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FAO: steve Liebhart

carboline Company,
350 Hanley lndustrial Ct
St Louis
MO 63144

Report Summary

Report No. F201805040-5068 B Material l coat phenoline tank shield 20-25 mils

Overall specification Et1541

Carboline Company Send€rs Ref. rF-4588
Date lntertek Ret. lF-4588
Sample Description System lnformation
2018005040 - Fluid B (J€t tuel)
2018005043 - Fluid B afler erposure to panel 26A
2018005044 - Fluid B ater erposure to panel 27A
2018005047 - FluU A (lso Oclane / Toluene)
2018005050 - Flul, A afler exposure to panel2lA
Coated painted panels supplied for test. 2018005051 - Fluid A aller exposure to pangl 22A
2Ol E0O5O56 - Test panel 23A afier exposure to test fuid C (s€a wateo
2018005057 - Test panel 24A afier exposure lo lest f,uid C (3€a wat€r)
2018005062 - 28A afrer e&osuE to FsllMater
2018005063 - 29A afrer oeosule to FSll/Water
2018005067 - 25A - Control panel " I coat phenoline tank shield 20-25

Reason For Test

Testing coating (1 coat phenoline tank shield 20-25 mils) to El 1541 2"d edition proedute 2.2.1 31o 2.3

Testing was carried out in accordance with El 1541 edition 2 to 2.3.

The rBsults obfained lrom Gst lluid A are cDnsideEd aEpptable as required by EI 154'1.

The results obtained from l€st fluid B 8re considered acceptiable as required by El 1541

The test pieces wErE examined atter sxposure to fluids A, B, c and FSIIA^'ater. No signs ol discoloration, softening,
blistefing, pesling, cracking or crazing were evident. All appeared the same as the control sample.

The test piec€s all passed the El 1541 t€st protocols.

From: lntertek FarnborouSh

Fuels & Lubricants Centre Authorised 8y:.....\.
f tl-i'J
cody Technology Park,
guilding A7, Room 1061, Name: G l( Rickard
Farnborough GU14 0Lx

Tel : +44 {0) 1252397076 oatet 22lO2l2OtA

Fax : +44 (O) 125219 7182
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'r ti. r., r.

Sample Results

Sample Number Status Test Results Method

Existent Gum (filtered;
201800s040 1 mg/100m1 tP 540
air vapourised)

JFTOT Tube Rating <1 Rating tP 323

Pressure Drop 0 mmHg tP 323

Volume Passed 450 ml rP 323

Test Temperature 275 "C rP 323

JFTOT Tube Rating <2 Rating rP 323

Pressure Drop 1 mmHg rP 323

Volume Passed 450 ml tP 323

Test Temperature 285'C rP 323

JFTOT Tube Rating <2A Rating tP 323

Pressure Drop 0 mmHg rP 323

Volume Passed 450 ml rP 323

Test Temperature 290 "C tP 323

Electrical Conductivity 0 pS/m tP 274

Fuel Temperature 20 "c tP 274

Corrosion, Copper 1B rP154/ASTM D130

Existent Gum (filtered;

201800s043 1 mg/100m1 tP 540
air vapourised)

Test temperature 275'C rP 323

Heater tube deposit

<1 Rating rP 323

Pressure Drop 0 mmHg rP 323

Volume Passed 450 ml rP 323

Electrical Conductivity 0 pS/m tP 274

Fuel Temperature 20 "c tP 274

Corrosion, Copper 1B tP154/ASTM D130

Free from Discoloration, soft ening,

Appearance(test piece) blisterlng; peeling, cracking or VISUAL

Existent Gum (f iltered;

2018005044 1 mg/100m1 rP 540
air vapourised)

Test temperature 275 "C lP 323

Heater tube deposit

<2 Rating rP 323
\ rating

Page 2 of 9
Sample Number Status Test Results Method

Pressure Drop 0 mmHg rP 323

Volume Passed 450 ml tP 323

Electrical ConductivitY 0 pS/m tP 274

Fuel Temperature 20 'c tP 274

Corrosion, Copper 1B rP154/ASTM D130

Free from Discoloration, softening,

Appea ra nce(test piece) blistering, peeling, cracking or VISUAL

Existent Gum (filtered;

201800s047 0 mg/100m1 rP 540
air vapourised)

Existent Gum (filtered;

2018005050 0 mg/100m1 tP 540
air vapourised)

Free from Discoloration, softening,

Appea ra nce(test piece) blistering, peeling, cracking or VISUAL

Existent Gum (filtered;

201800s051 1 mg/100m1 tP 540
air vapourised)

Free from Discoloration, softening,

Appearance(test piece) blistering, peeling, cracking or VISUAL

Appea rance(test piece) Free from Discoloration, softening,

2018005056 blister:ing peeling, cracking or VISUAL

Appea ra nce(test piece) Free from Discoloration, softening,

after 7 days drying blistering, peeling, cracking or VISUAL

Appea rance(test piece) Free from Discoloration, softening,

201800s0s7 blistering, peeling, cracking or VISUAL

Appeara nce(test piece) Free from Discoloration, softening,

after 7 days drying blistering, peeling, cracking or VISUAL

Appearance(test piece) Free from Discoloration, softening,

201800s052 blistering, peeling, cracking or VISUAL

Appea ra nce(test piece) Free from Discoloration, softening,

2018005063 blistering, peeling, cracking or VISUAL

Appeara nce(test piece) Free from Discoloration, softening,

z ffi-
2018005067 blisterine. oeeling. cracking or VISUAL

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Test piece 21A exposure to fluid A

Test piece 22A exposure to

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Test piece 23A after exposure to fluid C

Test piece 23A exposure to fluid C and 7 days drying

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I l rl Q, il'i 11.. ...'

exposure to

Test piece 24A after exposure to fluid C and 7 days drying

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Test piece 26A after exposure to fluid B

piece 27 A after exposure to fluid B

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Test piece 28A exposure to

exposure to

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Test piece 25A, Control


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