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Course: Laboratory Organization, Management and Safety Methods (8629)

Level: B. Ed (1.5 Years)

Semester: Spring, 2020
Roll No(BY670357)
Q. 1Visit a nearby school and draw a laboratory design of that school. Write the name of school and

Name: Malik Muhammad Iqbal
Q. 2 What do you know about human resource for laboratory? Write the duties of each staff member of
the laboratory.
Science teacher :
Science teachers instruct students in subject-specific classrooms. They create lesson plans; evaluate student
performances; and teach using lectures, technology and hands-on learning experiences. They also model
expected behavior to establish and maintain an orderly, disciplined classroom.
6 Qualities of a Good Science Teacher
 Engages students at a high level.
 Knows students' learning styles.
 Brings science lessons to life with real-world applications.
 Understands student sensitivities and differences.
 Is committed to continual professional improvement.
 High School Science Teacher Duties and Responsibilities

 Develop and Teach Curriculum. ...

 Evaluate and Mentor Students. ...
 Collaborate with Teachers and Parents. ...
 Enforce Rules and Discipline Students. ...
 Plan and Supervise Extra-Curricular Activities.
Science laboratory assistant :  A student laboratory assistant is a professional who helps in preparing
instructions and materials used during laboratory experiments and demonstrations. ... They must also adhere
to the prescribed lab dress code, such as wearing a white coat and closed shoes, while working. A student
laboratory assiastant is a professional who helps in preparing instructions and materials used during
laboratory experiments and demonstrations. Most institutions scrutinize the qualifications and experience of
student lab assistants before assigning them to a particular lab. For example, those with a chemistry major or
minor may get jobs in the chemistry lab while those with a zoology, botany and microbiology majors typically
work in the biology lab. Assistants must complete the online lab safety training program before starting to
work. They must also adhere to the prescribed lab dress code, such as wearing a white coat and closed shoes,
while working.
repairing for Lab Sessions:
Lecturers and instructors request lab assistants to prepare the laboratory in advance before the lesson starts.
They perform this duty by reading the experimental procedure and any additional information given by the lab
manager or instructor. A student lab assistant asks for any clarification regarding the lab procedure. This helps
the assistant and lab manager anticipate questions the students will ask during the lesson. Assistants set up
any laboratory equipment needed for the experiment, such as microscopes, test tubes and calibrated glass
flasks. They also prepare simple reagents regularly used during lab procedures and ensure the lab is stocked
with the necessary supplies. This includes monitoring all of the supplies used in the lab and restocking them as
Cleaning the Lab
Carrying out experiments in a safe environment reduces the likelihood of accidents occurring. One of the
integral duties performed by student lab assistants is securing the lab. This is done by cleaning up any spills,
washing the equipment and glassware, such as conical flasks, pipettes and beakers used by students.
Assistants also ensures that all caps and tops of reagent bottles are firmly fastened to prevent spills or leakage.
They also put back all the reagents and equipment in the designated place after the lesson ends.
A student laboratory assistant is a professional who helps in preparing instructions and materials used during
laboratory experiments and demonstrations. Most institutions scrutinize the qualifications and experience of
student lab assistants before assigning them to a particular lab. For example, those with a chemistry major or
minor may get jobs in the chemistry lab while those with a zoology, botany and microbiology majors typically
work in the biology lab. Assistants must complete the online lab safety training program before starting to
work. They must also adhere to the prescribed lab dress code, such as wearing a white coat and closed shoes,
while working.
Role and responsibilities of school lab attendant :
 Prepare samples for testing using various laboratory equipment.
 Maintain all laboratory records.
 Comply with the correct procedures, policies, and health and safety regulations.
 Conduct laboratory tests, analyze results, and document your findings.
 Reference : Amber Collins
Q. 3 Write a note on management of physics laboratory.
ANS: The rapid development of computer technology for university physics laboratory management has
brought new techniques, management work of laboratory informatization, digital, networked, intelligent level
gradually increased. In this paper, the use of computer technology to design the college physics experi- ment
equipment management system, improve the efficiency and quality of equipment management. First, the
system uses the SSH architecture, and is represented by the figure; then, database design, elaborated the sys-
tem design principle of database, design the data table that is the most important of the system equipment in-
formation data table; Finally, module design, mainly include: equipment management module, equipment en-
ter warehouse and out of library modules, equipment maintenance module, and so on. To achieve equipment
entry, add, modify, query, statistics, delete, and maintenance management. 
"Theory and research suggest that meaningful learning is possible in laboratory activities if all students
are provided with opportunities to manipulate equipment and materials while working cooperatively with
peers in an environment in which they are free to pursue solutions to problems that interest them." 2  
 The following teaching conditions enable this to occur.   
 For students to acquire the manual and mental skills associated with learning physics, it is essential that they be
fully engaged in laboratory activities. This requires sufficient equipment and laboratory stations for laboratory
groups containing only two or three students.        

