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Semi-Final Examination

FS 3
(Technology in the Learning Environment)

Direction: Answer the following questions comprehensively.

1. With the fast-paced evolution of the technologies nowadays, why are teachers
encouraged to shift gradually from teachers-cantered instruction to a learner-
cantered instruction?

A learner-centered instruction focuses on transformation of facts.

2. What is the major contribution of Educational Technology to the learning process

in curriculum development?

Educational technology has improved the teaching-learning process and made it more
effective and process oriented. Television, Radio, V.C.R, Computers and LCD projectors
etc. have enriched and facilitated effective transmission of knowledge.

3. List down Electronic resources that can be used in class?

o A desktop computer to access online resources.

o USB or WIFI access for document sharing and device connectivity.
o A projector with interactive whiteboard functionality or television screen connectivity.
o Tablet devices for teacher and student e.g., iPad and not necessarily 1:1 (Listen to
the research).
o Recording hardware/software for podcasting e.g., microphone, headphone and
o A digital camera for showcasing work in film or photographs.

4. Reflect on your technology skills. What skills do you already have and what skills
would you continue to work on to be better at utilizing electronic resources?

If I were to evaluate myself, I can say that I already have good skills in manipulating computers,
surfing the internet and in preparing various electronic resources.

On the other hand, I need to continue practicing on making various electronic visual aids like
slides, etc.

5. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using ICT?


 Misleading and misguiding information

 Risk of cyber-attacks and hacks
 A risk to the traditional book and handwriting methods
 Implementing computers and the internet for ICT replace the convention education curriculums
 Managing courses online is difficult
 Misuse of technology
 Not accessible everywhere
 Teachers require experience to handle ICT 
 Implementing computers and the internet is expensive 
 Few believe that computers can limit imagination 


 Enhanced the modes of communication

 Cost-efficient
 Paperless: Eliminate the usage of paper. Eco-friendly
 Better teaching and learning methods
 Enhanced data and information security
 Minimize cost and save time
 Easy student management
 Automatic solutions to manual paper-based process and procedures
 Interactive and collaborative teaching and learning methods
 Direct classroom teaching 
 Spread awareness of the social impact of technological change in education
 Web-based LMS tools connect students, educators, scholars and researchers, and
education personal together
 Enhance E-learning and learning management system (LMS)
 Independent learning platforms for students
 Teachers can teach better with images, videos and graphics while delivering lessons
 Educators can create engaging, interesting and well-designed classroom activities
 Improve the administration and enhance the quality and efficiency of education
 Promote and improve the digital culture in schools, colleges, and universities

6. What are hand-outs?

Detail notes given to the pupils/students and illustrate what you are discussing.

7. What are the purposes of giving hand-outs in the class?

•clarifies the topic being discussed

•prevents student distractions from what you are saying by trying to make elaborate or
detailed notes as you speak
•saves you the trouble of trying to portray time-consuming detail on a chalk board or
white board to illustrate what you are discussing
•makes errors in note-taking less likely, giving students a reliable reference for learning
•frees up time for other learning activities.
8. In this time of Pandemic, Modular Distance Learning (MDL) is commonly used by
the schools in the delivery of learning. What are the advantages and disadvantages
on the use of MDL?

Advantages of Modular Distance Learning (MDL)

1. Access anywhere and anytime

Since mobile learning is all about studying through mobile using the internet, it can
be accessed from anywhere in the world and anytime.
2. Covers a huge distance
The main benefit of mobile learning is that it covers a huge distance, so even if you
are in Canberra, Australia or in California, United States of America, you can access
the same content or tests at the same or different times. Distance is not an issue in
mobile learning.
3. Variety of content
A lot of content is present online. Due to its huge variety, it becomes very easy for
people to access it; and also, a huge amount of people from different corners of the
world can access it for different topics or related to different subjects.
4. Encourages students
There are many educational apps that use online quizzes to keep track of your
progress (daily, weekly or monthly, depending on firm to firm). The study is
presented in such a way that it attracts the students; hence, there are game quizzes that
encourage students to perform better from their previous score.
5. Tests your knowledge
As discussed in the above point, online quizzes are made and solving these quizzes,
puzzles or riddles helps you expand your knowledge. Apart from just study material,
there are different types of other quizzes, puzzles, multiple-choice questions, etc. that
are available on the internet; playing these games you can test your knowledge and
even increase your IQ level.

Disadvantages of Modular Distance Learning (MDL)

1. Software issues
Software is an application that runs on a device according to the instructions
embedded in the software at the time of coding. Even though it seems like the life of
software is smooth, there are other external factors that hinder its smooth life span.
These external factors are changing trends in the field of IT. Software compatibility
issues, not upgrading to a new version, regular system crashes, etc. are some of the
issues that hinder the working of the software, thereby interrupting your smooth
mobile learning experience.
2. Hardware issues
Unlike the software, hardware uses physical devices. The physical devices used can
wear out after a period of time. They can wear out due to overuse, dust, using the
device roughly, etc. These are some factors that interrupt the smooth working of the
mobile or other devices.
3. Distraction
Using mobile learning, also, creates a lot of distraction. Many students open the
mobile to learn something and end up using social media websites, chatting, sharing
pictures or playing video games. These types of distractions waste one’s time, which
could have been used to perform a meaningful task.
4. Misuse
Many students also misuse the device for different purposes. Some misuse it just for
fun, and some have secret, evil intentions which are definitely not good and need to
be prevented.
5. Lack of internet connection or electricity
This can be a problem in rural areas and in areas where the usage of the internet and
electricity is not yet prevalent. When you have a device, but you do not have the
electricity or the internet required for you to run the device and avail the facility of
mobile learning, then what’s the fun? In order to enjoy your experience of mobile
learning, make sure you have met all the requirements needed to have the best
experience for mobile learning.

9. Identify and Exemplify the three big domains in the lesson plan?

1. Cognitive Domain
- Includes all intellectual behaviors and requires thinking.

Ex.: To know the new words in this lesson

2. Affective Domain
- Deals with expression of feelings and acceptance of attitudes, opinions, or values.

Ex.: To motivate the interest of learning English.

3. Psychomotor Domain
- Involves acquiring skills that require integration of mental and muscular activity.

Ex.: To pronounce the new words correctly.

10. As a future teacher, what should you do to become a 21st century teacher?
As a future teacher, 21st century teacher is able to look at their practice and adapt
based on the needs of their students. They must be able to adapt their teaching style to
include different modes of learning, adapt when a lesson fails, and adapt to new

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