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Strategy-Based Comprehension Instruction Lesson Plan

Strategy 9.5
Comprehension Purpose: For students to learn through recalling and gathering facts so that they are able to summarize the text
that they’ve read.
Name: Kylie Boruszewski Grade Level: 5th Grade
Target Content/Lesson Topic: Reading Comprehension: Gathering facts from informational text Date: 11/06/20

Essential Question How can we organize and summarize facts from nonfiction text in order to recall what we’ve
What is the essential question that this learned?
lesson addresses? What is the core
purpose of the lesson that includes the
strategies and skills necessary to
accomplish the deeper learning in the
standard? How does this lesson fit into
the larger unit of study?
State Learning Standards CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.CCRA.R.2
Identify relevant grade level standards Determine central ideas or themes of a text and analyze their development; summarize the key
and Learning Outcomes from the State
supporting details and ideas.
Content Learning Standards, Common
Core Standards, and school learning
Read and comprehend complex literary and informational texts independently and proficiently.

Learning Targets/Objectives Students will be able to…

What should the students know or be - Organize information from nonfiction text to summarize what they’ve read.
able to do after the instruction? Use a - Pause during reading to gather facts from nonfiction text.
common format with a measurable verb
that matches the cognitive domain
standard. This should be a small piece of I can…
the standard stated in measurable - Organize facts from the text to summarize what I’ve read.
terms. - Pause and gather what I know while reading nonfiction text.
Describe how and why students will be The students will be working within a whole group for a majority of the lesson. They will work

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divided into groups, if applicable independently during close reading, using the strategy, and the post-reading activity. The purpose for
(homogeneous, heterogenous, random / independent work is to encourage individual sense-making and to have the students use their own
based on ability, interest, social
purposes, etc.)
thoughts, ideas, and comprehension for the post-reading activity.
Co-Teaching Strategy
How did you collaborate with your co- Co-Teaching Strategy
teacher to plan, instruct, and assess N/A
learning? What Co-Teaching Model will
you employ?
-One Teach, One Observe
-One Teach, One Assist
-Station Teaching
-Parallel Teaching
-Alternative (Differentiated)
-Team Teaching

Differentiation Content:
Respond to your students’ needs and
adjust the content, process, product, - Content can be provided in an alternative form depending on individual student needs – if
and/or environment to reach individual
learners based on their readiness,
they need a digital copy of the text, rather than print, that can be provided for them; as well as
interests, and learning preferences the graphic organizer.
(Tomlinson, 2014). Discuss planned
supports here. o Honey to the Bee is also available in a less complex version for readers who may be at a
different reading level and need the accommodation.

- The text could also be read to students via an audible version of the text through headphones,
rather than silent independent reading.

- For ELLs, the text should be adapted as necessary: transferred to their L1 OR should be
provided in a bilingual version if available. Personal dictionaries should be used for tricky
words (bilingual adaption as well).


- The teacher could provide the graphic organizer in digital format to accommodate for

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individual needs so that they can complete on a computer if they need to (rather than

- If a student is not able to write, the teacher should set it up so that the student is able to
speak-to-text their thoughts so that the computer “writes” for them on the digital version of
the graphic organizer OR sit with the student to help them write their thoughts.

- The teacher could also allow for the student(s) to draw out their thinking/facts, rather than
writing their thoughts through words if they’re unable to do so.

- The teacher could also modify the amount of facts for the student(s) to write down on the
graphic organizer in the circumstance that 5 would be too complex (adapt to 2 or 3). This
could apply for ELLs as well.


- For students who need audible accommodations, the text passage features an audible reading
which could be provided as well as headphones so that the student is able to focus on the text.
For students who need visual accommodations, the teacher could try to provide pictures to go
along with the passage so that the student is able to picture the story better.

- The teacher should also allow for the students to sit where they’re most comfortable in the
classroom (flexible seating) for better focus during work time.

