Tissue and Its Classification

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Tissues, Glands and Membranes:-

Definition:- Tissue is a collection of cells which have the

similar structure and perform a relatively common
Four main types of tissues have been defined:
1. Epithelial (covering) tissues.
2. Connective (supporting) tissues.
3. Muscular tissues.
4. Nervous tissues.

Epithelial tissues:-
General features:-
1. Here cells are closely packed with out any
intercellular space.
2. Location:-
 Form the outer and inner lining of most of the
body organs such as GIT, urinary tract , blood
vessels, heart chamber, uterus etc.
 Found on the entire exposed surface of the body
such as skin.
3. Function:-
 Play important role of defence and protect the
body organs.
 Show different functions in different organs.
For example:
In stomach secrete gastric juice
In intestine helps to absorb digested food.
In skin helps in removal of waste as sweat.
In the trachea helps in removal of inhaled dust

Types:- This is based on the number of layers.

1. Simple epithelium tissues: They consist of one
layer of cells resting on the basement membrane.
2. Compound epithelium tissues: Here cells are
arranged to form more than one layer.

Simple epithelium tissues ( unilayered epithelium)

They line the inner side of passage way , hollow
organs and body cavities. They are characteristic of
regions where secretion or absorption occurs.
This is based on cell shape:
 Simple squamous epithelium
 Simple cuboidal epithelium
 Simple columnar epithelium
1. Simple squamous epithelium:- Cells of this tissue
are extremely thin and flat. The width of such cells
is much greater than height. They are found in the
areas where exchange takes place.
Sites: lung alveoli, Bowman's capsule of kidney,
endothelium lining of heart chambers and blood
2. Simple cuboidal epithelium:- Cells are cube
Shaped and on surface view cells look either
polygonal or hexagonal .they provide limited
protection to an organ
Sites: Pancreas and salivary glands, kidney tubules,
ducts that transport exocrine secretion.
3. Simple columnar epithelium:- Cells are tall, slender
and rectangular in shape and placed side by side
like columns. They occur in regions where
absorption or secretion occur.
Sites: most of the GIT lining, most of excretory
1. Ciliated columnar epithelium:- It consist of
modified columnar cells. Their free surface has
motile hair like structure called cilia which push
the substance in a definite direction.
Sites: Oviducts , renal tubules.
2. Glandular epithelium:- It consist modified
columnar cells called as gland cells that produce
exocrine or endocrine secretion.
Sites: Inner lining of GIT
3.Pseudostratified columnar epithelium:- it
consists of columnar cells of unequal heights.
Sites: Trachea lining, parts of male reproductive
( (MULTILAYERED epithelium):-
They are usually found in areas subject to mechanical or
chemical stresses.
1. Stratified squamous epithelium
2. Transitional epithelium
3. Stratified columnar epithelium
1.stratified squamous epithelium:-
The deeper layers of this tissue divide themselves to
form daughter cells which move towards the surface.
During this movement, these cells become more and
more flattened, finally they die and dry out.
Sites: Outer skin , glans of penis ,mucous membrane in
the mouth and the vagina.
2.Transitional epithelium:- It consist of rounded cells
( modified cuboidal, which are very elastic and have the
capacity of dividing themselves.
Sites: Lining of urinary bladder , ureter.
3.Stratified columnar epithelium:- It provides protection
along portion of the respiratory tract ,GIT and
reproductive tracts.

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