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Environmental Issues Observation

So, what is the issue?
How is this happened?
I. Laziness: People can be so lazy about these kind of things
thinking that in not their job to take care of the trash which
themselves are the one who produce.

II. Lack of Education / Information: School doesn’t usually

teach kid/adult about waste management. That’s why most
of the people growing up not even notice that their action
are wrong.

III. Government doesn’t care: That‘s also the same as previous

point which is that government doesn’t care enough which
lead to lack of Education / Information.

IV. No Waste Management: Once in a while, government

prepare an event talking about it but no action evolve
which is not really effective at all.

V. Social norm: After a long time, people start to think it’s

normal things to do, and people who think otherwise are
afraid of judgement from others just because they have
different mindset.
How is solve this issue?
I. Give Education / Information on the issue: Just give more
information to people as much as possible to bring
awareness more.

II. Waste Management: Government need to come up with a

better solution for waste management which means it
should be easy and effective in order for people to
understand and take action.

III. Social norm: These days, young generation start to have

their own voice and talk out about these kind of issue and
try to change their surrounding which is the best option to
kill the old social norm and create a new better one.

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