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109 2 Reinforced Concrete Slab Culvert 624 GENERAL. Reinforced concrete slab culverts are economical for spans up to about & mi, though the slab bridge type can be Used for spans up to about 10 m. The thickness of the slab arid co the dead load are quite considerable as the span increases. However, the construction ig relatively simpler due to easier fabrication of formwork and reinforcements and sasiet lacing of concrete. This type of culvert can be used both for highway and railway. Though the discussion in this section refers mainly to highway construction, the concepts can be putably adapted for a railway culvert, The components of a culvert with R.C, deck slab are the following: (a) Deck slab (p) Abutments, wing walls and approach slabs (c) Foundations (d) Kerbs and railings. 2 Ce @ deck slab should be designed as a one-way slab to carry the dead load and the prescribed live load with impact and still to have stresses within the permissible limits. For a culvert on a State Highway, the width of the bridge may be adopted as 12 m to permit two~ lane carriageway. The deck slab should be designed for the worst effect of either one lane of IRC 70R/Class AA tracked vehicle, or one lane of 70R/Class AA wheeled vehicle, or two lanes Class A load trains. Thus, according to the present practice, it is necessary to compute the maximum live load bending moment for three different conditions of loading, and then adopt for design the greatest of the three values. e author has shown in Reference 1 that, for the computation of live load bending moment, only one loading condition need to be considered, namely Class AA wheeled vehicle for spans up to 4 m and Class AA tracked vehicle for spans exceeding 4 m. If the shear is desired to be computed, Class AA wheeled vehicle is to be considered for spans up to 6 m and tracked vehicle beyond 6 m for single lane bridges. However, for two-lane bridges, the shear due to Class AA wheeled vehicle controls the design for all spans from 1 m to 8 m. The design moment for distributors is taken as 0.3 of the live load moment plus 0.2 of the dead load moment. The Ministry of Road Transport & Highways, Government of India, referred herein as MORTH, has published a set of plans for 3.0 m to 10.0 m span reinforced concrete deck slabs, The overall width of the bridge is assumed as 12.0 m.Concrete grade M25 (M30 for 10.0 m span) and steel reinforcement to Fe 415 grade of 18:1786 are adopted. Allowing for ‘moderate’ conditions of exposure, the minimum cover to reinforcement is taken as 50 mm. Approach slabs are provided for 3.5 m length on both approaches. Salient details of the general arrangements are shown in Figs. 6.1 and 6.2 for the case of a slab deck bridge with and without footpath applicable for spans 3.0 m to 10.0 m. The thickness and the principal feinforcements of the deck slab for the above span range are summarized in Table 6.1. Though a culvert strictly refers to bridge of length less than 6.0 m, solid slab decks up to 10.0 mare covered here for convenience. For additional details, the reader may see Refer a 4110 WLC. DEOKOLAB { - . r M16 LEVELLING i ih A a A APPROACH SLAB DECK SLAB 3600 PLAN Figure 6.1 Genoral Arrangement for R.C, Slab Culvert, ieee Wearing course (also referred as wearin, J Coat) over the di ee peat eee ie uniform thickness of 56 mm or of leaeen ae t , s of the wearing course are discussed in Section 14.14 The top of the 14, j deck slab is sloped in the transverse directior drainage. It may be noted that until recently, mn Rear (2.594) for elon a | 16 top of the deck st and the camber was provided by varying the slab has been kept horizonla of wearing course may be aieinied 2 inne ee olthe wearing coutae. The dead ol | 111 CLL. CARRIAGEWAY 1 ws | bes a sb coy — aha 1 . 1 40 WITH FOOTPATH WITHOUT FOOTPATH SECTION 88. CLL CARRIAGEWAY 525 ee 1725 3750 he 5450 ———+-4]_550 | i 1 + \ We. s6 THK DIRTWALL = —~+ | Z_ APPROACH SLAB a WITH FOOTPATH WITHOUT FOOTPATH SECTION CC Figure 6.2 General Arrangement for F.C. Slab Culvert - Details. 