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Corona – A Torment of God [1]

A Torment of God
March 25, 2020
Corona – A Torment of God [2]

Allah says in Quran;

“And when the word is fulfilled concerning them,

We shall bring forth a CREATURE (Virus,
Dengue etc) of the earth to speak unto them (through
disasters) because mankind had not faith in Our
revelations. And [warn of] the Day when We will
gather from every nation (Italy, Spain, France,
America, China etc) a company of those who deny
Our signs (of the Quran), and they will be [driven] in
rows [for the purpose of quarantined or isolate].”

“Say: He is able to send punishment upon you from

above you or from beneath your feet, or to bewilder
you with dissension and make you taste the tyranny

 According to some scientists, virus is not living, while some believes it

is a living creature, and for some it is partially alive.
Corona – A Torment of God [3]

one of another. See how We display the revelations

so that they may understand.”

“Indeed, Allah is not timid to present an example -

that of a mosquito (Dengue) or what is smaller than
it (Virus). And those who have believed know that it
is the truth from their Lord. But as for those who
disbelieve, they say, "What did Allah intend by this
as an example?" He misleads many thereby and
guides many thereby. And He misleads not except
the defiantly disobedient.”

The Corona virus is a punishment of Allah. Punishments from

Allah often comes in various forms. Sometimes in the form of
earthquakes, sometimes in the form of storms and tsunamis,
sometimes in the form of dengue and sometimes a virus.

At the present time, the torment of the Corona virus has

Corona – A Torment of God [4]

appeared on earth and spread all over the world. The reason is that
there is a lot of sin in the world, prostitution, obscenity, Vulgarity,
Immorality is common. Allah says in the Quran;

“Indeed, those who like that immorality should be

spread [or publicized] among those who have
believed will have a painful punishment in this world
and the Hereafter. And Allah knows and you do not

And though Muslims are obscenely low, they have other sins
frequently, such as murder, stealing, lying, deception, profanity,
and following the bad practices of Kuffaar & Hindus. Some so
called muslims wastes their time in watching movies, Tv dramas,
Tiktok, etc. So, these Muslims shows by their actions that they
actually do not have faith in Allah’s Commands which are
mentioned in the Quran. They merely admit to having faith, but in
practice they follow in the footsteps of the Kuffaar and the Hindus
Corona – A Torment of God [5]

as if they do not believe in the revelations of Allah. Their actions

are as infidels and even worse in some cases.

On the other hand, The Saints of Allah, the Muslim Scholars

& Muftis from all over the world, are calling the mankind to Allah
through the media, they are calling them to the path of the Quran,
and repeatedly saying: Believe in Allah's commands and do good
deeds. So, all over the world the message has been spread with

Therefore, Allah may send down His punishment upon the

transgressors at any time. Rather, since the advent of the Holy
Prophet (peace be upon him), till now, various kinds of
punishments from Allah continue to be inflicted upon the
transgressors and the unjust. And very few times it has happened
that the nations of the world are affected by the wrath of Allah at
one time.

Now that the corona virus has come. It is the wrath and
Corona – A Torment of God [6]

punishment of Allah, because the whole world (Majority people)

is involved in Sinful acts.

It is Sunnah of Allah that He gives respite to the sinners and

sometimes He catches them. Sometimes He leaves the sinners
open in the world, and after death He punishes them. Because this
world is not a place of judgement, it is a place of examination;
here God has given every man the power to do good or bad. The
punishments of this world from Allah is just a small trailer.

Now, If those who die from Azaab are sinners, do evil and
crimes, it is Allah's punishment for them. But if one of the
righteous believers dies from a virus or dengue, then he is a
martyr, as the various Hadith of the Prophet (peace be upon him)

If Allah willed, He would have destroyed the world in a

moment. But he gives man respite. That is why when the
punishment is sent down, it is inferior (low-impact), which does
Corona – A Torment of God [7]

not wipe out the whole world and all sinners. For example, when
earthquakes comes they usually of low intensity which do not
cause much damage. Similarly, He sends punishment through
rains, Tsunamis etc, but it does not destroy the world, but few
people are destroyed. Similarly, God sent the Corona virus,
which is not destined to destroy the whole world. And the
purpose of all these punishments is to make the world think of the
Hereafter, to pay attention to Allah.

