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Experiences of Physical and Sexual Abuse

and Their Implications for Current Health

Ulla Pikarinen, MD, Terhi Saisto, MD, PhD, Berit Schei, MD, PhD, Katarina Swahnberg, PhD,
and Erja Halmesmäki, MD, PhD

OBJECTIVE: To estimate the prevalence of a history of CONCLUSION: Abusive experiences were common in
physical and sexual abuse in adulthood among gyneco- gynecologic outpatients. Women with abusive experi-
logical patients and the association with general and ences had ill health and poor sexual life more often than
reproductive health. the controls. In contrast to the results of previous studies,
most of the women did not want to be asked about abuse
METHODS: A cross-sectional questionnaire study on
by their gynecologist.
abusive experiences of gynecologic outpatients in a ter-
(Obstet Gynecol 2007;109:1116–22)
tiary hospital. The total sample size was 691.
RESULTS: Of all women, 42.4% had experienced mod-
erate or severe physical or sexual abuse as an adult. One
hundred forty-seven (21.6%) women reported physical
abuse, 84 (12.3%) sexual abuse, and 58 (8.5%) both. The
abused and nonabused women did not differ in mean
V iolence against women is recognized as a com-
mon risk factor impairing women’s health. It was
claimed to be a crime against humanity by the United
age, education, or parity. Sexually abused women and Nations. Although striking news presents us with
those who were both sexually and physically abused images of cruelty to women and their humiliation
reported poor general health significantly more often during war, the most common violence exists in the
(Pⴝ.005 and Pⴝ.001, respectively) than the nonabused. everyday lives of the female population.
They also rated their sex life as significantly worse than Abusive experiences have a serious impact on a
the nonabused women (Pⴝ.002 and Pⴝ.012, respec- person’s health and quality of life. The prevalence of
tively). Over half of abused women had experienced
violent experiences among primary care patients has
common physical complaints during the previous 12
been reported to be two times higher than among the
months compared with one third of the nonabused
general population of the area in question.3,4 Sexual
(P<.001). Two thirds of both the abused and the non-
violence damages the genitals, causes infections, and
abused women preferred that their gynecologist not ask
directly about abuse.
later on results in problems with sexual health and
desire.5–7 In addition to human suffering and socio-
logical problems, abuse also has economical conse-
From the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, South Karelian Central quences to society because the victims use health
Hospital, Lappeenranta, Finland; Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, services more than women who are not abused.8
Helsinki University Hospital, Jorvi Hospital, Espoo, Finland; Women’s Health
In a Finnish population-based study, it was found
Department of Community Medicine/Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology,
St. Olav’s Hospital, Trondheim University Hospital, Faculty of Medicine, that two women out of five had experienced physical
Trondheim, Norway; Division of Gender and Medicine, Faculty of Health or sexual violence or serious threats of such violence
Sciences, Linköping University, Linköping, Sweden; and Department of Obstet-
during their adulthood.2 Sexual and physical abuse is
rics and Gynecology, Helsinki University Hospital, Helsinki, Finland.
associated with gynecologic problems such as dys-
Supported by grants from the Medical Research Fund of South Karelian Central
Hospital, District of Helsinki and Uusimaa, Helsinki University Central menorrhea, dyspareunia, and lower abdominal
Hospital, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, and the Yrjö Janson pain.10,11 Hence, the prevalence of abusive experi-
Foundation. ences could be expected to be high in a sample of
Corresponding author: Ulla Pikarinen, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecol- gynecologic patients.12
ogy, South Karelian Central Hospital,Valto Käkelän katu 1, FIN-53100
Lappeenranta, Finland; e-mail:
The aim of this study was to estimate the preva-
© 2007 by The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. Published
lence of a history of physical and sexual abuse in
by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. adulthood among gynecologic patients and the asso-
ISSN: 0029-7844/07 ciations of such a history with the patients’ gyneco-