6.2.3 EFFECTIVE WIDTH OF DISPERSION The bending moment per unit width of slab caused by a concentrated load can be calculated by estimating the width of slab that may be taken as effective in resisting the bending moment due to the concentrated load. The method of assessment recommended in clause 305.16 of IRC Bridge Code? is described in Appendix A. 6.2.4 ABUTMENTS AND WING WALLS ‘Typical sections of abutments and wing walls for slab bridges are shown in Fig. 6.3. The sections should be so dimensioned that the walls can sustain the prescribed dead and live loads, besides the earth pressures without overturning or sliding. Further, the pressure ——————__—_< Top Roinforcoment Sigg ‘Nong x Along Y¥ Along c . r as 409250 106260 105 406250 106250 105 106225 100225 10 709220 «106220 10 $80 400 209125 120150 0 $00 zoeit0 129150 109200 104200 109 750 600 Zosi00 «124140 «109140 106140 105 620 670 tie (i. Oe ae 900 780 spies 104it8 Oa, | IONE AGS Note: 1. Source: rom Roeronce 2 is assumed at 12.07 2. watnotbage assumed at 1207 wangverse cretion. Rod names asin Fi 6.9 (rection X is along the roadway a con the soil should be within the allowable pressure. Equivalent surcharge for live load as ‘clause 217 of IRC Bridge Code’ is to be taken into consideration. In Fig. 6.3, the while the rear batter is varied to suit the front batter is kept at 1/12 of the height of the wall, soil pressure requirements. In case of wing walls, a slight modification is also made in the front offset, depending on the allowable soil bearing pressure. ‘Typical values for A, B and C ‘as indicated in Fig. 6.3 are given in Table 6.2 for two chosen values of allowable soil pressure, i.., 200 and 400 kN/m2, These dimensions may be adopted for culverts and, in special cases, detailed calculations may be performed. Figure 6.3 Sections of Abuimonts and Wing Walls for Slab B rr Ter eS 113 Table 6.2 Dimensions of Abutments and Wing Walls for Slab Bridges. (S06 Fig. 6.3) Nasir Valuo in metres for height H in metres Dimonsion $e 15 20 25 30 35 a A 075 0.90 1.20 1.65 2.60 x 8 0.20 0.30 os 065 1.06 c 0. 0.45 0.45 0.45 045 4 A 0.80 045, 055 075 0.95 B 0.20 0.30 045 0.65 0.85 c 045 0.15 015 0.15 015 The foundations should be taken below the scour depth and to a depth where the variation in the moisture content of the subsoil will be absent. The depth of foundation shown should be considered the minimum, unless rock is encountered at a higher level. In the latter case, the masonry should be heeled on to the rock for a depth of about 300 mm, or ~ connected by dowels to the rock if the rock surface is sloping. The purpose of the footing is to serve as a seal in poor soil or as a bedding course in water bearing strata for the main masonry above. The footing is not taken as effective in designing the abutment section. When the clear span is less than H/6 + 1.5 m, the bottom footings of the two abutments of a single span culvert should be combined Ifthe entire abutment is of mass concrete, no special treatment except leveling is required for the bridge seat. If the main abutment is of brick or stone masonry, a bed block of concrete is provided for a thickness of about 225 mm. Wing walls may be either splayed at an angle of 45° or taken perpendicular to the abutment. If splayed, the height of wall will reduce as it extends away from the abutment. At the low end, the height of wall should not ~ be more than 1.2 m. The splayed wing wall is particularly suited for high embankments. If the wall is at right angles to the abutment, it is known as return type wing wall or simply feturn wall. In the latter case, suitable revetment should be provided to retain the earth of the embankment. The earth filling behind the abutments and wings should be specially consolidated in order to avoid an excessive depression immediately clear of the bridge deck. A porous backfill of about 500 mm thickness shouldbe provided immediately behind the abutment, with 150 mm diameter weep holes placed at suitable intervals with a gentle slope so as to be 150 mm above normal water level on the vent side, to ensure drainage for the filling behind the abutments. Hand rails or parapets should be provided over the kerbs on either side of the road ‘over the deck slab. For small culverts, parapet walls of height 750 mm will be adequate. For spans above 4 m, a combination of R.C. posts and rails may be more pleasing. 6.3 Example for R.C. Slab Culvert 6.3.1 Given Data Culvert to be on State Highway. Width of bridge : 12,.0m No footpath provided M 2 v4 Conditions of exposure: ‘moderate’ Materials: Concrete grade M25 Steel-Deformed bars to IS : 1786 (grade Fe 415) Clear span =5.0m Height of vent =3.0m «Depth of foundation = 1.35 m Wearing course: 56 mm thick asphaltic concrete tion following the current practice for the The design will be made in this sec determination of live load moment. 