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Learning activity 4

Evidence: My motivators

Studies of successful individuals have found that there are a few motivators that
guide their career and job choices, and make working an enjoyable and successful
experience for them. Below you will find a list with the motivators that are most
commonly mentioned by high-achieving people. For this evidence you have to
organize them in order of importance from 1 (the most important) to 10 (the least
important) and write a composition expressing how they have been part of your
professional development. Recycle the grammar and vocabulary you have learned
in this learning activity. (Example: I feel variety is the most important factor in my
motivation. I don’t like doing repetitive things. In my current job I have learned how
to use Photoshop and how to market different products online. I am becoming very
good at it and now I am able to teach others.)

Fuente: SENA


Challenge - Competence - Independence - Interest - Lifestyle - Money -

Recognition - Relationships - Security - Variety









I consider that be competent is important for the satisfactory performance of the

activities carried out. Also interest plays a determining role in job performance

The independece is the third important thing for me.The fact of granting the
worker these freedoms and granting him the ability to decide on certain matters,
leads to a higher level of trust, greater creativity, an increase in proactivity and a
more significant involvement of the worker in all matters concerned. to the

Now,Money enables us to provide things for our families and friends, enhancing

their life through good education, the best healthcare, and supporting and
achieving their goals and dreams. It can help us achieve life’s intangibles. With
money, good can be done and suffering can be lessened or eliminated. Money can
definitely give us power, but it can never give us the desire to do good with it. That
comes from a different place.

Job security is the probability that an individual will keep their job; a job with a
high level of security is such that a person with the job would have a small chance
of losing it.

Getting on with people there makes work a better place to be.

Our relationships at work can have an impact on job satisfaction, learning and
using our skills, staff turnover, morale, taking time off, and even our quality of life.

A healthy lifestyle improves work habits, decreases absenteeism, and increases

productivity that will result in the employee having improved job evaluations, better
retention, and opportunities for advancement and future employmen

Challenging work can be a great motivator, as it can keep employees engaged

and interested in their role. For many people, having to overcome some level of
difficulty in their work is much preferable to the boredom of an easy,
unchallenging job. However, this positive effect can only go so far.

Employee recognition is the timely, informal or formal acknowledgement of a

person's or team's behavior, effort or business result that supports the
organization's goals and values, and which has clearly been beyond normal

The theory behind providing skill variety in job design is that it will reduce

boredom, thereby increasing job satisfaction and motivation. This is likely to be
true as long as the employee enjoys the skills and perceives the addition and mix
of skills to be a benefit to the job.

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