logic problems, physical complaints, and subjective tions. Thus, most of the women in this study had
opinions of their health. already been examined for their complaints by a
general practitioner or private gynecologist. Alto-
MATERIALS AND METHODS gether, 1,010 consecutive women over 18 years of age
This Finnish study is part of a Nordic multicenter visiting the gynecologic outpatient clinic were asked
study of the history of abuse among gynecologic to participate. These women came for either a first
outpatients. Each of the five participating countries visit or a follow-up visit. They were invited to take
(Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden) part in the study by a nurse who gave them informa-
used a similar questionnaire, the NorVold Abuse tion about the study. Written consent was required.
Questionnaire, which was translated into national The NorVold Abuse Questionnaire was sent 1–2
languages. The NorVold Abuse Questionnaire was weeks after the initial visit to 817 gynecologic outpa-
validated in a Swedish female sample and was shown tients; 193 patients declined the invitation to partici-
to have good validity and reliability.9 The NorVold pate. This was followed by two reminders 2 weeks
Abuse Questionnaire consists of questions about so- apart. The initial response rate was 86% (n⫽705).
cioeconomic factors (age, marital status, occupation), After 14 patients had been excluded from the analysis
the reason for the initial visit to the gynecologic clinic, as a result of missing information or being under age,
the patient’s subjective opinion of her health, specific the total sample size was 691 women.
questions about some common health problems (such The study women consisted of those reporting
as stomach ache, headache, muscular weakness, diz- being subjected to moderate or severe physical vio-
ziness), and lifetime experiences of emotional, physi- lence (n⫽147), sexual violence (n⫽84), or both
cal, or sexual violence. The study design was de- (n⫽58) as adults (after their 18th birthday), according
scribed previously in detail by Wijma et al.12 The to the definitions in the NorVold Abuse Question-
classification of violence is presented in Table 1. naire (Table 1). The control group included those
The Finnish study also included additional ques- women who had not experienced such violence as
tions about further physical complaints (such as lower adults (n⫽402). The sizes of the groups vary slightly in
abdominal pain, bowel irritation, and dysmenorrhea) different analyses owing to missing data.
and whether the patients would want their gynecolo- The data were analyzed by using SPSS 10.0 (SPSS
gist to ask routinely if they have been exposed to Inc, Chicago, IL). We used the Student t test, when
violence. The study took place at Helsinki University, appropriate, and the ␹2 test when nonparametric tests
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, from No- were concerned, and we chose a level of statistical
vember 1999 to January 2000. A referral is usually significance of P⬍.05. The study was approved by the
required for the first visit, apart from acute consulta- Ethics Committee of the Department of Obstetrics

Table 1. Classification of Physical and Sexual Violence by the NorVold Abuse Questionnaire*
Physical Abuse
Mild abuse Have you experienced anybody hitting you, smacking your face, or holding you
firmly against your will?
Moderate abuse Have you experienced anybody hitting you with his/her fist(s) or with a hard
object, kicking you, pushing you violently, giving you a beating, thrashing you,
or doing anything similar to you?
Severe abuse Have you experienced anybody threatening your life by, for instance, trying to
strangle you, showing a weapon or knife, or by any other similar act?
Mild abuse, no genital contact Has anybody against your will touched parts of your body other than the genitals
in a ⬙sexual way⬙ or forced you to touch other parts of his or her body in a
⬙sexual way⬙?
Mild abuse, emotional/sexual humiliation Have you in any other way been sexually humiliated, eg, by being forced to
watch a pornographic or similar movie against your will, forced to participate
in a pornographic or similar movie, forced to show your body naked or forced
to watch when somebody else showed his/her body naked?
Moderate abuse, genital contact Has anybody against your will touched your genitals, used your body to satisfy
him/herself sexually, or forced you to touch anybody else’s genitals?
Severe abuse, penetration Has anybody against your will put his penis into your vagina, mouth, or rectum
or tried any of this: put or tried to put an object or other part of the body into
your vagina, mouth, or rectum?
* Moderate and severe abuse as an adult were analyzed in this Finnish study.

VOL. 109, NO. 5, MAY 2007 Pikarinen et al Experiences of Physical and Sexual Abuse 1117
and Gynecology, Helsinki University Central Table 3. Reason for Index Visit (nⴝ576)
Hospital. n (%)

RESULTS Lower abdominal pain, less than 3 months 23 (4.0)

