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When it comes to Education, it has to be considered as a thorny subject, with no clear

cut answers and I would not dare give a definitive answer about If emotional
intelligence in education may be taught by teachers in the actual education system.

Have you ever thought about the aim of education? Without the slightest doubt, it
must be preparing students for adult life. So the role of schools should be thought
trough only after we have identified the challenges of being a grown-up. There are two
fundamental tasks: The first one is “Working” and the second one is “Sustaining goof

As far as I am concerned, classes on self-knowledge would be central on the whole

education system. Students would be introduced early on to the idea that we are all
too prone to misunderstanding ourselves. They would be taken through ideas as to the
role of delusion, defensiveness, projection and denial in their everyday lives.

What could be a possible solution? It is possible that there would be tutors on hand to
work with students on developing a map of their characters, with special attention to
neuroses and defenses. After this module, students would quite easily be able to say
in what way there were a little worried. They would know a lot about the ways in
which they were different to life with, and the sort of people it did good to spend time

Personally, if I had had this type of program when I was at school, I would have chosen
a different career.

A crucial unit would be devoted to career self-knowledge: What jobs are you best
suited to do? Ending up in a job that you like and believe in is perhaps the biggest
attainment of all. Self-Knowledge is said to be one of the most important characteristic
at the time of choosing a determined career.

Not only students can learn about self-knowledge, but they also have a wide range of
lessons about techniques for reducing anxiety or how to prevent an argument in the
daily live.

To sum up, I would like to pinpoint that we are so hung up on the challenges of
running a massive education that we are failing to show the real source of our
problems. It is not primarily about money, salaries, teachers´ preparation, discipline,
etc.… Troubles here are only a consequence of a more basic difficulty that precedes
them all.


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