6.3.2 DESIGN OF Deck SLAB (i) Preliminary dimensions: Slab thickness (assumed) = 550 mm Using 20 mm diameter main bars and clear cover of 50 mm, effective depth = 550 ~(50 + 10) = 490 mm Width of bearing = 400 mm Effective span is the smaller of (5.0 + 0.4) or (5.0 + 0.49) m; hence adopt 5.4 m. (ii) Dead load B.M. per metre width of slab: cont- L 40/2 24 = 11.40 KN Weight per m? of slab = (0.55 + 0. Wearing course per m? of slab = 2.00 KN Total dead load per m? = 13.40 kN 2 Dead load B.M. = ee = 48.8 KN.m (iii). Live load B.M. - Class AA tracked vehicles: Impact factor = 23.5% ~ The tracked vehicle is placed symmetrically on the span (Fig. 6.4). Effective length of load = 3.6 + 2 (0.550 + 0.056) = 4.812 m — ptf. Effective width of slab is computed using Equation (A.1) ed 9 1 C) ea ae E(1-2) ) wtoct ons +2 cn 4812 5400 Figure 6.4 Longitudinal Placement of Track for Maximum Bending Moment. al sal 44, } is - = Widtel dum + 2 (te) O56 420064) (9:06) } Dw 15 5012/2 6731 6 Figure 6.5 Disposition of Tracked Vehicle for Minimum Dispersion Width’and Hence ¢ Maximum Bending Moment ; Hee x = 2.7m; L=5.4mjL’= 12.0 m)L’/L = 2.22; From Table At, k= 3.00 by= 0.85 + 2x 0.056 = 0.962 m z Substituting these values in Equation (A.1), b, = 5.012 m. = -Gtf--b% The tracked vehicle is placed close to the kerb with the required minimum clearance, as in Fig. 6.5. The spread of load to the left is limited to the actual width available, i.e., to 2.175 m trom the centre of the left track instead of half the effective width, There is an overlap of effective widths for the two tracks. The dispersion to the right of the right side | track is allowed as computed, i.e., half the effective width beyond the centre of right track. The net effective width of dispersion for the two tracks, after allowing, for the overlap, is 6.731 m as shown in Fig. 6.5. uot. af ye Ae er <<- Total load of two tracks including impact = 700 1.235 = 864.5 KN 5 864.5 is 28 4612x6731 207 SNe ot «12 !Maximum B.M. due to livg load (from Fig. 6:2) { 4 Average intensity of load = ae y 2 13) = 2874812 7267x4812" py 2 Seer ¢ wleet Tylon ee (W) Live load BM, - Class AA wheeled vehicle |... jo 2 : & Impact factor % The loads are to be arranged in such a manner as to produce maximum bending moment in the slab. First, it is necessary to determine the width of dispersion parallel to Span. If the dispersion areas overlap, then the loads are to be placed symmetrically with feference to the centre of span. Width of dispersion parallel to span is computed as below: t= tg +2 (ty +t), Ll width of dispersion parallel to span 7 = width of tyre contact area parallel to span thickness of wearing course effective depth of slab 150 mm, t, = 490 mm, ty = 56 mm where 5 116 Figure 6,6 Placomont of Loads of Class AA Whooled Vehicle for Maximum Bending Moment am Substituting, fy = 1242 mm >1200 mm \, Arrange the wheel Ioads symmetrically with respect to the centre of span as shown in Fig, 6.6 Length of load along the span = 1.2 + 1.242 = 2.442 m Elfective width of slab perpendicular to span for load W, or W, is computed using Equation (A.1), oe orth 2a ppt OFF ft, goxai(1-21} The wheeled vehicle is placed close to the kerb with the minimum required clearance _as shown in Fig. 6.7. The net effective width for all the four wheels of axle shown as W, is 6.231 m) Intensity of loading per square metre (q) due to W, (or W,) including impact is Am as below : KA . j +(03+2%0056) = 4.262m pMDI 02% os ) = Basix2.4ga = 82.9 kNim - Maximum bending mornent at centre of span 2 WO Yye wm = BEd He a = 83.9 kN.m =a: k > 1900 i 600 Figure 6.7 Location of Class AA Wheeled Vehicle for Minimum Dispersion Width, f k re x i a why 1700 1800 " qasae os = ® Figure 6.8 Disposition of Two Lanes of Ciass A Wheel Loads for Minimum Dispersion Width. @ Line ead BM. — Class A two-lane loading +, 2 Bf» ) The tyo axle loads of 114 kN each are to be placed in the span so as to produce maximum bending moment. de Prem Th 4S 470 With of dispersion parallel to span = 250+ 2 (490 + 56) = 1342 mm This is greater than the spacing of 1200 mm between the 114 kN axle loads. The Gspersion areas overlap. Hence the axles are to be placed symmetrically with respect to _ centre line of span to produce maximum bending moment. Lew A BEES ie perenne na one Mt Chien Y ! The wheels are arranged across the width of the deck as shown in Fig. 6.8. Using