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Student Name: Shamsa Abdulla Almuharrami Student HCT ID number: H00299825

Placement School:Al Khaleef Kg School

Semester 5 Achievement that Achievement that Achievement that Achievement that is Achievement that is Achievement that is
clearly does not meet narrowly fails to meet minimally meets the satisfactory meets the significantly above the outstanding relative to
requirements for requirements for course course requirements course and GPA course and GPA the course and GPA
course with normal with normal grading but may not meet the requirements requirements requirements
grading mode. mode. GPA requirement

Commitment to Has not grasped the Displays issues with Displays occasional Demonstrates consistent Always demonstrates Prioritizes the needs of
the Profession importance of attendance and issues with attendance attendance and consistent attendance and the school and students
attendance and punctuality and punctuality punctuality punctuality over required working
punctuality leading to hours
consistent absences
and/or lateness

Fails to demonstrate a Has difficulties preparing Is generally prepared & Is prepared & ready for Is well prepared & ready Consistently prepares high
willingness to plan and for lessons & being ready ready for each lesson each lesson for each lesson quality materials which are
prepare materials and on time well organized

Does not conduct a peer Conducts a peer Conducts a peer Conducts a peer Conducts a peer Conducts a peer
observation observation but feedback observation and provides observation and provides observation and provides observation and provides
is uninformative and/or oral and written oral and written feedback oral and written feedback oral and written feedback
inappropriate feedback but this is which identifies strengths which identifies a range which identifies an
limited and/or lacks and suggestions strengths and suggestions extensive range strengths
accuracy and suggestions

Comments: She was always punctual, attended all the classes and always available and willing to help.

Planning for Has consistently failed to Has inconsistently Has completed poor Has completed Has completed solid Has completed
Learning complete adequate completed lesson plans quality lesson plans appropriate lesson plans lesson plans which are outstanding lesson plans
lesson plans which are consistently

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which are not always which are available for printed and available for printed and available for
available upon request MST/MCT upon request MST/MCT upon request MST/MCT upon request

Does not appear to Writes lesson plans which Writes lesson plans Writes lesson plans which Writes lesson plans which Writes lesson plans which
consider the issue is include limited aspects of which addresses the issue demonstrates some demonstrates a level of consistently demonstrate a
balance in lesson plans balance of balance but some balance but not in all the balance (stir/settle, MI, level of balance
ideas demonstrate a identified ways (stir/settle, skills etc) which secures (stir/settle, MI, skills etc)
degree of MI, skills etc) effective learning which secures effective
misunderstanding learning

Lesson plans are largely Lesson plans include a Lesson plans engage Lesson plans engage Lesson plans engage Lesson plans consistently
teacher centred few activities which students and/or students and/or students and encourage engage students and
engage students and encourage active student encourage active student active student encourage maximum
encourage active participation. Some ideas participation participation student participation
participation are inappropriate.

Comments: Jawaher always handed her lesson plans in on time and they were secured effective learning.

Managing Does not incorporate Incorporates cooperative Incorporates a range of Incorporates a range of Incorporates a range of Consistently incorporates
Learning meaningful/ effective learning but this is rare cooperative strategies cooperative strategies cooperative strategies a range of cooperative
cooperative learning and focuses on simple which sometimes secure which secure the learning which secure the learning strategies which secure the
strategies the learning objectives objectives are achieved objectives are achieved learning objectives are
are achieved with the majority of the achieved with the majority

Does not attempt to Provides expectations and Develops student Develops student Develops consistent Develops consistent
develop student routines but these are independence and independence and student independence and student independence and
independence rarely enforced responsibility by responsibility by providing responsibility by providing responsibility by providing
providing clear clear & consistent clear & consistent clear & consistent
expectations and expectations and routines expectations and routines. expectations and routines.
routines but this is It is clear from behavior There is evidence of
inconsistent that all of these are innovative approaches to
working effectively in the classroom management.

