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Puntos 1,2 y 3
Punto 4

 What's your job?

I work in a telecommunications company specialized in providing technical

support via telephone to clients and specialized in providing information
about bill clarification.

 Where do you work? Describe your place of work

I work in colombian solutions outsourcing in the city of Bogotá. My

workplace is a large site that houses more than 300 employees and the
infrastructure of the site is outstanding.

 What responsibilities do you have at work?

My responsibilities at work is initially to provide personalized advice to the

clients giving solutions with references to the problems that they have

 Describe your activities at work. Do you like your job? Yes, No. Why?

The activities that I perform at work are the following:

Bills clarification
Technical support
Provide commercial information
Commercial offerings
Bills adjustment

I don't like it because it is too much work and there is a lot of pressure.
Also i have to sale but sales are not into my skills. Another aspect that I
have to deal with is the mistreatment from the clients.

 Describe your skills and weaknesses for this job.

My skills for this Jobs are patience, tolerance to provide an optimal service,
and to be kind with all the clients. I must always remain calm.

The weaknesses in this case could only mention the lack of active listening
at times when I usually get distracted by some things.
 What was your first day at work like?

My first day at work was intense. I remember that I was nervous and when I
spoke my tone of voice was shaky. People looked at me strangely that day
and I felt uncomfortable. It was so hard.

 Do you have or know of any superstitions in your business / work / office?

I do not know any type of irregularity or unnormal situation.

 What do you study?

I am currently in the third semester of a psychology degree

 Where do you study?

I Study at UNAD (open and distance national university)

 What is your favorite subject?

My favorite subject is sports psychology, since it focuses on the field of sport

and specializes in the mental and emotional preparation for an athlete.

 What are your responsibilities at University?

My responsibilities at the university is to promote its teaching methodology and

to be an example of entrepreneurship on a social level, which is also linked to
my career.

 Describe your activities at the University. Do you like your career? Yes,
No. Why?

The Psychology professional who specializes in this field is based on the

behaviors and forms of relationship with individuals. proceeding to the
prevention, diagnosis, rehabilitation and treatment of existing personality
alterations in childhood, in adults or in old age, in its individual aspects. I like
this degree because it focuses on the study of human behavior but most
important it caught my attention because it helps me change certain aspects
of my personal life.
 Describe your skills and weaknesses for this job

My main skills to be a great psychologist are to be able to listen to people,

understand them without judging and without criticizing them, and always
being respectful and kind to people.

 What was your first day at University like?

My first day at the university was quiet because basically there was a
welcome meeting where the positive things of the university were shown
and the new students were integrated.

 Do you have or know about any superstition in your school/University?

I do not know any type of irregularity or unnormal situation at the university.

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