugs−Tile−Cars pressure washing, land− Painting & Papering
Steven R. McEwen to all persons having claims Trustee of said Deed of Trust DAVID’S CARPET &
McEwen Law Firm against said Estate to present will on the 23rd day of Decem- scaping, cleanup work.
P. O. Box 709 the same to the Clerk of said ber 2020 offer for sale at pub- 662−242−3608.
Columbus, MS 39703 Court for probate and registra- lic outcry for cash to the CLEANING SERVICE
tion according to law within highest bidder, and sell within Call for more info! Special Prices.
PUBLISH: 11/24, 12/1 & ninety (90) days from the first legal hours (being between the 662−722−1758 PLACE YOUR AD ONLINE Interior & Exterior Painting.
12/8/2020 publication of this notice; oth- hours of 11:00 a.m. and 4:00 662−435−6528
erwise, said claim will be p.m.) at the south east front

Buy. Sell. Discover.

forever barred. door of the Lowndes County
Courthouse at 505 2nd Aven-
WITNESS MY SIGNATURE, this ue North, Columbus, County of
the 24th day of November, Lowndes, State of Mississippi,
2020. the following described prop-
erty situated in Lowndes
/S/ JOLINE MANSEAU County, Mississippi, together
JOLINE MANSEAU, ADMINIS- with all improvements and ap-
TRATOR OF THE ESTATE OF purtenances now erected on,
JEROME WILLIAM LAVOIE, DE- and all fixtures of any kind, or
CEASED description now attached to
said land:
#103967 5.14 acres, more or less, lying
SCOTT MULLENNIX in the Southwest Quarter of the

In the Classifieds section.

MSB#104859 Northwest Quarter of Section
405 TOMBIGBEE STREET 6, Township 19 South, Range
JACKSON, MISSISSIPPI 39201 17 West, Lowndes County, Mis-
TELEPHONE: 601-948-9840; sissippi, described as follows:
FACSIMILE: 601-487-5341

On the web: • Or call: 662-328-2424

EMAIL: Commencing at the Northwest corner of the Southwest
Quarter of the Northwest
PUBLISH: 12/1, 12/8 & Quarter of Section 6; run
12/15/2020 thence South for 16 feet; run
thence East for 22 feet to an
existing fence corner, as the

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