Lower abdominal pain over 3 months 36 (6.3)
The total prevalence of abuse (physical, sexual, or Cervical smear 75 (13.0)
both) experienced as an adult was 42.4%. Altogether, Miscarriage 36 (6.3)
147 (21.6% of those who answered) women reported Urogynecologic problems 38 (6.6)
physical abuse, 84 (12.3%) reported sexual abuse, and Termination of pregnancy 21 (3.6)
Infertility 81 (14.1)
58 (8.5%) reported both. The clinical characteristics
Abnormal bleeding 42 (7.3)
and comparison of the abused and the nonabused Gynecological cancer 52 (9.0)
groups are shown in Table 2. Leiomyoma, ovarian cyst, or genital descendence 55 (9.5)
The reasons for the index visit varied (Table 3), Preoperative control 57 (9.9)
which made the subgroups too small to be reliably Various 60 (10.4)
The main results concerning general health and
some specific problems are presented in Table 4, and trols reported such complaints, so the difference was
the results concerning reproductive health are shown statistically significant (P⬍.001). The groups did not
in Table 5. differ in any other aspect of general heath (admission
Self-estimated general health and quality of sex to hospital for any reason during the previous 12
life during the previous 12 months was estimated on a months, sick leave longer than a fortnight during the
four-point scale (very good, quite good, quite bad, previous 12 months, numbers of gynecologic opera-
very bad). Altogether, 22.6% of sexually abused tions other than cesarean deliveries; data not shown).
women and 27.6% of both sexually and physically Bowel irritation was significantly more common
abused women evaluated their general health as being among all abused women than among the controls
bad or very bad. There were significant differences (P⬍.001 in all abused groups). Dysmenorrhea was
compared with the controls (11.2%, P⫽.005 and equally common among all patients (Table 4).
P⫽.001, respectively). In the physically abused group, Table 5 shows how abuse was related to the
women may also have evaluated their general health women’s reproductive health. Although there was no
as being bad more often than their controls, but the difference in parity between the groups (Table 2),
difference was not significant (P⫽.054) (Table 4). physically abused women had given birth to their
Sexually abused women and both sexually and phys- first-borns and last-borns at lower ages (P⫽.001 and
ically abused women also evaluated their sex lives as P⫽.006, respectively) (mean age 24.27⫾5.17 years
being significantly worse than their controls (P⫽.002 and 28.44⫾5.64 years, respectively) than the control
and P⫽.012, respectively). subjects (mean age 26.67⫾5.89 and 30.84⫾4.44
More than half of the abused women (all groups) years, respectively). Data were missing in the cases of
had experienced common physical complaints during 20 –26% of the abused women and in 18 –20% of the
the previous 12 months. Only one third of the con- controls as regards questions concerning miscarriages

Table 2. Socioeconomic Characteristics of the Study Groups

Education (y)*

Age (y) 9 or Less 10–12 13 or More Parity: 1 or More†

Controls (n⫽402) 42.05⫾14.87 46 (11.5) 94 (23.5) 260 (65.0) 224 (56.4)
Physically abused (n⫽147) 40.37⫾12.45 17 (11.6) 39 (26.7) 90 (61.6) 80 (54.4)
Sexually abused (n⫽84) 40.82⫾12.33 8 (9.5) 25 (29.8) 51 (60.7) 47 (56.6)
Physically and sexually abused (n⫽58) 40.26⫾12.41 7 (12.1) 20 (34.5) 31 (53.4) 32 (55.2)
NS, not significant.
Data are expressed as mean⫾standard deviation or n (%).
* Data missing from two controls and one physically abused subject.

Data missing from five controls and one sexually abused subject.

Compared with control subjects.

1118 Pikarinen et al Experiences of Physical and Sexual Abuse OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY
VOL. 109, NO. 5, MAY 2007
Table 4. Results 1: Self-Estimated Health, Impairing Symptoms During Latest 12 Months, and Frequency of Abdominal Operations
Self-Estimated Self-Estimated Disabling Physical
General Health: Quality of Sex Life: Complaints Nonspecific Frequency of
Very Bad or Very Bad or Quite During Last 12 Lower Bowel Laparoscopic Frequency of
Quite Bad* Bad* Months† Abdominal Pain Dysmenorrhea Irritation Operations Laparotomies
Controls (n⫽402) 45 (11.2)‡ 56 (13.4)‡ 121 (30.1)‡ 79 (19.7)§ 165 (41.0)兩兩 86 (21.4)兩兩 121 (30.1)¶ 96 (23.9)兩兩
Physically abused (n⫽147) 26 (17.7)‡ 27 (18.3) 77 (52.4) 44 (30.0)‡ 64 (44.8)‡ 51 (34.7)‡ 46 (31.3)§ 37 (25.2)‡
P# NS NS ⬍.001 .020 NS ⬍.001 NS NS
Sexually abused (n⫽84) 19 (22.6) 25 (29.8) 44 (52.4) 28 (33.3)‡ 38 (46.3)‡ 39 (46.3)‡ 29 (34.5)‡ 22 (26.1)‡
P# .005 .002 ⬍.001 .007 NS ⬍.001 NS NS
Physically and sexually
abused (n⫽58) 16 (27.6) 17 (29.3) 36 (62.0) 20 (35.1)‡ 28 (50.0)‡ 26 (44.8)‡ 21 (36.2)‡ 14 (24.1)

Pikarinen et al
P# .001 .012 ⬍.001 .011 NS ⬍.001 NS NS
NS, not significant.
* Scale: very good, quite good, quite bad, very bad.

Stomachache, headache, muscular weakness, dizziness.

Data missing from 1–5 cases or control subjects.
Data missing from 6–9 cases or control subjects.
Data missing from 12–15 cases or control subjects.

Data missing from 19–21cases or control subjects.
Compared with control subjects.