         The number of students and of laboratory stations in a classroom must be small enough for the
teacher to supervise the safety of student activities and to have sufficient time to actively work with
each laboratory group.            
 Schools and teachers must ensure equal access to laboratory activities under appropriate supervision for all
students, with provision made for adapting activities for students with a disability.               
 Where appropriate, laboratory activities should include equipment and phenomena that relate to the students’
world, such as toys, sports equipment, tools, household items, etc.  

         The integration of laboratory activities with classroom work requires that students be able to
move smoothly between their desks and the laboratory area and that there be sufficient space for
equipment to remain set up. A classroom arrangement with space for desks, computers, and ample
space for laboratory stations and equipment in the same room is ideal. At the high school level, it is
especially desirable for the laboratory area to be integrated with the classroom.      
         Computers and modern instruments should be part of the laboratory equipment. Although
excellent physics learning can take place using the simplest equipment, computers and measuring
instruments incorporating modern technology can be powerful tools for learning physics concepts and
developing skills of measurement, analysis, and processing information.      
         Computer simulations should not substitute for laboratory experience, but may be used to
supplement and extend such experience.          
 Evaluation of student learning in physics should include assessment of skills developed in laboratory activities as
well as the knowledge acquired during these activities. Test questions relating directly to laboratory work act not
only to assess laboratory learning, but also communicate the importance of laboratory work to students.      

         Effective employment of laboratory activities requires that teachers have adequate and
convenient storage for equipment; a workspace with tools to repair, maintain, or construct equipment;
and enough planning time in their schedule to maintain, set up, and try out laboratory equipment prior
to classes.      
         Safe laboratory work for students and teachers requires adequate, up-to-date safety equipment;
an emphasis on safe practice in all activities; and the availability of resources and references on safety,
such as the AAPT publication, Teaching Physics Safely.      
         To maintain their skills and keep abreast of new developments in physics teaching, teachers need
time, money, support, and encouragement to participate in appropriate professional activities. These
may include attendance at workshops and professional conferences; examining new laboratory
equipment, curricula, texts and resource materials; and working and consulting with colleagues in
schools and colleges and in the physics and engineering research community.      
      The role of the laboratory is central in high school physics courses since students must construct their own
understanding of physics ideas. This knowledge cannot simply be transmitted by the teacher, but must be
developed by students in interactions with nature and the teacher. Meaningful learning will occur where
laboratory activities are a well-integrated part of a learning sequence. The separation of laboratory activities
from lecture is artificial, and not desirable in high school physics.    
Reference :
Micheal Cruise Dec 12, 2016 ·

Q. 4 Define the terms; concentration, normality, molarity & mole. What amount of MgSO 4 will be required
to prepare 0.5 Molar Solution of Mg SO4.
Concentration of Solutions
The amount of solute in a given amount of solution or solvent is known as the concentration. The two most
common ways of expressing concentration are molarity and molality.

Molarity, and normality are all units of concentration in chemistry.

Molarity is defined as the number of moles of solute per liter of solution.
Normality ( ) is defined as the number of equivalents per liter of solution.
Mole :
A mole of a substance is defined as: The mass of substance containing the same number of fundamental units
as there are atoms in exactly 12.000 g of 12C. Fundamental units may be atoms, molecules, or formula units,
depending on the substance concerned.
Molarity =Mass/Molar massx1/dm3
Molarity =0.5M
Molar mass =120g/mole
So 0.5=mass /120x1/1
Mass =60gANS
Q. 5 What are potential goals for laboratory classes?
Potential goals of laboratory classes:
 Develop intuition and deepen understanding of concepts.
 Apply concepts learned in class to new situations.
 Experience basic phenomena.
 Develop critical, quantitative thinking.
 Develop experimental and data analysis skills.
 Learn to use scientific apparatus.
 Learn to estimate statistical errors and recognize systematic errors.
 Develop reporting skills (written and oral).
 Practice collaborative problem solving.
 Exercise curiosity and creativity by designing a procedure to test a hypothesis.
 Better appreciate the role of experimentation in science.
 Test important laws and rules.