Formative Assessment The formative assessment for this lesson will be using the graphic organizers and summaries to see if
How will you monitor student learning the students were able to comprehend the text and turn their sense-making and the facts into a
throughout the lesson? Be specific
thorough summary of the text. By evaluating both the graphic organizer and their written
about how your chosen assessments
connect with the objectives above. summaries, the teacher is able to determine the level of comprehension of informational text, and
Does your formative assessment whether the students understood how to use the graphic organizer by writing down the important
have/need evaluation criteria? If so, facts to support their comprehension. Although there is no “right” or “wrong” sense making of the
attach a copy of your evaluation criteria.

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text (summaries), the teacher should look for students who didn’t quite understand the gist of the
text (the important facts). This will let the teacher know where he/she needs to reteach, whether
the students need practice the strategy more to support their comprehension, or whether to move on
to the next strategy. If the students are making connections from their facts to their summaries, then
they have a good foundational understanding of how to use the strategy.
Summative Assessment The purpose of the lesson overall is to help students learn through recalling and gathering facts so
How will students demonstrate mastery that they are able to summarize the text that they’ve read. By gathering the facts, they’re visually
of the standard? Note: This assessment
organizing the important information that they’re reading. They’re noticing, recalling what they’ve
does not have to occur during/after this
lesson but in upcoming lessons. learned, and using this to summarize the text that they’ve just read. The students will show that
Evaluation Criteria they’ve accomplished the learning goals by being able to (accurately) recall the important
What material(s) will you use to information of the text and create a summary of the text – this should be evaluated in their written
evaluate learning? Please attach a copy summaries. The teacher should also notice the facts that the students recorded and how they
of your checklist, rubric, observation connected to their summary. If the connection is poor or if they didn’t seem to make sense of the text,
criteria, or other measure.
the teacher should use this as a performance indicator of needing more support with the strategy to
be able to build comprehension.
Procedures (Teacher[s] will…, Students will…)
Describe the presentation of the overall Introduction:
Introduction and Connection to  To being the lesson, the teacher will have the students first gather and sit on the carpet  reminding
Previous Learning them of the carpet expectations:
● Anticipatory Activity (Hook) o Eyes should be looking, ears should be listening, facing forward, criss-cross applesauce, hands
● Activate prior knowledge.
in your lap, and bodies are still.
● Be sure students understand
procedures and instructions for  The teacher will then introduce the lesson by explaining that the students will be reading with the
lesson. purpose of learning new information, and they will be learning a strategy on how to pause during
● Establish clear expectations. reading and gather the new information (or facts) to recall what they’ve learned.
● Model concept  The teacher will begin to activate prior knowledge:
The Introduction, During, and Wrap-up o The teacher will ask the students why it’s important to stop during reading and recall what
groupings/ instruction/ lesson they just read. The teacher should listen to a few students’ thinking and continue.
progression might look different! o The teacher will elaborate on their interpretations of why it’s important, and connect to this
new strategy when reading nonfiction text:
 It gives them an opportunity to think about what the text is saying.
 It allows them to keep track of the facts and ideas in the text.
 It allows them to gather what they know and write it down to recall later.

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 The teacher will then show the students the visual he/she has created (that looks similar/identical to
the visual on Pg 254)
o The teacher will explain that in nonfiction text, there are usually quite a bit of facts and it’s
important that we don’t just zoom past them. Instead, we should pause, write down the fact if
you think it’s important to the text by either using your own words or using almost the same
words of the author.
o The teacher will then point to the “fact” tear drops and explain that they should keep track of
the facts in the text and gather them up. We used gathered facts to understand what the author
would like us to know, we then use these facts to summarize and recall what we’ve read. We’ll
be using the facts from out reading in order to learn about the topic the text is about so then we
can summarize what we’ve read (pointing to the bucket).
 The teacher will then hand out a copy of the Hurricanes text so that the class can read an example text
together. They will first read the text together, pausing at an important fact, and then recording in on
the easel pad (anchor chart paper). Once they get through with the reading, the teacher will gather a
few students’ thoughts of what they learned in the story overall (briefly). The teacher should then
explain that this is exactly what they will be doing as they read their nonfiction text (independently).
 The teacher should check for understanding and clarify any confusion and answering any questions
about what’s expected. Once the teacher feels that the students understand the process of the strategy,
practicing one more example if they don’t, they will move on to quickly go over the graphic organizer.
The teacher should explain and show how the graphic organizer they will be completing for the
 Then, the students will be given the directions to complete the reading and graphic organizer on their
own – once they’re done reading, they should go back and reread.
 Release the students to go back to their seats to read the story – everyone should have the Honey to the
Bee reading and the Gather The Facts graphic organizer at their desks.