Equation (A.1), effective width of dispersion perpendicular to span (05 +2x 0.056) = 4.462m Allowing for overlaps, the effective width of dispersion is computed as 8.481 m. Intensity of loading including impact per metre width E114 1395 " B4BI 5 kN/im pet Dee eae ioe Maximum B.M. at midspan =375 | 27-—=~|=77.4kN.m (9 Design B.M. "BM. produced by Class AA tracked vehicle is the greatest of the three conditions. Hence this is adopted for design as the live load bending moment. Design max. BM = 96.2 +458 = 145.0 kN.m ‘ L L (ms design of deck slab Me ud concrete and Fe 415 deformed bars. Lee en aes 8.3MPa A Permissible tensile stress in steel = 200 MPa ' | Coefficient of resistance = 1.10 \ Lever arm factor = 0.90 8 depth required (as 10°) (11 1000) 4 363 mm Ettective depth provided = 490 mm ‘ ae Ago —148%10__ 2 1644 mm? d, Area of main reinforcement required Ay 300 x09 x 490 Provide 20 mm bars at 160 mm centres, giving an area of 2 Bending moment for distributors per metre width 40.3 M, + 0.2 Mp Where M, = live load bending moment including inet per metre width fidth Mp = dead load being moment per metre w' Bending moment for distributors = 0.3 193.3}+ 0.2% 48.8 = 37. BkNam Using 12 mm bars, depth to centre of burs = 490 ~ (10 + 6) = 474 mm 1093 mm? en Area of distributors required me 443mm? Provide 10 mm dia, bars at 150 mm centres. The reinforcement details are shown in Fig. 6.9. 7 (vill) Check for shear Usually shear is not critical in one way slabs. However, this may be checked. Maximum shear force occurs at the support when the live load is nearer to a support. For R.C, slabs, the critical section for shear may be taken at a distance equal to effective depth from the support. Here the design shear is conservatively taken as that at the support, Dead load shear = 18.4 as = 36.2 KN To compute the live load sheardue to Class AA tracked vehicle, the track is placed in such a way that the longitudinally dispersed zone will just be at the support. For this onciton, using the effective width method, maximum shear including effect of impact = “By similar procedure, the maximum shear due to Class AA wheel loading incl effects of impact = 79.1 kN. 9 The shear due to two lanes of Class A loading can also be com I that it is smaller than the above two values. CE ee Shear from Class AA wheeled loading governs the design. Total design shear = 36.2 + 79.1 = 115.3 kN By Equation (5.5) y, 1153x1000. SN’ Shear stress t= ——~~___~ _ } **j000x490, 028 MPay <“ypt Reinforcement is 209150 A, = 314% 1000/150 = 2093 mm? P= (100 x 2093)/(1000x 490) = 0.427 Form Table 12 B of IRC : 21-2000, ou — 12000 — ————t- ‘0100 — 109226 2 ETE ico Foantte Le-109 160 109200 BECTON AA mors —p gy pales 0 14208 SLAB ee A= 204 |50 C= 109225 r} 81049190 DIRT WALL iy 5000 ———+}_| ze-~ ABUTMENT 1 ae secTIN 98 eae C~ 109225 D-104 225 BOTTOM REINFORCEMENT TOP REINFORCEMENT PLAN. Figure 6.9 Reinforcement Details for Deck Slab. YF 120 For M25 grade concrete, r,= 0.28 MPa pie 6 and no shear rel Since t<+,. the shear stresses are within limits and no shear reintorcemer, k necessary. et designed for a live lo ‘ lageway should be desig’ rAliveload oh ayy | aire x crac eta tim and overall height as 715 mm (.e.,200 mm over the slab at end), : Dead load of kerb per m run = 0,55%0.715% 24 = 9.44 KN Weight of parapet perm (approx) = 5.0 KN fetal icsco nan = 4% 0.55 = 2.20 KN Total load on kerb = 16.64 or 17 KN 2 17% 5A? _ BLM. due to kerb =—— = 620 KNm BLM. due to live load as part of kerb = 0.55% 93.3 =51.3kKN.m Total design B.M. 12.0+51.3=113.3kN.m Effective depth required (1133109) 11550) = 433 mm Effective depth provided = 715 — (50 + 20 + 10 + 6) = 629 mm 6 Area of steel required pee =1001mm2 © 200%0:90 x 629 Use 4 bars of 12 mm diameter, in addition to 4 bars of 20 mm diameter from slab 5M. at top of slab due to horizontal force perm = 75% 0.315 = 23.6 kN.m | Elective depth available = 550 — (50 + 5) = 495 mm 2 236x108 | Area of steel required = Tea ARS Provide 10 mm diameter stirrups at 280 mm centres as nominal provision. This will also take care of shear on kerb, Note: it will be found that the final section obtained for the kerb may be assumed as type I not be necessary to design the kerb = 265mm? 28190 for kerbs for road bridges and that it wil 6-2-3 DESIGN OF OTHER Components Approach slabs are o be provided on either side wing walls are designed as indicated in Section

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