(from Science Teaching Reconsidered, National Academy Press, 1997)

The Goal of Introductory Laboratories

Goals of the Introductory Physics Laboratory* American Association of Physics Teachers

The principle of science, the definition almost, is the following: The test of all knowledge is experiment.
Experiment is the sole judge of scientific ‘truth.’ But what is the source of knowledge? Where do the laws that
are to be tested come from? Experiment, itself, helps to produce these laws, in the sense that it gives us hints.
But also needed is imagination to create from these hints the great generalizations—to guess at the
wonderful, simple, but very strange patterns beneath them all, and then to experiment to check again
whether we made the right guess. Richard Feynman1
Summary of Introductory Physics Laboratory Goals (A detailed discussion about these goals is printed on the
next two pages)
I. -The Art of Experimentation: The introductory laboratory should engage each student in significant
experiences with experimental processes, including some experience designing investigation.
II.- Experimental and Analytical Skills: The laboratory should help the student develop a broad array of basic
skills and tools of experimental physics and data analysis.
III.- Conceptual Learning: The laboratory should help students master basic physics concepts.
IV.- Understanding the Basis of Knowledge in Physics: The laboratory should help students understand the
role of direct observation in physics and to distinguish between inferences based on theory and the outcomes
of experiments.
V.- Developing Collaborative Learning Skills: The laboratory should help students develop collaborative
learning skills that are vital to success in many lifelong endeavors.
Many of the goals are not explicit in traditional laboratory programs. However, the American Association of
Physics Teachers believes that laboratory programs should be designed with these five fundamental goals in

Laboratory work is essential in the study of physics. The primary goals of introductory physics laboratories
have been evolving over the past century. The current impetus for changes in laboratory instruction stems
from new research on student learning and technology, as well as changes in the overall goals of physics

The purpose of this document is to develop a set of common goals for laboratory instruction that can serve as
a guide to those responsible for designing and evaluating introductory physics laboratory programs.

Discussion of Introductory Physics

Laboratory Goals
Goal 1. The Art of Experimentation: The introductory laboratory should engage each student in significant
experiences with experimental processes, including some experience designing investigation.

For many students an early experience with a stimulating scientific process in which they control the steps of
an investigation can be a critical "turn-on" to physics and other sciences. Students completing the introductory
laboratory should understand that physics is an experimental science and that observation and
experimentation are as important as concepts and theories.