Experiences of Physical and Sexual Abuse

Table 5. Results 2: Age at Delivery, Frequency of Miscarriages, Legal Terminations of Pregnancy
Mean Age at First Mean Age at Latest Legal Terminations of
Delivery (y) Delivery (y) Miscarriages Pregnancy
Controls 26.67⫾5.89 (n⫽224) 30.84⫾4.44 (n⫽134) 72 (n⫽402) Data missing 69 (n⫽402) Data missing
from 78 controls from 81 controls
Physically abused 24.27⫾5.17 (n⫽79) 28.44⫾5.64 (n⫽54) 39 (26.5) (n⫽147) Data 43 (29.3) (n⫽147) Data
missing from 38 cases missing from 34 cases
P* .001 .006 .020 .002
Sexually abused 24.98⫾5.09 (n⫽47) 29.43⫾6.03 (n⫽30) 22 (26.2) (n⫽84) Data 22 (26.2) (n⫽84) Data
missing from 20 cases missing from 20 cases
P* NS NS NS .04
Physically and sexually 25.00⫾5.57 (n⫽32) 28.33⫾6.28 (n⫽18) 16 (27.6) (n⫽58) Data 15 (25.9) (n⫽58) Data
abused missing from 14 cases missing from 15 cases
P* NS .035 NS NS
NS, not significant.
Data are expressed as mean⫾standard deviation, n, or n (%).
* Compared with control subjects.

and legal terminations of pregnancies. The rate of health such as stomach pain, digestive disorders,
miscarriage was higher among physically abused headache, chronic pain, and gynecologic prob-
women than among the controls (P⫽.020). In addi- lems.13,14 These might be the result of direct tissue
tion, legally terminated pregnancies were more com- damage or a physiologic response to stress.5,6 Abusive
mon among physically and sexually abused women experiences, especially sexual abuse, have been
than in the control group (P⫽.002 and P⫽.040, re- shown to be related to lower abdominal pain in
spectively). In an open written text, 11 abused women numerous studies.14 –16 Smikle et al17 also state that no
(5%) stated that they had had a termination of preg- demographic features identify those women who are
nancy as a result of domestic violence. at risk of being abused physically or sexually.
Only one physically abused patient out of all the Hilden et al18 have shown in the NorVold study
abused women had told her gynecologist about her that sexual abuse is associated with psychosomatic
experiences. No one told the gynecologist about disorders and poor self-estimated general health. Di-
having been sexually abused. Altogether, 62% of the vergent figures in different studies might be partly the
patients did not want the gynecologist to ask directly result of national differences, but they mainly arise
about abuse. There was no difference between the because of different criteria for cases. Lifelong expo-
abused and the nonabused patients in this regard. sure to violence has been assessed in previous articles,
and we studied only the impact of being exposed to
DISCUSSION moderate or severe violence as an adult. It might be
Experiences of physical and sexual abuse as an adult the case that being exposed to violence as a child
were very common among consecutively collected leads to even more serious consequences.
Finnish gynecologic patients. Abuse had a strong At least three limitations should be considered
impact on the women’s quality of life. The abused and when generalizing the findings of this study. First,
the nonabused women had similar socioeconomic although the Finnish answering rate (86%) was high, it
backgrounds. Sexually abused gynecologic patients still leaves the prevalence of abuse unknown in 14%
and those who were both physically and sexually of the patients.12 Ongoing abuse or past traumatic
abused rated their general health and sex life as being events may affect a woman’s willingness to participate
bad more often than did the controls. The abused in this kind of study. Women in abusive relationships
women suffered from irritable colon and other dis- may also fear for their safety when receiving question-
abling conditions significantly more often than the naires or answering questions about violence.20 Sec-
nonabused women. Physically abused women had ond, there is a recall bias in a retrospective study.
lost more pregnancies in miscarriages and physically Violent events may be suppressed and not recalled,
or sexually abused women in abortions, although although this is more common among adults who
parity was similar in all groups. have been victims of violence in childhood. In addi-
Our results are in accordance with those of tion, troublesome questions might not be answered.
previous studies where the victims of violence have Missing data may make the subgroups small, and this
been shown to suffer more long-term problems of creates some uncertainty in drawing conclusions, for

1120 Pikarinen et al Experiences of Physical and Sexual Abuse OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY
example, as regards questions about sensitive issues ences were common and that women with abusive
such as miscarriages and abortions. Third, the study experiences had suffered more general ill health and
might not represent gynecologic patients generally had a poor sex life and disabling general conditions.
because it was carried out in a tertiary clinic where the The patients did not spontaneously tell their gynecol-
women’s gynecologic complaints can be assumed to ogists about their experiences, but most did not want
be more complex, thus affecting their general health to be questioned about violence.
more than in primary or secondary clinics.
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ing the victims demands multidisciplinary coopera-
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