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EDUC3505 PGP Template Griffioen 2020

Taken from Professional Learning Tool – University of Lethbridge Faculty of Education

Planning for Learning – PSI

Area of Growth: Related Strategies Resources/ Evidence of Success Timeline
TQS Required Supports (Specific)
Explore how
methods on how to
improve questioning

Goal: During my TQS 2 Develop, internalize, Etemadzadeh, A., Seifi, The students are able October 5th-19th
2020 Practicum 1, I utilize and regularly re- S., & Far, H. R. (2013). to engage in higher Research on
will improve my visit the affirmations The Role of levels of critical different
questioning relative to lesson design Questioning Technique thinking and problem questioning
techniques to engage in developing thinking solving techniques to
students in higher Skills: The Ongoing promote higher
levels of critical Effect on Writing levels of critical
thinking and Skill. Procedia - Social thinking
problem solving. and Behavioral
Sciences,70, 1024-1031.

TQS 3 Focus on developing Teaching Critical The students are able October 19th-
procedures to teach Thinking and Problem- to work through Novemebr 10th
students how to analyze, Solving Skills by Lisa critical thinking Practice
identify relevant Gueldenzoph Snyder lessons and make questioning
information, test Mark J. Snyder substantial and techniques on
hypotheses, etc. with my statistically significant peers, friends,
questioning techniques improvements in parents, create
language lesson plans with
comprehension, critical
inventive thinking thinking/problem,
solving activities

Develop questioning The students are able November 16th-

techniques that I can to ask their own December 18th
EDUC3505 PGP Template Griffioen 2020
Taken from Professional Learning Tool – University of Lethbridge Faculty of Education

make before, during and questions to foster and Teach lesson plans
after interaction with engage others in that involve
students—decisions that, critical thinking and practice
when implemented, problem solving questioning
should increase the techniques to
likelihood of student engage students in
learning/critical higher levels of
thinking. critical thinking
and problem

Area of Growth Related Strategies Resources/ Evidence of Success Timeline

TQS Required Supports (Specific)
Establishing a strong
teacher presence in
the classroom, and
management skills

Goal: During my TQS 1 During the first week of Classroom Management Student on-task October 5th-19th
2020 Practicum 1, I school, clearly establish for Elementary Teachers behaviour improved Research on
will establish a the classroom respect of (Book) by Carolyn over the five-week classroom
strong teacher teacher, and peers (The 3 Evertson period and close to management
presence at all times Rs- respect others, maximizing my techniques to help
and improving respect yourself, respect available instructional create a strong
classroom the environment) time. teacher presence
management skills.
Work thanksgiving
weekend with
SAIT camps in
Calgary, to practice
EDUC3505 PGP Template Griffioen 2020
Taken from Professional Learning Tool – University of Lethbridge Faculty of Education

management skills
TQS 2 Always a good idea to Opdenakker, M., & Students will engage October 19th-
verbally commend Damme, J. V. (2006). in a more productive, Novemebr 10th
appropriate behaviour or Teacher characteristics work-oriented Practice teacher
give a more formal and teaching styles as environment, less presences on peers,
recognition of this effectiveness enhancing socializing and more friends, parents
behaviour, work this into factors of classroom task-oriented
the classroom practice. Teaching and behaviour
Education,22(1), 1-21.

TQS 3 Consistently respond to Students will see me November 16th-

challenging behaviour, as a position of December 18th
but not in a negative authority but one they Establish a sense of
way; the key is can come to for authority in the
consistency.  support classroom, initiate
management skills
learnt previous

Area of Growth: Related Strategies Resources/ Evidence of Success Timeline

TQS Required Supports (Specific)
Engaging in
Personal Wellness

Wellness Goal: Connect with family and The Benefits of a Better performance October 5th-12th
I will build 45 friends and do things Wellness Program by and attitude while in Create a sample
minutes-1 hour of together that we all George Violette the classroom schedule for a
self-care time into enjoy. routine to include
my day at least five workout, friends,
days per week. quality alone time
Complete 20-30 minutes An abundance amount October 12th-
EDUC3505 PGP Template Griffioen 2020
Taken from Professional Learning Tool – University of Lethbridge Faculty of Education

of exercise in the of energy when November 10thth

morning or evening teaching, and lesson Continue to take 45
(walk, yoga, run, planning minutes-1 hour of
weights, etc.) self-care times,
work it into school
routine (In
between, before or
after classes)
Take quality time for Able to use time more November 16th-
myself and do something efficiently to complete December 18th
I enjoy (read a book, tasks and to work Continue to take 45
watch a show, walk, more ffectively minutes-1 hour of
bake, cook) self-care times,
work it into
practicum 1 routine
(Before or after


EDUC3505 PGP Template Griffioen 2020
Taken from Professional Learning Tool – University of Lethbridge Faculty of Education

Inquiry Question 1
Reflection at Midway Point:
Achievements In Progress Future Considerations

Reflection at End of Term:

Inquiry Question 2
Reflection at Midway Point:
Achievements In Progress Future Considerations

Reflection at End of Term:

Inquiry Question 3
Reflection at Midway Point:
Achievements In Progress Future Considerations

Reflection at End of Term:

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