Whatever the nature of the punishment, it is a general

punishment that can also kill innocent poor people. Just as the
punishment of Jihad was imposed on “battle-disbelievers”, many
companions were also martyred. Similarly, poor and innocent
people are often killed by earthquakes and by rains but they are
martyred. And it also happens that those who are truly sinful and
unjust are saved from Disasters. So, these disasters are
considered to be the last warning for them. if these wrongdoer
people who do not reform themselves, by seeing these disaster,
Corona – A Torment of God [8]

are eventually thrown into eternal hell whenever they die because
they did not receive the lesson by seeing the signs (Disasters,
Torments) of Allah, they did not fear Allah, they did not repent.
They did not seek repentance after seeing the Torments and
Azaab. And have Made no change in their lives.

So, never take lightly these disasters like corona virus and
dengue virus, because, every heavenly and earthly disasters
should be considered a punishment from God. And by learning
from it, one should seek Allah's piety in the heart, repent and seek
forgiveness. And commit to live his life completely in obedience
to God.

Purpose of Heavenly and worldly punishments is to turn to


“And We have already sent [messengers] to

nations before you, [O Muhammad]; then We seized
them with poverty and hardship that perhaps they
Corona – A Torment of God [9]

might humble themselves [to Us].”


“And We sent to no city a prophet [who was

denied] except that We seized its people with
poverty and hardship that they might humble
themselves [to Allah ].
Then We exchanged in place of the bad [condition],
good, until they increased [and prospered] and said,
"Our fathers [also] were touched with hardship and
ease. [as if they thought it was not a torment but a
natural disaster] " So We seized them suddenly
while they did not perceive.”
[al-Araaf: 94-95]

Cause of Punishment - Denying & Disobedience of Quran:

“But those who deny Our verses - the punishment

will touch them for their defiant disobedience.”
Corona – A Torment of God [10]


“ [Theirs is] like the custom of the people of

Pharaoh and those before them. They denied Our
signs, so Allah seized them for their sins. And Allah
is severe in penalty.”

“[Theirs is] like the custom of the people of

Pharaoh and of those before them. They disbelieved
in the signs of Allah, so Allah seized them for their
sins. Indeed, Allah is Powerful and severe in

“Or lest you say, "If only the Scripture had been
revealed to us, we would have been better guided
than they." So there has [now] come to you a clear
evidence from your Lord and a guidance and mercy.
Then who is more unjust than one who denies the
Corona – A Torment of God [11]

verses of Allah and turns away from them? We will

recompense those who turn away from Our verses
with the worst of punishment for their having turned

Cause of Punishment – Spreading Immorality:

“Indeed, those who like that immorality should be

spread [or publicized] among those who have
believed will have a painful punishment in this world
and the Hereafter. And Allah knows and you do not

Cause of Punishment - Opposing the Islamic Ulema:

“Those who disbelieve in the signs of Allah and kill

the prophets without right and kill those who order
justice from among the people - give them tidings of
a painful punishment.”
Corona – A Torment of God [12]


The saints who order justice are the Islamic scholars and the
Muftis who teach the Islamic teachings based on justice and teach
the people the rules of the Shariyah. Those who oppose them
unjustly and strive to kill them, also deserve that the punishment
of Allah be upon them (whether in the world or in the Hereafter).
Keep in mind that “unjust opposition” is included in the word

Jews and Christians will sometimes suffer some sort of

torment until the Day of Judgment:

“But the Jews and the Christians say, "We are the
children of Allah and His beloved." Say, "Then why
does He punish you for your sins?".”

So, Even if non-Muslims commit sins, they are punished by

Allah in this world.

One of the reasons for punishment is to disbelieve or even to

Corona – A Torment of God [13]

adopt the acts of disbelief :

“And as for those who disbelieved, I will punish

them with a severe punishment in this world and the
Hereafter, and they will have no helpers.".”

The disbelievers are of two types; one is ideological infidel.

The second one is practicing infidel. Practicing infidels are also
called hypocrites, who believes verbally, but in practice they
adopt evil actions, , and follow evil footsteps of Kuffaar.

Hypocrites are tormented in this world:

“So if they repent, it is better for them; but if they

turn away, Allah will punish them with a painful
punishment in this world and the Hereafter. And
there will not be for them on earth any protector or

“We will punish them twice [in this world]; then

Corona – A Torment of God [14]

they will be returned to a great punishment.”


March 25, 2020

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