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Strength of Materials 1 (MENG 2010): In-course assignment (20th November 2020)

ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS (Examination scripts must be submitted in PDF.)


1. All three questions within the paper are compulsory and must be answered. Your responses
may be type-written or handwritten. However, please ensure that the responses are legible.

2. Number all questions properly in the exam script to be submitted.

3. The exam script must be submitted in the form of an Adobe PDF document.

4. You will be given until Monday 23rd November 2020 at 1:00am to submit your script
through the MyeLearning course shell. No examination script would be accepted beyond
this date and time.

5. Do not email your scripts. Exam scripts will only be accepted through the MyeLearning

6. Do not include the exam paper when you are submitting your exam script.

1. A shaft of diameter d  500 mm and length L  2.5 m is fixed at one end and supports a propeller
at the free end as shown in Figure 1. The propeller can be treated as a concentrated end load of
weight W =150 kN . When the shaft is driven at a speed of 100 rpm the power transmitted is 15
MW. If during operation a tensile force P  1450 kN acts through the center line of the shaft,
(a) the maximum principal stresses on the surface of the shaft at points A and B,
(b) the maximum in-plane shear stress on the surface of the shaft at points A and B.

(c) If the yield strength of the shaft material in tension and compression is 200 N/mm 2 determine
the factor of safety at point A on the shaft according to both the Maximum-Shearing-Stress
Criterion and Maximum Distortion Energy Criterion. Sketch the yield locus for the shaft based on
the maximum shear stress theory, indicating clearly the locations of both points A and B.

Figure 1

2a. The delta strain gauge rosette shown in Figure 2a is attached to a structural component and
measures the following strains:  A  775  106 ,  B  415  106 ,  c  515  106. Determine the
principal strain and principal stress components in both magnitude and direction given that the
structure has a Young’s Modulus of E  200  103 N/mm 2 and Poisson’s ratio of   0.3 . Show the
directions of the principal stresses on a properly oriented stress element relative to the x,y
coordinate system. [10]

Figure 2a

2b. A thin cylinder with closed flat ends has an inner diameter of 250 mm and a wall thickness of
4 mm. A delta strain gauge rosette is attached to the outer cylindrical surface with one gauge set
at 45o to the longitudinal axis of the cylinder as shown in Figure 2b. Determine the expected
readings in each of the three gauges when the cylinder is subjected to an internal pressure of
10 N/mm 2 . The cylinder material has a Young’s Modulus of E  200  103 N/mm 2 and Poisson’s
ratio   0.3 . What is the volumetric strain and increase in the internal radius of the cylinder due
to the internal pressure?

Figure 2b

3. The block M has a horizontal velocity, v  2.75 m/s when it impacts the center of a light rigid
flange as shown in Figure 3. The flange is connected to two mild steel rods AB and CD, each
having a diameter d  20 mm and length L  1500 mm . The rod AB is fixed at point A and the rod
CD is fixed at point C. If the yield strength and Young’s modulus of mild steel are  YP  270N/mm 2
and E  200  103 N/mm 2 respectively, determine the maximum mass of block M required to prevent
yielding of both rods.

Figure 3


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