During (Lesson Progression) Independent Reading (Using the Graphic Organizer as support):
In this portion of the lesson, you will be  Before the class begins reading, the teacher should point out the tricky words in the text and tell the
letting go and letting students engage in students to use what they know to understand the tricky words, and the pay attention to what’s
productive struggle; engaging in gradual happening around the words.
release, inquiry, or other learning  As the students independently read, the teacher should be monitoring understanding. Notice the
methods. Please write what you are
students who are struggling with both the reading and using the strategy, and reexplain the strategy
looking for in terms of:
● Students’ thinking and how they when needed.
will start the lesson o The teacher should prompt struggling students with questions such as:
● Provide appropriate support  List the facts you remember so far.
(not explaining how to do it)  What did you learn in this part?

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● Provide worthwhile extensions.  List what you remember so far.
● Provide opportunities for  Let’s try to list a few.
students to engage in using the  *Reinforce good use of the strategy*
academic language.  The teacher should wrap-up once all students are finished with both the reading and graphic
This is where you will be suggesting or
organizer. If time does not allow for the post-reading activity after the intro/mini-lesson/independent
modeling specific strategies and
helping students choose which strategy reading, the teacher should do this activity the next day (first reminding the students to review their
makes sense to them. However, you facts and briefly discuss what they read to refresh their memory).
must make sure ideas come from  If time allows, the teacher should continue to the post-reading activity in the same period.
Wrap-Up and Extension Extension (Post-Reading Activity):
This is where you have students talk  The students will take their facts that they’ve written on their graphic organizer and use what they’ve
about their thinking and share strategies interpreted from the text to write a summary of what they learned in their writing notebooks OR on the
with the whole class. It’s important to back of their graphic organizer (their choice).
name strategies and use academic o By writing a summary, they’re given an open-ended assessment to transfer what they
vocabulary here, extending the lesson to
comprehended from the text and write down their understanding.
broader ideas.
● Promote a community of o The teacher will then evaluate the summaries to assess how the students comprehended the text –
learners did they struggle, or did they make sense of the text? The teacher is not looking for “right” or
● Listen actively and probe “wrong” summaries, but rather that the student was able to go back to their facts and think about
thinking without evaluating or what they learned from the text, and then write down their thoughts as a summary of the passage.
telling them how you would do o The teacher should allow for 10-15 minutes (longer if necessary) of writing time.).
it.  Once done with their summaries, the class will come back as a whole, and will discuss their summaries.
Summarize main ideas and identify The teacher should have a few students share their summaries to show how they made sense of the text.
future problems that they would be able
o Prompts: What were a few interesting facts you took away from the article? What facts did you
to solve using the thinking you have
discussed. list? How does this relate to your summary?
 Remind them that they should add this strategy to their toolbox, and should continue to use it in every day
Instructional Materials, - Easel Pad/Anchor Chart Paper
Equipment and Technology - Gather Up Facts! Graphic Organizer (created by me)
Attach a copy of ALL materials the - Reading passages (sourced from on separate document
teacher and students will use during the
lesson; e.g., handouts, questions to
answer, overheads, PowerPoint slides,
worksheets. List equipment or
technology that needs to be available.

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