Comments: She used different learning strategies to ensure all learning outcomes were achieved by most of the students.

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Implementing Does not have sufficient Has sufficient subject Usually has sufficient Has sufficient subject Has sufficient subject Has sufficient subject
Learning subject knowledge to knowledge to deliver the subject knowledge to knowledge to successfully knowledge to successfully knowledge to successfully
successfully deliver the lesson but there are gaps successfully deliver the deliver the required LOs deliver the required LOs deliver the required LOs
required LOs and/or inaccuracies required LOs with confidence with confidence and is
able to respond to queries
with spontaneity and
accuracy, perhaps drawing
links to real life or across
the curriculum

Do not use questions Incorporates information Incorporates a range of Incorporates a range of Effectively incorporates a Effectively incorporates a
effectively and structural (CRM) question types in lessons question types in lessons range of question types in wide range of question
questions but rarely uses but with limited to support student lessons to support student types in lessons to support
other types of questions effectiveness learning learning & extend student learning

Students struggle to Sometimes grades Generally grades Grades language to Effectively grades Effectively grades
follow instructions &/or language to support language to support support student language to support language to support and
teaching due to ungraded student comprehension of student comprehension comprehension of content student comprehension of extend student
(or inaccurate) language content and instructions of content and and instructions content and instructions, comprehension of content
instructions adapting to individuals’ and instructions, adapting
needs to individuals’ needs

Does not attempt to Attempts to include as Attempts differentiated Includes meaningful Effectively & regularly Consistently includes a
incorporate any differentiated task but this tasks but with limited differentiated tasks with includes differentiated range of successful
differentiation is unsuccessful or lacks success some success tasks differentiated tasks

Comments: She incorporated different questions to make sure that students could make use of critical thinking to support their learning.

Assessment Does not conduct any Rarely incorporates Sometimes incorporates Incorporates formative Consistently incorporates Consistently incorporates
meaningful formative formative assessment formative assessment assessment (questioning, formative assessment formative assessment
assessment (questioning, tasks & (questioning, tasks & tasks & observations) (questioning, tasks & using strategies beyond
observations) observations) observations)

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questioning, tasks &

Does not keep any Keeps limited assessment Keeps simple assessment Keeps simple but effective Keeps detailed & effective Keeps detailed & effective
meaningful assessment records. These may also data records. Some assessment records based assessment records based assessment records based
records be disorganized. aspects may not be on formative assessment on formative assessment on a range of formative
effective and/or assessment activities

Does not provide oral Rarely uses formative Sometimes uses Frequently uses formative Uses formative Uses formative
feedback to students assessment data to formative assessment assessment data to assessment data to assessment data to
provide oral feedback to data to provide oral provide oral feedback to provide oral and written provide oral and written
students feedback to students students feedback to students feedback to students &
other stakeholders (as

Comments: she used questioning , tasks and observation to assess the students and were able to establish the different student levels during feedback time,

Reflection on Does not consider Attempts to complete Occasionally completes Completes reflections Completes detailed Regularly completes
Practice situations from the reflections which consider reflections which which consider situations reflections which consider detailed reflections which
perspective of other situations from the consider situations from from the perspective of a situations from the consider situations from
stakeholders perspective of other the perspective of other range of stakeholders perspective of a range of the perspective of a range
stakeholders but these are stakeholders. stakeholders of stakeholders
shallow and do not lead to
new insights

Does not reflect in a Reflects on relationships Reflects on relationships Reflects on relationships Reflects on relationships Reflects on relationships
meaningful way on her with students as part of with students as part of with students as part of with students as part of with students as part of
relationships with student professional practice but professional practice but professional practice professional practice and professional practice and
these reflections are these reflections are uses the insights to uses the insights to
generally not congruent generally shallow improve these develop a positive learning
with best practice relationships environment

Comments: During our feedback time she was able to reflect back on her work and uses her insights to improve on her lessons and relationship.

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