Although the physics community believes that there is no best way to achieve this goal, the following
considerations are important:
 A conscious distinction should be made between laboratory exercises and lecture demonstrations on
the one hand, and laboratory experiments on the other hand. The former provide critical experience
with phenomena under the control of the instructor; whereas in the latter case, student decisions on
how to design and conduct the experiment influence its outcome.
 Laboratory investigations should encourage students to add some of their own ideas to experiments
and their interpretation. Even in conventional investigations, instructors can "program in" unexpected
surprises and applaud those special moments when students achieve intellectual discoveries or
develop experimental techniques on their own.
 Laboratory investigations should engage students in the process of formulating and asking an
interesting question of nature. Students then select the methods and apparatus needed to make
progress toward finding an answer. A portion of each laboratory course can be reserved for student-
designed projects. With guidance and monitoring by faculty and teaching assistants, these projects can
provide a creative climax to a laboratory course. Careful planning can make this a viable option even in
large laboratory sections and programs.
Goal II. Experimental and Analytical Skills: The laboratory should help the student develop a broad array
of basic skills and tools of experimental physics and data analysis
While it is imperative that students have a broad experience with techniques using laboratory equipment,
it is impossible to prescribe precisely which equipment should be used in all introductory laboratory
courses. The learning objectives of each laboratory experiment should determine the equipment to be
used. At the same time, it is advisable to have students use many different types of basic laboratory
apparatus to make observations.
Computers, when used as flexible tools in the hands of students for the collection, analysis, and graphical
display of data, can accelerate the rate at which students can acquire data, abstract, and generalize from real
experience with natural phenomena. The digital computer is an important tool for an inquiry-based course in
physics because it has become the most universal tool of inquiry in scientific research. However, computer
simulations should not be used as substitutes for direct experience with physics apparatus. All laboratory
students should have an opportunity to gain confidence in their ability to "troubleshoot" and tinker with
mechanical, thermal, optical, and electrical systems.
Students should have experience in analyzing experimental results at various levels of sophistication, ranging
from purely qualitative to highly quantitative. Students should be able to graph data and describe the
relationships between quantities both in their own words and in terms of the mathematical relationship
between the variables. Students should understand the uncertainty associated with measurement and the
distinction between experimental uncertainties and mistakes in reading or recording information. Students
should learn enough about uncertainties to understand the inherent limitations of measurement processes.
Goal III. Conceptual Learning: The laboratory should help students master basic physics concepts.
A growing body of research in physics education indicates that a majority of students have difficulty learning
basic physical concepts in a course built around traditional lectures, textbook problems, and verification
experiments.2,3 These studies indicate that for improved learning, students must actively confront difficult
concepts. Effective learning may also be assisted by close interaction of students with their peers in this
process. The laboratory can be an excellent environment for active learning.4,5
The laboratory has long been considered useful to develop conceptual understanding, but some recent
courses have been developed that rely heavily on laboratory experience, in contrast to lecture, for the primary
development of conceptual understanding of physics. In such programs, conceptually oriented laboratory
experiences may constitute a portion of the laboratory program, the entire laboratory program, or the entire
The use of computers with laboratory interfaces allows real-time recording and graphing of physical
quantities. The qualitative use of real-time graphing in microcomputer-based laboratories (MBL) has increased
interest in using the laboratory to enhance conceptual understanding. The combination of two factors —
laboratory course design based on an understanding of the preconceptions students bring to the study of
physics from their past experience, and the continuing development of MBL and other laboratory technology
— has the potential to significantly improve the effectiveness of laboratory instruction.
Goal IV. Understanding the Basis of Knowledge in Physics: The laboratory should help students understand
the role of direct observation in physics and to distinguish between inferences based on theory and the
outcomes of experiments.
Physics is a complex structure of concepts, hypotheses, theories, and observations that are interrelated in
such a way that it is often difficult to separate inferences based on theory from direct observations based
primarily on laboratory experiments.6 Students should understand that experimental evidence is the basis of
our knowledge of the laws of physics and that physics is not merely a collection of equations and textbook
The majority of students enrolled in introductory physics at both the high-school and college level do not have
sufficient concrete experience with everyday phenomena to understand the subtle interplay between
observation and the construction of physics theories. The processes of observing phenomena, analyzing data,
and developing qualitative verbal models and mathematical models to explain observations afford students a
unique opportunity to relate concrete experience to scientific theories.1
Goal V. Developing Collaborative Learning Skills: The laboratory should help students develop collaborative
learning skills that are vital to success in many lifelong endeavors.
A recent survey by the American Institute of Physics indicates that physics graduates named cooperative skills
and complex real-world problem-solving skills as the two most vital skills in their professional lives.7 In
addition, researchers are finding that educational collaboration in small groups is a very efficacious way of
designing a learning environment for physics students. The American Association of Physics Teachers
recommends that specific attention be given to the quality of the small-group collaborations in introductory
physics laboratory programs.8
Evaluating Laboratory Achievement
Ultimately, success in achieving laboratory goals is demonstrated by communicating results. Students should
develop expertise in clear, cogent reporting of experimental design, observations, analysis, and conclusions in
a variety of formats ranging from informal discussion and oral presentations to formal laboratory papers and
reports that adhere to accepted guidelines for formal presentation.
These goals are intended to stimulate further development of laboratory programs in introductory physics.
Research on the efficacy of different approaches to laboratory teaching and ongoing discussion of the relative
merits of various approaches are vital to the improvement of laboratory teaching.
Excellent laboratory programs do not happen by chance but require thought and planning. Achieving these
goals is a worthy challenge, and their broad implementation will require the best efforts of the physics
community. *
[Editor’s Note: This document, prepared by members of the American Association of Physics Teachers’
Committee on Laboratories (Gerald Taylor Jr., Chair), along with the Apparatus Committee, the Two-Year
College Committee, the Committee on Physics in Undergraduate Education, and others, was accepted as a
policy statement for AAPT by the Executive Board at its October 1997 meeting in College Park, Maryland. We
reprint it here for the interest and information of physics teachers, educators, and administrators.]
1. R. P. Feynman, The Feynman Lectures on Physics, (Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA, 1964), Chap. 1.
2. A.B. Arons, A Guide to Introductory Physics Teaching (Wiley, New York, 1990).
3. L.C. McDermott, "Guest comment: How we teach and how students learn — A mismatch? Am. J. Phys. 61, 295-298
4. R.K. Thornton and D.R. Sokoloff, "Assessing and improving student learning in Newton’s laws Parts I and II,"
(Accepted for publication in the American Journal of Physics).
5. P.W. Laws, "Calculus-based physics without lectures," Phys. Today 44, (December 1991).
6. M. Rothman, Discovering Natural Laws: The Experimental Basis of Physics (Doubleday, New York, 1972), p. 8.
7. See Fig. 6 in Patrick J. Mulvey and Elizabeth Dodge, 1995 Bachelor’s Degree Recipients Report American Institute of
Physics, pub. R-211.27, 1996).
8. Patricia Heller, Ronald Keith, and Scott Anderson, "Teaching problem solving through cooperative grouping. Part 1:
Group versus individual problem solving and Part 2: Designing problems and structuring groups," Am. J. Phys. 60 (7),
July 1992.

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