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NASA Facts National Aeronautics and

Space Administration

Jet Propulsion Laboratory

California Institute of Technology
Pasadena, Calif. 91109

Clouds exert an enormous influence Clouds transport and redistribute one
on our weather and climate. Clouds of Earth's most precious resources -
are everywhere around us, yet despite freshwater. If our world had no clouds,
the fact that scientists have studied there would be no way to replenish our
clouds for a long time, much about reservoirs of freshwater. Improved
clouds remains a mystery. Until now, knowledge of cloud and precipitation
our information about clouds has come processes will help us better predict
from satellites in Earth orbit that see future freshwater supplies for societal
mostly the tops of clouds, from limited use.
surface observations that see mostly
the bottoms of clouds, and from Clouds also dominate the energy bal-
sparse research aircraft observations. ance of Earth, warming and cooling
our planet. Even small changes in culation and determines where new
their abundance or distribution could clouds will form.
alter the climate more than anticipated
changes in greenhouse gases, CloudSat Firsts
human-produced aerosols, or other
CloudSat will achieve a number of
factors associated with global change.
important firsts:
Scientists believe that the main uncer-
tainties in climate model simulations  First statistics on the vertical struc-
are due to the difficulties in adequately ture of clouds (for the first time, we will
representing clouds and their influence see clouds from top to bottom).
on the energy balance of the planet.
 First global estimates of the per-
NASA's CloudSat mission will give us centage of clouds that produce rain.
a never-before-seen 3-D perspective
of Earth's clouds that will answer  First vertically resolved estimates of
questions about how they form, evolve how much water and ice are in clouds.
and affect our weather, climate and
freshwater supply. CloudSat observa-  First ability to detect snowfall from
tions will fuel discoveries that will space.
improve our weather and climate fore-
 First estimates of how efficiently the
casts, while helping public policy mak-
atmosphere produces rain from con-
ers and business leaders make more- densates.
informed, long-term environmental
decisions about public health and the  First observationally-based estimate
economy. of how much clouds contribute to the
vertical distribution of atmospheric
Mission Overview heating.
CloudSat will provide the first global Launch
survey of cloud properties that are crit-
ical for understanding their effects on CloudSat will be launched on a Delta II
both weather and climate. The key launch vehicle together with the Cloud-
observations are vertical profiles of Aerosol Lidar and Infrared Pathfinder
cloud liquid water and ice water. These Satellite Observation (CALIPSO) satel-
cloud properties are not obtainable lite.
from current satellite measurement
systems. Mission Duration and Orbit

The mission's primary science goal is The CloudSat mission was designed
to furnish data needed to evaluate and to operate for two years to enable
improve the way clouds are character- more than one seasonal cycle to be
ized in global models. These data will observed, although the radar is
contribute to improved predictions of expected to operate for three years or
weather, climate, and the poorly longer. It will orbit at an altitude of 705
understood interaction between clouds kilometers (438 miles).
and other variables of the climate sys-
Science Objectives
tem. This interaction is complex:
clouds absorb and reflect solar energy  Quantitatively evaluate the repre-
and affect the distribution of thermal sentation of clouds and cloud process-
radiation in the atmosphere. The dis- es in global atmospheric circulation
tribution of radiation in the atmos- models (weather prediction and cli-
phere, in turn, affects atmospheric cir- mate models).
CloudSat and CALIPSO will work in concert with a constellation of satellites called the
“A-Train” that together are revolutionizing our understanding of Earth.

 Quantitatively evaluate the relation- satellite platforms) the effect of

ship between the vertical profiles of aerosols on cloud formation and cloud
cloud liquid water and ice content and processes.
the radiative heating of the atmos-
phere and surface by the various cloud Payload Overview
CloudSat carries a first-of-its-kind
 Evaluate cloud properties retrieved Cloud Profiling Radar that is more than
from other satellite systems, in particu- 1,000 times more sensitive than exist-
lar those of Aqua and CALIPSO. ing weather radar. It will "see" inside
clouds to determine, from space, how
 Improve our understanding of the much water and/or ice is inside.
indirect effect of aerosols on clouds by CloudSat flies a 94-Gigahertz, millime-
investigating (in cooperation with other ter-wavelength radar that looks straight
down at Earth to measure the vertical oped at JPL, with hardware contribu-
structure of clouds and rain from tions from the Canadian Space
space. Unlike the centimeter wave- Agency. Colorado State University,
length used in ground-based radars to Fort Collins, Colo., provides scientific
detect raindrop-size particles, the leadership and science data process-
CloudSat radar will allow us to study ing and distribution.
the interior structure of clouds. This
increased sensitivity allows us to see Other contributions include resources
inside the large cloud masses that from the U.S. Air Force and the U.S.
make our weather. We will be able to Department of Energy. Ball Aerospace
see the processes that convert the tiny and Technologies Corp., Boulder,
cloud particles to precipitation. Colo., designed and built the space-
craft. A host of U.S. and international
CloudSat's Cloud Profiling Radar will universities and research centers pro-
work much like a physician's CT scan vides support to the science team.
examines the human body, providing a Some of these activities are con-
vertical, cross-sectional view of clouds tributed as partnerships with the proj-
and furnishing new meteorological ect.
data types including cloud-layer thick-
CloudSat is a project from the NASA
ness, cloud top and base altitudes,
Earth System Science Pathfinder
and cloud water and ice content.
Program. NASA’s Goddard Space
"A-Train" Constellation Flight Center, Greenbelt, Md., provides
program management, system engi-
CloudSat will fly as part of a constella- neering support and overall program
tion of satellites called the "A-Train," management for the Earth System
providing a unique, multi-satellite Science Pathfinder Project Office.
observing system particularly well suit-
ed for studying the atmospheric
processes of the hydrological cycle.
CloudSat will fly in tight formation with
the CALIPSO satellite, which carries a
two-wavelength, polarization-sensitive
backscattering lidar that provides high-
resolution vertical profiles of aerosols
and clouds. These two satellites will
follow behind NASA's Aqua satellite in
a somewhat looser formation. The
combination of data from the CloudSat
radar with coincident measurements
from CALIPSO and Aqua provides a
rich source of information that can be
used to assess the role of clouds in
both weather and climate.

CloudSat is managed by NASA's Jet

Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena,
Calif. The radar instrument was devel- 10-21-05

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